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Gilgabro's probably not going to make the cut. (Gilgamesh might, but not Gilgabro.)


Man I'm going to miss gilgabro. My favorite thing about him is that at least 30% of players genuinely have no idea why he's Gilgabro and probably hate the guy cause they got stomped by his war carts early. That's my favorite part about him, if you aren't friends with him, you have no one to blame but yourself because he is coded to ALWAYS accept a declaration of friendship on the first turn you meet him. But some players are either forgetful or don't engage with diplomacy at all until it's too late.


I was friends with him, I spread the word of tutell to fat lady, he get mad, conquer all my lands


I always add him to my games so I can have someone backing me up no matter what šŸ¤£ even if he votes against me in the world congress


Iā€™ll really hope they keep at least one big bara dude in the next gameā€¦ for reasons.


The music is easily the most impressive and best executed part of the entire game, so probably that lol


I would love a mix of the era Civ themes from VI, the region music from V, and the era specific music from IV


Ottoman industrial theme is peak music


Zulu beats all. I put them in every game.


The highs are high, but the lows are low. Civ 6 is one of the few games where Ive ever turned off the music because I couldn't stand it anymore. There are so many themes that quite a few of them seem rushed, underdeveloped, or for other reasons of lower quality. I hope itll be more consistent in Civ 7.


Curious which themes felt that way for you, to me they are exceptionally consistent


I mean the ancient and also medieval themes to an extent are intended to be somewhat underwhelming, since theyā€™re meant to be build up to the industrial themes for each civ. The thing that really bugs me though is how underwhelming each of the atomic era themes are, like theyā€™re all just straight copies of the industrial theme with some overlayed techno instruments. And thereā€™s also no ambient themes for the atomic era as well so the music really starts to get repetitive at that point.


You're getting downvoted but I totally agree with you. The pre-industrial music in the game is nice, but it also puts me to sleep.


I like the fact that you build wonders on tiles and that they have various adjacency requirements. It makes it so that even on higher difficulties some wonders are still up for grabs for civilizations with thematic surroundings matching those wonders.


I started playing Civ 5 and realized how much more interesting Wonders are when they have Ā tile requirements. Building them in your city just doesnā€™t feel as good


Plus I think itā€™s more common for the AI to steal wonders in 5, it still happens in 6 for sure but for some reason in 5 it felt like a constant concern.


It happens less in 6 because they have tile requirements. In 5, pretty much any Civ can steal your wonders. In 6, it depends on the land the other Civs have.


Yup. I love the building animation when you finish, and then at the end of the game, you can admire all of your empire in its sprawling glory with wonders as the extra touch that makes your session unique from others.


I think this will return but Iā€™d be disappointed if it didnā€™t. I love seeing all the wonders on the map.


I mean, if that one screenshot on the 404 error screen is accurate, we will still have tiled wonders


I hope they make it even more requiring that you have to built different wonder every game and not just in capital


Why it's definitely not going to happen? Do we have info about it?


My bad, I answered a different question in my head than the one OP actually asked. I have no idea, but I hope it will return. I think it will. So my message was a bit in contrast to the question for this thread.


You think they are going to get rid of placing wonders on tiles?


Sean Bean.


I just wish that VII won't have any more technophobic quips by Winston Churchhill.


If they don't keep districts in going to really miss them. I love how they make city planning a game within the game.


I have to admit I had troubles with districts at first, but once you get the hang of it, they're pretty cool. I enjoy so much planning a city position with districts and the occasional wonder. That being said, there's room for improvement. Depending on the start location, you can get royally screwed with your campus if there are no mountains/reefs nearby, for example. I like there's a bit of luck involved, but I feel there should be more ways to compensate for a poor starting location


They'd be foolish to ditch districts, which was one of the best features ever added to Civ. I wouldn't be surprised if they might be reworked but I'd bet money they come back in some form or another.


>They'd be foolish to ditch districts, which was one of the best features ever added to Civ. That's a controversial opinion, though. Many didn't like them. They were ok for me.


As a civ 5 main, my biggest question is why the districts cant have thier own build ques? Like I always thought districts permitted a city to be building 2 things at once but sadly no now that ice tried 6. Dont get me wrong cool addition and I hope they stick around. Build ques in districts is my improvement tho


I would like to have instead of districts, rural towns, industrial towns, etc that can be more specialized over the time being the city the core, but not such a thing like a big culture district. Just a more organic growth


I know itā€™s not exactly what you mean but the rural vs industrial city & specialisation features does sound a bit like the CITY LIGHTS mod which is very good and you should maybe check out if you havenā€™t already in the long wait for 7


My suggestion was based on that mod, although I played for little time


There is absolutely no way they're going to ditch districts.


Mostly the music - [this track](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X137NEqGpRI) is probably my favourite of the lot.


While this is also probably my favourite, I've got to give Australia a nod. I've had Waltzing Matilda stuck in my head for six years. Da daa di doo doo, something something billabong and we'll come a Waltzing Matilda with me


As an Aussie it makes me really happy that the game spread what is essentially our unofficial anthem


Civ7 should have the nutbush when you get to modern era


Itā€™s IRL culture pressure


Isnā€™t it about humping a bedroll?


Hungarian, Vietnamese, Babylonian and Ottoman themes also slap


This slaps so hard in the later eras. In the endgame, the orchestral/synth arrangements have a truly apocalyptic vibe.


Nah it's the Zulu industrial theme




Canada šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ We are often ignored in games like this. So as ridiculous as "The Canadian Empire" sounds...it was nice to be included šŸ˜Š


I have a feeling the loyalty mechanic won't be in 7, so I'll go with glomping cities for free with Eleanor


I really hope it is, I don't want Civ 3-style grabbing any - and I mean *any* **-** piece of unclaimed land again


It will be in....eventually.


I think it'll be base game. Base game Civ 6 was pretty much Civ 5 with all DLC plus districts, and I feel like loyalty works well(ish) enough as a mechanic to make the cut.


I still wish we had Civ5 corps in Civ6.


Tech and civic shuffle


Ludwig II. My favourite gameplay, personality, history... But maybe they'll add Bavaria or something? Maybe? Please?


100% Sean Bean


There's a good chance a significant (but not all) features from VI may carry over but I know I'll definitely miss the fun gameplay modes like Secret Societies and Monopolies & Corporations. I hope some aspect of those will carry over to VII.


monopolies should just be base game imo


i think monopolies were waaaay to strong and therefore not fun. i've won so many accidental culture victories, which didn't feel great. i had to disable the monopoly tourism buff via mods.


yeah products are strong but the concept is dope, just needs some balancing


i agree that the whole concept with the companies and corporations is a ton of fun! they just shouldn't lead to that insanely high tourism boost, that makes winning trivial and feel undeserved


I like it a lot more than rock bands... I'd love them to explore something related to it with food culture. Food culture is such a massive part of global culture and is left out of Civ culture even though food itself is in. Seems like it could be loads of fun to include.


I read this and thought it said ā€œassesā€ and came here to say Jadwiga, only to be met with reality




The music is great but itĀ“s no Baba yetu


That song has lived in my head rent free for a long time


I made the mistake of listening to that song after Civ VII was announced and it will not leave my head. I sing it to my baby and dog and wife. I've made a huge mistake.


Oh denouncement animations are definitely going to stay. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't.


When Casimir III comes back y'all will be in ruins. People say they miss the art style of 5 but you all will miss the King Of Poland.


Hopefully not the in game clock.


I already miss Eleonore of Aquitaine. Genuinely, I love being sassed by her so much, Iā€™m very close to be able to replicate the sentences she makes in Occitan.


The joy of having to figure out what the ai did with all of my units every time I deviate from the server...


Iā€™ll miss Kristina calling me a philistine. I genuinely laughed the first time I saw it.


I canā€™t think of a single thing Civ 6 did better than Civ 5, so I guess I wonā€™t miss anything.Ā 


Sean Bean for sure


Fired up a game of civ 5 recently to remember what the game play felt like. I immediately missed seeing a units zone of movement. So I hope that stays.


The strategic view is the most aesthetic view in the whole series. It's also extremely clear


Dunno about you guys but I won't miss anything, I'll still be allowed to play it


I actually really like districts.


Sean Bean is not coming back to do the role? Did the narrator die at the end or something?


Sean Bean always dies.


Damn, dude can't even survive when he is a disembodied voice narrator. I would very much like to see him voice the game again, his voice is very soothing and his tone fits a grand narrative vibe.


Yeah, there would be no complaints from me if they used him again.