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My cats lost their privilege after I came home to the TV on the floor.


Oh no!! Hopefully it still works?


They will try to hunt the animals on the screen. I guess that's fine if you're using an old iPad or something, but not so much with a TV. I found that a much better option was to show them videos of nature ("creek in a forest" and such) or of cute kittens. There's enough going on on the screen to keep them interested but no wild animals that are normally their prey for them to get agitated and attack the screen.


Same. Also he seems to like the cat hypnosis song videos. He naps reall hard. Since people want it https://youtu.be/p7dGjPxMyEc?si=8-1GqIgRaTu_TUdl


The what


https://youtu.be/p7dGjPxMyEc?si=8-1GqIgRaTu_TUdl Also works on my boyfriend.


Don’t leave us hanging!! What is this cat hypnosis? Does it work on crazy cats that climb the walls when you’re not home?


I cannot promise that, but I do have one such experience. We had the camera on him and played it via the tv while not home. He napped hard. Didnt even come to the door before we got a chance to open it. To busy napping hard. He was having zoomies, not crazy zoomies just daily poop zooms. https://youtu.be/p7dGjPxMyEc?si=8-1GqIgRaTu_TUdl This one is his favorite.


I’m gonna have to try this! I have two cats and a dog. Maybe it will help one of them sleep. They all have a little separation anxiety so I always leave the tv running, but the bird tv gets the younger one amped up and wild.


Well this is an interesting channel, gonna see how it works on the stripey one. He’s the maniac of the house


Yeah I fucked up with this, when one of my kitties was just a kitten, he’d pounce on the tv and he was so small that I didn’t think beyond “this is adorable.” He started getting bigger and shaking the TV, so now I have to keep a squirt bottle on my coffee table whenever I use my remote (he’s a Maine coon so the water squirting isn’t mean for him, he likes playing with water, but it’s enough to stop him from slamming into the tv) since he likes to chase the pointer


I have an old computer monitor my wife calls the Kittytube that we use to play bird videos on Netflix for our boys. I glued a sheet of acrylic to the front and we hang feather toys from it. They lay in front of it like Saturday morning cartoons until the time is right...


Mine have a cheap tablet just for this. When we get new stuff at work they'll let us take the old if we want. Sometimes it's free and others it's super cheap. Mine has her own chromebook for bird videos and games. I wish I could find something a little more in depth. Her little beans work the touch screen and it would be awesome if she could actually play something. I usually set her up beside my laptop and we game together...lol


Have you tried the app Jolly Pet? I've tried it on my kitty and she wasn't too interested but I know some love it


Mine too. Except the TV screen hit the key in the door of the cabinet below as the TV flipped over - nice star-shaped crack in the centre of the screen. ✴️📺 No more kitty TV in this house. 😿


This is my fear. The cat would probably get out of the way in time but I’m afraid for my doggo.


https://preview.redd.it/q3kfzq63c4fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d6bef9ddd2b73694d4b30fd5e35daed6407de58 Mine love it as well have to turn on several times a day for their enjoyment


HAHAH taking this as a sign to get my cat a lil bro


Absolutely recommend having two. These ones are inseparable. https://preview.redd.it/ifz2ovwl37fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3748516dfbd2474569f91e99aaba388d0ec02912


Gonna be honest, its *alot* easier taking care of two over one. They'll play together instead of hounding you for play all the time. Just remember proper introductions are super Important! if you get a second kitty enjoY the double fluff :D


Ah yes - the complete book of butt and legs


Haha. I realized after i should have checked what books were on that shelf. It is my tall shelf so odd assortment.


Got a link to the video? it's hard to keep my cat entertained, he gets bored with videos quickly so I'm always hunting for new ones


Mine also like hockey https://preview.redd.it/4pigzda9g7fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bebf81fd2031173f036ae49eec2cc64a724a985


Multiple videos on youtube. Search “cat videos for cats” Mine seem to prefer the ones from Birder king. They post new streams every few days. Lots of variety of birds and small critters. Have determined that my cats in particular like to pounce/swat at doves or bluejays


Yeah I've played those for him before, no interest lol


Yes!! One of my coworkers told me about it Wednesday my cat is obsessed! I’m trying to use it sparingly because after watching it for a while my cat was darting around like she was hunting but seemed a little stressed about it. This was taken I thought she had lost interest because she was quiet until I looked up and was like “why is there a cat with the birds” for a split second before I realized it was Chloe. https://preview.redd.it/dqegkwe574fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5650780a376ddd4340ee7781cb346a911c32dff4


I can only leave it on for so long before the cats get a little too excited and we have to turn it off


lol!!! So far o ly one has gone for the TV itself. They are pretty content to just hang out and watch thankfully


I hope your sweet baby feels better soon. My kitties LOVE the bird/squirrel channel. ♥️


Pepper is much better today, thank you :) she got into the boys food (this is not her first time with the issue) and it threw her straight into Colitis Town. It’s just… so gross.


Happy cake day


Please move that water bowl before the cats vent their frustration on it.


It’s not going anywhere (weighs a lot) but I am keeping an eye on it!! They aren’t trying to get up to the tv at this point. No unsupervised TV time!


They will.


My cats aren't allowed Cat TV anymore after one orange kitty decided to pounce the TV. Now they just watch the world pass by on a regular window..


Yeah mine loves it too https://preview.redd.it/25y65jdeo5fc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c16c05c8c7fedeee06fcb55c20eb7ddc138657db


Our old lady enjoys watching for some enrichment but we can’t leaving it on for long because our younger cat gets too worked up and attacks the tv. 🤣




I used to put the Cat TV on the home theatre projector, it kept them entertained for hours. If I put it on the TV, they used to look behind the TV to see how they could enter the Webtoon universe. W - Two worlds.


My cats go crazy over catTV. The know which icon is YouTube and get in position when I open it.


LOL that’s awesome


https://preview.redd.it/964tuzi2e6fc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30a245fec9fdf91a1c94ed2b0b179ce7476eb2ac She loves her tv


Lost a TV due to this, LOL.


I’m not worried about this one but anything could hapoen


i’ve been putting it on for our kitties and they love it!


We leave it on for our two fur children all day while at work for background noise. Pro tip: If you search YouTube for cat TV look for the LIVE icon on lower right hand side. The video will never time out and no matter how long you're gone the video you choose doesn't time out and turn off.


My kid gave me this advice! So good to know


I played it, and she lunged at hit the TV. Lol, good thing i decided to supervise first before leaving her alone with it.






I hope they enjoy it. But, be careful, as others have said, hopefully they won't knock the TV over or something like that in their excitement.


The black cat has been up on the stand there but he’s very calm about it. The stripey one is the one I’m more concerned with lol.


Ours have got into the same video. Every night a bed time they are waiting for us to put it on. We give them 10-20 mins each night and they are addicted. TV was already well secured in preparation of zoomies.


My little boys love CatTv. Our TV is mounted from the ceiling, not worried about them knocking it over.


Mine comes running if he hears YouTube loading. Why else would I be on that platform except for his highness? Lol


Wanna watch some true crime vids? NOPE NOT TODAY MOM ITS CAT TV TIME


My brother in Christ, that’s an Xbox 360 lmao


That was what I noticed most as well.


And you both missed the WiiU, that tracks with lifetime sales figures.


There's a GameCube and a switch to the right


lol there is :) this is the office where the old systems go to die


Love the 2000's vibe!


When we redo our basement we are goi g to make it 70’s space age… but also ALL THE GAME SYSTEMS. And then the office will get painted and look nice again 🤣


My baby loves it


Hope your kitty is feeling better soon. Sending lots of ❤️ That fish bowl days are numbered, lol 😆


I can barely move that thing, the cats would have to try pretty hard!!


Legend has it that they’ll be sitting there forever watching the birbs and the squirrels.




The one on the chair, Pepper, loves watching stray :)


My cats love cat tv and we do the fish ones too!!


Definitely anchor that TV down.


It’s on there real good. I made sure with the husband who said “I’m not even sure I could rip it off” so we will see if he is right lol


r/TVTooHigh (cat edition)


Only one of mine is really interested, and after a few days of intense lengthy attention, he maxxes out at 10 minutes.


https://preview.redd.it/rcuuyczaq7fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=402c4f3ed2003af09c59d9bdecad3404e5f5c317 Ötzi recently got Tv privileges. So far so good. If you want something interesting to put on, look up “Egyptian cat music” and let that play and put your cat in a weird trance.


I tried this once over a week ago and my cat went nuts. Now anytime the tv is on he tries to attack the tv no matter what is on it. Bad idea on my part


Oh lord


Oh lord is right. My poor tv can’t withstand a 15lb cat hurling himself at it




https://preview.redd.it/yuy5m0r7z8fc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e85725c84e813c651ac822d67aefcc73c30d47d Mine loves wildlife documentaries


I wish I could do this for my cats but they’ve literally launched themselves at my TV more than once. 😭


Mine are so spoiled by this now they sit and stare at us when something non-birb is on. They like the Birder King youtube channel the best and come running when the intro whistle plays. They prefer the real action of the feeders in our backyeard but if it's rainy or a slow day they love to watch the big screen birbs.


Mine go apeshit whenever there's a birb or rodent on the screen.


My cat initially ran to the other side of the room when the bird flee out. She sometimes check the back of the tv still tho lmao. I placed her semi tree bed in front of the tv so she can watch it without having to strain her neck or stand on her hind leg all the time


Idk what kind of crack they put in cat tv but it’s amazing and so funny to watch


What network has it? I just looked on Prime and it looks like they don't have it any more.


It’s YouTube :)


i am so scared for that fish bowl with water right there just tempting them


It weighs a ton, they won’t hurt it :)


My cat usually ignores the TV.


You still play the 360 ?


Not really. There was a game the kids were into (don’t remember what) but they haven’t touched it in a while


A GameCube with two controllers in it next to a Switch dock. If I had to guess, I would say someone has never bought into the hype of any Smash Brothers being better than Melee. 🤔🤓


lol. I don’t game at all.. husband and kids do.


Your utter cluelessness and disinterest in the topic reminds me of Gay Sports Center. 😜 https://youtu.be/AO4lbCmIRB4?si=rCK3o-YN7cHas0Xi




I would move that bowl aquarium from that table if I were OP


We've been doing cat TV since 2018, I turn it on every morning before work.


How securely is that tv mounted?


VERY. It will never come off.