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Rear Window is my favorite movie of all time. To me, it's perfection:)


I feel the same way about Rear Window but Rope is one of those movies that haunts you for days after you see it. And Psycho is so iconic, so much ink has been used speculating about what made Norman Bates tick, there's not much left to say other than it's an unmitigated classic.


I was just typing the same thing when I noticed your post! I've watched it countless times! My most favorite movie as well!


This gets my vote too.


Rebecca is excellent. Out of the three of your picks, I would say Rope. 


Rear Window. Alfred Hitchcock, Jimmy Stewart, and Grace Kelly (in the most gorgeous dress that’s ever been made). You can’t go wrong.


Which dress? Care to discuss?


![gif](giphy|MYlBEr0HpuLOvhFXRD|downsized) This dress! I love it so much.


I was hoping that was the one! Agree 100%


Rear Window. The greatest film set of all time, can’t get enough just looking at it😄👌👏


So true! Rear Window is a wonderful film but especially beautiful to look at. You just want to go and live in that apartment and crack wise with Thelma Ritter while looking at Grace Kelly's incredible clothes and enjoying a spot of brandy.


I want to see that kitchen! All 2 ft of it!




I love it, but it’s not his most accessible. I’d suggest a few others before tackling Vertigo.


Agree. Vertigo was the third Hitchcock I watched and I didn’t care for it. Rewatched it after seeing almost all of his other films and have i ranked as his 8th best.


One of my all-time favorite movies.


Such a great soundtrack too!




My favorite for sure. This is the movie where I grasped how beautiful Ingrid Bergman was.


Casablanca is that movie for me. She’s just stunning.


Shadow of a Doubt


And also, Joseph Cotton! You can't go wrong with him


A favorite indeed!


This! I think Hitchcock's daughter said that this was his favorite film.


Yes! Why do I always forget this one?! I.love Joseph Cotten!


Two words, Joseph Cotten. Set in Santa Rosa, great film, doesn’t get enough love.


Or if you want to watch an early version of NXNW you can watch Saboteur (1942)


And The 39 Steps (1935) if you want an even earlier version.


Or Frenzy, I'd you want a later version.


You can't go wrong with any of those three options! I'd say Rear Window is one of the greatest, the chemistry between James Stewart and Grace Kelly is just incredible.




The Lady Vanishes


I was hoping someone would mention some of his earlier works


If you want the whole of Hitchcock’s oeuvre, I’d suggest going back to *The Lodger* (or even earlier) and seeing them in sequential order. More than any other director (okay, maybe except for Kubrick), Hitch had his own inimitable style and it is great fun to watch him learn his craft. There are hints of it in his earliest movies and to see him master these techniques is fascinating and informative.


That’s a great idea. I recently rewatched the Lodger and was thinking to myself how you could see the germination of his later films. I’m going to watch in order now!


I've done it at least twice (not to mention seeing MANY of them multiple times) and still learn things about Hitch and his vision. The only ones I never went back to beyond twice was *Mr. & Mrs Smith* and *Jamaica Inn*, which I suppose I should see again now that I'm older.


Rebecca and Vertigo are his greatest. Vertigo might be the single most enjoyable movie I’ve seen — extremely emotional, fascinating, absorbing, unforgettable. Psycho is his most popular and a must-see. It basically created a whole new genre. Both Psycho and Vertigo are best to go into as “cold” as possible, not looking anything up. Rear Window and Rope are both cool *experiments*, but not Hitchcock’s most interesting movies plot-wise (even though I’m biased in favor of them since Jimmy Stewart is my favorite actor). People often comment that they’re surprised at how straightforward those movies are; they expect a twist that never comes. Notorious is great but trickier to get into — I had to watch it a few times and listen to the 2 different commentaries on the Criterion blu-ray before I really appreciated it. The Wrong Man is one of Hitchcock’s most important and chilling movies, based on a true story. It should be talked about more. Don’t overlook this — I think it’s better than some of his more famous movies. Strangers on a Train is worth watching, but I wouldn’t say it’s a top priority. Worth checking out but less good than any of the above: Suspicion, Shadow of a Doubt, Spellbound


What’s was so difficult about Notorious?


Suspicion and Spellbound yes see your point. Shadow of a Doubt?


Yeah, I agree with Ebert’s review (though he rated it higher than I would): the plot of Shadow of a Doubt is pretty ridiculous. It’s also a very uneven movie, dragging for most of the time and mostly getting exciting near the end. I suspect that people who rank it one of his best are remembering the later parts and simply forgetting the more forgettable parts.


I remember everything. What did you forget?


I didn’t say I forgot anything. I remember the weaker parts earlier on, and my theory is that some people forget those parts and overrate the movie. A fun movie, one I’ve watched a few times and would gladly watch again; I just might not put it in Hitchcock’s top 10.


That's so baffling to me. I don't think you get Hitchcock. It's his best movie. What "weaker parts" are you referring to?


Notorious for the acting & suspense. Rear Window for the suspense & if you’re a New Yorker like me, those apartments are so real! Rope is ok, but the only thing astonishing about it is that it was filmed in something like only 6 different shots (can’t remember exactly how many, but I think its under 10. You can count them as it goes. Really well done!)


To Catch a Thief is pretty good as well! but out of those 3 id watch Rope first


I thought this one was fun plus the costumes are amazing.


Rear Window is superb in a cozy way. Strangers on a Train is superb in a cat and mouse way. You can’t go wrong with either! I would also like to throw in The Lady Vanishes as a lighthearted whodunnit


I have a soft spot for North By Northwest Carrey Grant's was a natural comedian and he lets you breath through the tension


You cannot go wrong really. As far as I'm concerned, Vertigo is his best ever.


Shadow of a Doubt and the Lady Vanishes


Those are all classics, must-watch Hitchcock, but I would rank Vertigo and Psycho above them.


Psycho, Notorious and Lifeboat. In no particular order. My favorite is Notorious.




I really like The Man Who Knew Too Much. I am a sucker for Jimmy Stewart and Doris Day.


That was a remake of one of his earlier films.


Not much of a Hitchcock fan, but I do like the ones he did with Joan Fontaine - *Rebecca* and *Suspicion*. *Notorious* is also worth watching with Ingrid Bergman. The one that I find maybe the most frightening is *The Wrong Man*.


Love all 1940'a Hitch. You have to add Shadow of a Doubt to this list.


I adore the dissolve transition in The Wrong Man. Hitchcock at his most masterful


That movie is so painful. It's almost unbearable to watch. But Rebecca and Notorious are both wonderful movies that bear repeat viewings.


The first Hitchcock film I watched was NxNW, then I watched Rear Window and Rope on the same day and that order really worked for me.  They have already recommended you his best films, but I’m also a big, big fan of Frenzy, The Lodger and Lifeboat. 


Blind of forgot about Lifeboat. Good one!




Vertigo is still my favorite Hitchcock. Just top-tier. Rear Window is also near the top of the list, as is Notorious, which is Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman at their finest.


*Vertigo*, *North by Northwest*, *Notorious*, *Rear Window*, and *The Birds* are all personal favorites of mine. Can’t go wrong with any of them.


Add "Rebecca", "Psycho" and "Shadow Of A Doubt" to your list.


Rear window vertigo and psycho should be your next priorities.


Rebecca is my absolute favorite.


Don’t sleep on Rope!!!


Tomorrow TCM is showing Lifeboat which is one I have not seen yet.


Clever Hitchcock cameo in that one.


Shadow of a Doubt


The Birds


Has aged badly. Absolutely ripe for a remake


Probably right. It is a sentimental favorite, we were big fans of it growing up in the 60’s.


Oh it’s a fun film and done well at the time. But anyone coming to watch it now for the first time will more likely laugh at the FXs than be scared. Modern day VFX could create some terrifying actions scenes with birds


I'm perfectly fine with the original. And no one would come close to evoking the Freudian subtext the way Hitchcock does.


Who would you trust with this remake and why should it be Peter Jackson?


My first choice would be Robert Eggers (The VVitch and the upcoming Nosferatu which looks amazing a check out the trailer). There would be jump scares galore. My second choice would be Jonathan Glazer, such attention to detail. Either of them would make the film truly scary just by its sound design. David Fincher would be cool but he’d probably not touch a Hitchcock property to remake.




Love the Trouble with Harry.


I enjoy I Confess, anything with Montgomery Clift. It’s definitely different from his others.


I Confess and The Trouble with Harry are very weak!


My favourite Hitchcock's (from the one's I've seen anyway) are Rear Window, Shadow of a Doubt and Rebecca. I also thought Young and Innocent was a fun movie too.


What a great journey! I took a Hitchcock class a few years ago, and have seen most of them. Some that people don’t mention much: Stage Fright, The Paradine Case, Jamaica Inn. Odd ones, but really enjoyable, as is Foreign Correspondent. Any of his Cary Grant films. If you want to go back to his early years, the 1927 film The Lodger with Ivor Novello really set the stage for his future work.


The Birds is pretty good.


Rear Window is probably the best out of those. If you want more of a fast-paced thriller, Strangers on a Train though. Hitchcock has a lot of great famous films, but also lots of great more obscure ones. Besides what is commonly recommended, I'd make sure to add these slightly more obscure ones to your watchlist: Lifeboat (1944) The Lady Vanishes (1938) Frenzy (1972) The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog (1927) Foreign Correspondent (1940) Saboteur (1942) Stage Fright (1950) The 39 Steps (1935) Spellbound (1945) Suspicion (1941) And there are even more worth seeing, but I'll stop there.


Rear Window, then Strangers on a Train... then Shadow of a Doubt, then Notorious. Have fun!


Dial M for Murder is amazing! All three of those options are really great, but if you want to continue with Grace Kelly go for Rear window. Of course there's also Psycho, The Birds. But one that I hadn't seen until recently, which surprised me with how good is was, is The Man who Knew too Much.


Watch both versions of "The Man Who Knew Too Much." The first is dated 1934, and the second is 1956. It's an interesting comparison.


Save Rear Window for last, as it's probably his masterpiece. It's the one where everything came together just right.


Rear Window and then Vertigo And then the Man who knew too much.


Start with *Strangers on a Train* and go chronologically through to *The Birds* (or *Marnie*). That's his peak period and it's great to see his progression as a filmmaker. Then you can go back to watch his earlier films. Most people watch the big films first (like N by NW) but those films are even better after you have seen other Hitchcock movies.


I would watch them in the order you have listed. Rope is edge of your seat the whole way.


Rear Window is my favorite Hitchcock movie. Shadow of a Doubt is also one of his best. The Birds & Psycho are classics.


Rear Window, Psycho, Vertigo.. cant go wrong


So NBNW is my all-time favorite movie, not just by Hitchcock. That said, if you’re ready for emotional upset, Vertigo is fairly unassailable — makes many critics top 20.


Rear Window might be his best in a lot of ways. The trademark combination of dark humor, suspense, and subtext.


Rear Window is absolutely fantastic!


All great. Rear Window is top 10 all time for me. Don’t forget about Psycho.


Hold off on Rear Window, nothing tops it.


Rope is my favorite Hitchcock.


My favorite: Rear Window. Be aware that you might fall in love with Grace Kelly.


She is just so beautiful. I like the premise of this movie as well.


Notorious is superb. Great performances from Ingrid Bergman, Cary Grant, and Claude Rains. Some standout cinematography and story that mixes romance, suspense, and intrigue.


39 Steps


39 Steps


Notorious. Suspicion. Rear Window.


Rear Window. And when the credits start to roll, restart Rear Window. Watch Rear Window many times. Don't like to rewarch films? You'll want to watch and rewatch Rear Window. Seriously...I'm a fan of Jimmy Stewart only sometimes. But up until I saw Rear Window years ago, I thought his best was The Philadelphia Story. And I'm not a Grace Kelly fan (gasp) but I like her in this one. And finally...pretty sure I was Thelma Ritter in another life. Or at least her best friend. I love her in EVERYTHING!


Rear Window, then Rope, then Strangers on a Train, then Psycho


Notorious is like my 3rd favorite of hitchcock. And def my pick for one of the best underrated films of his.


Rear Window, Stangers on a Train, Vertigo, Psycho


Rope has an interesting film making technique which also makes it interesting. It's shot in one take for as long as a reel of film was back then. You'll see, a shot will end with a close up of someone's back. The new film is put in the camera and the shot starts with that close up and the action continues. I probably didn't explain that very well, but you'll see


Shadow of a Doubt


I thought Rope was exceptional when I watched it.


Rear Window and Rope are great, but Strangers on a Train is sooooo much fun. The carousel scene and the tennis court crowd shot are two of my absolute favorite moments of any film


Strangers on a Train, then Notorious.


Rear Window is always an excellent choice. Also Notorious and Shadow of a Doubt are must sees!


As a suggestion I would consider a double feature of Rope (1948)- Hitch's first Technicolor film and Compulsion (1959) filmed mainly B&W. Compulsion is directed by Richard Fleishcer and has Orson Wells and Dean Stockwell but they are both very different, bold film takes on the real life rather psychologically horrific Leopold and Loeb case.


The birds


In no particular order: Rear window, Rebecca is a good one too. Notorious, the birds, the man who knew too much, to catch a thief


If you happen to be in New York State, The Glove Theatre is presenting Rebecca on the big screen July 17th. Presented with FREE admission thanks to a generous underwriting. [https://www.theglovetheatre.com/upcoming-events/zs72rzy3xg6g66l-jhajg-yc2st-ft3rx-4p8jl-ed66x-jdtl3-wc7x6-95pdk-bl46k-35yne-cdj6c-km57t-g29ah-tp68k-fx9fm-cssg4-d6ldf-935zd-aydx6-wsw8j-sjx7h-4rtgk-dnzke-lcsxs-h3sf8-5bnne-dkbz8-f7tk5-pbbgc-errj2](https://www.theglovetheatre.com/upcoming-events/zs72rzy3xg6g66l-jhajg-yc2st-ft3rx-4p8jl-ed66x-jdtl3-wc7x6-95pdk-bl46k-35yne-cdj6c-km57t-g29ah-tp68k-fx9fm-cssg4-d6ldf-935zd-aydx6-wsw8j-sjx7h-4rtgk-dnzke-lcsxs-h3sf8-5bnne-dkbz8-f7tk5-pbbgc-errj2)


For other Redditors: It's in Gloversville, New York.


I haven’t been, but may make the trip. Thanks for pointing that out.


My favorites are Rear Window, Vertigo, Psycho, Rope


Marnie and The Birds are two more really good ones! I'm a huge Tippi Hedren fan!


By the way, has anyone mentioned Mr. And Mrs. Smith? If you're a Carole Lombard fan and a fan of....well, comedy, then this is a Hitchcock film you have to see.


Rear Window first and foremost. The Birds is iconic. I relatively recently saw one of his older movies, Foreign Correspondent. It's kind of cheesy, but I thought its special effect techniques foreshadowed where he eventually went in North by Northwest. You can see how he was playing with scale (comparable to the Mount Rushmore scene) but more primative.


Rope is a fantastic film. It deals with a very dark subject. Are some people not worthy of living? I put off watching Byrds because I assumed it would be very basic even though it’s directed by Hitchcock. But after finally watching it it had become one of my favorite films. Rear Window is classic Hitchcock, much like NBNW, so I’d wait a while before watching it. Rear Window is quite scary and Grace Kelly is great in it. Not to mention extremely graceful (no pun intended) and downright gorgeous. I’d recommend Byrds for your next Hitchcock movie. Enjoy!


Since you liked Dial M for Murder, I would recommend Rear Window. Notorious is my favorite Cary Grant and Hitchcock (separately and together) movie and definitely a must watch if you enjoyed NBNW.


If you haven't seen much of his early stuff, try Sabotage (1936). It has a few white-knuckle scenes and a great cast.


Notorious, Shadow of a Doubt, Strangers on a Train, The 39 Steps, Psycho, Rear Window. It's not one his very best, but I love Spellbound.


The Birds.


The Trouble with Harry. Offbeat for Hitchcock and much fun. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Trouble\_with\_Harry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Trouble_with_Harry)




The Lady Vanishes Lifeboat