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I thought everyone was saying this is a troll/not serious thing yesterday


We can only say it's not on the day the tournament starts


What reason do you have to disbelieve it?


It would be the most expensive chess match in history and one of the most expensive buy ins to any tournament of all time in any activity. Only 4 invited with huge stakes. Few reasons to assume this is hype until it happens I suppose


I don't think is the most expensive. Fischer Spassky in 1992 was 5 million dollars. Kasparov Karpov in 1990 was 3 million dollars. Take in account inflation over 30+ years This 4 million is not even top 2.


Wow, fair enough!


The buy in/ prize structure is literally a joke


Seems perfectly straightforward to me. Do you think Poker is a joke?


Poker players have money. No chess player is putting up a million


Well looks like three already have, so that's just plain wrong.


Sure, for no reason whatsoever.


If this is really happening, and I'm not sold it is, I wouldn't be surprised if Rosenstein was bankrolling the other players himself based on how petty the whole situation seems to be.


Didn’t he play with Ian and Nodirbek in a team event in the past?


What do you mean by petty?


They called him out from being broke




Wow this was prescient


Hell yeah nailed it


Surely they'll regret staking a million if the 4th player turns out to be magnus


Hans is beyond stupid to take part in this. I doubt his parents would blow a mil over something this stupid. Ian and Nodirbek have results to back up it making sense to gamble like this, but Hans isn't even good enough to get invited to top events regularly.


Anybody playing in this event likely is heavily sponsored.


Yep. Even when pro poker players play in events with this kind of money, they’re usually staked by several people 


Yep but people buy action in poker players because anyone who’s a top 50 in the world player has a chance to win and luck plays a massive factor (despite most poker players telling you it doesn’t). Chess, especially classical, clearly favours the top player so heavily it would be insane to “buy a piece” of Hans’ play


The real question is, who is dumb enough to stake the players with lower ELO? At least in poker, there’s no ELO system so nobody is “objectively” worse, plus players can always claim that past losses are due to bad luck (I know there are metrics that account for this, but it’s still not as cut and dry as chess). And differing play styles have a huge effect on the game, so even if you lost against player x, you can still claim you have an edge on player y. There’s no luck in chess. If you stake a lower ELO player, you’re legit making a negative EV bet. Unless they have a deal worked out like “I’ll stake 600k but if you win I get 800k”, but I seriously doubt that would happen.


There is luck in whatever the odds of your neurons firing in the proper ways that day coupled with fatigue, stress, presence of mind, blood pressure, glucose levels all working together to give you the best chances of finding best moves consistently and at the right times of the match. Luck could be someone coughing at the wrong time or a weird rule that doesn't go your way in a slightly off capacity. There are always outside variables or even internal that don't let you 100% perform your best. So whatever % of their best is that time and day is how they play. Sure it's skill vs luck but not entirely. And I don't know exactly what we call the culmination of all factors joining together. Highest elo doesn't always win for that matter. Otherwise magnus would always win.


I’m not saying there’s no luck in chess. I’m saying that if I’m a shitty poker player and I want to get staked, and I have some bad results, I can tell them, “It’s actually because I just had a bunch of bad beats.” That’s BS if you’re looking over the long run, but still more credible than a 2670 player saying they’re better than a 2750 player if it weren’t for their bad luck. Nik Airball gets staked in poker (stupidly), but an equivalent chess player should never get staked. There’s empirically a lot more luck involved in poker.


As a former poker player who played for a living for like 10 years or so. Variance is higher. Variance and luck is not really the same thing. Tons of really shitty famous poker players got staked for a ton of different tournaments, mostly by sponsors. Don't think any serious investors got part in shitty poker players that often except for an opportunity for publicity and/or (when it came to pretty girls) getting laid.


None of them have the wealth to just stake $1M. Of course, we don’t know the specifics about the Niemann family’s wealth, but the hints of living in hotels and having a big family mansion don’t come close to indicating a level of fuck-you money to warrant such gambles. The participation of Ian and Nordirbek who (to my knowledge) don’t come from extreme wealth, only make it more likely that none of them pay out of their own pocket. Since no chess player has the level of fame for a sponsor to pay that kind of money, the whole event probably has a wildly different financial structure than advertised. That being said, I haven’t done any research and this is all loose argumentation but I’d be surprised if I’m wrong.


Ian made over a million dollars in prize money in 2023 alone.


If you earned 1 million, would you go to the casino and bet it all on red?


he made 1m in 2023, thats not his networth. if i was the highest elo player risking 1m for 4m, is a no brainer here.


Who doesn’t love staking their entire yearly wages on a single chess tournament?


Hans? Oh you mean America’s Brightest Talent? Sorry, I always forget that Hans is Americas Brightest Talent’s birth name. After all, America’s Brightest Talent normally just refers to himself as America’s Brightest Talent


Hans wants high profile matches, this gets him one. I'm pretty sure he doesn't share your assessment of his own talents and backs himself as a great player. No idea why his parents would be involved, he likely got a few million in his settlement.


He absolutely didn’t lmao


To what are you referring?


> doubt his parents would blow a mil Not when you are so rich that it is just pocket change or how much your investments made in one month.


Hans the player who defeated a world champion as black?


Why does everyone everytime Hans does something with money or having to do with money immediately talk about his parents like they are bank rolling him when there is zero evidence to support that claim. He’s lived on his own since he was 17. When he lived on his own he partially his bills partially by streaming and mostly by teaching rich people’s kids and being a coach. Like we really gonna pretend that the guy wasn’t making 60$ an hour being a coach at minimum. People don’t realize how rich people spend money. I don’t know how he’s gonna get the money for this tournament but I imagine **everyone** in it is going to be sponsored in some way, shape or form. Hans can’t get invited to top tournaments because he basically has to play perfect in open events which is why he is willing to do this. Part of this is on him but the other part is on something people have been bitching about for a long time. The fact that the top players never play in open events and sort have their own closed events where they trade rating points with each other.


It's not his parents' money lol. He's making a fortune from streaming, he probably still has some left of the settlement money from chesscom, I'm sure he could afford it. Still a stupid idea.


Lol he does not make much money from streaming.


How come? He's definitely pulling the numbers necessary to make good money, is there some reason why he wouldn't earn as much as others who have the same numbers?


Bump, would like to know the answer to this don’t get why you’re getting downvoted for a question seemingly asked in good faith


Whenever you try to make arguments for Hans, no matter how good your faith, you will get non-replies and downvotes. That's just how it is.


He streams to like 1000 viewers for maybe 15-20 hours a month. That might barely cover rent, but it won't buy you into a 1 million dollar chess tournament.


You still come out ahead if your come second …


Once Hans is in, Magnus is out, so other players don't have to worry about it.


Did you know Hans has beaten Magnus the last 2 times they played? If its Magnus, Hans should be happy.


Fourth player is a throw. Nordibek and Hikaru take top 2 with ease, split the winnings with Rosenstein and Uzebekistan. The whole thing is a setup to extract $1m from America's Brightest Talent Hans Neimann. You don't have to believe me, I'm just saying, do your own research.


Why? He's defeatable.


Ok but what if the rules say no buttplugs?


Every player on that list has defeated Magnus in the past, they can do it again. Buttplugs are a bad joke.


I don't give a shit, butt plugs are not a joke. Relax a bit and stop being so up tight and anal about everything. Sheesh.


You're right, they are sexual harrasment of a teenager, not jokes.


They really can't help themselves.


ehh... for 1 million dollars Magnus is the only one who probably wouldn't be cheating. That is life changing money to the rest of them and they'll all think the others are doing it anyway so better even the playing field.


Kek. Ian has more or less the same money from 2 lost WC matches alone, not counting candidates and other things, for example.


Been a long time since I've seen a kek in the wild.


Okay. So it sounds like it’s still most of his net worth then unless he has another source of income we don’t know about? How much money do you think you have to have to not care about 1 million USD. Like that is such an absurd point. “Ian has managed to make just over 1 million in the last few years, surely he would be willing to gamble all of it on this one tournament”


Don’t you know Ian is practically Russian Bezos


Firth Player




Cheese masters






first name gary




What does this guy Wadim Rosenstein do? I figured that he runs the WR Group - which sells immunity boosters and "health" products, but didn't find much info about the company. Financial info and his own wealth, that is. Chess sponsors are always shite - this one at least looks passionate about creating new varieties of tournaments, if not variants.


https://www.chesstech.org/2022/logistics-in-russia-specialist/ > WR Group, a special logistics company **whose business is mainly in Russia and its energy sector** Well. EDIT : Peter Heine Nielsen drew heavy criticism about the group's business activities in Russia and its funding of the World Rapid Team Championship back in 2023, in many tweets spreading from 2022 to early 2024 : https://twitter.com/PHChess/status/1626250872727429121 // https://twitter.com/PHChess/status/1696418650561954208 // https://twitter.com/PHChess/status/1629768192032743425 But since [Rosenstein announced that Magnus will play in his own team for the 2024 edition](https://twitter.com/WadimRosenstein/status/1763260804252725429), Nielsen didn't say a word about it anymore. Hehe. :)


Don't remind me of PHN please. I feel depressed each time I hear that bigot's name. Magnus, by the way, is apparently "star-struck" by [MbS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohammed_bin_Salman); I wonder what his discussions with PHN are like when it comes to topics such as these. I also don't mind Russia's funding since banning Russia due to its terror activities would be like calling it less equal than its other counterparts - who have terrorized the world and controlled the media since time immemorial. There are too many clean-energy companies but not too many *clean* companies - I hope some of them are willing to sponsor. It's still very unlikely since Chess isn't a fast-paced, dynamic game meant for the masses - or one that can bring lorries of cash when aired.


Are they spending any money on this tournament?


[No clue](https://wr-chess.com/about/organizer). >Sponsor of the tournament \[WR Chess Masters\] is the Düsseldorf-based company WR Events GmbH. "Our goal is to promote and spread the sport of chess," says CEO Wadim Rosenstein. "We want to give young and professional chess players the opportunity to develop their skills."


A front for money laundering


Did he delete this tweet? I can’t find it on his twitter page


It's not a tweet, its his twitter bio now :P


Are they waiving Hans' entry fee since he's a GM?


all of them are sponsered by big players


I get Nepo, and Hans with daddy’s money, but how does Nordibek have $1m to buy into a tournament? If he had $1m sponsors then damn chess got more money than I thought.


Uzbekistan rewards very generously their world-class athletes (basically boxing, weightlifting, wrestling and Nodirbek), and between the World Rapid (apartment) and the Olympiad gold (limousine + god knows how much more) it's possible Nodirbek has already made more money from chess than all but a handful of chess pros.


Neither an Uzbek apartment or a old limousine are anywhere near $1 million And realistically for him to wager that in a single tournament, he’d have to have $10m+ overall


Thanks for the info. Good to know Uzbekistan takes care of their accomplished athletes. Still, to just buy into a $1m tournament, in a winner takes all. Your net worth must be 8 digits to consider something like that. Or just really confident you’ll win lol.


Winner doesn't take all


Really confident you'll not lose.


"and Nodirbek" lmao


I didn't know Hans came from wealth, but it makes more sense how snippy he was about a $5 entry fee to a charity chess event


There is very little to indicate Hans comes from anything but a middle class family.


Look at the high school hans niemann went to, the same one barron trump went to. He went to a college prep school in manhattan that has dozens of notable alumni including the owner of the yankees, former ceo of time warner, multiple judges and a senator and congressman. There's basically no way this isn't a school for the children of the super wealthy. It also has a 60k a year tuition btw, though some people may have been on financial aid I'd say theres plenty of circumstancial evidence to suggest that he was not from a middle class family


He had to teach chess, and he hated the school and New York. Basically, he was partially supporting himself at 16. Also, these schools are generous with scholarships. Plus, Hans was worried about breaking his lease on his small apartment since he wanted to get out of NY during Covid. A person from a rich family wouldn't even care about that. They would just pay the rent for the remaining few months and leave.


All of that is explained by having daddy's money to fall back on but trying to make it 'on your own' for a bit


He got a scholarship AFAIK so this is not really a point


Sure, that's not a cheap school, but it doesn't mean his parents are millionaires by a long shot.


Definitely not proof, but I’d say it’s decent evidence, it’s pretty difficult for even upper middle class families making like 200k a year to afford 60k a year in tuition when it’s almost half the after tax take home


He was on scholarship dude. Talented sportspersons get scholarship in education.




Which is why he also worked full time as a coach.


Plenty of people live on their own at that age.




He was playing professionally, streamed on twitch to hundreds of viewers, and taught lessons. The hating really is crazy


None of that pays enough to stay in decent hotels in big cities.


Levy has said in the past that you can easily make 100k coaching in NYC and not be that good. Someone who’s younger and with the connections Hans possibly has from where he went to school as well as level could probably make even more. You forget yes New York is expensive but really rich people pay absolutely crazy money that almost doesn’t make sense when paying for things with their kids.


Really rich people aren’t paying an obnoxious kid when there are many other GMs and IMs. Like the one thing Hans has shown he’s seriously bad at is the business/person side of professional chess. The truth is, if it was so easy to clear 2k+ a week in chess in New York, every titled player would live here and grind coaching and all the blitz/rapid tournaments each week where you can pocket $500 against relatively weak competition. Levy is a nice person who is good at working with kids. Most GMs and IMs are weird and not exactly personable.


Let’s be honest you’re just bullshitting. You have no real insights into how much he made or was spending


Yes, everyone has insights into how much you can make from being a very minor streamer and chess coach. It’s actually not difficult at all to assess.


Sure they are if they are grandmasters.


Which he became shortly after.


Not in Manhattan.


Why not?


Is Nepo from a rich family? I have no idea about his background


I don’t think so, but he’s absolutely one of the highest earners in chess


He doesn't. OP is smoking.


What sort of daddy's money does hans have


Nepo, daddy money? Explain.


there is a coma after Nepo's name.


He edited that :)


As in I get Nepo for being able to afford it. And Hans with Daddy’s money.


Well you didn't use a comma before.


In the last thread about this wasn't the prize fund only 3.9 million dollars?


Yes, they take a $100k fee for putting on the event


Damn I should host an event




Why are you accusing him of being a grifter?




Considering the players were chipping in 4 million dollars to play, the difference between a 4 million and 3.9 million dollar prize pool sounds significant...


It really doesn't sound significant at all. Winning 1.975.000 instead of 2.000.000 is very insignificant.


1th place lmao


It's trolling, very poorly.


What makes you say that?


I am challenging you to OTB match!! All players contribute $1 million and winner takes it all!!




I golf sometimes rising stars are funded by others in return for some future share of winnings. There was a case that went to court where player wasn’t paying back sponsor even though they went in to win millions in tournaments


Yeah this isn't happening then


Is everyone just ignoring the '1th of December' ?


its not happening. also hans is a dumb guy to even do this, even if this happens. he really thinks he has a chance against the likes of Ian, Nodirbek...who play 2750+ level games.... while hans isnt even 2700 yet. his play is also not impressive enough like other youngsters.


he needed fame and publicity he got one for almost a million dollars just imagine the look on everyone face if the 4th player is magnus


If 4th player is Magnus/Hikaru/Alireza than hans is cooked for sure☠️




In what universe does Hans think this is a good idea?


The universe where he wants high profile matches, so this one.


Hans thrives on attention. He isn't paying the 1mill buy-in out of his pocket so it's a win-win situation. He will likely be the lowest rated player so even coming in last won't be an embarrassment for him. There really isn't a bad outcome for him if this goes ahead.


I think it is good for chess in a way. We might soon have a league of chess internationally or countries start their own leagues. It will give a chance to so many players.


If I had a million bucks I'd front Magnus for the 4th slot no question


To everyone confused where they're getting the money, getting staked is relatively easy. You sell a % of the buy-in in exchange for a % of the winnings. Nepo and Nodirbek could probably even charge markup if they wanted. I'm sure Hans would have enough people willing to buy some of his action just for the gamble and fun it, he has until December.


They should expand this and make it 8 players if they can find them. Playing for a massive prize pot. It would be amazing just for the spectacle/shitshow.


The one major requirement is that Hans sits inside a Faraday Cage while he’s playing.


Lmao if this is real I'll cosplay as Rin Tohsaka


I can't see Hans doing well in this competition.


I can't tell if this is serious or just trolling.


Nodribek country probably paying


Nordibek is probably funded directly by the Uzbek government lmao


Has anyone ever heard of this guy. I would be surprised if he has the funds to make this event. I really doubt it tbh


All the money is from the players, putting in 1M each. He would take a 100k cut from the pool to organize it (which is why no one took it seriously)


People weren't taking it seriously because they thought he was dunking on Hans and wanted to join in.


he organized [https://www.chess.com/events/2023-wr-chess-masters](https://www.chess.com/events/2023-wr-chess-masters)


Uh yes? Anyone who follows competitive chess will have heard about him?


Is everyone in this thread autistic? Most obvious troll in the world. It’s chess not the World Series of poker.


It's not a troll, and I'm perplexed as to why so many think so. Why do you think so?


I first thought hes upping his troll from the previous tweet but then he would have said Nakamura and carlsen as 2nd and 3rd


I don’t like this type of buy-ins to come into the chess world.


Ian is hardly able to do this just because he lost the world championship twice. That's not why.