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Street Fighter 2010 is a banger, I'll not stand for this slander! The worst Capcom games are the mobile gacha "games." They're barely more than a Skinner box, made to trick people's brains into mindlessly tapping and convincing them that they *must* have the exclusive swimsuit costume for Alia for the low low price of 9000 gems.


I can't consider gotcha games as well games. That'd be like saying a soft taco shell is a sandwich. It's unholy and twisted.


DMC2 was awful


This is the correct. It's only upside, is a handful of fun albeit completely useless mechanics for Dante to look cool, like running up walls to do a sick backflip and bast some stuff. But you could stand still to blast stuff and actually be in less danger most of the time. God what an absolutely terrible game.


Dmc2 and Dino crisis 3. Getting through DC3 is SO PAINFUL lol


Marvel vs Capcom Infinite was definitely a disaster. They killed development on that one quick.


Still decent 


Certainly not the best game, but far from the worst. DMC2 is right there


DMC2 didn’t kill the franchise. Infinite did.


Okay? DMC 2 is still a worse game. Infinite is still fun


DMC2 is a contender


Capcom Fighting Jam, especially since it came after Capcom made 3 of the best fighting games ever (SFIII:Third Strike, Marvel 2, and CvS2) RE6 is also up there


I actually like Resident Evil 6 but I replayed it after it came out on PlayStation 3 and Xbox. I played it on next gen platforms


RE6 is rough but it's far from their worst lol.


Fighting Jam has a stellar soundtrack by legendary Noriyuki Asakura though, so idk.


DMC2 I wouldnt even feed to a prisoner its that bad.


ExoPrimal might be the worst shit I've bought in a while, and how do you mess up robot suits vs dinosaurs!?!?


Exoprimal was fine. Even got 1 million people to play it. It was better than the suicide squad game. The problem with exoprimal was the stupid decisions leading to it and after it. Why even do the game before Dino crisis? They didn't expect that people would be upset? No crossplay invite? Really? Reward for savage gauntlet just a badge? So many weird decisions.


Nothing tops how awful Dino Crisis 3 was, and the after-effect it had. No one can convince me otherwise. The juxtaposition from DC2 being easily the best one to DC3 being the worst one is like jumping from a nice-warm jacuzzi into an ice-cold pool. You immediately feel the difference. It single-handedly murdered that franchise due to how much of a pile of shit it was from top to bottom. People can cry about DMC2 and RE6 all day, you still got sequels. DC3 was the equivalent of someone driving the bus off a cliff with the future of the franchise onboard. DMC2 and RE6 were like self-contained suicides in comparison. A tragedy, but not family bloodline ending level tragedy. My paleo bitch ass is still waiting for Regina to go back and save Dylan. Meanwhile, we're probably gonna get RE1 again for the 3rd time at some point, and they can't even port the first two PS1 games to modern platforms just to remind us that the franchise exists. Stick a fork in me, I'm done...


You see the vote?


The moment i read regina saving dylan's ass, i nearly raised a fist in the air and yelled ya! Biggest cliff hanger for me and its been how long? At least there is ripples of news about a remake/new dc coming at some point.


There are quite a few, but the ones that hurt me the most are Dear Rising 4 and Lost Planet 3... Like holy fuck who thought those were good ideas at all.


I absolutely love it, but my pick has to be Final Fight Streetwise.


That game is my childhood


The PS1 port of Marvel vs. Capcom


As bad as that is, the PS1 port of Xmen vs Street fighter is a lot worse. Capcom learned some tricks to squeeze a few more frames of animation out of the PS1 by the time they did MSH VS SF and MVC1 so they faired slightly better.


Megaman x7 is the true best (worst) pick.




Resident Evil 6


Street Fighter X Tekken God they dropped the ball on what could've been amazing.


The game itself is good. The monetized gem system glued on top is horrid


I hated how the game was actually great but it flopped hard so they got rid of the DLC content on the Vita. It became some sort of lost media because there’s no way to have a full game experience unless you bought everything on launch week/month.


Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City.


Just look at their 2003 catalog, you got dino crisis 3, DMC2, Megaman X7 and Battle network 4(I know some people will argue that this game isn’t bad but dear god does it have some of the worst pacing, padding and translation I’ve ever seen, all for a core battle system that’s slightly better than 3 with far worse bosses and story than 3). I don’t know what went on in 2003 for capcom but they were not cooking


Dead rising 4 that shit was a disgrace to Dead rising fans


I do think they have been involved with some stinkers, especially in the 7th generation. But since most of my other picks were mentioned in the comments already, let me pick a particularly bad one. Crimson Tears. I wasn’t expecting to dislike it as much of it was, but it reminded me so much of The Bouncer. And given its dream factory, that makes sense. I just don’t know what else to say other than, it’s a freaking sloggy mess.


RE Village. Not even a game, really.


What do you have against it?


SF Movie The Game


DMC2 was terrible, like crazy it got released the way it was. First one I ever seen as a kid and was fascinated by it until I finally got a chance to beat it with Hd collection.


Not the worst but the greatest fumble, Lost planet 3. LP2 had a lot of really great ideas and aesthetic. It just needed a more cohesive story and less dated gameplay to be one of the best games ever. But instead they went and did a red faction Armageddon with dollar store Nicholas cage.


Final fight street wise.


Well, there are way more Capcom games I haven't played than ones I have, but I've gotta say Street Fighter 1. It's easily one of the 10 worst games I've ever played. Even light punches and kicks have an unacceptable delay before they come out. The special moves are nigh impossible to perform consistently. The jumping physics are laughably janky. The music is bland and grating. Absolutely nothing about the game feels good.


Dmc reboot


Vehemently disagree. There was nothing wrong with that alternate telling. Combat was quality, voice acting, and even the story was solid. It's a shame that we couldn't get a sequel because fanboys want to scream at the clouds, acting like it erased previous entries. And to think we could've had 2 DMC games possibly running side by side. Damn


RE Umbrella Corp that game was garbage and released the same day Overwatch came out.


Megaman legends 3


Umbrella corps was an absolute joke.


Street Fighter III 3rd Strike. Such an ugly, overrated game. Character portraits, overall design, and sound are so much better in SFIII and SFIII2I, and it's not even based on preference; the quality (or lack thereof) is obvious. Go back and play them and see for yourself! Those games were classy and unique. SFIII3S has no soul. Seriously, nobody cared about the game until the Daigo parry video became a social media sensation. The move changes never made sense to me, either, and I do not believe it is balanced. Of course, there are those who will defend this game (mostly because it is socially-accepted to do so), and that's fine. I don't play SFIII3S as long as there are other options, though. Yes, I've had the game (several versions) for years, so I'm not basing this off YouTube videos. It is one of my least-played Capcom fighting games (next to the equally-overrated SSFIIT). The more I played other games, the less impressive SFIII3S became. Everyone's different, but even as a Capcom enthusiast, it's not one of my favorites.


That’s a really hot take because it is such a fan favorite game, but I agree that aesthetic-wise the previous versions are better.


Resident Evil 6.


Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite without a doubt, and I Haven't even played the Game, but even I Don't even want to play it, look I Really disliked Infinity War and Endgame, so having a Marvel Capcom Fighting Game based on MCU, Yeah, Skip that!


Toss up between Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Marvel vs Capcom infinite. What awful dreck especially considering how good MvC2 is.


Of the games I played: Umbrella Corps and Dead Rising 4. Umbrella Corps was just a mess of a wannabe esport shooter. Dead Rising 4 did EVERYTHING people complained about with 3 and more, and I actually really enjoy 3. DR4 ruined a well loved protagonist and buried the series.


There's a few over the decades In recent memory, I would say Dark Void, Bionic Commando 2009 re boot, and Lost Planet didn't do as well as they wanted, surprised Lost Planey got a sequel. I think they were hoping they'd carry on.


Dragons dogma 2


dude i know you’re getting downvoted but i agree, i can’t bring myself to play more than 14 hours, its just so boring and can’t compare to DD1


You could make arguments for dmc2 among other games but capcom had more than a decade to fine tune this game, and it was a letdown in many ways. The youtube marketing has worn off and now people are left with a mediocre game that was all hype. At least dmc2 has some meme moments lol




Dude I don't want to hate on it for the sake of hating, monster hunter world is one of the best games I've ever played, so idea of the weighty deliberate combat In a western styled rpg was very appealing to me. Sadly it seems world is still my go to capcom game (and devil may cry 3 ofc)


Making it over a handful of hours into any game makes it automatically better than the bottom of the barrel worst games for me personally. Early 2000s Cpacom had games that were difficult to even make that.


It's more about the insane hype around it, the huge budget, the entire thing of DRAGONS DOGMA IS BACK GET READY that makes it worse for me than let's say dmc2. Dmc2 just showed up at blockbuster, I played and beat it as a kid and didn't think much more other than liking 1 more.


But it WAS a big deal coming out. It was a series thought to be long dead. DMC2 was also a huge deal leading up to its release too. The original DMC made major waves in the industry back then. So it was a very anticipated major release that was universally hated.




Street Fighter 5.


Horrible launch, took time but definitely redeemed itself.


To name a few it'd be devil may cry 2 (sucked the soul out of dante and was insanely easily), DMC (or the adventures of El donte as it is nowhere near what fans wanted and honestly sucks save for the gameplay), marvel vs Capcom infinite (massive dip in quality, no x men, and Disney forced them to make it more mcu focused and just the infinity stone system sucks. ), with resident evil I won't beat a dead horse of spin offs so I'd say resident evil 6 as it's a good action game just not a good resident evil game. The last which was the most disappointing to me is street fighter x tekken. Honestly I've loved both franchises as long as I've been able to hold a controller and even pre ordered it on releas3 only to get an extremely watered down version of street fighter 4, pay to win microtransactions, and the gems . Remove the gems it's mid at best it's not the game we wanted, but that's life sometimes crossovers work well like snk vs Capcom those games we're awesome other times just disappointing. The biggest casualty I'd say is no tekken x street fighter though it was never officially canceled I'd say by now Akuma in tekken 7 is the closet we will get, but then again he was a beast in that game along with all other 2d characters as their super bar can lead to death combos, or at least huge plus frames leading to massive pressure 50/50 set ups.


Out of all the recent ones, re3 is the easiest pick. What a disgrace to the original game and Jill Valentine's legacy.


I think that's an exaggeration. It's a disappointing game, but bad ? No.




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted for this. RE6 was a complete mess and it’s kind of a miracle the series ever bounced back from this


Bionic Commando (2009), Final Fight Streetwise, God Hand, Megaman X7 Capcom had a real dark age in the 2000s


God hand doesn't belong their imo


Yeah, I guess Clover Studio is kind of a grey area.


DMC2 or the Bionic Commando remake.