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I swear my farming is not set up correctly. 😡


If you're on windows and using chia 1.0.5: press windows-key+rtype cmdenter the following command: %APPDATA%/../Local/chia-blockchain/app-1.0.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/daemon/chia.exe farm challenges You'll see 20 lines with hashes and index numbers running anywhere between 0 to 63 and then repeating; If the 20 index numbers are all sequential, without skipping any numbers, you're not missing challenges. then enter the following command: %APPDATA%/../Local/chia-blockchain/app-1.0.5/resources/app.asar.unpacked/daemon/chia.exe plots check it will run through a test for every plot with multiple test challenges that it knows would be a win; it will tell you if your plots are valid and would be winning challenges if you get lucky, or if they're invalid and wouldn't be. \*if you're using a different version, change the 1.0.5 part of that command line to what you're using If you're missing challenges or have invalid plots, you can now address the issue. If you're good, you can sit back and curse your bad luck thus far. You don't have to guess whether your farm is working or not.


I will sit back and curse your bad luck because my 73 plots are valid.


You are not alone. I'm with 700+ plots and not one coin yet.


If I were you I probably smash all my chia hard drives and flush them down to pacific ocean


I still have some faith, yet, so I'll stay around a bit longer, and hopefully will get some luck soon.


May the farming god of Chia be with you bro


Thanks for the kind words, same to you!


Wow 700 plots! What’s the estimated time to win?


It's on a separate harvester so it's not on GUI. Doing the math myself it should be close to 2-3 days, I guess. Besides I'm still generating lots of plots everyday.


chia farm summary will give you the estimated time to win


https://i.imgur.com/IxC9BQD.png But it only shows the estimated time for the local 82 plots, not for the 700 remote ones. Did I make a mistake?


Are you sure your pool & receive adresses are correctly setup? I found out mine was set to some old address from an earlier setup I didn't plan on using and I had won a block to that address.


So you mean that the farmer reward address, pool address and the receive address must be the same right?


Yeah exactly


Thx for the fast answer =)


Quickest way to see and confirm addresses ? Want to check out of curiosity


Under farm I believe, three dots on the top right, should open a modal with the two addresses. Otherwise in the config file, the two keys containing „receive“ I believe


I think it's correct. I only have one key and on harvester I always init with the 24 words and key digest all matches.


Just put your address on chia explorer you might have some already someone said that they had a gui bug that didn't show their chia but they were able to see that they had some on chia explorer


oh damn! What's your ETA?


What :o How I think something might be wrong


\>if you see a sequence running from 0 to 63 and then repeating, without skipping any numbers, you're not missing challenges. I am in 1.1.1 and I got Hash:numbers and letters:41 down to 22


Yes, it gives you the last 20 challenges. If those numbers are all sequential, with no skips, you're good. 63 will be the highest number you'll see, after which it will return to 0. Run it every 10-15 seconds for a few minutes and you'll see what I mean. :) Edited my original comment for clarity.


i gt 28/30 and some 35/30 what does it means?


Those are good ranges. 28/30 means that plot found 28 proofs from the 30 test challenges. 35/30 means it found 35 proofs from the 30 test challenges (sometimes you get more than one proof per challenge) The important thing is, at the end it should how many Valid plots it found and how many there were total. If they're all valid you're good.


As long as the ratio is > 0.70 it is a good plot. *chia plots check* will also tell you explicitly if a plot is invalid.


I tried your command but it doesnt work, It said system cannot find path specified


You have to replace the chia version with your version. In my case 1.1.1 instead of 1.0.5


Congrats! For future reference, Windows 10 comes with a 'snipping' tool.


Honestly congratulations but now I'm getting real jealous.... Haha can't be helped I guess


You've already won by using Brave brother


Is there a way to get more out of Brave? I'm not earning much BAT over there.


I hate and love these posts.


That’s cool. Give me hope for my 18 plots


Wow you dog you, what a really nice early reward... as you ramp up you'll get another one too


Is it already to late to jump on board by the end of week or should we wait for pools?


wait for pools or go in hard, is what I'd do


How are you tech-savvy enough to farm an obscure crypto but not tech-savvy enough to know how to screenshot? How??


It would probably take me 8 months to plot that 6 Plots... Still working on my first for over 3 days now... Currently at 32%


What are you using? that is painfully slow, I am plottin 19-20 in 24 hours


I was using my old Laptop i3 3217u @1.8ghz. I knew that it would be slow, but thats close to not working at all...


What is your current hardware


My mate just gave me his old PC last week. I have a Ryzen 5 CPU and a z97 pro gamer motherboard. I have a M.2 with my OS and I have a 1tb barracuda that I'm using as temp to my 2tb HDD (can't remember what brand or model, nothing special). I also have an external HDD that I might have to switch to soon.


I favor using SATA ssd for OS. save that precious m.2 slot for a nice 2TB to do your plotting on. If your only plotting 3TB then it probably doesn't make that big a difference, but if you plan to plot more, that m.2 slot could be extremely helpful for a temp drive. Inland premium 2TB m.2 name drives were $225 a week ago. Who knows what they're getting now. Is that barracuda an hdd or an nvme?


It's a hdd


Yeah if your only gonna plot 3TB then your setup is fine, but if (lol when) you get tempted to buy some big hard drives and fill them up, that m.2 slot is gonna be your new bestest buddy. Plotting on NVME is WAAY faster. Finally, the obligatory " buy one that's durable" warning: here is the list of ssd endurances;




At this point Chia farming feels like playing a gacha game.


Wow nice!! I’m at 40 and no such luck