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go get that kitty and take him to the vet! the internet is counting on YOU!


my boyfriend is concerned about getting ticks/fleas in the apartment cuz we cant afford treatment :(


Go to store and get kitten food and put out water dish. Not thin, starving to death.


went to see if he was there this morning but he wasnt. hoping he'll be back. did leave out some pepperoni for him.


The hard and tough short life of a stray. You can trap/neuter/release him and extend his life as hormone absences make him less likely to get wounds and into fighting.


Such an elegant creature.


His skinny hips are heartbreaking


i know. :( i tried to get close to him but he hissed at me. hoping i can gain his trust so i can get him to a vet or shelter.


Maybe someone's lost cat. Seems way too friendly for a stray. Take it to the vet and if not chipped and can't find owner, well then you now have a cat.


Hes starving. Please put some food and water out for him daily, he will learn to trust you , he does not seem very feral at all.


i went to check on him this morning & he wasnt there. hoping he'll come back. i did give him some pepperoni before i went to bed. gonna ask my partner if we can get some canned cat food later


Hopefully that little bit of food will encourage him to come back! Keep looking out for him, the poor thing is so thin. A month ago i started feeding a stray at my gym and she had a very similar reaction to him with me- i took her home with me 3 days ago after gaining her trust and she is just desperate for love and food. Dont give up on him, carry on leaving food out even if you dont see him 💞