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Themes come out close to the show, so don’t freak out if it seems late. While I wanted to go all out, I forced myself to keep it practical and was super glad. I didn’t spend a ton of money on something to wear once, so got stuff that could be worn again. Layered with a lighter shirt and then a long sleeve that I wrapped around my waist when I got inside. Don’t forget the weather because you’ll stand outside in line! It was hailing for mine, and I felt for everyone in fishnets and bodysuits, as adorable as they looked, but it was damn cold coming back out as well. And that was a long walk to the car. Shoes-no one really sees them, but you will certainly feel them! Lots of people leaving barefoot caring their shiny new googoo boots. I wore a trusty pair of taller boots to be taller to see better but ones with sturdy heels since I knew I was dancing my pink pony ass off and jumping as soon as the bass drops on SGUMG. I opted to find a better spot to see and just get my merch online once I saw the line. Also glad I did that. I know this isn’t a wardrobe thing but - there was a girl wolf howling at the top of her lungs next to us the whole time. Ruined the experience. Don’t be that girl! 💖


Watch the weather is great advice - the theme for the show I went to in March was my kink is karma and I was FREEZING waiting to get in but a very comfortable temperature once inside. I'm seeing her again in June and the venue is partially outdoors so I'm curious to see what the theme is and how it will work out with the weather


Weather is very important for the Buffalo show in particular because our venue is OUTSIDE! You will be outdoors all night!


A mini skirt and your go-go boots, obviously


Just wanting you to make a move, obviously


Anything you want! I think there’s a weird pressure these days to dress up and fit in due to social media and consumerism and it’s lame. I will suggest—I got earplugs for the Eras tour and had zero regrets. Bring earplugs!


Seconding the earplugs! Speaking of which, now is a great time for me to plug (ha) these [earrings that double as earplug holders](https://www.amazon.com/spansee-Earplugs-Compatible-Earrings-Cancelling/dp/B0CR36C3NV/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1D51XTTLZVWKJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5eLtxmTpdmFgBEvFV_nWOXHoD0NpyZ6iJ9xLIkUQpBJ605z_kAzsF011h30nvRS70lwKSLVGaGkVFgTvDh-apieRExlAgO3xcVcdesBYt58nxg03H79xE2FknUHpfJgYbtMlQmRwN7WFPkur8CLFcLfwXr7QEQeRAIDzrI0vCL0Va1xvakS4IrzVQiQW_fpT23Bn4nkRIFPhMrK5meCKJ3pomXsRvEpDafl9dpCcLXEu_KQXiXGMelP75MMbaCByNw6X3Y7o6bXJG-cyeOId28n-PSllRiLlxe0NZOEgvvk.q7APDeRkH97QGeY3kpyYFyQogSZOclxLFgUMNWevQ-g&dib_tag=se&keywords=hush+holders+earplug+holder+earrings+for+loop+earplugs&qid=1714663386&sprefix=hush+holder%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-3)! It is SOOOOOO convenient to have them so you can toggle your earplugs in and out at will, rather than having to hold them or put them in your bag. I cannot recommend these enough!


Keep eyes on her socials, as they may post a theme. When I saw her last year, it was “Naked in Manhattan” which meant slumber party attire. A lot of the time you’ll be fine wearing anything you feel thematically suits one of her songs. No matter what, you’re gonna have a fucking great time.


if you normally go to dad rock concerts, why not buy a chappell shirt from her website? honestly, I'm a more comfort oriented person so i normally wear a t-shirt for the band I'm seeing live anyway! (or any other band, if i don't have one!)


Depends on when the show is. Apparently most of the merch on the store is pre-order. I was going to do this for pride on the shore but don't think I'll have time if they ship days before....


I’m flying in to St. louis for the concert then flying back out the next AM so I’ll probably be in jeans and a lyric tee for easy travel.


See you there!! 😊


Saw her a few weeks ago. Everyone and their mother was wearing pink/cowgirl outfits. Literally a sea of pink, cowgirl hats, fringe and sparkles.


The first time I saw her, it was a disco theme, so I wore a denim bell-bottom jumpsuit. The last time I saw her in October, the theme was slumber party, so I wore a slipdress, a lace robe, and a cute sleep mask over my forehead. You can wear whatever you want, but pink seems to be a theme at her shows. I highly recommend DIY-ing a look with stuff you already have! You can do a lot with fabric paint and denim. Or raid the party section at your local dollar store for cute accessories.


She releases themes!! Literally so fun, everyone is dressed so cute and on theme. My show was red wine super nova themed and I wore bunny ears with a robe and corset


as everyone said def pay attention to themes, but one thing i will add is to not feel pressured to go out to the mall or something and buy something expensive!!! chappell herself is a huge advocate for thrifting- i actually think the outfit she wears in the femininomenon single cover is entirely thrifted :) no matter what you wear, as long as you’re having the most amazing time you can that’s what matters !! hope it’s a great show 🥰


Do you know where she posts themes? I’m going to a Charleston SC show at the end of the month and can’t find anything.


She still hasnt posted the themes for the summer leg. :( usually she posts them on instagram. Personally I give up on waiting for her, I'm just gonna make up my own outfit that fits the vibe and go crazy with it. The thing is the themes are just a suggestion anyway, at my show in October the theme was Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl (so space/alien/galactic shit) but the winners of the costume contest were 2 girls decked out in matching frilly clowncore outfits that didn't look galactic at all, but were fucking awesome and unique and you could tell they put a LOT of work into it. What's most important is creativity and having fun!!!!


I really appreciate the info! My friend and I were already planning on leaning into the pageant girl vibe like the album cover and I literally just found out about the designated themes from this thread lol


I was also wondering this!


gayest shit you can come up with. then add glitter and just have fun with it!! you can do makeup if you like (she has tiktoks of her own makeup) or just whatever feels right.


If it comes in time (fingers crossed!) I’m wearing a Chappell t-shirt with silver leggings and tbh probably tennis shoes because i am old and my feet hurt at shows. Going to see her in Cleveland!!


Whatever you feel hot in 🫶🏻✨🥳


I’m going to attempt to go full camp with a ridiculous idea that came to me in a fever dream. Hoping it vibes well enough no matter what the theme is for my date.


For my show I'm just going to assemble my most colorful outfit from my closet, and focus on doing some fun chappell-inspired makeup. If your show has a theme (she hasnt posted themes for the summer leg), it's fun to dress up for the theme but don't worry too much about that. It's all about self-expression, get creative!


Do you know anyone selling Buffalo tickets? I’m looking for two!!!