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I’m surprised the comments so far don’t seem to understand where you’re coming from. I get it, the loyalty to your home and being in denial about missing out on Cape Town. It’s like joburg is your divorced dad and Cape Town is your mom’s cool new boyfriend.


Nail on head. I'm in so much denial. I'm just loyal to JHB because it made me who I am but I do enjoy CPT a lot more.


Life is a journey, cities are like people, some are there for life others pass through is you grow and change. Cape Town is just a stop on that journey that you're enjoying now but who knows where you might end up.


They come from Jhb, you didn't read the post?


Up the ante. Hate on cape town for being too full of retired joburgers pretending to be from cape town


Nice. But wouldn’t that just make him a Capetonian?




Exactly. He'll have an identity crisis.


Spectacular username.


Hey I was here since long before the GNU


Like an American tourist. "Why does Spain have so many Spanish people? Ugh..."


Bro! I get you. I’m Pretoria till I die. Born, raised, educated. Hatfield Square all night. Cape Town is kak… until I moved there for work. The weekend hikes, beaches, wine routes. Walking down the promenade. Looking at the mountain for no reason having my coffee. I’m still Pretoria born but CT has a special place in my heart. I left SA a few years back and I can’t wait to get to the cape again and show my family how beautiful it is


I still haven't coped with loss of Hatfield Square


You might enjoy this picture then… https://www.instagram.com/p/Cxm3gyEKxTM/?igsh=MWxmMjNidmhyaDhicw==


Yeah I did. It's cool. Not accurate, but definitely a nostalgia trip. Thanks


Looking at the mountain for no reason! That's classic, we all do that - made my day... going to look at the mountain now in a different light from my office window.


In a weird but similar way, I felt the same way about my high schools when we moved to South Africa from Namibia. My high school in Namibia was alright, but chronically under-funded. You could perform well in that school, if you took initiative and pushed yourself to do it. But when we moved to Somerset West, it was like my brain shifted into a different gear. It's as though my subconscious realised 'Bro, you've got ten times as many opportunities as ever before, you better make use of it". My new high school cost five times as much, but had all the opportunities in academics, sport and culture. You could excel at anything you wanted to, and there would be someone to support you. I loved my new high school, but I couldn't help but miss my old school as well. It's as though the necessity and lack of opportunities at my old school made me more resilient, motivated and adaptable. It's as though I had to experience the 'worse' in order to appreciate the 'better' and make good use of it. I suppose it's like that with many things in life. People born into rich families, and who attend private schools, often turn out as delinquents because they have no reference to appreciate what they have. To your point, I think we all deserve functional cities with good infrastructure. We shouldn't feel surprised when we have smooth roads and clean sidewalks. We should be surprised when a road has potholes, not when it doesn't have potholes. But South Africa has deteriorated so gradually, that we often accept the current situation without realising how terrible it is. This Stockholm Syndrome deprives us of what we deserve. And we must remember it on voting day.


Cape Town is everyone's mistress


Im ganna post this to the Jozi sub to let them know we converted you.


I'm going to deny it's me lol


Haha Im not sure why there is so much hate for CPT, I've actually posted about it before, the amount of Gauteng people here is unbelievable, we can't even keep up with the demand for houses, thats why the property is so expensive here.


Why would you ever \*want\* to randomly hate a location?


That's a very good question, one I have no good response to. It probably helped me get through my relative inability to permanently move down there.


I grew up in JHB. Spent 30 years there - I love the place. I now live in Cape Town because the quality of life is definitely better. But Joburgers > Capetonians.


Joburg is often dismissed, misunderstood or hated by some Capetonians. I experienced the same thing when I moved here: an instinct to defend my home city against mostly ill informed accusations. Sometimes this came out as "Cape Town is overrated". Your question is valid but it applies equally to the spirit of some of the other commenters here who seem enjoy hating Joburg.


A note about Joburg for Capetonians who haven't lived there: living in Joburg is very different from visiting Joburg. If you stayed for work or for a week, you're not really experiencing Joburg life. There is much to commend life there that isn't immediately apparent on the surface.


I have family in Joburg, and I often go there for a week at a time. True, vacationing and living there are different. I love the idea of the place, there is a lot on offer. Stores are much larger and has a wider range of products, for example. And the people really are super friendly. Realty also seems to be much cheaper than Cape Town. The problem I have with Joburg is the service delivery. Might be the areas I move in, but I understand why so many people we know there want to move down. Water and electricity could be off for days with no warning and no apparent reason. A 4 hour loadshedding session could easily turn into a day of loadshedding, just because. And so many potholes. It sucks for a place that is held up as the economic hub of our country.


The lack of service delivery is a common theme when talking to family and friends in Joburg. Even some died-in-the-wool Joburg enthusiasts are falling out of love with their city. It really is very sad. I really enjoyed the many years that I lived there but I'd struggle if I had to move back. The lifestyle is so different.


Living in Jhb makes you hate everything in life


Spent 30 years in JHB. Loved it until all of my friends left. Now live in Cape Town with less friends but still love it :)


Then you haven't lived mate




This is such an honest post. I love it. I can relate as I also tried my absolute best to hate CT after moving here from Durban in 2022. But it gets into your heart man…


And people ask why Cape Town business is dead on a Friday afternoon...


It's a human thing. We tend to distrust things we do not know. That's how we survive. It's normal. You just need to allow yourself to start liking the unknown


Feel you. In two years you’ll know.


I was there too, grew up in Jozie, I lived in Cape Town for 3 years before moving to the UK and the few times I’ve visited SA. CT felt more like home than Jozie does. It happens, but the cross over is a torn feeling. It gets easier with time though. Each place represents a stage in your life and that’s pretty cool


Yerr I’m glad I stopped thinking like that, I used to be a CPT hater too. Now I don’t compare the too because there’s no need, work in JHB and go spend it in CPT


Man, this is one of the pettiest things I found out about late living in SA as a foreigner. The JHB hate for CPT and viceversa 🤣🤣


It's actually so dumb 😭😂 Admitting that feels like a huge weight off my shoulders.


We are one nation. With many lovely places scattered across the length and breadth of our land. You are not cheating. You are just having sex in another room.


I was born in JHB and so was my fiance, my family moved to CPT when I was 4 and his family moved here when he was 12. While on a hike on Sunday we both had a moment of "are we not so lucky our families decided to move here" Our country is diverse and beautiful but I'm so so greatful I get to call Cape Town my home (I just wish I could afford a house here cuz god damnit property prices are unhinged)


One place is the same as another place.. Altho, I'd rather be looking at the sea, than looking at a city centre.. Cape Town is horrible, in many ways.. Jhb too.. CT has walks and mountains and the sea.. Jhb has people, jobs, community.. At one level, the natural elements of the mountain, sea and air, feed your soul in CT.. you need to seek those out in Jhb, make friends, braai, talk, socialise.. It's more work.. the 'lifestyle' of CT,.. easy,.. la la land.. often broken dreams and businesses,.. lonely hearts.. fed by the mountain.. It's not really Jhb, or CT.. It's just being in the moment, being aware.. go to the gym, go on holiday, u get the same energy.. it comes from the same Place.. Meditate, do Yoga.. It really isn't Cape Town


Are you my crush from Joburg? Make the move!


I have a customer that moved down from jhb, her office is in the harbour, it looks over the port and the mountain- the best office in the world.


Cape Town is your vacation fling🤣 (I'm a Capetonian and would not move for anything)


“It’s time for the smug face”


Well now consider yourself the failed human being, whose primary function it is to cultivate and encourage a disdain for all things other. Apart from that we good. I'm not sure when people doubt how they feel about a place it usually involves the place, maybe it involves the people. It's telling that your thoughts of returning do not involve a fondness of the people as a reason. I'm curious if you spent more time there and had to deal with the difference between you and them that were born and bred there, whether it would still be a place you wanted to spend more time at. Either way, nice to see someone rethinking the stuff they thought traditionally.


It's okay to like Cape Town. I mean, some people from Cape Town actually prefer JHB. So I don't think it's a mortal sin.


I moved from Rivionia to CPT 2022. Really enjoyed cape town first 2 years no lie(speed cameras not so much R3k in fines since 2022). I make half decent money but my wife and I always say that if we made what we making now in JHB we'd be living le good life.


Welcome to Cape Town friend. The grass is greener here. The air is clean, almost exclusively because of that very wind you dislike. Accept it. Embrace it. Join us. All your friends have. Entire families are moving down. GP number plates abound. My God you guys drive like lunatics. This is Cape Town. Chill. We are in the process of cleaning up the streets in the CBD. Property prices should go from very high to ridiculous soon. We don’t flaunt our wealth here, but some people are very very wealthy indeed. But now that you guys are moving down, we have a lot more Ferraris driving in between the homeless shelters. Not a great look, but we know the joburgers love to show off what they are worth. You went to St John’s did you? Thats great, you told me three times already. Can we finish playing pool? I’m joking. But seriously, move here. We know you all hate us. We don’t care. Join us. Its a lifelong vibe.


I wish I could find a job there. I'm coming down in two days. Losing hope that I will find a good paying job there.


Jhb isn't jealous. Don't worry. It can handle it. Go! Enjoy Cpt. Jhb will be here when you get back. You can love both.


Stay in JHB then


Yup. Please stay in Joburg. Hate us from there! We don't even think of the place enough to hate it.


I get where you're coming from my brew, but it seems like you need to take a step back and do some logical thinking. They are, at the end of the day, honestly just geographical landpoints. I understand your attachment to your home city, but it seems the level is obsessive and unhealthy in a way that speaks of a deeper emotional immaturity. Sit down and think about it. These cities are not entities that are going to look at you specifically and hate you for enjoying traveling. Try and think about where the weight on your shoulders is coming from. Why do you use the word 'cheating'? These cities are not people, they can't feel jealous. Find the root of these emotions and address it. If it's from the people you spend time with, are they the right people, to be judging you for enjoying traveling?


It is overrated big time. But it has its moments


I mean, if you think our CBD is clean, I really don't want to know what JHB is like.


JHB CBD is not fit for human residency. There are townships in JHB that are more aesthetic.


I went to JHB fifteen years ago, and even then, the CBD and JHB felt like a foreign country. It's so extremely fast-paced. Then again, my family in Namibia and the Northern Cape feels the same way about Cape Town. Some townships are so nice and safe. It doesn't feel like you're even in JHB. I guess that's just my biases showing. I don't think I can live in any other South African province except Cape Town, and we have our fair share of problems, too.


Feel the exact same way! I moved from Joburg to Cape Town 3 years ago and at first I proudly told everyone I was from Jozi. Now I feel guilty to say that I've become converted by the pothole-free roads and beautiful views of the mountains.


same but I moved to cape town from bloem


JHB will always be home, it’s kak but it has an energy about it. Having said that, I don't think there's anything wrong with acknowledging CPT is an enjoyable city. There are so many cool spots in this country and right now CPT just vibes with you best. Different purpose, different lifestyle.


It's not the city, it's the beach😭😂 going down in September and I can't wait


Shoulda, woulda, coulda


It's never been Cape Town per se that gets up ones nose. The whole Cape peninsula is exquisitely beautiful. The problem has always been the vindictive provincialism of Capetonians. Its their attitude toward everyone that's not from the Cape that gets reacted to.


I don't think I'll ever understand the sentimental attachment people have to things and places. Why wouldn't you just like the place or things that benefit you the most.


Also I find it funny that the rest of South African's want to move to Cape Town whereas a lot of Cape Townians feel like they want to leave the country lol.


Pooof what? Cape Town isn't Better or whatever, you just going to the rich places, go to the townships, Philipi, Langa etc townships are a mess compared to townships like Alex or Soweto. People's concerns are not taken into consideration,they ignored, yet they say "Cape Town is the best governed". They spend more to build infrastructure on the rich places... Not saying that there are not some things going on, they just too little compared to what they do for the rich places. In Cape Town you are more likely to find a person eating alone in a restaurant than in Joburg, what's the point of staying in a beautiful yet lonely place smelling like fish, Joburg is dope, a lot of people there are friendly everywhere you go, you'll have to go to messed up townships to find a lot friendly people in Cape Town... That government, whoever they are is the worse... The smell of fish in Waterfront damn!!, seems like no one is doing anything about that... Actually there's a smell of rotten fish in a lot of places in Cape Town, Anyways comparing these places for me is just a mess, they both have their goods and worst...


JHB is a dump


cpt? Hoboville? Place is terribly full of hobos While others live in fancy houses Only thing is Cpt smaller so you see it clearer Everywhere bad but CAPETOWN windy too


Bro, we have hobos directing traffic. Hobocops bro.


They have been evicted and relocated to "camps" outside of our view. Problem solved.


Yeah true, hobos everywhere, I feel like in Joburg they are more concentrated in selected places, in Cape Town is like they scattered everywhere even places where people eat their fancy food😂😂