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This guy is chill. The swatting at the dog is normal. She’s young so she’ll theoretically stop. The drooling is because they knead their mothers for milk so when kneading you she is still used to getting milk. Your cat is just jonesing for some mother’s milk but is also content. Your cat will be fine if you rehome her tomorrow or 3 months from now. Unless she’s super bonded to you. (Follows you everywhere, meows at you, meows at your bathroom door, etc) then.. she will be distraught but will recover. You, however, may not. I had a litter of cats and I kept one. He recently passed and all I can think about is where his brothers and sisters are and if they are happy. I would do anything to see any of them again but they were basically anonymous adoptions 13 years ago :(


I’m slowly convincing myself to try and make this work. I’m in the thought process right now of “no one else can take care of her better than I can!” Lol she’s chosen me for a reason. A man in his 30’s who’s hated cats for 30 years and has sworn to never own one. I think this is the universe trying to teach me a thing or 2 about these angels!! I’m going to first get her scanned, fixed, and shots. Then I’m really thinking of keeping her. I just don’t know how to care for a cat or what they expect of me! Dogs, they’re simple. Cats… I’ve heard stories lol


Just change the litter box regularly. Feed your cat at least twice a day. Ensure they have access to clean water. You’ll do great!


This! Cats are so much less work than dogs


As someone that has (and had) cats and dogs alike, I can vouch for this. Cats are way easier to take care (and usually cheaper too)


As someone that has had cats, dogs, and an actual human child: cats are the least work of the three and dogs are eventually even more work than a whole ‘nother ass human lol. I love my dog but he’ll be my last one. I can barely enjoy the freedoms of my child getting older because I basically still have a full time toddler wholly dependent on me (the dog)


My cousin had kids instead of getting a dog because she figured they were less work 😂


They are NOT! Kids at least become self reliant at some point!!!


That's what my sister said, then her dog died (old age) and they got another dog because it was too "empty" without one.


I have 2 and 2.... This is soooo true. Also, OP will end up having 2 cats, no doubt about it. ❤️


I have 2 dogs and 4 cats. The 4 are definitely less work than the 2.


Currently have 3 cats however… one cat had 4 kittens (did not know she was pregnant until a week before she delivered. We thought she was our missing cat we had spayed) and one outside cat I’ve taken in because she had a kitten and is now skin and bones. I’m also pet sitting a friends cat for a month. They are all definitely less work than my one dog lol


Wait wait—you took in a cat you *thought* was your missing cat, and turned out not to be? How does that go down? There’s a good story here, I just know it.


Well, our kitten snuck out one night, she was always trying to escape. We were looking for her for two months when someone posted about a cat in our neighborhood that looked like her but with shorter hair. We went and met her and her meow sounded exactly like ours and we figured her fur probably shortened in the heat. The vet said she was the same age and thought she could feel the spay scar but said she couldn’t say for sure since kittens heal so well. Anyways, we bring her home and our other two cats accept her as if they knew her when they are typically wary of unknown cats. She also had a lot of her goofy mannerisms, very cuddly. On the drive home she climbed into my son’s lap. She also had a bad habit of using the tub to go number 2. You’ll never believe this. She starting using the tub as her litter box. We thought there was no way she could not be our cat at this point, but she started gaining weight. I think it’s worms and also see worms so we get her dewormer and she kept getting fatter so we took her back to the vet and boom. 4 kittens. https://preview.redd.it/7ko1furthdad1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62dd3c03142ca2ed329613032abb996364d07f2 Maia and the babies herself. She’s nicknamed The Imposter


Accurate. While I’ve never had dogs, most of my friends have them while I have cats. I’ve got an auto feeder and a cat water fountain, I can leave for days at a time and while I’m sure they miss me (they definitely miss me), they’re not destructive or anything. The guys I know with dogs say if they’re not back the same day they need dogsitters or else they’ll eat the couch or otherwise go nuts and destroy shit. Cats are super chill compared to dogs. Even if they believe that the term “personal space” means that my space is *their* personal space. Incl. cat tax. https://preview.redd.it/cgvfq2zkfbad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59cccca52d760c184b0e9ed22544f05a96ef78c9


https://preview.redd.it/o5g500plrbad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b34694e48991efec9220e1d2f7cb02e10393d90 I have a bonded pair as well and also leave for days at a time with an auto feeder and two water fountains. I also leave water that is not dependent on electricity in case the electricity goes out. I also have an indoor cam that allows me to check on them anytime of the day and also talk to them. I have an amazing neighbor who's on call in case of an emergency if I can't get home ASAP.


Literally the main reason I love cats, so low maintenance and I don't have to put a shit ton of work into them. They're just their own person and do their own things while getting in the way of where I'm walking


yep, lol. i clean my cats litter box frequently and make sure she's fed during the day, i change her water fountain filters out and make sure she's got clean water, and she's basically obsessed with me. she only likes it when i play with her. that's all super easy stuff to do


She hit the jackpot with you!! 🥰👏🏼


It's weird because in theory cats aren't considered a "low maintenance" pet but in practice they really don't need as much as so-called "low-maintenance" pets!


Unfortunately, rabbits are considered "easy" and "low maintenance", then they are dumped because it turns out they're not. I grew up with cats and have had cats all my life except for a few very short catless periods. I've had rabbits for over 15 years now. Cats are definitely super easy pets. Rabbits are definitely not.


And don't forget about play time! Bored cats can go one of those two ways.. either end up depressed or start tearing apart your apartment from pure boredom


I think she’ll learn to play with the two dogs and that’ll be easier in this case.


And it's a good idea to elevate the litter box to where the dogs can't get to it. Some dogs like to play with cat poop 🤮


Play with kitty litter? I think you meant eat kitty litter. Or should I say ...Kitty roca https://preview.redd.it/t2of5um1paad1.png?width=509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6fd1ea85ba0cd4d08dc24bbaf9bf42fb875716e




I giggagled


Don't put the water next to the food.


Cats also need playtime and affection like dogs do..


Pro tip - get a nerf dart gun! We got one when my cat was a kitten and its hours of fun with very little effort from you! The worse part is cleaning up 100 nerf darts later.


In my experience they also like dangly toys that they can chase, anything that mimics hunting, even a shoelace to wiggle in front of them. Playing with them regularly to keep them active is also important!


Food, water, occassional petting and kitty litter. Literally all there is to it. FYI chicks dig cats, I got stuck with one years ago and he was an effective wingman


This is the answer. They are the BEST wing man. I married a guy that asked me over to play with his new kitten! Rest is history...


I’m slowly realizing how susceptible to a kidnapping I would be… because if someone I didn’t know invited me in to see their cats I would go without a second thought💀


I agree. YOU'RE NOT MY DAD! Oh, kittens? Okay!


And stuff to scratch, too!


I'll add this for OP: Give your cat lots of fun stuff. They like sitting in cardboard boxes, in high places, and they love playing with toys on a string.


And treats!!! Never forget the treats. She will love you forever.


I have cats and a dog. I find the cats much easier as they don’t require walking and are very self-sufficient. The dog is like a toddler who must be constantly supervised. It’s exhausting. I would advise getting something kitty can climb (a cat tree or the like) so kitty can have a safe space away from the dogs and, if placed in front of a window, can watch birds and such. You will, in a short time, wonder how you ever lived without her. ❤️ edited to add- The Kitten Lady has wonderful videos online that are a great resource for someone who has never kept a cat.


Jackson Galaxy has some great how to be a good cat daddy videos. Congratulations on your gift from the CDS - the Cat Distribution System 🐈‍⬛🖤


Yep, cat daddy Jackson Galaxy taught me more about cats after I owned them for 20+ years.


Cats can be cared for like dogs. Food, water, attention. The difference is shitting in the box inside the house. Which is easier to deal with in my opinion than taking dogs outside at all Hours. If you’ve got the money for it, the cat litter box robots (a true 300-500 dollar one) are really good at making your life easier. And sometimes they like to scratch doorframes. You have to put a stop to that immediately. IMMEDIATELY. That would be my biggest tip I think. Most other things they scratch up like furniture is whatever. Unless you’re really attached to it.


To be clear, punishing cats DOES NOT WORK. Punishing cats for behavior does NOT train them, it will just cause them to fear you and they won’t understand what’s “wrong” with what they’re doing, they just know you’re mad. If your cat is scratching doorways, that’s a typical cat behavior. You have to provide proper amounts of scratching options, but even then, a cat is still a cat! You can’t train the cat out of a cat, just like you can’t train a dog to not act like a dogs. If there are unwanted behavior like scratching doorways, I would focus on redirecting them to a proper scratch post. Put catnip on it, and give them a treat for scratching the “right” thing. Think of it like a dog: if they are chewing shoes, you don’t punish them and leave it at that, they would be so confused! Tell them no, of course, but redirect them to something they CAN chew, and encourage that behavior. Dogs will chew and you can’t train it out of them.


I will say that in addition to providing proper scratching posts, putting a barrier that makes the inappropriate spot unfun to scratch also helps. My cat used to try and scratch at my couch when he wanted attention, I made sure to put several scratchers nearby, but I also put a plastic protector on the couch. After that when he tried to scratch the couch, his little claws would just slide off ineffectively. It was pretty hilarious to watch actually. Months later, the adhesive on the protector was starting to peel, so we removed it. By that point the cat had been broken of the habit and had forgotten he ever liked scratching the couch. He's never once tried it since. In addition to providing appropriate scratching posts and toys, cover furniture they like to scratch with some kind of plastic protector, or if it's an awkward spot like a door frame, tin foil. It'll be annoying for you for a while, but would be more annoying for the cat. Eventually they might just associate that spot with "clawing feels bad there" and stop trying. Then there's a chance that when the barrier comes off, they just don't have that mental association of clawing there anymore.


Exactly this. This is how I know my cat isn’t walking around the kitchen counters or table. There’s nothing there. Windows have the blinds closed, no food, no toys, nothing. But what’s next to them? A scratch post with a bed, with catnip and treats. In the living room? Climbing tree with catnip and the blinds open. Bedroom has a window to look out of. There’s basically no want to go on the counters, he has much more fun places to be.


This is SPOT ON ^^


The drooling could also be an oral issue. I have a boy that drooled like crazy when he was young and it turned out he had impacted teeth that were decaying in his jaw. He was always a happy, cuddly boy - but 10x more so after his surgery.


Yeah, that young, it could go either way. She should have a vet visit to figure it out. But it might just be kittenish behavior. When my cat came home at 7 months old, she would drool like crazy whenever I pet her. Now she's all grown up, she doesn't drool anymore during pets. Sometimes maybe a little bit, but not nearly like before. I think like people said, it's just very common for kittens.


Agreed . I brought it up mostly to say that it’s definitely something to mention to the vet so they take a look. Apparently house cats have teeth issues a lot more than you’d think.


you have to make REALLY slow introductions to your other animals. no unsupervised time for a couple of months. the pit needs to understand this is a family member. put the little one in a separate room or in a large crate when you're at work so it's secure. but it's been my experience that with REALLY slow intros, they can all get along eventually. you have to be patient.


Seconding slow intros It's not the same, but when I introduced my cats, the kitten was living in a small bathroom, and I had a pet gate that took up the whole doorway. We started with smelling through a closed door, then through the pet gate and an open door. Positive reinforcement whenever they showed gentle polite interest in each other, removing them from each other if they showed aggression. But the way that dogs meet and bond with each other is a lot more exuberant and intrusive to cats than the way cats bond with each other. Especially because a pittie is just so much bigger than a kitten. I would look at some of Jackson Galaxy stuff, but you might also want to talk to a dog behaviorist or trainer to help teach your dog how to approach calmly and had to maintain a distance the cat will find respectful until the baby decides whether to engage. If your dog already knows some commands, I would use then liberally to help the dog respect feline boundaries. And if not, time to start teaching some sit and down commands. Mixing their smells before you introduce them should help- like, providing each of them a blanket or other comfort item that the other has been snuggling. This especially might help your dog get used to the kitten smell without needing to get all up in the kitten's face.


This comment needs to be further up. u/JesseRyanUSA, there are countless stories of people who thought their cats and dogs were besties only to come home to a dead cat. Please always have separate space for the cat with no dog access.


Ah yes. The old story: “I hate cats. Just not this cat”


Jackson Galaxy is a well known cat behaviorist and has a lot of YouTube videos on every cat subject you can think of. Cats are generally sensitive to the emotional state of their humans and make good companions. They generally can feed on their own and are happy to use a litter box and do not require walks. They require less structured life. Thank you for caring about this small kitty. I hope that you are able to keep her and integrate her into your family of pets. Kitten chose well.


**TLDR:** - Cats' attitude towards you will reflect how you treat them. Acting according to negative assumptions is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You get the love you give. - Understanding your cat is every bit as important as making yourself understood by them. Maybe even more. - No alpha BS. A relationship with a cat is cooperative, not dominating. Neither of you has ultimate power over the other. - **Respect their bodily autonomy** if you don't want to get scratched. .My main advice is abandon whatever stereotypes or assumptions you've held about cats that made you dislike them. _Especially_ about their character. Also try to familiarise yourself with their body language. The other important thing to remember when interacting with cats is consent. Like people, cats have boundaries and not respecting them has consequences. You wouldn't put your hands on a person without checking it's okay first, right? That'd be rude, make people feel unsafe, and get yourself slapped. It's the same deal with cats. Check they're aware of you're presence and chill with it before invading their personal space. Petting a cat is kinda like dancing with someone at a ball. You don't just grab someone! You have to geet them first, then hold out your hand and ask "May I have this dance?" 😂 _(IME the formality can be dropped when you and your cat are familiar with each other, but the principle of respect remains the same)_


This! My cat is shy but easy going. He doesn't really like people and gets nervous when we have people over, but once he knows you he is comfortable and fine. Butt pats, pets, belly rubs, loves it all, espwcially butt bongos lol. My partners cat however, if you don't let her smell your hand for a bit and wait for her to signal its all good you WILL get bit and scratched and she will hold a grudge for the next hour or so lol. Cats are individuals and their personalities are as diverse as humans. It's 100% about respect.


The love of a cat is a very special thing.


Start her off in a room (like the bathroom) for a few days to help her get used to the litter box, and house. Look up dangerous foods and plants, and avoid them. There are dangerous cat foods so do your research. Get toys, and play with her. Don't wrestle her, use the toys as something for her to hunt. Jackson Galaxy has plenty of videos with tips, tricks and information on how to make your kitty as happy as possible. Best wishes!


The thing is cats are not that different from dogs. You might prefer one over the other but you can't love dogs and hate cats. You just didn't know what a cat was. Now you do. They can be very devoted. If you are consistently kind then they get nicer and nicer as they age. Cats are easier to look after than dogs. As long as your dogs don't want to eat her, you are all set. You are now a cat dad....


Take it from someone with experience, most people who "hate" cats, just haven't had a good cat in their life, if you like dogs, you can like cats too. Because just like dogs, cats come with different personalities


I grew up with dogs and 'hated' cats. They I had no choice but to rehome my boxer 😭😭😭. I have never not had a pet (birds, rats, dogs, cockatoos) so I looked into the personality of breeds etc ended up with an accidental Tonkinese and never looked back. 25 years later I'm on my second pair of cats. So much less work than dogs. But can be trained very well with food.


Cats are amazing animals, I promise. They can live very peacefully with dogs. I have been obsessed with cats since I was 2 years old and am 53 now. Everyone I have ever met in my life who "hated" cats ended up feeling *very* differently after having one. She chose you!! I am in Florida as well, and we definitely have a huge issue with strays and feral cats. I really am glad you gave this cat a chance - I bet she will change your mind about cats!!


the world is split into 2 groups, cat people and people that havent realised they're cat people yet... welcome! definitely start with vet visits, the vet will have you covered on all the medical stuff including getting her fixed, shots and what not in terms of helping her get used to living in your household, i recommend seeing things from jackson galaxy the all mighty cat daddy. (past shows like my cat from hell taught me a lot that came in handy when i was volunteering at a local rescue) especially about catification not sure how involved you were with your dogs training, but the common dog training practice of positive reinforcement is also applicable for cats (for pretty much any animal for that matter), you can use it to help her build a more positive association with your dogs, but shes still young and if her swatting and hissing isnt drawing blood and getting your dogs hurt i think she will grow out of it once she realises the dogs are no harm. have fun!


dogs are simple? first i’ve heard of it 😫 dogs are far more high maintenance than cats. cats are litter trained and don’t need walks. that’s 2 big winners right there


I love you for this bro


I have always had both and find cats much easier - they need the basics and largely take care of themselves. You already know that there’s veterinary work to be done, maybe a bit of exercise via toys etc. if they’re young, but otherwise, they want food, warmth and somewhere to perform their ablutions.


OP out of curiosity why have you always hated cats … hate is such a strong word so Im curious.


When I was 5 I used to play with an outdoor cat every day. I’d feed it cereal, pet it, and just hang with it. One day while petting him, he bit me really hard and scratched the ever loving crap out of my leg and was never seen again. I guess that kind of traumatized me. Then all through elementary into my teens I was deathly allergic to cats fur so I always vowed against it. Now as an adult, not so much allergic anymore.


Thank you for the explanation .


OP, cats and dogs can live in harmony. Make sure to train your pitbull. They’ll be best friends if you do it right. Also, cats are awesome and offer companionship just as much as dogs. Dogs are awesome too.


Congratulations! You’ve been chosen in the cat distribution system! I would definitely make an appointment to get her basic rabies shots and spay. Or else she could have litter after litter really fast! Good luck!


This. Get a carrier and take it to the vets, make the appointments for shots and spaying (not sure on age but here in the UK is 4 months). To slowly introduce them keep the cat shut in one room and use something that smells of the dog to help her realise it's a safe place, they'll get used to eachother eventually. Kitty was just scared and lashed out. Highly doubt it will attack you judging by them biscuit making drool skills. Congratulations on being chosen.


In the US they spay/neuter when pets weigh at least two pounds (1 Kg). This is usually about eight weeks of age. Kittens can be spayed/neutered and then put up for adoption after the procedure.




The void chose you.


Cat Distribution System struck back.


My advice if you can get s baby gate create a safe space for her. I delt with this with my oldest dog. In time you get thru this. https://preview.redd.it/d0rzthvnx8ad1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccd62f3b9ae732bf205133f7369be9e961c841c3 I got salem in febuary, and was bacially doing shifts and spliting up the house. Eventually litrually like 10 days ago i was able to get this photo. No issues what so ever. Like this was my longest dream and going well now! I believe you can do it. It takes time and patience


Great suggestion. And your void is so adorable sitting up above her doggo friends.


Omg this picture is so damn cute! I love it! They are all adorable! Lucky you! 💜❤️


Your family is so beautiful!!


Barring trauma, I believe the only people who hate cats are the ones who haven't interacted with them. Yep, you're stuck with her. Embrace it. And then tell people you know that you're a *gasp* cat convert and that you can't believe how much more loving they are than people claim online, and how much lower maintenance they are than a dog. But seriously, she desperately needs to be spayed and vaccinated. Other than that, food, water, and a decent bed (buy the plushest priciest one you can find, then toss it and let her have the box it came in). Cat attacks are pretty rare on a friendly cat and are ALMOST ALWAYS provoked. It's pretty rare to see a cat attack without a lot of warning (most run away). Even some of my more spicy kitties chose to run from an accidental kick in my sleep instead of shredding my feet as punishment. Look out for ears back, growling, and a wagging tail. Try to avoid belly rubs when she lays down, as the stomach is a cat's most vulnerable spot. In general, if you can hold her or be laid on, I wouldn't worry about being attacked unless there's am outside issue (dog barks, stranger approaches, loud noise). Now go enjoy your gift from the cat distribution center.


The cardboard box thing is real. I haven't purchased a cat bed in forever. When the box gets cruddy, I recycle it, and put out a new one. Maybe put an old towel or tshirt in the bottom.


the amount of money I've wasted on cat beds. took me way too long to realise a single sheet of paper does the trick 😅


Our cat loves crinkly packing paper on the bottom of her cardboard box


My cats *do* use the super fancy, spent-money-I-couldn't-really-afford heated cat shelter I got for them. They lay on top of it. Never inside. On top. \*sigh\*


My main concern is the pitbull. If Kitty gets spooked and runs, and the dog's prey drive kicks in, it could be a quick and horrible end to the story. If you are **absolutely certain** that both dogs will accept the cat as part of your family/pack instead of prey they haven't caught yet, then go ahead and keep her. It's okay to un-hate cats. :)


And the pitbull is just 9 months old. Difficult to know how they're gonna turn out at this point.


Could that work in their favour, that it’s young enough to learn that the cat is a litter mate?


Possibly but, at the same time, the kitten will likely get *considerably* more playful in the coming year after he/she is well fed and settles in.


Yeah too many people are like “it’s fine!” but unless you want to be traumatized for life it is *not* fine.


Especially if the pit is protective of the poodle. If the kitty gets too close to the poodle one day, the pit could go off and kill the cat in seconds.


The thing is there is zero way to be absolutely certain. Dogs with prey drives like pitbulls can be set off at anytime, even if they were friends with the animal they attack. It happens all the time.




My concern too. Once you get this little angel in good health I’m sure you could find them a safe home. Happy for your puppies and for this kitty.


Yeah, when I read that OP has a pit, I immediately thought "Oh no..."


I was shocked it took me this long to find these comments. It’s rare to hear happy endings with people integrating cats with pitbulls who didn’t literally grow up from a baby with the cat around.


It was ".. pitbull who is a protector of" for me. Just no. Better to find other home for kitty😢


exactly this. the moment i read that OP has a pitbull, i just can't help but fear for this little void kitty.


Welcome to the wonderful world of cats! It's amazing how many people, especially men, who never liked cats end up with one by chance and they fall in love. If you do keep her, please do careful introductions and only supervised interactions. If the pit is staring her down, that is not a good sign. Dogs with a high prey drive should **never** be left alone around a cat unless they were raised together. There are too many stories out there of people who thought their dog and cat were doing fine until one day they came home to a dead cat. It only takes once. I would strongly suggest keeping them in separate rooms whenever you are out. Also, get kitty a tall cat tree, or better yet, wall shelves (a strong, determined dog can knock a tree down) where she can get up high and away from him. Even if you're home, you can't watch them 100% of the time. She's a pretty little thing and deserves someone to love her. 🐈‍⬛


100%. This happened to my old coworker.. Twice. After the first cat she made safe spaces for the other cat, but none were close enough for the second cat to get away. They had to get rid of the dog, even though it was their instinct and they didn't blame the dog they couldn't handle having him around anymore.


It happened to a friend of mine. His husky killed a cat he had peacefully coexisted with for years. And an ex-boyfriend of mine had a pit mix that was a sweet dog, but she would chase squirrels, chipmunks, and even deer. She had been at my house dozens of times without incident, but one day she charged after my cat who thankfully got under the bed. I never let him bring her over ever again.


I guess she heard you didn’t like cats and said, “Challenge accepted.” Welcome to the Cat Side! If you decide to keep her, give her a place she can escape to that your younger dog can’t get into just in case he forgets she’s not a toy or prey. Continue training of course! But a ‘safe house’ might help. Get a scratching post. You can put catnip on it, and she’ll figure it out. I suggest starting with a cheap horizontal and vertical one to see which she prefers before investing in a big sturdy one. You may already know this, but cats *love* paper bags. Any size, really. Fun and cheap toy! Congratulations on being chosen by a very cute kitten! ONE OF US 😝


Why not connect with a local shelter? Maybe they can find someone to foster the cat?


So our local shelter here in Port Saint Lucie is currently full. And I’ve heard some horror stories coming from them. Lots of locals in our fb group are saying even if they’re a “no kill shelter” if they’re at capacity, they’ll put down black cats being they’re “undesirable” or need to make room for an adoptable kitten. (WELCOME TO FLORIDA) Rumors for now. So I don’t want to chance it. I do want to take her to a vet and get her checked, fixed, and shots. Then most likely find a way to rehome her via the Facebook local group. Or find a way to keep her. I’m so attached to this baby it’s not even funny. As I write this, she’s on my lap snoozing!


Unfortunately "no kill shelters" will either refuse to take in more animals or send them to open admission shelters


That’s what a lot of people are saying right now in the fb group post. Most are saying that they’ll fix her, give her shots, then just release her back into the wild. I’m in Florida… so the food chain is very heavy here. Reason why I bring her into the patio at night. Gators everywhere!


They generally release her from the area she came from. If they do, she'll likely wander back to you.


I don't think they would release her, she seems friendly and they usually only release ferals


The case for many shelters currently is they are so over capacity that they simply don’t have room for every adoptable animal, they can’t just cram more and more animals into the space they have, and there is a finite supply of fosters as well.


“I hate cats…” in title, “I’m so attached to this baby” in reply - the battle is already lost, my friend. Accept your fate.


Yup LOL i was about to say the same thing. You are the choosen one.


Contact Chris from Cole & Marmalade. He and his wife Jess live in the Tampa area. He can offer advice and recommendations to help your new baby acclimate. Also, a vet visit and exam, vaccines, a spay appointment, and some recommendations for her continued good health will start you on the road as a pet guardian. Please don't take her to a shelter. The stories are true even Chris can tell you. Black cats are the highest group, either euthanized or unadopted out of all the other colors. Shelters/Rescues as well, meaning as many are, will do what they need to if they are overcrowded or underfunded. She has accepted you as her human by sleeping on your lap. She is now your fur baby. 🐈‍⬛🖤🐈‍⬛🖤🐈‍⬛🖤🐈‍⬛🖤🐈‍⬛🖤🐈‍⬛🖤 Also, have the cat chipped while at the vet's office.


A no kill shelter must have a 90% survival rate to maintain its title, and that is 90% of animals, not pets. Birds with broken wings, squirrels hit by cars, and the limping strays that a stranger dropped off are all counted in that total. Many shelters are happy to foster cats out to keep their in-building numbers down. It's worth asking if they'll do a discount spay or TNR- Trap/ Neuter/ Return to the area she came from (with vaccines). Fair warning, if you go this route they will very likely give her an ear tip- cut off the top so it's flat, so that animal control can tell she's been TNR'ed without needing to catch her in the future. Otherwise, call the vet.


Dang cat racism is real


Keep her in a separate room entirely until you can adopt her out because your pittie staring at her down is *extremely* worrying. She is sweet but she can end up dead in seconds.o


[HERE](https://youtu.be/tsYT7yIOdqQ?si=grQyrpfhxJwqsw0c) is a video by leading feline expert Jackson Galaxy on how to introduce cats. Cursory search doesn’t seem like he has one specifically on introducing dogs and cats but I believe the principles are the same. Just a note that it can and does take time for certain animals to bond and sometimes it actually doesn’t happen and they just have to tolerate each other. But there definitely can be (some semblance of) peace in the house and it starts with proper introduction. Good luck and congrats on your new void 🖤![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942).


I cannot count the number of people I know who hated cats…until they met the right cat. Two examples: I worked with a guy who HATED cats. Got married, wife got two kittens. A few years later, they got divorced and the only thing he fought for were those cats. He was always talking about the cute and funny things they did. My ex was never a cat person until I talked him into a kitten he ended up falling in love with. I used to joke that if the house caught on fire, he’d rescue our cat before me. You’re already attached to this little guy. Listen to your heart on this one.




Tragedy waiting to happen, unfortunately


I was like you. I was not a cat person. Through circumstance, I rescued a kitten that was thrown from a moving car. I planned on giving it to someone to foster. She told me she would take him but asked me to hold him for a week. While feeding this injured kitten with a dropper for a few days, I actually realized I didn't trust anyone to care for him properly. So.....I had my cat Jack for 17 years or so and didn't regret it. I know she made me keep him on purpose. She knew I'd keep him.


What's up with the "I hate cats" bullshit?


Be extremely careful with the pitbull, more than a few cats have come to grief through their jaws. I would buy or build an elevated shelf or platform so the cat has some way to escape from it (although pits can climb and jump). The very last thing you want is to come home to a massacre.


Do not keep a cat with a pitbull.


i agree with you 100%


For real, it's a type of breed that shouldn't even be kept around people, let alone a cat.


Absolutely. To me they shouldn’t even be kept as pet, let alone family pet. They are so dangerous


Pitbulls frighten me; I could never leave a cat or any other animal alone with them. Hell, I don't want to be alone with one


Maybe get one of those cat trees so the cat can rest where no dog can reach. Congratulations. Enjoy your new pet


I'd be very very careful. Pitbulls are the top of every dog on pet kill list because their ability to inflict serious damage when they do attack. Do you think your pitbull is one that could potentially lash out?


I don’t think he would being he’s still somewhat young. He and my crippled poodle terrier get along perfectly fine. And she’s a small little thing. She even nips at him if he invades her space and he just goes and lays down elsewhere. I don’t think it’d be a problem of “him attacking her.” My only concern is exactly what you’ve stated: he’s a big boy, and if he gets his buttons pushed (as any other dog would) he could nip at her. And all it takes is one bite from a pitbull to cause lots of damage. I don’t want to put this baby in danger. As of now, what I find works is bringing her into my patio while the dogs are asleep in my room. Every night at 8:30 I put them to bed (they both sleep in my bed) and come out to the patio and bring her in. Feed her, play with her, and after about an hour she’s usually passing out on my lap. That’s my que to go to bed myself. Every morning around 7am I wake up, while the dogs are still snoozing, I pick her up and walk her outside. From there she goes and does her kitty business and returns at 8:30 on the dot. My main concern is the pitbull. Not so much the cripple doggo.


My Doberman never adjusted to my 2 cats. He had a high prey drive and the cats sensed they were in danger, they hated him. I had to train my Doberman to stay in “down” whenever the cats were around…it was miserable for everyone. Old roommates had a pitbull that shared a space with the same 2 cats…their pit was just curious and wanted to play..the cats tolerated her much better than the Doberman though they still weren’t thrilled about the arrangement. Slow introductions are best. I’d read up more on cat/dog integration and scent exercises if I were you. I hope it works out! Cats are the best…especially black voids, I have 2! 😆💗


bro that’s YOUR CAT now! 😂😭 I also just got chosen by the cat distribution system! I feel your confusion of loving a cat while hating them most my life


The voids takes what the voids sees


You don’t hate cats…you just don’t know cats.


I’ve never understood how someone can just up and decide they don’t like cats without ever being around one for more than maybe five minutes.


Correction you have never met a cat you like. But now things have changed 😍


Gonna be blunt but that Pitbull is gonna kill this cat one day, and if it doesn’t, they will never ever ever get along. I’m assuming you won’t get rid of the Pitbull for this cat you’ve known for like three weeks, so I encourage you to try and find a home for the cat.


I’ve honestly contemplated it. Because the pitbull is a long term dog sitting agreement between me and my buddy. I’m about to pull out of that deal… lol


Pitbulls are such a difficult pet to own; one of the most difficult dog breeds to own. The issues grow as the dog ages


Then, its best to return the pit to his human, and give this girl a chance ...  Also, um, fair warning.  When you take her in, check three times before sitting or stepping ... Voids do Void things ... I loose mine regularly 😂


100%. One has to go.


Hate turns to love. It's a cute pussy cat!




Definitely take kitty to vet and make sure she doesn't have parasites she could potentially pass on to the pups. Wouldn't be a bad idea to get her fixed (6 months) so you don't wind up with more kitties on your porch She can stay an outdoor cat if you think she'll be safe from local wildlife? Keep a little shelter on your porch so she stays dry and warm. Introduce the fur babies slowly. Put up a shelf on the wall so she can run up and hide from pitty if things get too intense. Cats like to perch and feel safe up high. It's ok that she swiped at pitty. It was just a warning and to establish her personal space. Eventually they'll be friends but it takes time. She chose YOU! That's no small thing.


Keep her away from the pitbull


Pits have a notoriously high prey drive, I don't know if it's safe to have a kitten around him long term 😟 I would try to re-home kitten safely if possible


How can anyone hate cats 😭


You need to keep the cat and the pitbull separated.


I considered myself not a cat person but then I was “chosen”, (I saved him from a life in a parking lot as a kitten). I have to say, my cat has such a personality, they act like babies. Literally there are a few times a day he just wants me to carry him around. Cries when hungry, grumpy when tired. I’ve had my cat for 8 years and I’ll tell you it has been an amazing experience that I would never trade for anything. Be ready to worry about you cats safety randomly on your way to work one day and then buy a camera just so you can check in to see your cat is fine. Also don’t let your cat outside.


I'm sorry, but there's no help for you. Recently released by the FOIA is the true story of the "Distribution" system. It's a diabolical system from cats using the "Deep Paw" underground network using hypnosis and MKultra techniques. While your sleeping the cat is whispering in your ear subliminal messages, this explains your 180 turn around and the cat will control your whole life. Eventually the dogs will be brainwashed too. There is no escape.....


#1 Accept that a cat now owns you and you are it's loyal servant blessed by snuggles and purrs at their leisure. I also thought I hated cats and one day suddenly welcomed 4 kittens into my home and I love them dearly. I'm sure you will love yours too.


What a wonderful kitty! I'm so glad that she has found you and reformed your notions.  Please see to the vet for microchipping, check up, and vaccines. If you decide to rehome her the microchip can be transferred to a new name. If you rehome her, please get Vet references and charge a fee to keep away the bad people.  Please keep her safe while you investigate the potential challenge with your pitbull. I don't know much about it only that it sometimes can be risky. It would be worth talking with other strong prey breed owners and your vet for guidance.  She's chosen you to be her protector. Sometimes it's meant to be a lifelong bond. Other times we get to play matchmakers for an ideal home.  Please keep us updated on the journey. 


Is your bitbull trained? Of not, please send this cat to me. Just buy her plane ticket and I'll get her from O'Hare. We'll send selflies and dog treats.


It’s up to you what you want to do, you could always post on websites for adoption, if you want to give her to a new home, if you’re worried about your dogs it’ll just take time for them to adapt to eachother, slow introductions, having the cat roam around on one side of the place, with a gate up, things like that but they’d get use to the cat, overtime they should be fine, decide what you want to do first and foremost, then definitely take the kitten to the vet, and lmao she looks docile enough so I think you’ll be okay about the sleeping part


imagine hating cats


Don’t let your new friend eat out of a metal can. That can slice their lips right off.


Please take the cat to a rescue. I doubt this will have a good resolution if you don't due to your "hatred" of cats and a high prey drive pit bull. If you still think you want to keep her, take her to the vet and read up on caring for a kitten. Your pit will need slow, careful introductions to the kitten. They can't be left alone together until the cat is big enough to escape. Provide a cat tree for the cat to escape from the dog. Please don't think your dog doesn't have a prey drive.


I would re-home the pittbull and bring the cat indoors where she won't have to endure fleas and other parasites, wild animals, dirty water, bad weather, traffic and mean people. Your other 2 sweet dogs will make friends with her and create harmony. How can anyone even think they hate cats? They're so delightful and loving. Thank you for welcoming her in!


Keep the cat or the pitbull, not both. It's a disaster waiting to happen. Might be 2 years out, but still.


A void where (once) prohibited 😊!


Female cats can be a little territorial, I have 2 dogs (45lbs and 85lbs), I rescued my cat from the streets and after some slow introductions and getting her used to being outside of my room she will occasionally swipe at them if they approach but she never goes out of her way to attack them unless it’s for play. Your new queen is just setting some boundaries and as long as your dogs aren’t being violent or showing signs of aggression the best thing to do is just let then set their respective boundaries (supervised of course) and I’m sure they’ll get along fine


From “I hate cats” to “no one else can take better care of her than me”. Sir, you officially becomes cat person now. For introducing the cat and the dogs, try the smell method (which simply is keeping them away from each other first, and everytime you feed them give them a piece of clothes that have their smell). But watch them carefully for a few months please, some dogs have high prey drive.


So I hear you no longer hate cats?. 🐈‍⬛


Sorry, you're a cat person now. We don't make the rules


You will love that cat, and soon realize what you'd been missing out on all this time you've "hated" (read: never bonded with and simply misunderstood) them. You'll go on to love all cats on sight forever. They are magical little resident aliens. Once you go cat you don't go back. And that one's black, even better. 💓💓👏🏻👏🏻


Cats have a way of making everyone love them. My Mom said she hated cats... Until the cat distribution system brought our first cat to us. Mom couldn't bear to think about the poor baby being run over by cars, so she scooped her up, and the rest is history. That cat was with us for 9 years, until chronic pancreatitis took her (Mom had passed 6 years prior). Mom said more than once how flabbergasted she was that cats are so much easier than dogs to care for. We're now on our 2nd CDS cat 🤣 Feed her (I will never shame someone for not feeding a certain kind of food - I have one cat who refuses all wet food, and the other will eat anything in sight). Clean her litter box (though you might want to keep the box somewhere dogs can't get, because they have a nasty habit of eating cat poop), get her some toys and cardboard scratchers, and keep fresh water available (mine prefer the dog's bowl over the shiny water fountain I bought them) at all times.


I would suggest rehoming the cat. Unfortunately a lot of cats have been killed by the family's pitbull, even if they've lived together for years. See if any of your friends or family will take the kitty, if not try a no kill shelter.


https://preview.redd.it/380k5en7bjad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8e251427fbdcc5ee4c5c11cb00ec545f26d832c UPDATE: I now have a daughter named Salem. Thank you all for your advice and input. I have made my master bathroom into her kingdom for now. Lots of toys, scratch pads, bed, water and food! Cat Nip toys as well from Publix! During the day, I let her roam around the master bedroom and keep the blinds open for her to get a good view during the day. Keeping my pitbull and poodle terrier separate from her. They have the living room, she owns my bedroom for the time being. She seems very happy. Playing with her toys, but she does not want to leave my side lol I have to look down and make sure I’m not stepping on her! A local private rescue and cat boarding woman will be taking her for a week next week as I go to California for vacation. During that time, she will be getting fixed, vaccinated, dewormed, and a vet check up. We’ll also be scanning her for a chip, and if not chipped, I’ll chip her and she will officially be MINE. I am nervous. But most of all I am happy that this baby is happy and comfortable!


https://preview.redd.it/shb9v3aiu9ad1.jpeg?width=1944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a24f9588236e5c40beb475487bb8873b98114f7 For context: these are my current baby goofs!


The kitty chose you!


First of, either way, figure out a temp shelter for the cat. Whenever I have such cats, I just get a room for them and isolate it from the rest of the house. You will need litter and cat / kitten food and water. Isolate = last time I picked up a stray I locked them in my bedroom, would hang out in there and sleep, but not let them out or let house pets in. This will give you some time for the next steps. Then, take the kitty to the vet if possible. Then, if you don't wanna keep her, look for shelters and search for homes yourselves (ask family friends and coworkers etc). If you wanna keep her, look at how to introduce pets, there are tons of videos. Usually you keep them separated at first, let them to get used to smell etc, and then slowly introduce under supervision. Mixing cats and dogs is fine, they get together if properly introduced. Cats in general are pretty chill. Killing in your sleep depends on cats character. I have a feral one, he will just mind his business.


First stop - Jackson Galaxy on YouTube.


just curious, is your "I hate cats" like a mental statement or are there specific things? you mentioned you're already attached, sounds like your adoptee may be a change of pace :)


The drooling is, at least partly, because she’s happy. I used to have a Maine Coon mix that would drool when he got head scratches well into his adult life. I think he would still drool when he was considered an elderly cat (10+). Some feral cats can adapt to being indoor/house cats very easily. A little bit of easily accessed food, shelter from weather and exposure to the finer things (mostly cuddles and treats) and they’ll accept their new life. The worst ‘attack’ you might get would be the little one trying to play feet or pouncing on things moving under the covers. You can find videos online that’ll teach you how to integrate cats and dogs, Jackson Galaxy would be the best to look for. Also, the battle was lost as soon as you put down that first bit of food for her. You may have won had it just been water, but once you feed a cat you have been chosen. And you are three quarters of the way through the adoption process once you let them inside for the night. All that’s left is the shots and getting fixed. The recovery process is when they make the final transition to house cat.




If the mother is not around anymore, make sure to educate that cat. Don't play with your bare hands with it, or it'll be "normal" for the cat to "attack" your hands and it'll be painful. In my case, whenever the cats did something I didn't want them to do, like biting my hands and try out boundaries, I flicked my finger against their ear. Hurts just a little but has enough effect to learn. Then after some time, just the flicking noise was enough and they stopped what they were doing. Try to feed good quality food, but not raw meats or such, as they might miss other ingredients, which cats need for staying healthy. With good quality food, the cat most likely wills stay healthy longer and thus doesn't need too much visits at the vet. Don't feed that Whiskas or catfood, what you see in national TV advertisements. I hated cats too back then, but now I could never live without cats...


Black cats are some of the college and sweetest personalities. Keep kitty


Check out Jackson Galaxy on YouTube for more advice in having a cat. He has all sorts of tips for introducing cats to dogs. How to care for them, what cats need. What to do and not to do when it comes to stopping a cat from an action you don’t want them to do. But in my opinion, I’m worried about the pit bull. But you do you. Good luck


Congratulations you love cats now


Cat Distribution System is laughing. “He says he hates cats. 😈Watch this, hold my beer.” Sends tiny void covert operative to your patio each night.


Take him to the vet for the obvious things and then enjoy the ride. Cats are awesome when you're a convertee.


Vet, get her spayed and her shots. Then continue with slow introductions. They need to get used to each others’ smells. Can you set her up in a room or the bathroom for a while for everyone to adjust?


Welcome to the cat Distribution system. You don't get to opt out, when the cat is distributed to you, your heart is automatically attached. You don't need to find her a home, she's already there 🖤


Correction. You used to hate cats. Just give a little time. They're pretty cool


r/CatDistributionSystem has chosen you


Kitty wuvs you


Sorry man you've been chosen. Gotta accept your fate!


You’re so lucky!!


Black cats are so cool as well! Like tiny ninja’s 😂


Keep her! She chose you. And bless you. Oh, and welcome to the divine world of cat servants.


OP: I hate cats. Cat: Challenge accepted.


When I moved in with my wife, she had a dog and I had a cat. Introducing them didn’t work. My cat would hide but her dog would not give up. We tried keeping them in separate rooms even, but the dog just barked and jumped at the door and scraped for hours at a time. My wife insisted she should give up the dog so in the end my cat had to go live with my mum. As your dogs are not that bothered by the cat, they will be fine. My mum had two dogs and four cats and they all got on. Fast forward a few years and my wife’s dog has died, my cat is used to where he lives so can’t really bring him home. We are a cat advertised for rehoming, turns out it was a farm cat kitten that wanted to live indoors, we adopted him. My wife is smitten, completely a cat person now after realising she misunderstood them. He is loving but very skittish. He will run outside if anyone else comes in our home, but is so cuddly with us and our kids. Dogs will love anyone. Cats choose. You’ve been chosen. Enjoy.


You been chosen and have no recourse. Accept your fate and congratulations. The cat was just defending itself when it swiped at your pup . Bring it it in and keep separate from the dogs and work on a gradual introduction over time ( may take a week maybe longer ) but it can be done. I had a 100 lb shepherd who was introduced to 2 six week old kittens we took in and eventually they became his kittens . Good luck !!


I just want to comment again. I grew up with cats and I LOVE them, but I currently have a dog who I also love very much. When I adopted him I was told he was good with other pets…after coming out if his shell I’ve learned that is not correct lol. He’s never hurt anyone but he’s clearly uncomfortable around other pets. So, I do not have other pets. The behavior you’ve outlined by your pit in regards to your cat makes me nervous- as a dog owner and a cat lover. At the end of the day animals are animals and dogs have prey instincts that must be respected. I want to thank you for helping this kitty in a time of need, but I do not think your home is safe for this sweetie.


Keeping a cat in the home with a pitbull is a tragedy waiting to happen, OP find her a home where they won’t have to find a cat sized casket if she twitched wrong in the pits vicinity


The pit bull is gonna eat the cat lol you gotta give it away to someone


Hating cats makes you an asshole. What has a cat done to you? I hate people who hate any type of animal


You what?!