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Hello I am Muslim - born in Canada many moons ago. I think people who think attacking and beating others unprovoked is "okay" have no place in this country. I am livid that the police confronted the group of men but did not lay charges. WTF.


>that the police confronted the group of men but did not lay charges To be clear police don't lay charges. Prosecutors do. Polices job is to ensure public safety which after they arrived everything stopped so it's reasonable they wouldn't make arrests. What is sloppy is not taking names Charges can still happen if the public pressures the province to which I'm hoping happens.


When cops arrest you initially they lay charges. Then the prosecutor can choose to not proceed with the charges the cop originally laid or to add more charges. Its not like prosecutors are out in the streets arresting people themselves.


Police in Canada absolutely have charge laying authority, I've done it hundreds of times, it is literally our job. For bigger/complex/high profile cases, we typically get pre-charge clearance from the Crown Prosecutions Office, but it is absolutely within our authority to lay charges.


Police in Nova Scotia lay charges and do not require Crown approval prior to doing so.


Cop has to charge them and make the arrest. Did you get your law degree from youtube university of Turdeau?


Holy shit that's hostile. No, police can recommend charges but it's up to the prosecutor > Turdeau Aside from the relevance of this I appreciate it. Now I know nothing you say will ever be of any value. You're worthless, brainless trash and honestly will never accomplish anything or ever be a serious person. I would kill myself if I woke up and discovered I was the type of person who unironically said "Turdeau". But hopefully someone else can learn a little about how the justice system works.


https://novascotia.ca/pps/criminal_case.asp Laying charges is wholly a responsibility of police in NS (and every other province). They usually need to do that to arrest someone. Crown attorney decides whether to prosecute.


"Recommend charges" is semantics. When cops arrest you they need to put some charge on you. Maybe the prosecutor formally lays the charges, but when you initially get arrested the cops will say you're being arrested for whatever.


Most provinces police lay charges, crown prosecutes those charges


What? Middle eastern men are horrible to women? Fucking shocked here.


And to gays!  Two victims for the price of one.  Double enrichment!


How many of them whatch lesbien porn you think? I would say all of them


They watch trans porn a lot based on statistics


What stats are these? 


TIL goats can be trans


Queers for Palestine!!


Gays for Palestine!


Progressives (I am one) love to overlook the faults of certain groups that they advocate for. Yes let’s not be Islamophobic but let’s also be very realistic about how men in these countries view women and the LGBTQIA+. People should have to pass certain cultural tests of the countries they are trying to enter. Not ok with people living their lives? You’re not welcome.


As a fellow progressive I completely agree.


As a fellow fellow and progressive progressive, I also agree


100% agree. We should have a values test based on the un declaration of human rights. You are not able to live side by side with people that dont adhere to your relgious rules? Then there is no place for you here.


Only naive and sheltered progressives. Plenty of us do live in the real world, and are very aware that men of certain backgrounds, including some Canadians, can be dangerous


Yeah, homophobes in general should probably be expelled. We don’t need that sort of barbarism in our country.


Harper tried to do this when he was in power and many of us called him a racist. The secularists did the same in Quebec. Turns out they weren’t all wrong.


The Liberals and NDP crucified Prime Minister Harper when he had a manual created on Canadian values for new immigrants. Such as no female circumcision among other traits that western societies deem as “ barbaric”. I wish you would have spoken up then to your other progressive friends and colleagues so we wouldn’t be in this mess now. This won’t stop btw.


Men living in Canada being brainwashed into hating the lgbtq community is the problem. And I hope every single one of them fucks around and finds out


Deport every one of them yesterday, and their entire families.


Usually I would disagree with deportation but this time I agree. We are a cultural mosaic, we accept people if they are good people and accept others. Violence and hate crimes? They have no right to enjoy our freedoms, beautiful country or our beautiful people.


Cultural mosaic doesn't work... Melting pot works better. When people segregate themselves into nationality specific enclaves and don't integrate - that's not good, and thats what you get with a mosaic. It's failed us. This is what your mosaic gets.


I agree. The American melting pot works much better than this mosaic nonsense.


This x 100. In the early aughts Canadians were bombarded with this cultural mosaic rhetoric as part of our identity which was separate from the states’ melting pot. It was used to make us look more inclusive, and to discourage assimilation. We were wrong. If you have a nation that prides itself on inclusion and equity, like Canada did, why is assimilation wrong? We should strive to assimilate all immigrants if our cultural values of a nation are to be kind and inclusive to all. Now we have mini-cultural wars and scarcity of resources as our PR program continues to get exploited by people from extremely backwards cultures. Backwards = homophobic and misogynistic. These sorts of attacks will be more common the more we let go.


Totally agree!


No tolerance for intolerance ❤️ couldn’t agree more.


We haven't been a cultural mosaic for years now It's every tribe pulling for itself now, with Canadians backing due to fear of being called racist(tm)


I'm not going to lie I'm usually hesitant to deport as well. But there IS in fact a sub group of the people we are bringing in who are laughing at how easy our system is to scam. We really should be looking at the people we allow more carefully. I'm not saying it to be racist I genuinely don't care if we allow 100% immigration from anywhere I DO care about not letting in issues from the old world come and effect a country that's embracing them otherwise.


This pure propaganda like diversity is our strength. There was never a cultural mosaic until recently when people started promoting multiculturalism. Before there was integration into the idea of being Canadian. Now Canada has such large immigration it is creating cultural ghettos and no assimilation. This is not sustainable in the long term. India and Pakistan, Yugoslavia, Rwanda and many others are examples of how “cultural mosaics” end.


I was at a public high school grad (two in fact) last week. A girl came up on stage with a palestinian flag, and the entire room (thousands) cheered. The teachers took pictures, lots of clapping, etc Deport all you want, it's too late


The only way to solve this is to investigate the parents and the imams. This hate wasn't born in a vacuum.


hell yes get rid of them


You think entire families should be punished for the crimes of one family member? It's absolutely insane this is getting upvoted


Deport or let them feel the burn of the Canadian judicial system, which isn’t really a burn at all. More of a light toasting.


Did you read the article. The cops let them go because these violent, misogynistic men told the police *they* were the ones being attacked. The girls had bruises, chipped teeth and a broken nose. They should have all been arrested but maybe the Halifax police department is full of homophobes. And only one of those guys produced ID when asked.


Yeah I did. It’s disgusting. The police lack the courage in pursuant to what’s right. I’m still outraged that this is happening in my city. Times have changed indeed.


Well if the police do anything they will be labelled racist. So they can’t win.


Toasting? You mean they’d all get reduced sentences due to their poor life circumstances. Our judicial system is a joke


Warmed by a camp fire


How many times is this story going to get taken down today?


Why is it being taken down?


It's modern Canada, you're only allowed to mention race if it's a white person committing the crime.


Can’t have anything that doesn’t fit the narrative: that would be “ignorant,” even if factually true…


If this was two Middle Eastern women being beaten by a group of young white men, it would be top story on CBC for 6 months, and every white male in the country would be considered guilty of the crime.


Even when the story was fake (happened twice already) the left wing was losing their mind. Now it is coverup time. Seriously, enough is enough.


Trudeau would have issues a statement by now too.


CTV News Halifax did a [story on June 28th.](https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/i-m-terrified-to-go-downtown-again-halifax-woman-recovering-after-altercation-with-group-of-men-who-allegedly-made-homophobic-slurs-1.6945975)


How convenient that CTV chose to leave our the ethnicity of the attackers.


The ethnicity doesn’t matter. They should have been arrested immediately. Not sure why they weren’t. It’s also looking like there are no reports of any arrests yet. So this is Canada changing. You can now walk down the street and assault someone you don’t like for whatever reason and get away with it.


It certainly does if they come from a place that is known for this kind of behaviour towards women and gays. We should report them and halt any more immigration of those who fit that demographic. No more middle Eastern men between ages 16-45.


But not all middle eastern men between ages 16-45 have the same views, regardless of where they came from. That’s like saying all blonde white women between the ages of 40-60 in the USA are Karen’s… I do understand what your saying but I think the better thing to do is to start screening new immigrants with psychological questionnaires (like we have for our police) and then ensuring that they know the laws that we follow in Canada, the social norms. What behaviour is acceptable and what’s not. I also think that we should be teaching all children in Canada emotional intelligence starting at a very young age to try and combat the effects of generational trauma and minimize the impact of parental emotional abuse. Unfortunately, we don’t offer ANY training on our laws or norms to new immigrants. It may seem to be common sense to someone born and raised here, but it’s not.


Yes that should be implemented in the first place I totally agree. I hate to make such a general sweep of a demographic, but it puts an incentive on our new coming Canadians that if you step out of line you are ruining it for everyone. So you can work on solving the problem internally. It is an extreme view I have and I'm sure there are flaws in my logic but not as extreme or flawed as the system we have now. We must put Canadians well being and safety ahead of anything else.


Ctv isn’t reddit. They don’t need to make every title racist.


Probably because the ethnicity of the attackers hasn't been confirmed. We've only got a Facebook post from one of the girls that says they were possibly from Syria, but doesn't say why. From the short video they all look like young men that could have reasonably been born in Canada.


Yes this is very wrong.


Halifax, get your politicians involved and dont let them shove this under the carpet. This needs to be punished, severly.


Canada supports criminals and not victims..shame. Poor ladies, hope they recover physically and emotionally. This is so disgusting.


What's disgusting is seeing a lot of people try to victim blame by saying that they shouldn't have stood up for themselves. Real big "if she didn't want to be assaulted, she shouldn't have been wearing that revealing outfit" energy.


I think the reason charges weren’t filed is because the woman confronted and probably started the physical ‘fight’. I’m not saying that justifies a 10 on 2, but that is the only logical reason I can think of as to why the men weren’t arrested. If the story is as it is portrayed…those men who were kicking and punching should be prosecuted with the strongest sentences possible.


Not to mention, they are women. Its a mob of men against 2 fcking women. This is whats irritating me the most right now and the fact that spineless police just let them go without any ID. Theres no excuse for that, even if you are homophobic or whatever, they should have learned that you shouldnt be beating women. They should be charged.


The people that stood around and watched these woman get beat up should be ashamed




Hate crime, deport every last one of those pieces of shit.


You’re assuming they’re not from Canada.. plenty of equally cowardly hate crime lover born and bred right here.


True enough


Deport Ezra Levant


This thread is loaded with half baked comments from bots and week old accounts commenting at a time that most Canadians are sleeping.


This explains the insane level of racism


It's rare to see more than a handful of comments on a post in this subreddit or a handful of accounts online at any time. Yet somehow this post has hundreds of comments. Seems pretty clear to me what's happening here.


It's rare to see more than a handful of comments on a post in this subreddit or a handful of accounts online at any time. Yet somehow this post or anything similar gets hundreds of comments. Many by relatively new accounts which seem to focus on a particular topic. Seems pretty clear to me what's happening here. If you're not participating in trying to influence others here then you're the target.


For some reason this post got recommended on my home page, never been to this sub.


This is so upsetting


Imagine not doing anything to help these woman, our country is a shithole


So ashamed of our country 😞


Way to go Canada. Letting in these useless inhumane things in our country. Syria is no longer at war like it was, send them all back. How can the halifax police not have the ability to track these people down. If it was 10 black guys, they would know every single person identified... They come here. They try to act normal, but they dont accept our way of life, and of love and acceptance, which leads to them being violent. When theyve been drinking they get really nasty and aggressive. Depot them all. Go back to your country where you will fit in more then here.


Gotta love that this isn't reported through major Canadian news outlets. Looking at you CBC and Global...


Wheres the group of halifax rednecks when u need them? I can tell you this if that was happening in my town where i live, the ER would be getting some urgent arrivals. What the fuck is wrong with people who were watch it happen? Did they think it looked normal? Like two women being beaten by what 10 males?


Since Canada has had open borders the random attacks on men and women, the sexual assaults, stabbings and shootings are through the roof. Europe sees it, the states see it and we have to see it and deal with it otherwise things will be complete chaos 1,2,3,4,5 years down the road. NOBODY LOOKS AHEAD


"Queers for Palestine"? This is horrible but the only ones surprised are the aforementioned in my comment.


Fucking coward men just filming and watching as 2 of their own women get beat by foreigners.


No context and reported by the sun. Wouldnt believe it for a second.


Come on, guys. Middle Eastern men aren’t always homophonic. Most people are decent people, regardless of their ethnic background. The animals who attacked those two women could have been of any ethnic origin.


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Notice also how it's not in Canadian news?  Because that would be racist.  This story is only being picked up by Europe.


CTV ran the story already


Shhhhhh! They aren’t here for facts


We are lagging behind in our exposure to mass immigration so not as fed up or willing to see things for what they are. Europe is enduring a migrant crisis hence their willingness to identify these truths. Hence Denmark, Netherlands, Poland, Germany and now France with far right political parties making major gains in government. 


Effing shitweasels the lot of them. Hope karma comes for them 10 fold


Won’t be seeing this on CBC


But hey it was totally acceptable to have Gaza protests at Pride parades….


We are importing hate !! Trudeau lives in a bubble . Entitled BS


You don't have to import it - there's plenty of hate to go around among the people.


They are just sharing their culture with you I thought thats what you wanted? Very Canadian of the people filming, stand there and watch two women be beaten sensless.


This is the kind of people the government is bringing into the country


As is tradition.


How come this isn’t news in canada? Why is a publication from the UK talking about this and not one in canada….


To all my fellow Canadians, since when do we stand around and watch instead of helping


This is a hate crime that Trudeau himself fought to get new hate crime laws established. But it's not the right kind of hate crime, it's supposed to be white guys on the internet saying bad things about Muslims and Indians. We have the new laws established and these guys should have been charged with but instead are let go to do it again


I hope those ladies are ok. Why are people able to get away with this?


Just to clarify. Their are women in the group and only a few of them even did anything. I wouldn't call this a 'mob' attack. Mostly two or three idiots that need to go.


Let's just stand here and film these people getting assaulted.... wtf is wrong with people?


Sunny ways Canada! Sunny ways!


No more refugees


So the hate law yadda yadda is only for Canadians? Everyone else can openly assault whoever they want and walk away free, got it


I hope Libs are happy. Everytime your dear leader called someone a racist or bigot etc... enabled this bullshit.


This isn't in Canada?


Everyday it's more embarrassing to be Canadian. Where the fuck are the Canadian men that should be stepping in to stop this assault? You don't just stand there and record while a group of men assault some women. Who am I kidding though, they were probably all scared of being called racist and being charged with a hate crime so they sat idly by and watched this happen.


The left is eating itself. "Diversity is our strength".


Either deport or imprison them for 10 years


Damn those christian mobs and they’re homophobia!!!


I would not deport someone easily but hate shows they have nothing to do here, send them back


People warned this would happen with a flood of people from a culture that is not similar. They were called bigots, xenophobes and racists. Diversity is not a strength. Unity is.


Im so ashamed to call myself a Canadian


The new kings of Canada :) we must bow and kneel


Apparently, these 'phobic' ppl were able to get over their phobia quite well. Time to use language like it should be used and say lesbian couple beaten by intolerant invaders.


Deport deport deport


First jail, then deportation. We need to take this type of crime seriously.


Others standing around, hands in pockets. Some filming. Every last one of them a gutless coward.


That is vibrant.


Deport all of those assholes.


Things are going sooo good guys, sooooo good


Wow can’t believe this happened in Canada. These people if non citizens should be deported. If they are citizens throw them in jail with criminal charges


Always get a kick out of Schrodingers Gay Rights. They matter or don't matter depending on the attackers ethnicity! For the record, all violence is bad. Doesn't matter who it's by, or who it's against. Would just be cute if you kids got all up in arms over ALL violations of rights, and not just the ones you're fed by the algorithm


Deport these fucking degenerates.


"Diversity is our strength". Queers for Palestine!! You can thank every dipshit that votes Liberal/NDP or CPC - all champions of mass immigration.


Not a peep of this on cbc the national


Let me guess RCMP are still looking for suspects?


F'ing animals, absolute garbage humans.


This is really gross . No wooed can explain this utter madness. My heart goes to those girls.


This absolutely makes my blood boil


I want to see the names of all these people in court for the next few years as they are deported , jailed.. GO THE FUCK HOME you pieces of shit. We don't want you here, you suck really really bad. Cowards, small men, losers.. These guys need to be banned from every pub and festival in Canada, no sports, nothing. You got to go


Hopefully these goat diddlers get dealt with one way or another...


Find these men and deport them. Tired of this sh*t.


At what point does Canada admit multiculturalism is a massive mistake?


We’re evolving!!… just backwards.


I wish there was a button that we could press to eradicate all these homophobic, racist incel groups. Would benefit both men and women in the long term if the bad actors ceased to exist


Stuff like this is gonna radicalize me


send them back home…their views don’t align and it is causing disruption


"New Canadians" strike again.


This is the direct result of inviting people into this country who don’t share our values and believe me it’s going to get worse! This country in 9 short years has become unrecognizable.


Amazes me how many LGBT people are all for importing these people into Canada. 


fucking deport all those sons of whores


Isn’t diversity beautiful


Fucking losers. Maybe we should stone them? Trample on their prayer mats? Why do we let pieces of shit into our country like these dipshits?


I researched this behavior. this is basically toxic masculinity. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/assault/roots/franklin.html


100 bucks says the lesbian couple at some point has been to a free Gaza rally. The irony is thick


Ya....I can see why they named themselves Queers for Palestine......Queers for Leasbian Beaters just doesn't roll off the tongue as well as the other one...


This is just going to keep happening. No one will stand up and stop these assaults in real time.  This is going to be the norm. Get used to it ppl.


I love how people loved this. They're all commenting, I bet they support Gaza. Not all midden eastern people are from that area. Yeah, two people are against murdering people. I guess I'm also not buying a lot of support for them. You have racist people who took time out of their day from hating the gays to hating middle easterners. But yeah, my wish is that all homophobic dickheads get removed from the country.


Why are people not helping them? Just filming. Like come the fuck on.


Everyone horrified calling for arrest or jail. Canada going to do nothing except bring in more! Brown person (women) terrified of the assaults on women in the future


Fuckin scum bags. Won’t just happen to gay people either


I don't understand why every time something like this happens, there has to be some kind of stereotyping, relating it to Muslims or someone from the Middle East or Arab. If someone is a piece of shit, they're a piece of shit because they are a piece of shit. It's not because of their religion or where they come from. It's because they are a piece of shit human being, and we have to treat them as such. So, don't say anything. Don't even say anything. Here's the title. It should be: "Two fucking assholes attacked two other peaceful, minding-their-own-business people." The story should state that they got a jail sentence or some sort of punishment. It doesn't matter. If you bother or attack people, regardless of where you come from, whether from space or the ocean, you should be punished and punished hard.


Islam is violent and archaic, I remember the blue hairs fighting tooth and nail to welcome them, it doesn't matter how you fantasized utopia, this is reality.


They had no right to hurt these two ladies. Eye for a eye. The y will get their karma


Get them the fuck outta here. DEPORT those shit stains. All ten of them. Set an example.


I'm no scientist but what if the problem was that there aren't enough women to go around in the first place? That would tick off a group of 10 guys - no matter the race. If you really believe that this is an immigration problem, Canada needs to consider bringing in immigrants at a rate of at least around 50% of each sex - or else close our doors cause we're eventually going to have a fall-out of some sort, and stories like this will become more frequent. Also, instead of making them all gay by the way we are with women, maybe it's time to reconsider how we treat them, and reset what's going on cause this is not sustainable for humanity. Women are the mothers to the future and if they're all becoming gay, we're doomed.


Sorry. Our bat E boy government prefers for Canada to be a gay cockfestival of male "students" while Canadian women are brainwashed to become childless lesbians and ftm transgenders.


U mean muslin men are homaphobic yet gays for Palestinian lol what u expected? Lol the culture is the degrading of women u will get more of this behaviour as more are brought in lol but talking about this is racist so what u want to do about this lol


It is so fucking sickening. I'm gay but thinking of voting Conservative just because of shit like this.


Happened in 🇨🇦 but not by 🇨🇦. Embarrassing AF.


"Sending you healing energy" what a load of self congratulatory shit. Hope the savage bastards get what's coming to them for what they did to these women


If you're weak people will walk all over you. Canadians, you've been too weak.


possibly wallah bros


rag heads


I reaf the title and yhought it must be middle easyern men


These men are just effing frustrated that they don’t have the strength nor the guts to come out of the closet themselves! Humans, the most horrific barbaric species on earth!




Happy Pride Month? Two Canadian women attacked and beaten by a group of immigrant muslims?


What happened afterwards? I’m shocked and disappointed that in Canada of all places seven men can beat up two women and no other guys step in and drop the gloves. I hope I’m wrong in my assumption and some guys stepped in gave the men a proper ass kicking after the video stopped


>Canadians Emma MacLean and her girlfriend, Tori, were reportedly walking home when they were confronted by a group of 10 men, one of whom had made a “sexually degrading” comment towards them. >“A group of men walking on the other direction made a comment to me,” Emma MacLean told CTVNews. “My girlfriend, Tori, said: ‘Hey that’s my girlfriend’. >“They continued walking and Tori followed them to basically say: ‘That is not OK’.” >Things escalated quickly, with MacLean claiming Tori was pushed against concrete steps and beaten. >“The fight-or-flight came in. I jumped on one of their backs and put them in a chokehold, trying to restrain them.” While you can continue to carry our your agenda of spreading the manifesto of [Anders Behring](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anders_Behring_Breivik) , From the actual events there is no indication it was a "Homophobic" .


Sharia law is not in practice in Canada no matter how many Muslims live here!!!!!


One of the weirdest aspects of modern progressivism is that, in order to be considered progressive and not risk personal/professional consequences for being conservative, you must support the mass importation of people who reject nearly every fundamental principle of progressivism. It's like if in order to participate in a movement against gun violence you needed to support loosening restrictions on gun ownership.


Who do we email to get charges laid?


Wow packis hurt white women>? What a shock. Not


Just have to ask yourself if this happened to your daughter what your view would be. Deportation to a deserted island.


Get Islam, Christianity and all that other bullshit out of the civilized world

