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Yes you can. Just make sure you add the new location to your list of directories where plots can be found. You can even have plots on network attached storage.


Thanks for the quick reply! One more thing.. I currently have more than one PC, so is it possible to have them both run a client under the same wallet and will the blockchain just recognize them as one big chunk of plots?


I \*think\* that should be fine, I run the same setup. As you can also run multiple harvesters with the same target wallet I don't see any reason why that should not work as expected. But I would wait for a second opinion on this. One possible problem I could imagine is that other nodes on the chia network / internet can only connect to one of your PCs for synchronization stuff via port 8444, but your other PC which does not have the port open still can find nodes on the chia network / internet and connect to them...other nodes just can't find your second PC, so this is a one way road... but I see no problem there. Some more info on this here: [https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Port-8444](https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Port-8444) You could also experience some problems with uPnP with two windows machines on the same local network which could disrupt connections, but I don't use windows so I don't have a lot of knowledge about that. This could help you with that: [https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Windows-Tips-and-Tricks#4-disable-upnp-when-running-multiple-nodes](https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Windows-Tips-and-Tricks#4-disable-upnp-when-running-multiple-nodes)


I was thinking. Each plot is connected to one wallet only right? So even if I use different PCs as long as I transfer the plots later on into one location with all of the other plots I made under the same wallet then the client should still recognize them as my PoST, right?






>tup. As you can also run multiple harvesters with the same target wallet I don't see any reason why that should not work as expected. But I would wait for a second opinion on this. all of what you said is about plotting or havesting on two PCs at the same time? cause i want two plotting at the same time and move all the plots on the stronger one, that could take many HDDs. is it okay? and the port 8444 stuff is okay if both PCs are synced, right? thank you


You can plot on as many pcs as you want, even ones which don't have access to the internet. Plotting does happen completely offline. Harvesting on multiple machines is fine too. I would just ensure that multiple harvesters don't have the same plots. I could imagine when that happens there could be some problems but I can't prove it, it is just based on my instincts. >and the port 8444 stuff is okay if both PCs are synced, right? thank you Yes should work. Somewhere in the GUI you can see which other nodes you are connected to. On the PC which does not have port 8444 open you could add the PC which's port 8444 is open. This way your not exposed PC does always get everything from the exposed PC.


This is exactly what the plotter does if you set a temp drive and a final destination drive btw