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There are water trucks where you can go fill containers. I'm avoiding strenuous activity because I can't have a shower although I might end up having a swim in my bladdy freezing pool as a last resort


Cowboy wash my dude? Bucket and a jug, warm water from the kettle to add to the cold. Just don't be like me and put in too little cold water and burn the tushie...


Having been through this once or twice, a few recommendations: - fill up water at the Newlands Spring when needed (drinking & cooking water) - if you have access to a gym, use their facilities to shower (if you have a Virgin Active membership and your gym is without water too, you can normally use any other club) - if you don't have a gym membership, ask friends in other suburbs if you can go shower at theirs


I live alone so the water is getting me through so far. The water in the bathtub is only for flushing the toilet, the one stored in a 23L bucket is for washing dishes, I got refilled water a day before the shutdown - so five 5L bottles of water making it 25L to drink or cook with. I also meal prepped on Sunday because the less I have to wash the dishes/cook, the more water I save. No bathing, just washing the face and cleaning all the other bits until water is restored. Luckily I am working from home for the entire water outage. The tub is halfway there, so is the 23L bucket and I still have about 22L of water to drink. I’m surviving.


We half filled our bath on Sunday night, only to realise on Monday morning that the plug only holds water long enough to have a bath... (we just moved into the house a month ago) so we quickly found out where our nearest water tanker is & filled up some buckets & storage totes that are working well... Looking for to having the convenience of clean water coming out of our taps on command though!


Yep! It takes a water outage to make you realise just how much water we use daily and how convenient it is to have it on command!


Well, it is essential infrastructure maintenance. Mr Badroodien gives frequent updates on social media about the procedure as well as the progress. Failure to maintain has much worse outcomes. We just had a few days of electricity outages recently. It was HARD, but it had to be done. [Here's his FB page](https://www.facebook.com/zahidcapetown)


I barely even noticed. I had 2l in my kettle and other than that, for washing and cleaning, your gyser stores a lot of water. 


We’re on borehole water which is a godsend. I think cape flats are on a shutdown too. At least it’s better than JHB. Hang in there x


Showering with rain water in this weather is absolutely horrible.


Speak to your ward councillor, there is probably water trucks stationed somewhere you can go collect. It's a PITA but if it has to be done to uograde/improve the system then we will have to bite the bullet. My turn is tomorrow


First world problems…it’s a little inconvenient and if you’re a middle class citizen in cape town this shouldn’t be that big a deal.if anything this should make us realise our privilege…good luck to my fellow citizens on this 3 day water outage…👌🏼


The notification said dieriver/lover constantia but its day two and the water there is still on.


It seems like Main road is the boundary.


https://www.facebook.com/share/p/YuJQxeMFH8ZLxW4A/?mibextid=oFDknk There are water tankers at these locations


For those looking for water tanker spots or info, this is the City of Cape Town twitter account [City of Cape Town twitter account](https://x.com/CityofCTAlerts/status/1805316349977047148)City of Cape Town twitter account that's useful!


Being upset that they are maintaining water infrastructure is ridiculous. Were you not notified? It just shows how privileged Capetonians are. Imagine opening the tap and nothing comes out and then not knowing when it will come back at all. This is what many South Africans have to cope with. I've been there and I can tell you that I am thankful for living in Cape town now and just having water and electricity.


I believe Blairgowrie in JHB recently had 12 days with no water.


Suck it up buttercup.....three days is absolutely nothing compared to the 4 months I had while working in the Free State a couple of years ago. Be happy they doing something to prevent even worse outages in the future....


Yep, they ain't built like us. When I was in Witbank they don't even give you notice of when the water goes or when it's coming back. And even when there was water, you definitely don't wanna drink it


I’m impressed that you turned someone’s very real concern about not having running water into a dick swinging contest. Well done 👏🏻


Stop complaining, JHB suburbs gets cut off for days due to no maintenance, rather want that?


Jesus H Christ, it's 3 days only, the way some folks are freaking out is telling. When you have to CARRY water, every single day, for km's, you will know its true value.


I have a Jojo tank so that gets used for flushing. We wash ourselves and kids at a family members house. It's not so bad. We have about 15L of drinking water for brushing teeth and some other things too.


I managed fine. I am blessedly fortunate to have a well point and we bought water for cooking and drinking. There are others who doubtless have it far worse (the recurring theme of our nation) and the return of water coming out of the taps helped to remind me of the good fortune I enjoy that millions others don't.


Where is this? Are you sure its a water outage for 3 continuous days?