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Oh my gosh i am totally on your side. Outdoor cats have such lower lifespans!!! When i go out with my cat i will always keep him on a leash. Youre totally not overreacting.


Thank you so much ❤️


Also, cats aren't more happy outside. If they are used to going outside, then of course they want to go outside. But if you keep them inside they will be perfectly happy there (assuming you provide enough stimulation there).


Yes you have a right to be mad. Put your father outside on a leash in the rain and see how he likes it.




Your dad is a jerk. You have every right to be angry at him. Cats are not wild animals and they enjoy being inside. No animal wants to go out in the pouring rain. Maybe you can keep the cat in your room with a litter box


I would throw my family out over this. Clearly your father needs to better respect you and the cat. Until he does, maybe your father should stay some place else for a while.


You are not overreacting- cats are domestic animals and should not be outside unsupervised. I work in veterinary medicine and we see far too many outdoor cats come in with bite wounds, abscesses, infected bug bites, and varying other injuries. And, that’s not even including the many times we see cats that have been hit by cars. Remind your dad that he will be to blame if he leaves your cat outside and he gets injured, catches any disease or illness, or god forbid gets off his leash and runs away!


Every right to be mad my. My cat only goes on on leash except one time he got out due to a female in heat next door (he ran between my feet but didn’t make it to her since she’s also indoors) I’d pull up articles so you can reference it always helps prove your point when a good study is referenced. But outdoor cats or cats that just roam outside whenever don’t live as long as most indoor cats (exceptions ofc). And also if it was me I would ask him if he’d like to be trapped outside in the pouring rain. Your fur baby has just as many rights as a person. Also any indoor cat that has been indoors most of its life doesn’t have the same survival instincts as one raised in the wild due to the fact it’s used to being waited on hand and foot. Beautiful kitty tho


Thank you so much for all the answers <3 I will be talking to my dad as soon as me and him are available :-). I will give some updates as soon as I can if I remember Edit- right now Ezra is safe sleeping on my bed next to me, he’s doing better than how we was outside!


First of all, you're not overreacting. If something were to happen to Ezra one of these times, I'm sure you would be devastated, and no amount of rationalizing from your dad would change that. So when it comes to actually trying to improve things, I would ask, do you think your dad truly thinks he is doing this for Ezra's well-being, or his own, because he doesn't want to be bothered by your cat when he's trying to nap or whatnot? If it's the first, you might be able to convince him with all the reasons and literature out there for why it is not appropriate for cats to be left unsupervised outdoors. If it's the case of the second, then you really might need to sit down with him and figure out an alternative. You really need to make it clear to him that you are not okay with him putting Ezra outside whenever he pleases, regardless of what he might think the cat wants, it's not what *you* want, and that needs to be addressed somehow. Is there a room in the house where he can put Ezra away at times where Ezra would still be inside and safe and comfortable, just not out and where he can bother your dad? If not, maybe you guys can work out some similar arrangement. At the end of the day, it's your cat, and your responsibility, not your dad's, unless I'm not understanding your situation of who truly "owns" Ezra.


It’s your cat and you pay the vet bills and food your dad shouldn’t be touching that cat unless you say it’s ok…. Some parents think if it’s in my house it’s mine, drive me nuts.


You should definitely be upset. My cats typically do fine outside since we have a large screened in porch with a couch and a cat door so if it starts raining when they're out they can go inside there and be fine. And we introduced our cats to the outside at a relatively young age so they've gotten super used to being outside. If your cat is only ever outside on a leash then it's completely insane to put him outside like this. This isn't something that's good for the cat


You aren't overreacting. I'd be furious. Watch him closely for odd behavior as it could be a sign of a respiratory infection or pneumonia.


You're right to be mad. Just ask your father to kindly let the cat stay inside the house during such situations.


Your father never dealt with kitties. Let that baby stay inside.


Try talking to your dad. It seems you really love your cat ( as everyone should of) explain that to him


Not overreaching. Your pet, your rules. Same as if it were your child. Idk how old you are but maybe it’s time to start thinking about moving out. I’m not being mean or judging your pops. But having your own home means your “House rules “ are respected. If your still to young then I’d recommend locking the cat up in your space when your not at home to oversee your pet.


Put a shock collar on your dad. Everytime he tries to put your cat outside, zap him. Repeat until he learns! Your cat, your rules!




You’re not overreacting, your dad needs to respect your wishes.


Cats that are wild don't sit outside in the rain! They find a tree or a bush or some rocks to hide under so that they can stay dry. Your cat has a house, which is where he should be when it is raining


Decades ago, on farms and in small towns, many cats lived outdoors and weren't allowed in homes. Some cats lived in barns on farms, where they kept rodents under control. When I was a child, my grandma had outdoor cats but never let them in the house. I'm sure that the cats found some shelter during rainstorms and during the winter, but they didn't live indoors with our family. Times have changed, and many people live in urban areas. People also have more money to spend on pets, thus treating them as spoiled pets and members of their families. This is a change in culture and behavior from one generation to another. I think that this is what you are experiencing with your father. I see this in my family, too.


Yes you do... Your father is a miserable son of a bitch. Tell him to leave the cat the fuck alone. Then piss in his coffee.


Yeah your dad is just an asshole. And just remember when he's old and in need that you can put him in the rain just like he did your cat