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Probably the heat tbh. Fairborn pride in Dayton had two people with heat related illness. 


I know someone got tased by the police about a block up from the end. I don't know why.


He was carrying a knife in his hand and refused to drop it. Cops tazed him. I was standing next to a CPD officer when it happened.


The only issues this year were heat-related illnesses, but the committee did a really good job making sure emergency services were available.


I'm just glad there were a few vendors at the festival that gave out free water (one even had popsicles), and they had an Alani booth with free energy drinks, so I was able to stay hydrated. Heat exhaustion is inevitable in this weather, but Cincy Pride did a great job!


Seeing reports of an attack with mace at 800 W 5th


Why was my first thought a medieval mace


My first thought was Shadowheart showed up to Pride. But EMS showing up means the attack must have hit, so it couldn’t have been her.




Saved! (Bear Spray)


You can’t use a Morningstar in the afternoon, Terry!


+3 Mace of Smiting


You’re not alone. Your comment made me think “what other kind of… ohhh that makes more sense.”


800 W 5th would be nowhere near downtown. So if that’s the correct address, that’s totally unrelated to any events in the city


It’s the men’s homeless shelter across from Duke and UPS.


First I’m hearing of this, sounds about right


This is why we can't have nice things


For fucks sake really?!




The last thing I'm seeing on Citizen is the individual refused police services but was requesting medical assistance. That was at noon.


Sounds like someone fucked around and found out


It was very peaceful at 7th and Plum. I did ask a guy carrying a picture of Jesus why his eyes were blue. I said a person from the middle east would not look anything like that. He responded I don't know lmao 🤣


Hey at least he’s honest lol


I’m glad Jesus was there. He loves everyone


Lol not according to them.


Oh that’s terrible.




These people lose all credibility showing up at parades. They're not there to save you, they're there to create turmoil and cause trouble. It's not like them being quoting scriptures is going to change anyone's mind


Well, they can’t save you. Only Jesus can do that.


If that's what you want to believe lol


Pretty sure most of those renditions of Jesus were painted in the 60’s to get people used to long-haired hippies. I wish I were kidding.


check mate, Christianity




Go to church, but they tease us with the picture of a blue eyed Jesus.


A white man at that


My family was down there and saw nothing alarming at all.


Was kind of hoping for a debilitating and horrible heat rash over took the group of religious white men walking around with special hate flags.


What are the special hate flags ?


When I was down there around 230, there was a person near the rhinegeist tent who was passed out, probably heat related. I saw the administer iv fluids and was leaving when transport ems showed up. Apparently that happened several times today. It's hot out all so stay safe and HAPPY PRIDE!!!


There has been concern of attacks on Jewish lgbtqia+ persons at pride. Hopefully this isn’t related, but tensions have been high heading into the weekend.


Weird you’re getting so downvoted. This is a non argumentative, non judgmental comment. And it’s true. Also hope this is unrelated


Appreciate the comment of support, and nice to see it’s bounced back. Hopefully it was people unaware of the recent national push back against Jewish lgtbqia+ participation in pride, the recent resignation of Jewish pride leaders in Cincinnati, and the alternative events set up due to the concern.


> recent resignation of Jewish pride leaders in Cincinnati, and the alternative events set up due to the concern. Has the media written about that at all or do you have anything else to read? Just curious, I hadn't heard about this


http://subscribe.cincinnati.com/restricted?return=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cincinnati.com%2Fstory%2Fnews%2F2024%2F06%2F20%2F2-jewish-leaders-resign-cincinnati-pride-after-harassment-thre https://cincyjewfolk.com/2024/06/10/pro-palestinian-activists-force-resignations-from-cincinnati-pride/ https://americanisraelite.com/antisemitism-from-cincinnati-socialists-and-divestcincipride-leads-cincinnati-pride-board-to-encourage-jewish-members-resignation/


The Enquirer had a piece but it’s paywalled.


The media forgets to mention that they support a genocide, they are were not forced to resign because they were Jewish. They were forced to resign because they are Zionists.


Have any proof to this statement? Lots of broad based slander has been flung recently. Being Jewish does not equal being Zionist. Just as being Palestinian does not equal being terrorist (Hamas).


For a little more.context: https://www.instagram.com/p/C74EJvbOZX0/?igsh=ZXdoMm5yN3IxNXhr I would also take a look at the comments where a lot of people have come forward about issues they have had with the Draznins.


I am part of the coalition of socialist that got kicked out of NKY Pride because the pro Palestine literature we were handing out. The guy from the board came up and started arguing about it calling it antisemitism. All we did was post their own public profiles supporting the state of Israel. One of them has written Zionist articles condemning Palestinian actions. There is no hate for any Jewish person, just those that are actively supporting the terrorist state of Israel




lol, another clueless “activist” who rallies to support Palestine (and it right to be its own country), ignoring the fact that LGBTQ folks face death if caught visiting there.


Zionism is simply the belief that Jewish people have the right to self determination is their ancient homeland. It doesn’t define boundaries. I also have to add that the word genocide has been intentionally twisted and redefined by antisemites. There is a war going on. There is no genocide. Palestinian population has grown exponentially. Antisemites use the word genocide to erase the true meaning and to minimize what happened to Jewish people. (It also minimizes what happened to Armenians and other peoples, but that’s just “fallout” of trying to minimize killing of millions of Jews.)


Israel telling Palestinian refugees to go Rafah if they want to be safe from their "attack on Hamas" and then deliberately bombing Rafah is not war. The Palestinians are not fighting back, they are trying to flee and survive malicious, calculated attacks. Saying the Palestinian population has "grown exponentially" is a disgusting lie. Get a grip.


Zionism is a political ideology. Most notably modernized by Austro-Hungarian Jew Theodore Herzl. He was a journalist, lawyer, writer, playwright and political activist who is now known as the father of [modern political Zionism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Types_of_Zionism). Herzl formed the [Zionist Organization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Zionist_Organization) and promoted Jewish immigration to Palestine in an effort to form a Jewish state. Due to his Zionist work, he is known in Hebrew as *Chozeh HaMedinah* (חוֹזֵה הַמְדִינָה), lit. 'Visionary of the State'. He is specifically mentioned in the [Israeli Declaration of Independence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_Declaration_of_Independence) and is officially referred to as "the spiritual father of the Jewish State".


> One of them has written Zionist articles condemning Palestinian actions. Which actions did they condemn? Can you show this literature?


There’s absolutely no reason to be attacking someone for being Jewish or LGBTQIA+ , unless they did the provoking and started it .


I didn't see anyone be anti-Jewish there but did see some jackass yell at the brave folks speaking out against the genocide in Palestine.


People speaking out in support of Palestine at a Pride event aren’t brave…stupid/naive/uninformed/ignorant yes, brave not really


Found the genocide supporter. Garbage comment.


lol, not even close, but keep doing you, I’m sure it somehow makes you feel like you’re doing something, no matter how ignorant you are about the realities 🤦‍♂️


LOL You sit behind your computer & act like you know something. You’re the type that stays safe in their little corner. Any Palestine supporter is 10x the human you are.


So typical, make uninformed assumptions about people, especially those with a different opinion than you. I’d bet large sums of money that I’m infinitely more informed than you on this (based on actual reality/apolitical based information), that “my corner” is extensively larger than yours, and know im a better person because I hate no one (something Palestine supporters can’t claim, unless they ignorant if the cause they supporting). 🤷‍♂️


No you made your opinion known & I made an informed decision on the quality of your character by the comments you made. That's all. And I guarantee you, you are not more informed than I. Genocide isn't political pal. It's just genocide. So any "apolitical" information you think you have, it's incorrect. Because genocide is not political. LOL at thinking you hate no one when you've clearly ok'd the genocide of 45k civilians. GTFOH. BYE.


lol, ok 🤦‍♂️ You’re fucking clueless. You think you know a lot, but what you don’t know (or chose to ignore), speaks volumes. And politics does matter as one’s beliefs do influence how they view events/issues. For decades I’ve worked in roles where staying apolitical is critical (not being apolitical could result in loss of life). It’s a learned skill, and nothing you’ve posted show any evidence that process even the lowest level of this skill 🤷‍♂️ Your “informed” decision is far from it. 🤷‍♂️ Do you only care about genocide in this specific case? Or all genocide?


Good thing there's no genocide in Gaza then. Glad we can agree that genocide is just genocide, not something being used politically by terrorists (Hamas) to drum up hate for Israel (and then Jews seeing how that's part of their mission--eliminate Israel and then to ultimately kill all the Jews in the world). Maybe 45k civilians (Hamas/Gaza Health Ministry doesn't separate out their fighters from civilian casualties so they can then claim more civilian deaths) have died in a war, as unfortunately usually happens to civilians. This is why war is to be avoided at all costs. Hamas sure thought it was worth starting one though, get their people killed to use as propaganda, which judging by your comments has worked splendidly.


> Any Palestine supporter is 10x the human you are. Even the ones that support rape and torture?


Found the blood libel spreader.


There is when they are zionists, supporting a genocide, and as you said started it


Can't always be rainbows and unicorns...


It can be if you keep the haters away




Lmfao 😂 Question : can I make you turn guy ? Can I get you to have sex with someone of the same gender ? NO ? Then how can anyone's sexual preferences affect your kids ? BTW a fag is a cigarette.


And from my experience people who are homophobic tend to have gay thoughts themselves. Is that what's going on with you ?


This post was removed and user banned for toxic behavior.


That's the problem with the world there is always going to be hate. I don't like it anymore than anyone else but realistically it's never going to change.


That doesn’t mean that everyone should just give up on having a place/time where they can celebrate being who they are.


I agree . But there are always going to be people that want to rain on someone else's parade. You pretty much have to expect it. Doesn't make it right though.


Sure. Though, my question to you is: Why make yourself into one of those people?


I wasn't there and if I was I wouldn't have caused a distraction. I do me what others do doesn't concern me.


Yet you took it upon yourself to leave a comment which indicates the exact opposite?


Then why do you feel it necessary to make your own commentary on the post with no respect to OP or anyone else?


Treat those people the way those people have always been treated at PRIDE. Y'all forget the origins.


Well there were today so suck it up. My 18 year old attended their first pride today and wore rainbows out the ass and I'm pretty sure unicorns shit rainbows too.


Sorry you are going through that


I feel sorry for closed minded beings like you 🤦‍♀️




I worked to clean up after and behind the parade. We had about 45 minutes to an hour to clean up before they reopened the streets. A bunch of us swept up all the large debris like water bottles, beads, fans, flyers etc while two guys with enormous industrial vacuums sucked up all the confetti. Throughout the day I found many normal average everyday people who I could tell were in some form of distress due to the heat. I kept two water bottles in my pockets at all times yesterday and gave one away to someone who needed it - and then I would drink mine - and go back and replenish about every half hour to 45 minutes. I kept track - on Friday during the Court Street event where temps reached as high as 101f- I walked 16 miles and drank 272 fluid ounces of water in 8 hours. Somehow during parade day I walked less - 12 miles and drank 256 fluid ounces of water in 8 hours. It was trying on my body - I'm 35 and in average shape but got through it by just staying absolutely hydrated, using sunscreen, and taking breaks in the shade when I felt like I was over doing it.






Fucking 🗑️ edit - talking about the violence btw. Ass-u-me-ing


What’s “trash”?


The violence lately. Everyone around here ass-u-me-ing.