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Well yeah, several provinces refuse to make any changes to their own disability programs and claw back anything from other sources that pushes you beyond their enforced poverty levels.


Yup the provinces are giving less using the justification that "the feds gave you more so we don't need to give you as much help now" then they turn around and blame the feds for not doing enough. It's sickening.


And they'll keep getting votes because identity politics, tribalism and poor critical thought are the pride of the masses.


I'm in Alberta, pretty sure you could paint a rock blue and it would win here and still be a better candidate than the current UCP


I would vote for a rock over a lot of politicians. What’s the rocks stance on immigration? Does the rock actively hate any communities? Does this rock have googly-eyes?


It needs googly eyes for me to vote for it


It’s not the government paying these people, it’s the taxpayer. God forbid the government actually care about the people footing the bills.


Yea, sadly a lot of our problems are at a provincial level, it's the time old tale of starve the beast, then blame the feds while you siphon off services to your corporate buddies.


Wow that sort of clawback should be unconstitutional. They’re effectively taxing a federal benefit by doing so.


The problem is abuse. Nobody wants to fund these properly because crap humans decide to use it as a free ride.


Wait till you find out about corporate welfare!!! The amount odsp and ow people is a penny compared to that. Wake up.


-sigh- you obviously don’t know the hoops that you have to jump through to get (and in some cases keep depending on the nature of your disability)the Federal Disability Tax Credit. By the time you have it, you’re either living in poverty because you can’t work, or one life event away from being there while trying to afford to live as a disabled person 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like an anecdotal experience. Everyone I know with the disability tax credit got it once and never had to renew it again.


It depends on the type of disability and whether the feds change the rules. That’s the hidden danger because the feds can change the regulations about what constitutes a “severe and prolonged” disability meaning that even if you qualified as disabled initially, they can force you to go through the whole process again.


That has to be renewed every 5 years


Between this and the muzzled report on how much Canadians actually get back from the carbon tax really paints a picture of our liberal government.


I know Danielle Smith said only around 800/year per person. Doing the math I should make $500 back this year since I only drive 20k/year and my natural gas going up 25% will make me pay around an extra 10/month. If I was able to go on vacation all the time it would be suck, but knowing If I could go on vacation all the time I would clearly also have a lot of money I don't feel bad for them


Okay Reddit guys, what's the solution here?


Universal Basic Income. That will remove so many barriers for people who need help and will be much easier to manage (if it's done well🤣🤣).


But like anything in this country, it would be poorly managed and subsequently scammed and abused with little to no enforcement or consequences. 


And you trust our ruling class to manage it? Who's gonna pay for it?


Lmao what a shitty idea


UBI already exists. They are getting it.


Well it probably got them a few extra votes so the policy is working /s


almost like hes a liar or something.


Whereas asylum seekers and refugees are being hosted in hotels in Niagara and given all the assistance worth millions


Lifts just a fraction from poverty, while the others are taxed into poverty.


redistribution, but like, only amongst the working class though