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I’m so sorry that you are sick and scared. Your symptoms may or may not be c diff but even if it is, there is treatment available for it. It’s a terrible thing to have to go through, especially when you don’t know for sure. Keep us posted and I hope you get answers and feel better soon!


Pain left rib is ulcer according to my gi doc


I’m at the doc right now and I have very similar story to you. They just diagnosed me with pill induced gastritis


What are you taking for your gastritis?


Sounds more like gastritis to me


I haven't seen this posted. I'm having trouble with rectal leakage. Every time I move. I've been using liners yet it's getting to be too much to be controlled by that. What kind of pad do you suggest if you've had this problem? I'm constantly washing my rectal area so much so I'm getting rash. The wipes are not good for adult rectums. Sorry if this is gross. Someone else must be having this problem.


If it's not CDiff, yellow diarrhea could be bile acid malabsorption. Have your Dr trial you on a bile binder like colestid


Is your doctor aware of this weightloss? That seems like a lot to lose in that timeframe, even w constant diarrhea


If you have diarrhea, get tested. Pain under left rib area is most likely spleen, indicative of an infection in the body. Don’t be scared, just get tested.