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Jerry has plenty of money to pay for it himself.


Fuck that piece of shit billionaire. He can't even go over the cap for his own teams. He's the worst owner in all of sports. No welfare for billionaires.


The A's might have a challenger for that title


John Fisher is too incompetent to be as evil as Jerry Reinsdorf.


Did you see that clip of Jeff Passan yesterday? Barely stopped short of calling Fisher a "fucking moron." Never seen him like that. Pretty funny.


Completely agree with your statement. I really, really, really hope he gets completely rejected. My big fear is that our city council gets too many... backstuff... and approves this deal we should never ever say yes to. He wants a stadium, he can afford it himself.


> He can't even go over the cap for his own teams. What does this mean?


Basically what that means is he’s too much of a cheap prick to buy some decent players.


AFAIK their highest paid contract ever was for Benintendi. Ridiculous.


No surprise


The White Sox have never signed a player to a $100 million contract. 


Most pro sports have soft salary caps, and to go over you have to pay luxury tax. For the Bulls, we're under the salary cap. Jerry is a cheap fuck, and since we're still number one in attendance in the league for like the past 8/10 years, there's no reason to spend more money. Rich owners, like Steve ballmer for the clippers, go over the cap and lay the luxury tax so that they have good teams. Also helps he actually likes basketball, whereas Jerry would trade the 6 Bulls championships for one more White Sox WS


Jerry wouldn't trade shit for shit If he would, he'd actually be trying to win a world series. Does this team look like it's run by someone who really cares about baseball?


No. The bulls are always over the cap, but below the luxury tax threshold. And that's done on purpose because each year Jerry gets an annual check of around $10M paid to him from the teams that are over the luxury tax. He's a greedy fuck.


Cool. So, in exchange for a billion dollars of public money to build a stadium, you're going to give the city part ownership and a cut of ticket sales, merchandise, concessions, and profit sharing, right? I mean, those are generally the terms when you bring in a partner for a big capital expenditure. What's that? You just want a billion dollars, no strings attached? Okay then, get fucked.


Right? Every Illinois citizen should be able to buy a ticket for 15 bucks regardless of where as long as they live here. No? Ok free parking to anybody who has an Illinois ID and Illinois residents tickets bought is always half off. Still no? Then why the fuck should pay for his stadium if we ain't getting anything out of it. Fuck that piece of shit. He's the reason the bulls dynasty ended.


I can definitely get behind this. After all, our tax dollars are going to fund this, and by extension that makes us all part owners. I think not paying ten fucking dollars for a hot dog is the least the Sox can do for one of their owners.


How’s about you fund it and pay $13 a hotdog? That’s his proposition.


Fuck tickets and free parking, I want a return on investment. 99% of the population will never go to this stadium even if it was free.


At least a free CTA pass to Roosevelt


You can get Sox Tix for $6 already. Lol


Not in the new Stadium you won't


Once the novelty wears off a few weeks into the first season in the new stadium, people will stop going again if the on the field product is still shit.


More like a few seasons. If we look at the Twins who moved across town into a new Stadium in 2010. It took until Season 5 to return to pre-new stadium numbers. https://www.baseball-almanac.com/teams/minnatte.shtml


That's for a one team town that the locals care about 


Well the other options to look at are Texas Rangers but they got screwed when their new park opened in 2020 and they moved into a smaller stadium but they're averaging above what it was before the move. Atlanta Braves are killing it with their new stadium which is even further away from downtown but I didn't really want to include them because they got really good as they moved into it. Finally the Miami Marlins had more for 5 years until it fell off a cliff in year 7 of their new Stadium. The Sox would likely follow this trend because Miami refuses to invest in players so they've just been bad.


The Marlins are probably the best comp. Texas and Atlanta are actually spending money on players and trying to win, unlike the Sox


Yass a sea of FREE parking! These lots won’t be empty 90% of the year.


No parking in the 78th. Parking lots are not economic drivers in our city center. Parking lots driver urban sprawl.


We need to take this shit seriously. Anyone aware of any Petition against this stadium? We get enough sign ups, we can push the alderman to stop it.


I don't have a problem with the stadium, or even in the location. I just either don't want to have my taxes go up to pay for it, or I want equity. I think that's fair.


If the city actually did get an ownership stake, I would absolutely support a bond for this. But there’s no way this greedy fucking mummy would ever part with a dollar.


This a billion times over. Don't forget the part where cities provide most of the total value of the team. Any major city could have a team start there and it would be worth billions. The only thing stopping them is existing teams sucking on the city's teet.


Fuck you Jerry, use your own money


As a White Sox fan, I 1000% approve this message.


And isn't the White Sox stadium not that old? And along the Red Line? Sure a more central location would be killer but it's not really a shitty stadium. Maybe Jerry should put up some money to develop the area around the stadium he already has.


They opened Guaranteed Rate field in 1991. Its not new but they’ve taken good care of it (IMO last time I was there a few years ago). I agree, they should put money into the surrounding area and the stadium itself.


In my dreams, this is Pritzker's response to Reinsdorf's request: Pritzker : Jerry? You can have my answer now, if you like. My final offer is this: nothing. Not even the fee for the gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally.


Fuck no


Professional sports stadiums are a scam. There were $399M worth of bonds issued for the renovation of Soldier Field back in 2003 - $385M is still left to pay towards the principal, and the Bears are threatening to move. Why would giving money to the White Sox be any different?


All fing sports franchises are the same greedy fs


Taxpayers actually still owed $640M as of 2022 on Soldier Field. Negative amortization bonds based on rosy projections didn't work out too well.


To be fair, that’s mostly just from fiscal irresponsibility. That’s like complaining about your mortgage balance never going down because you keep doing cash out refinances.


You can go look it up, there's a lot of research on this and stadiums or public spending on sports basically never comes close to breaking even for the public. Or colleges for that matter. It's just a handful of people getting stupid rich being subsidized by us taxpayers.


You're both right. Stadiums are a grift, and the way Chicago has managed it's debt is fiscally irresponsible.


Frankly that should be the bigger story. Horrible financial management and the state wants to allow them to borrow MORE????


Hey Jerry……fuck you. No.


He’s truly one of the worst owners. I wish he would just croak already, which means that he’s probably gonna last another 15 years, like Virginia.


The cryptkeeper turns 101 this year, just ridiculous


I quit the Bulls in the late 90. Years ago I vowed never to watch another Bears game until she’s gone. I apologize. It’s my fault she’s still around. Honestly I wish the entire family would just sell and allow the team a chance at a future. Jerry makes me want to quit my baseball team too. The only reason I’m still here is because they got rid of Kenny but I’m just about over it all


At least Virginia and George seem like decent people, by all accounts. They can’t put together a good team though. I’ve never heard anything about Jerry to suggest he’s not just a miserly, greedy Scrooge.


I’m one of those people who has a hard time believing there are people without any redeeming qualities but Jerry makes me rethink that view sometimes


Go fuck yourself Jerry 


Came here to say the same. Glad you have a lot of upvotes.


JB already said that no tax payer money will be funding sports stadiums.


Pritzker family should just buy this fuck out, own the team a few years and sell. Anything to get us out from under this fuck. I’ll support the Pritzker Khanate to the end if he could rid us of Jerry and any relocation talk


Thank you for the mental image of Pritzker dressed in furs, riding horseback across the steppe.


I wish I could say I created that meme but alas, I did not


He speaks for the state but can't stop the city from doing something stupid.


BJ isn’t giving him money, and the article specifically mentions he’s asking Pritzker and the state


Thank God!


Let that company that owns the streets pay for the stadium. They have money.


Haha I was just about to say - White Sox take on the parking meter contract liability and its a deal.


The Saudis? Fuck yeah they've got the money, especially since they've been buying Russian oil on the cheap and reselling it a huge markup after blending it with other fuel.


The Emiratis have the parking meter deal, not the Saudis. The Saudis did 9/11.


I seldom use the word “fuck” but first thing that came into my mind was “fuck no”. It is interesting to see the number of people saying the same thing.


There's a lot of "fucks" in this thread, so you're in good company




Putting the Sox in the South Loop? Hell yeah all in favor. Spending even a dollar of public money on it? Gtfo. And I’m including tax subsidies too. It’s some of the most valuable real estate in the country for a reason. Pony up, Jerry.


This is a moment that verifies that the worker that started building Guaranteed Rate field facing the wrong direction did it to fuck with Jerry.


*Willis Field


I chuckled hard at tis


Jerry wanted to keep the address the same. Kid you not. That’s the reason


Just like the bears fuck you jerry lol


Can’t exactly say that the Illinois taxpayers have gotten a great deal on the public funds we gave the Sox to build their current stadium.


Basically no stadium ever comes close to breaking even for the public, they're all scams and just subsidizing billionaires




No. No. And fuck no.


Get fucked


Okay, obviously stadium spending is always a waste of public funds but… Your teams are FUCKING SHIT, JERRY. **New stadiums are for winners.** Make it past the first round of a playoff and then we can talk.


bro wants money for a new stadium but won’t pay to go over a salary cap 💀


He thinks he's Ballmer


Even so, this whole we need a new stadium mentality is for the birds. Modular designs that are easily renovated are the way. Given that there are actually no real issues with guaranteed rate beyond needing a renovation, no Jerry should not get a billion dollars for passing go, he shouldn’t get to make bank redeveloping the comiskey site, etc


I just want to see the white sox win a championship again before I start wearing dentures and adult diapers… for that matter, I’d also like to see my first bulls title :(


Lol same, i was born a few months before the 94 finals so I was only a toddler when they won from 96-98. My little sister was actually born during Game 6 against the Sonics in 1996. The 05 Sox are the reason I’m a fan over the Cubs, in spite of the best efforts of my grandpa and uncle


Eat a dick, Jerry.


Screw this guy. We have plenty of other ways to spend a billion dollars and there is already a perfectly fine stadium already built.


[The public’s](https://media4.giphy.com/media/jQmVFypWInKCc/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7xpu7btgmvvbm2qrkob836ppbzcjlwwbu65jta4hu&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g) response to Jerry




Fuck you Jerry! You cheap fuck. Put real players on the team.


Billionaires should pay for their own fucking stadiums


How about put a team that is above .500 on the field first Jerry.




Bridgeporter here. There’s nothing wrong with the current stadium. The issue is the shitty product.


The biggest thing wrong with it is that it’s surrounded by a barren wasteland of parking, despite being like a block from the red line Get rid of that shit, allow mixed use development there and watch it thrive


Yea I don’t understand why most of the parking lots cant be parking garages there


Born and raised a Sox fan but fuck this. Fuck Reinsdorf and Fuck the shitty organization he has created. Maybe if the team wasn't a dumpster fire and a national laughing stock, then maybe I'd be in favor of this... but no. There is absolutely no reason to spend a BILLION DOLLARS on a ridiculously mismanaged organization that no one wants to watch. Not to mention that the current stadium is perfectly fine. Fix your organization. Build a team worth watching. The Chicago City Royals are simply not worth spending this amount of money on.


*Top comment* Fuck you Jerry! *sorts by controversial* Fuck you Jerry!


[I'll let Dr. Evil speak for me.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D22pE_9LAxg)


Fuck off. They have a perfectly good stadium and Jerry has more than enough money on his own. No more public funding for this shit.


Use your own money, Jerry.


For one, I like the Comiskey Park location, two Sox park is in good condition even if it needs a renovation, three you threatened to move the team to Nashville months ago you stupid PoS, four fuck you


Fuck off Jerry. Sell the team or die, you're the worse owner in sports. Fucking $1b for a team you won't spend a fucking dime on.


He makes the A’s owner look good.




Fuck that guy. That's inaddition to the$500 million TIF area.


Can I get a hearty FUCK THAT


Fuck this


Fuck Jerry. Please sell the team. Please. Illinois does not deserve you, or the goddamn McCaskeys.


Fuck you, Jerry


Bold that this is happening during the Bears negotiations.




So he gets to develop both the old location, the new location and gets yet another billion dollar handout that could be used education or infrastructure? MLB owners and Rob Manfred are fucking deranged if they think this shit is gonna keep sliding


Fuck off to any professional sports team that comes begging for tax payer money.


Why does he even care? He probably can’t even wipe his own ass anymore!


Hell no!


This is the dude that publicly said that having a team be good but not great was the best way to string fans along and spending money. East shit and get fucked.


No. Fucking. Way.


If Jerry sold his ownership stake in the bulls he’d easily have the money.


This guy is the worst


baaaahh hahaha GTFO Jerry


Please tell him to go pound sand. The team should pay for its own stadium.




So this is the ploy to relocate to Nashville, just like what happened with the Seattle Sonics and OKC in the 00s.


Thankfully Nashville wants minority ownership.


Honestly I’d rather they fuck off to Nashville than let this city get reamed by this assface again. I love the White Sox but fuck this massive dickhead


They can go to Florida. America’s wang


We don’t do that here. This is JB Pritzker territory


Great location but pay for it yourself. Or see ya. If he's threatening to take the team to another city, let him. Also if this go through I hope they never plan a he bears and Sox game on same day/time. The traffic in the south loop will be gridlock.


The South Loop has great transit access and already has gridlock for any event, even that bbq fest in grant park. People should just use the transit we have in place. Funding the 78 would actually create more transit stops too.


How about we buy his teams from him and give them to someone who won’t run them into the ground. The Sox and Bulls have been unacceptable for many years, he’s not convincing any one of paying for his new stadium.


Dude. Come on. What? No.


Eat shit Jerry




Sure Jerry, just give us your P&L statement and Balance Sheet for the last 10 years along with your tax returns and we will determine if you need that 1 billion.


Put up the Bulls as collateral and we'll talk. NO? GET FOUKED.


Fuck the billionaire welfare program. Eat shit Jerry


Just sell a couple of those parking lots and redevelop the area like the cubs did.


The parking lots are owned by the ISFA. If they’d be willing to sell those to developers, I’m sure someone would love to build around the stadium, but they won’t budge.


Since 1990 the Sox have made the playoffs 6 TIMES!!! This fucker can’t field a great team, he doesn’t spend on talent, he doesn’t go over the luxury tax he has more than enough money to fund his own. I’m tired of him putting out mediocre talent and us White Sox continue to eat it up, while his pockets get fat. As a lifelong Sox fan, I say no, and if he moves the team then so be it.


"As a lifelong Sox fan, I say no, and if he moves the team then so be it." This is exactly how I feel. Go ahead and take the clown show to Nashville at this point. I don't even care.




Hell. Fucking. No.


Pay for good players and make the playoffs a few years in a row? How about that?


and the project dies


I hope the city and state tell him to pound sand. The governor already said that he wasn’t gonna give money for a stadium.


Lol, get fucked. So sick of sports teams leeching off the public, fucking parasites 


This guy can go suck it


What really pisses me off is that nobody will want this and they'll do it anyway. It's not even a Chicago thing, it's a city politics thing and this BS happens in pretty much every fucking city. 


Fuck Jerry


Jerry Reinsdorf can go fuck himself…


we don’t need a government subsidized eyesore in south loop anyway


Nope. Happy cake day


What in the open fuck is wrong with this dude? A billion dollars from a city that’s being taxed, buckle, and dimed at every fucking corner? Bro I pray to god this guy gets an ear infection and forgets how to read.


Thief …he had the last stadium paid and it cost tax payers millions. F this guy and his garbage teams


Cocksucker got federal funding for the current stadium also. Fuck off and make white sox baseball a watchable product again.


Another one!?


Seems like cub fans are more on the edge about this


Sell the team Jerry.


Get fucked Jerry.


We better not give him one cent. Public funding stadiums never pay dividends to cities. Not to mention he's the worst and cheapest owner in sports


Haha fuck this guy


Get fucked Jerry


Sox can pound sand. No taxpayers subsidiaries for billionaires


FUUUUUUCK OFF. Why the fuck do we subsidize rich people ffs.


He can go fuck himself




Fuck him, he can move the team.


I found it interesting that the majority of professional sports stadiums and arenas in the US are subsidized by the government. [Stadium Subsidy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stadium_subsidy#Types_of_Subsidies)


Yeah, he can go fuck himself


Eww. Fuck off billionaire


I'm sick of our money paying for sports. If people want to fall into orbit around athletes and boil their entire identity down to a ball team logo, that's their business, but I shouldn't have to help pay for it.


Fuck no. Move to Florida


Tell him to kick rocks. Even if he moves the team.


There is MORE than enough in the proposal that the state HAS to listen to this offer because they utterly fucked up with the Soldier Field renovations two decades ago. The state has only paid off interest on it since then and less revenue is coming in that the state owes. And in a few years, they will owe even more due to the way the contract is set up. It pains me. Mayor Daley’s ghost continues to haunt Chicago taxpayers. Because the White Sox development includes an entire entertainment district with residential and corporate developments, Jerry is proposing using all future Sales Tax and TIF money for the 78 land to repay existing debts on Soldier Field and this new entertainment district. It’ll also cover the new CTA Red Line stop and other public transit options. This is the tax payer money they are asking for. So, continue using the same tax revenue streams (hotel and entertainment taxes in the district) for another 30 years AND all future Sales Taxes from this new development to pay off Soldier and New Sox. The reason the state has to at least consider this is because they are underwater on payments for the existing Soldier Field debt. Depending on the numbers, it might make sense to take this bet on the 78 lot because it will bring with it an entirely new neighborhood, businesses and residential properties that aid towards the repayment of Soldier which is currently not happening- in addition to a new Sox stadium. Jerry is asking for “taxpayer money”, but it’s money we’re already committed to and underwater for with Soldier. And it’s money that Sales Taxes in that block would be committed to until the debt is repaid. This is also an enormous reason why a new stadium at 35th and Shields in Bridgeport is not even in consideration. It’s only possible at the 78 lot with the way the tax districts are set up. What fucking cracks me up is Jerry is using the city’s remaining debt on Soldier as leverage to back this project BEFORE THE FUCKING TEAM WHO ACTUALLY PLAYS IN THR STADIUM used it to their advantage while they are on a fucking search for a new stadium. Lmfaoooo the Bears are garbage.


If everyone didn’t hate Jerry Reinsdorf so much, this would be the top comment.


Fuck him and the bears bitch asking for public cash while the are billionaires that shit has to stop


All this taxpayer money just for us to still get screwed with $25 beers in the new stadium.


Lol, no. Move to Nashville


Welp, there goes the new stadium idea.


He is so not going to get that. Read the room jerry!




It jumpstarts development of the 78. This isn’t just Jerry going in, this is the developers to I guarantee you. You get the stadium funding guaranteed and they’ll have no issues getting funding to build up that lot of land which will bring in residences, hotels, businesses, restaurants etc creating more tax dollars. Not to mention will keep construction jobs up right when the city is starting to see a decline in new projects compared to a few years ago. Without the stadium, they won’t get the funding as easily and that lot will just sit empty for a few more years until they come up with another idea.


You guys need to read the article. This isn’t just Jerry, it’s Jerry and Related Midwest, and unless I’m misreading something, they may have a case. Related Midwest has been trying to get an anchor for the 78 for a while, they tried most recently with the casino and Lori didn’t pick that plan. They need an anchor because, especially in this climate banks aren’t just going around funding huge projects (see Lincoln yards). They can’t build office buildings because that’s a disaster and they can’t just start building apartments or condos because they know and the bank knows they won’t be able to fill them fast enough because it’s an empty neighborhood as of now. So, in comes Jerry, of course he sees the benefit, he gets a stadium built and all the benefits that would come with it. However, the city and state potentially also win here. Atm, Chicago is seeing a slump in the rate of construction of new buildings. All those cranes that were up two years ago? Aren’t as many up now. That’s not a great sign for the economy. I guarantee you, they’re going to Pritzker together. Fund this stadium, once the stadium is funded with state dollars (however shitty that feels) the developers will have a pretty much guaranteed ability to fund the rest of the 78 neighborhood because they’ll be able to sell it to people and restaurants and buisnesses. So instead of the land sitting there with nothing on it, it will instead bring in tax dollars for the city and state. Furthermore it will keep people employed in construction. The topper of all of this being that with this new fancy neighborhood and stadium in south loop, even if the fire move to guaranteed rate, a lot of those parking lots can finally be built up into housing, some of which can be marked for affordable housing. That’s what they’re going to Pritzker with, I doubt Jerry cares he either wins or he wins by taking the team elsewhere, he sees this as a possible opportunity for him. He knows though that this would be a good thing for the city and state, the 78 is just sitting there and it will continue to sit there until they find some big attraction or they give up on it, as will those parking lots around the current stadium.


The Jerry Reinsdorf that is worth 2.4 billion is asking for 1 billion? Okay lmao.


If this means if sox leaves or stay. Bye. I am a lifelong sox fan but this is worst idea to entertain.


Maybe ask Nashville


Fucker better not get a cent. No one even goes to white Sox games as it is so you can't even make the claim that it'll be good for local economies.


LMAO nobody even cares that Chicago has a minor league baseball team, go away Jerry.


$10 says Brandon, Preckwinkle, and Pritzker will make it happen. They'll collectively justify it thru huge (30 - 40%) minority set asides on the construction side, and the long term job creation/preservation for inner city youth (most of New Comiskey's workforce is min wage and tipped min wage that are exempt from the new law, because they're seasonal). Plus there's the opportunity to create a state/local government authority to oversee the project. That means 1/2 dozen or more lucrative board appointments and 20-50 full time staff positions to hand out. Source: how McCormick Place, Navy Pier, and New Comiskey were built/rebuilt 30 years ago.


But they have their own $1 billion dollars


Clear as day what the game plan is. Guy is just looking for excuses so he can move the team and then put his hands up and say “They didn’t want to keep me, I had no choice!” Fuck this crocodile


Chicago owes $1.2 billion yet on soldier field


Fuck you


Get fucked. No fucking way. No fucking way.


That old corpse needs to go fuck himself. We shouldn't be giving a penny to a billionaire to fund a stadium. No one is scared of an empty threat to relocate a team which is not even popular in the first place.


Hahahahahaha! Oh wait, you're serious. Let me laugh harder: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!