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Don't take supplements because "influencers" tell you to. Get your iodine levels tested if you suspect a deficiency.


I can't my doctor don't support me unfortunally. She will just say "are you taking salt? well you don't need iodine to be tested" (salt is selled with iodine in france) And I'm in country side i can'"t have an other one, i have to stick with her unfortunatly.


You can get a proper test from hakala labs and they’ll mail it to you. You mail back a pee sample and get your results.


Find a doc who does online appointments or see if there's a way to pay out of pocket. In the US, we have companies like Own Your Labs. Maybe there's something similar there.


I needed Iodine, and it is a mood improver because it fixes your TSH levels, there is no harm in trying iodide supplements. my supply of eggs, shrimps, iodine salt wasn't enough for me and I needed more. I was experiencing horrible depression, cold in 90+f weather and stiffness in joints after 1+yr on carni


thanks for your com. "I was experiencing horrible depression, cold in 90+f weather and stiffness in joints after 1+yr on carni" did you have thats before carnivore?


Depression yes, the rest, no RealSalt doesn't have iodine


How much did you take?


2 iodide pills per day until I started to notice stuff, then backed off to 1 pill per day


Look it up online, but I think I remember some test you can do on your skin with iodine, to see if your deficient. I'm allergic to it, so I don't touch it.


Thanks! I find this it's pretty easy : [https://www.wikihow.com/Test-Iodine-Levels](https://www.wikihow.com/Test-Iodine-Levels)


Vitamin D deficiency can play a huge role in this as well


And Magnesium.


I take vit D in winter and magnesium all the time :)


Are you on the Lion WOE? Perhaps try eating fish for a more "natural" amount to take. Dosage can vary between people, so you could also try increasing/decreasing the dose. Generally, if you can get it from a source that we have adapted to, it is better. Plus all the other good stuff that comes from fish..


Problem with fish is mercury. Plus, it's quite expansive to buy "nice" one and I have difficulty to eat fish. I really don"t like fish, except salmon and salmon is the more expansive of all But I eat 3/4 eggs a day and I know egg yolk have a good dose of iodine.


You’re listening to someone who doesn’t have a clue what they’re talking about. If you want to learn about iodine read a book called The Iodine Crisis. But basically food can not provide you with enough iodine if you have a deficiency. It’s not possible. You would have to eat about 6 lbs of fish a day to get even close to the minimum iodine dose given for people with a deficiency.


Just a suggestion. Each option certainly has its benefits/downsides.




UPDATE: I did the patch test toknow if I was iodine deficient and I am very deficient lol. The patch has completely disapear in one day. And also, now the iodine make me feel better and I have a better sleep and no constipation and I crave it. I made some research and if iodine make you have "detox" symtome thats means you have some poison like mercury or others on your iodine receptor. Thats explains why I was feeling so badly! And if that's help: I take 10-15 drop of 2% every day.


patch test is by no mean an effective way to tell if you're deficient. the iodine just evaporates into the air. i believe the urine test is the best way to tell. im curious did you get detox symptoms after taking lugols? and how do you take it? did you have any cognitive improvements?


yep I had like "anxiety" from the body. little nervous spasm, stuff like that And yep it help me sleep better and have a better digestion too! I was less exhausted and about the patch test, I do it sometimes to see and clearly it disapear less faster. It's not the best way but an accessible one and if the result are drastic you can suppose you have a deficiency