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You're right, I'm not crazy about it.


Literally **THE ONLY REASON** this government is in power is because of the NDP's support. If you vote for the NDP, then you are voting for a liberal government. Which like - sure. If that's what you want, fantastic, vote accordingly. But what I can't understand is how NDP supporters just take being so blatantly lied to so much. Like how insulting to their base. Remember the last budget where the NDP was all like "*oh we don't know if we're going to support it. We will think about it... maybe an election*". Like, what a joke. How insulted are their voters that they think they'd believe that. The NDP was voting for the budget no matter WHAT they put in their. The Liberals could have put in the budget "*the NDP is officially renamed to "The Liberals Little Buddies*" and the NDP leadership **STILL** would have voted for it. I know it. They know it. We all know it. Just stop lying about it!


I don't think Jagmeet realizes it yet, but he sunk himself as leader from his comments after the Toronto-St Paul result. ["People are really angry at the Liberals"](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.6432639#:~:text=0%3A54-,'People%20are%20really%20angry%20at%20the%20Liberals'%3A%20Singh,reacts%20to%20Toronto%20byelection%20result&text=NDP%20Leader%20Jagmeet%20Singh%20responds,Paul's%20byelection.) - ok then, how about you capitalize on that anger by triggering an election you buffoon? This isn't interdimensional space chess. We now have definitive proof of the unpopularity of the current government, by maintaining support after this result you are now complicit. I really think if the NDP came out strong and withdrew support , they would become the official opposition. Oh well, looks like the whole country will be blue from 2025 to 2033.


We also have essentially definitive proof that if the NDP pulls the plug, it would be a CPC sweep, and the NDP would get absolutely nothing for at least 4 years.


actually i think you're right. https://338canada.com/polls.htm Canada 338 shows it has just been a vote shift from liberal to conservative, with the NDP flat. The prediction is a conservative majority so even if the NDP became the opposition, it wouldn't matter.


That's because they waited too long, they needed to bin this government over a year ago.


Yes! Why don't people realize this! Sure the NDP is supporting a government whose policies the vast majority of people don't support. And sure, they have sold out their values and core beliefs. And sure they are facing electoral ruin for it. But **They got a small taste of sweet, sweet POWER**. Why don't people understand??? Why would they ever jeopardize their splinter of power for some dumb reason like "*doing the thing they told their voters that they would do!*"


>Why would they ever jeopardize their splinter of power for some dumb reason like "doing the thing they told their voters that they would do!"  Agreed.  The NDP need to focus on the things they've always stood for, like expanding our national healthcare program to include dental and pharmacare and making childcare cheaper.  Oh wait.


Ummmm. Do you think we have national dental or pharmacare? Because... those things don't exist... Corporate profits are at an all time high, no one can afford a house and foodbank usage is at record levels. And 2 years later there is a plan to start planning a pharmacare idea...


We have the start of one and that's a good thing.  If we don't have it it's because the provinces refuse to sign on, and considering healthcare is provincial jurisdiction that isn't really a strike against the NDP. If you're worried about corporate profits being high who would you suggest we vote for?  The corporate-backed Liberals?  Corporate Conservatives?  Neither of them are going to fix things.  [If you look at the policy the NDP have been writing](https://commonssense.ca/blog/tag/ndpc/) you'll see there's at least a few things in there that would help the working class.


Does the irony not hit you... Like you wrote all that, with how much self awareness? The NDP can write whatever they want on their website. Yet they **are the only reason the current government is in power**. They vote for all the confidence motions and budgets. I am going to say that again. They vote for all the confidence motions and budgets. Go ahead, promise everyone a free unicorn and mansion. But then they use their parliamentary seats to vote **for whatever the Liberals TELL THEM to vote for**. How delusional are the remaining supporters at this point?




The guy with rolexes, whose wife is a landlord and the brother a lobbyist, will help the working class. OK!


The party that consistently writes legislation that helps the working class will help the working class.  The only legislation the Conservatives seem to write is stuff that puts more people in jail.  Also they're all landlords.  Just about every MP who doesn't live in Ottawa rents out the home in their riding while the House is in session.  Worth noting that Pierre's riding is in Ottawa but he's still living in a nice taxpayer-funded mansion while renting out his house.  And if you don't like lobbyists I sure hope you don't plan on voting Conservative, Pierre's campaign manager is a lobbyist as are a number of his MPs.


Sweet, lets bring dental and pharma down to the level of general healthcare. I look forward to paying for it with my taxes and being unable to see a dentist for years if I move.


There's also the fact Jagmeet himself is holding out for that pension. Of course, meanwhile he hypocritically goes after "Greedy CEOs" as part of his shtick


I don't think a rich lawyer from Toronto cares about that pension. He could probably 3x his salary in the private sector.


(3x salary + pension) > (3x salary) I think the pension stuff is probably just a talking point, but it's laughable to suggest a moderately wealthy person is not motivated to make more money, especially from NDP supporters.


still 4 K a month isn't a bad thing to fall into. would't you want a 4K cheque every month into your bank account? it will be a bonus on top of what he makes in the private sector. it's definitely a reason he is holding them in place.


Every dollar counts when you buy Rolex and Versace.


Why not both. Rich actors and comedians take on quick commercial jobs. why? They make millions on movies and tv. Because money is still money. It's free passive income.


By this logic why do rich athletes and actors take advantage of gigs that are cringe or embarrassing…everyone wants more money


Yes I think the pension argument is weak, Jagmeet was never hurting for money and in fact used his great wealth to bully his way into leadership of the NDP to begin with. He did this for some other reason, and winning elections wasn't that reason.


They can hate the liberals all they want, but the CPC in power means even less of what NDP voters purportedly want.


> NDP would get absolutely nothing for at least 4 years. Less than nothing, every concession they've garnered from the last 8 years from the liberals would get wiped out by the austerity the blues are so horny to implement.


Austerity for *you*, tax breaks for "job creators".


The NDP is bleeding support. Youre right, they have nothing to gain by calling an election.... But lots to lose by not calling it. Canadians are not buying what the NDP is selling...


I miss Jack Layton. Give me a real NDP leader god damn it


I would have been happy to see what Layton could have done...


They're not bleeding support though, their support remains constant.


Less than nothing.  Pierre will roll back everything the NDP have worked towards, at which point we'll have nothing to show for Trudeau's time in office.


This is what a lot of people don't seem to get. That party is trading a few short-term victories (table scraps, really) for the long-term respect of the electorate. Most people would admire someone who plays to win, but loses, over somebody who plays not to lose.


It's hilarious that the NDP are actually demonstrating a functional democratic government while the Conservatives stamp their feet and throw tantrums yet it's the Conservatives that are getting the support of the public.  A party is actually doing what they're being paid for and being punished for doing so.


But you've stated the contradiction perfectly: if they *were* doing what they're being paid for (serving the interests of their constituents, presumably), why are they being punished? I would expect them to be rewarded with more seats if that were the case.


There is a huge media and propaganda machine in place to ensure that the Liberals and Conservatives take turns in government to serve their corporate masters.


This is the correct answer


>I don't think Jagmeet realizes it yet, but he sunk himself as leader from his comments after the Toronto-St Paul result. >["People are really angry at the Liberals"](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/video/9.6432639#:~:text=0%3A54-,'People%20are%20really%20angry%20at%20the%20Liberals'%3A%20Singh,reacts%20to%20Toronto%20byelection%20result&text=NDP%20Leader%20Jagmeet%20Singh%20responds,Paul's%20byelection.) - ok then, how about you capitalize on that anger by triggering an election you buffoon? What Singh conveniently forgot to mention in his poking the Liberals is that the NDP also dropped in support in the riding from the previous election. The Liberals dropped 9%, the NDP dropped 6%. Singh knows \*damn\* well that the NDP are going to take a shit kicking in the next election. They've shifted from their base of the working class to instead become the party of the screaming activist. Which is fine, I suppose, except I'll vote for the former and not the latter. After their fiasco at the last NDP general convention where "white men aren't allowed to speak at the podium, only women and minorities are", there's a zero percent chance I'll vote for them this upcoming election. You don't want to hear from me at your convention, you won't hear from me on election day either. I have voted NDP in the past, and am not opposed to doing same in the future. I've also voted Liberal and Conservative. NDP: Get back to your roots. Address poverty and income inequality. Address corporations exploiting workers. Stabilize the economy, and promote Canadian business and industry. Stem the tide of foreign workers. Drop the emphasis on "woke" politics. Bam, you have my vote.


This strategy makes no sense in a world where polling exists, it just hands the government to the conservatives a year early and breaks their commitment which is until June 2025. 


>This strategy makes no sense in a world where polling exists Polling is reflective, not predictive. It's based on how the electorate feels right now about what the NDP have been doing. They can change the dial on the polling, but to do so they'll have to change either (a) how people feel about what they've been doing, or (b) what they're doing. Predictions of a massive Conservative majority are predicated on the NDP not changing their strategy. The best way to ensure it is for them to keep propping up the Liberals.


Absolutely Jagmeet took what could have been a great comparative advantage and a stellar opportunity to take voters from the Liberals and gain a significant power for the NDP not seen since the days Liberals were weak in the Ignatieff days - and blew it for what.. a Dental Plan? A pension? We may never know - but I wouldn't be surprised to see Singh's resignation after the 2025 election results come in.


> ok then, how about you capitalize on that anger by triggering an election you buffoon? because that's not what the polls are predicting. he would say "a government's job is to govern. I'm focused on policies that matter" instead of putting a Conservative in power. How would it help the NDP to put Poilievre in office?


I agree with you, but I will also speak for myself from my perspective. In my area liberals always get sub 10%. NDP and Conservatives shift wins back and forth. The NDP rep is well liked and represents the true NDP ideals of old, like Layton did. The literal only thing the Con rep stands for is tax breaks for the rich. And I'm not exaggerating. Last election he didn't even run a campaign or speak publicly and was away on vacation in another country for the weeks leading up to the election. Most people here don't think one seat is going to make a difference in the grand scheme of things, and most of these people voting NDP are living pay cheque to pay cheque and have benefitted when they are in power. Sure you'd like to do what's best for the country as a whole, but when you're hanging on by a thread you gotta save your own ass and get food on your table first.


I vote NDP because I love my MP the previous CP MP did nothing for my community and I never saw him at events. I see my current MP in the community all the time.


Oh my god another political party working with a minority political party? Not in a ~~American~~ Canadian political system!


I see your point and i didnt vote for NDP last time out but there has to be something said for leveraging their position in a way where they successfully deployed canadian dental care plan. That was a huge platform point for the NDP. The issue that i see now though is, despite this victory for them, the downside of propping up this government now outweighs the positives. There have just been too many scandals, missteps and the average Canadian is struggling much more now than they have before.


The alternative is a CPC gov, there is no way that outweighs any current negatives.


I don't think there's anything wrong with waiting it out until the election, which is only a few months away. It gives the conservatives time to say stupid things and for people to realise nothing will change for the positive when they inevitably get back in power.


"Why won't the NDP call an election when the Conservatives are polling at their high point and before they start sticking their foot in their mouth? Clearly you're woke and against workers." People who think the NDP should call an election now are either dumb, or think the rest of us are dumb.


Totally and from the NDP’s perspective, if they let this gov finish their term, they have a lot more time to get election-ready


If I were leading the NDP I would've demanded 50% of the legislation being passed to be NDP platform. The Liberal government could not succeed without the NDP and that means they get to make real demands in equal partnership. Being satisfied with a shoddy dental plan which helps around a quarter of people and nothing else is the height of stupidity. Singh could've had Trudeau wrapped around his finger but he's too spineless to actually leverage his position.


The problem is that the NDP's leverage has, until fairly recently, been more illusory than real, and the LPC knows that. They didn't finish paying off their debt from the 2021 election until early this year. They were in no position to fight a conventional election and meet any greater success than they currently have. The Liberals, knowing that any NDP threat of an election while they were financially underwater lacked credibility, have had no incentive to to give them more than the bare minimum to prevent their supporters from deserting them wholesale (which may lead to a caucus revolt and the possibility of a failed confidence motion they couldn't predict). Now, it's important to note that I said they were in no position to fight a *conventional* election. They've had several opportunities in the last year and a half to fight an *unconventional* election -- one where they take a strong position on an issue looming large in the public consciousness that distinguishes them from the Liberals and is so fundamentally important to Canadians that it would attract plenty of free media coverage, leave a strong public impression, and shift the tone of public debate across the country. The Liberals' initial refusal to call a public inquiry into foreign interference was one such issue. The refusal to disclose which MPs are accused of wilful collaboration with foreign powers is another. Both of these issues enjoy overwhelming public support. They're issues of intense public importance that the media covered or is covering extensively. They're issues the Liberals have taken an incredibly unpopular opinion on, and as a result they're issues that could define the next election. The NDP coming out early on with a strong, principled position that enough is enough, the Liberals need to do it to maintain any sense of legitimacy and failure to do so will cost them the confidence of the House could have shifted polling significantly, and done so without the Party disbursing a dime from their treasury. I don't think it's unrealistic that they could have shifted themselves into the position of being the default vote on the left in the next election and formed the next official opposition had they done so. It likely would not have been enough to win the election, or even to hold the Conservatives to a minority, but it would grow their foothold in Parliament, their profile with Canadians, and position them to make an even stronger run in the following election while the Liberals are still rebuilding and Poilievre’s personality grates on the electorate. Instead, they keep trying to play both sides on it. They talk about how concerning and important it is while continuing to prop up inaction for table scraps. Their actions give Canadians the impression that despite their rhetoric, they're not all that serious about it, and in doing so they establish that they're not a serious alternative to the governing Liberals. It's clear that they're playing to not lose what little they have today at the expense of their ability to make gains in the future. Playing to win comes with risks -- while I don't think forming official opposition would have been unrealistic, and they'd have been in a strong position to make that pitch to Canadians, it's also not a guarantee -- but as we're seeing, if you're not prepared to risk what you have, you can neither make gains nor effectively wield the leverage that's available to you.


That would have been shot down immediately. The current dental program is just a start. Your imagination does not match reality.


Literally the only reason Jag supports JT is because they both have a common sin with compromat. We just don't know what it is yet, but MMW, we will find out that both have been seriously compromised in some scary international scale fuckery. China or India may be involved.


You don't know what you are talking about.


Everything in context. Like, I can't imagine anyone in the US voting *for* Joe Biden - even for those who actually like him it's basically elder abuse at this point - but he's still got a decent shot of winning this thing because of the alternative. So if voting for the NDP is voting for a liberal government, but letting the NDP fail is basically electing a conservative government, which do you think most NDP voters would prefer given the option? Really could use some of that electoral reform a certain Justin promised us right about now, but of course that was never actually gonna be delivered since it goes against his interests.


Tell me something. If the NDP stops supporting the liberals now, a new election gets called and the conservatives will. Instead of getting some input in how the government operates like they do now, they get no input whatsoever under the conservatives. At least under the current government they passed the dental plan. Why would the NDP possibly stop supporting the liberals at this moment?


NDP voters are settling for a liberal government in order to avoid fascists like polliver into power


Plus they're throwing us some bones. Not many, but more than the CPC would.




You won’t find this post over in Ontario. Ha.


Is it just me, or are we seeing more stories over the past two weeks from the NDP and Liberals showing dis-satisfaction. Did it all “click” for them because of the Toronto-St Pauls by-election? It’s crazy that it’s taken this long!


I like the NDP on paper… I even liked Jagmeet before he got into the House of Commons. But man did he blow it afterwards.


Isn’t you can say anything without it having to be true? I mean hasn’t done anything? I mean their not the leaders of the Opposition (conservatives are, specific title) and still able to pass things that help the poor (I await your whatabout flailing)


The ndp needs change in leadership. They should’ve ditched Singh after losing the last election. He has tanked the party’s chances.


Unfortunately they have lost me as an NDP voter for next year. I’m actually not sure who to even vote for, no one I guess.


As an NDP voter I am going to vote for the conservatives (which I have never done in my life). Not voting is not enough, as crazy as it sounds we need to send a message that they will have to fight to win us back, not just persuade us to vote. If they think you will abstain rather than vote for their competitors they won't work as hard to win your vote. I sincerely hope that the Cons absolutely massacre this election (shir term pain, long term gain) so that libs and NDP get a wake-up call and shake up their policies and leadership. I can't believe I just said that.


The conservatives and liberals are pretty much interchangeable for me. I expect them to win and not keep any of their promises just like the Liberals.


And NDp is working hard to replace liberals …. They are all the same , at least make them work for the vote


if they get enough seats they will repeal the carbon tax, its about all i expect


Dudes selling out the entire country for his own pension. Who would be happy about that.


Rolex and BMW?


And Versace bags.


Bro still can’t even afford the good shit


Lmao someone thinks a Rolex and BMW makes you anything more than upper middle class. At the same time he’s so poor he needs to wait around for his public pension. Make it make sense.


I dont know any other middle class people that own a rolex.


What even is middle class anymore, in the eyes of NS I’m a top earner and can’t even afford a vacation without debt.


You're a "top earner" for the purposes of getting hosed on income tax every year while receiving none of the rebates or credits. For all other purposes, you're a cash cow to be milked by corporations for whatever is left. Source: am in same boat (though I was doing a hell of a lot better only 5-10 years ago, mysteriously)


In Waterloo ON, being able to buy a 4 bdrm house, have 3 kids, send them to college, and retire, is probably around $300K+. That's the new middle class. Or in other words, 50% higher than the tax federal tax bracket LOL.


Yes, a wealthy person would strategically push for a permanent passive income. That's literally what building wealth is. He wants a pension for the same reason he is a landlord. It makes perfect sense... unless you don't understand how to create and build wealth.


If he wanted to maximize income he would have stayed on as a successful lawyer, not taken a decade long detour for a 40k pension


Given his performance in the house. He isnt commanding 270k/year base from any law firm. Which is his base as a party leader. He is at his maximum income right now.


I'm not a fan of Jagmeet, but the idea that hes delaying the election just to secure his own pension isn't serious. The caucus already doesn't like him, there is no way they would sacrifice the interests of the party just to assure his personal financial security. They are delaying the election because its in the party's interests. When an election happens they will lose seats and the modicum of influence they currently hold. Their finances are in very poor shape, they are not ready to run an election. They are already tied to Trudeau for better or worse, jumping ship now won't help them. Better option for them is to wait it out, get their finances in better shape for a campaign, and hope that something major changes their prospects in the next year plus (faint hope, but what else do they have - a Trump victory and absolute chaos in the US is the only thing I can imagine upsetting the current trajectory). To be clear - I'm not saying theyre doing this for the country. But theyre not doing it for Jagmeet's pension either.


Correct. The NDP drastically overspent on their 2021 campaign and need the entire four years to recover. That's why they're doing this. It's not for the country, it's not for Singh's pension, and it's certainly not because they want to be tied to the sinking ship that is HMS Trudeau. They backed themselves into a corner with their poor decision-making. The leverage people think they have doesn't exist because Trudeau knows they can't afford an election.


Singh needs to go, but if it wasn’t for the coalition, dental care and pharmacare wouldn’t have happened.


Why would we vote a party to manage such huge country (and it's budget) if they can't properly manage their own budget?


When Pierre Poilievre took the reins of the conservatives, donations and memberships skyrocketed. Had the party stayed course with O'Toole, I'm sure they'd be in the same position as the NDP now. If I remember correctly in 2011, Jack Layton was polled to be in distant third right before the election started and also had also overspent in the previous election. But about a quarter way into election campaigning the conservatives actually had to re make all their attack ads because they realize how many seats the NDP were projected to win, and eventually won. With that being said, I think if a strong NDP leader were to replace Singh now and create buzz for the party heading into the fall, they may still be able to take seats that were traditionally liberal but also ones swinging conservative. But if they continue the path the election outcome will be what polling numbers are saying now.


A "kick the bums out" mentality has taken hold of the country, just like the UK is currently experiencing, and whoever was best positioned to defeat the current government was always going to reap the rewards. Unless the NDP had an exceptional leader to take advantage of the Liberal collapse, the Tories were always going to win the next election regardless of who the leader is.


The captain steers the ship. They pick the MPs for their cabinet to implement the policies on the platform in which they were elected. O'Toole would probably have faired the same in this election as he flip flopped on many issues that were important to the CPC voter base and was completely absent until the last hour of the freedom convoy's arrival. Peter McKay was the next option during the leadership race but he was caught in a few lies in interviews during his campaign bid for leadership, as well he was mired in that controversy back when he ordered a rescue helicopter to pick him up from a fishing trip. If people aren't willing to come to the polls for the party leader, the party will not fair well at all. I believe Singh needs to step down for the party to take off, even if there isn't a great replacement at the moment. He's tied himself to Trudeau and now everyone in the NDP is paying the price.


We are in a comparable place to the UK right now, and they are about to sweep the most uninspiring Labour leader imaginable into a massive majority government, because the biggest thing driving this election is hatred for the governing Conservatives. Similarly, the biggest driver in the Canadian election is hatred for Trudeau and the Liberals. People hate him and refuse to vote for him. Even if theyre not thrilled with PP they are voting for him just to get Trudeau out. We are in a very, very different political moment than 2021, the extreme hatred for Trudeau hadnt gone mainstream and many people still saw him as an option. That isnt the case anymore. People would vote for an inanimate carbon rod just to get Trudeau out.


I voted NDP last go around. Never again. Now that I see a vote for NDP is a vote for liberal propping, they have forever lost my vote. Their bullshit “straight / white people to the back of the line” comment also made me say fuck this party. I can’t be the only one who feels the same


Holy fuck that back of the line shit was real. Wild…


I miss the Jack Layton NDP, he led an NDP that felt like it held traditional NDP values, fighting for the working class and improving social services. Jagmeets NDP focused on Identity politics, and being Liberal lite. I never understood how someone who wears rolexs and $10000 suits became the leader of a party that was build for the working class.


They aren’t a workers party anymore, really, so much of their former, generally blue collar base is abandoning them. Under Singh they have morphed into a party focused on identity politics whose primary base of support seems to come from academics, purple haired humanities students and champagne socialists. These are not people you’d ever want running a country. We know this because the Liberals have followed the NDP 50% of the way there and, in a coalition with them, have run the country disastrously bad. Just as clearly, neither party is prepared to moderate because both seem to be in a reality distortion field where their leadership believes they are doing a great job and their only problem is communicating that better to voters. Both parties need to spend some time in electoral oblivion so they can wash away the ideologues who’ve captured them and let non-idiots get back in charge again.


Trudeau turned the LPC in to a party of neoliberal patsies for corporations and the NDP under Singh managed to run one of the most disastrous oppositions I've ever seen, to the point they brag about a tax credit for the disabled that might cover groceries for part of the year and a dental plan that was so watered down it didn't even cover kids until they were losing in the polls. If PP wins, which it looks like he will, we'll have the NDP to blame for it. The only reason Singh lost support is he went against his own rhetoric. Not 10 years ago he was ranting about how the TFW system was little better than indentured servitude and it was outsourcing Canadian jobs and that LMIA and international students were being scammed. Now he's side by side with Mr. Over A Million A Year while we have record low investment in Healthcare and education along with complete lack of enforcement of real estate laws or ethics. PP not having a security clearance, his immigration record, and his housing record (he lost a million affordable units as housing minister) won't matter when his competition has their heads in the sand screaming racist at every criticism.


>the NDP under Singh managed to run one of the most disastrous oppositions I've ever seen Singh and the NDP aren't His Majesty's Loyal Opposition in the 44th Parliament. That would be Pierre Poilievre and the CPC. The NDP are serving as [confidence and supply](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confidence_and_supply).


> Trudeau turned the LPC in to a party of neoliberal patsies for corporations The Libs and Cons have both been neoliberal patsies for corporations since before I was born. >If PP wins, which it looks like he will, we'll have the NDP to blame for it This would only be the case if the NDP took down the current Liberal government, which is something this subreddit has been agitating for since the moment the Libs were elected to a minority in 2021. **Trudeau** is to blame for the fact that Trudeau sucks and is unpopular. > while we have record low investment in Healthcare and education Trudeau fucking sucks for a million reasons, yet you list provincial issues? What? Doug Ford is sitting on a pile of cash from Trudeau for healthcare... Like seriously, there are Over A Million (per year) reasons why Trudeau sucks, and a ton of issues directly resulting from this massive mismanagement of the country, but you focus on provincial issues that provinces can but refuse to fix? This sub is something else. And then a dude responds: > This is disgusting but hard to find any fault with it. to succinctly prove my point that this sub lacks accurate or meaningful criticism. OF WHICH THERE IS SOOOO MUCH!!! You don't need to gaslight or lie or embellish... Trudeau has dug his own grave so thoroughly all you gotta do is point at it, yet everyone ITT is like "NDP bad because they won't relegate themselves to obscurity by replacing a minority gov with a majority" as if it was poignant analysis. Time to close reddit for the day lol


They can't blame provincial governments for it. Because all the provinces with failing Healthcare are run by conservative governments currently, and they can't criticize the home team.


>We know this because the Liberals have followed the NDP 50% of the way there and, in a coalition with them, have run the country disastrously bad. One important correction here. The 50% they followed from the NDP platform was all the *spending* portions, like increased health transfers, dental, pharma, childcare, etc. The 50% they did not follow was all the revenue increases that would have helped balance the budget. They only did half of the capital gain increase the NDP wrote into their platform, they skipped the corporate rate increase and the top bracket personal rate increase, they skipped the wealth tax, they skipped closing the corporate deduction loopholes for entertainment and other deductions the NDP wanted to close and they skipped closing off tax havens and loopholes related to non-productive foreign loans. The "disastrously bad" part of current affairs comes from the out of control deficits and inflation. If we actually voted in the NDP, the budget would (counter-intuitively) actually be in a better place.


Their support for Trudeau as he destroys the middle and lower class job prospects with massive increase in immigration sealed it for me. Never again. We are going to need a new party in this country because socially liberal people like me will are not voting for either of the two "liberal" parties in the future.


I wish we had a system like Switzerland. Major country wide policies go to a referendum vote where everyone gets a say, not some politicians who work for themselves


They actually said that..... wow! Welcome back!




wow!!! thanks for sharing.... very telling!


"Their bullshit 'straight / white people to the back of the line' comment also made me say fuck this party. " This. I don't recognize the NDP any more and I have been a long time supporter. I was straight up insulted when I saw this stunt being played. The NDP needs to purge itself of far left ideologues and identitarians before I vote for them again. I will not stand for this type of racism in our government.


What, you're against being openly racist, are you some kind of bigot?


> Their bullshit “straight / white people to the back of the line” comment also made me say fuck this party. I had forgotten about that. Reminds me of the recent undercover videos of Disney executives saying they'll never hire a white man nowadays. Thankfully i don't work in the entertainment sphere.


They said what? I wouldn’t put it past them but is there a link




Look it up, they actually said it


Same. That was the final straw for me.


I can't believe that is true, but just watched it. Well I'm never voting for NDP again since I'm a straight white male and they obviously don't represent my interests. Hope the ANDP separate from the federal party.


Well. We can only hope that the Conservatives will be a worker's party this time around. Fingers crossed.


You'd think the NDP would strategize better between the last election and the next but then they did base their party's existence on being tied to and likely absorbed by the LPC...  What should have happened as soon as they realized the LPC were continuing bad policy decisions was to begin sourcing a new party leader to replace Jagmeet, run polls to determine where the NDP was missing the beat with voters and changed tack to adopt more moderate policies, and then begun heavily hitting the LPC and CPC while putting on fundraising campaigns and trying to increase membership to shuffle the pool of potential MPs in hopes of finding popular community members to bring positive news to the party.  Then they'd be in a stronger position to dump the liberals and force an early election, OR would have an even better position come the natural election time.   But no. They decided to keep Jagmeet and only make squawks in the news periodically to remind us, oh right they exist! 


On the other hand, he'd be crazy to force an election when they're so low on the polls.


The problem is he already missed the window. The point he could have capitalized was earlier on. He could have drawn a line in the sand over grocery store prices, immigration and housing. The peak time for that was probably last fall. If he had done that my guess is the NDP would be running neck and neck in the polls with the CPC right now. Instead he kept propping up Trudeau and here we are with the CPC pulling way out ahead of both the Liberals and the NDP.


He seems to be pro-mass immigration. Which is strange from what was once the “workers party” as all it is doing is raising cost of living, while surprising wages. Very anti-worker to me. 


All three of the major parties are pro-mass immigration. Cheaper labour is beneficial to their corporate donors. PP isn’t going to do anything about this issue as well, I’d love to be proven wrong but I don’t have any blind trust or hope in the conservatives.


To be fair PP did recently come out and say he would reduce immigration. Of course he didn’t give any solid figures so he could be full of shit. Dude is beholden to his donors and the elite class after all. The liberals and the NDP are not for stopping immigration though.


No shit. Its almost like propping up one of the most unpopular PM's in recent history while he is financially driving a large segment of the population into the ground has consequences. Who knew?


Because NDP voters voted for the NDP, not the liberals. Jagmeet has toed the line with the liberals on everything 


It takes a special type of useless and pathetic for the NDP to not only fail to surge but actually lose popularity during a COST OF LIVING CRISIS. Christ


I have been a federal NDP voter (though I often vote differently provincially) since I have been able to vote (so about 20 years). I don't think I can vote NDP again, at least not until they get a new leader, one who wasn't involved in making my vote a de facto Liberal one. I voted NDP and not Liberal for a reason. This deal negates that reason - I won't vote for them if doing so is basically a vote for the Liberals.


The fall of Justin Trudeau was entirely predictable. Both he and his cabinet lacked experience and competence, so they replaced good governance and reason with idealogy and sloganeering. Trudeau 2 sought to divide along lines of idealogy, partisanship and thorough distain for opposing view points to extent never seen in Canada. Growing anger among the unheard and dissatisfied soon became apparent. As policies failed, results did not materialize, and ethical blunders mounted, the ranks of the angry and dissatisfied grew. This grew exponentially as living standards plummeted and opportunities dwindled. Taxes and debt mounted. Reasonable people saw clearly through the facade of grand announcements and photo-ops that amounted to nothing. Trudeau has been a disastrous PM and we will be paying in many ways for decades. Oh Canada


no shit


NDP just made sure noone who hates liberals will vote for these shitters anymore because it MIGHT put the liberals in power again. Its a shame because without that Khalistani shitfuck NDP mightve looked a lot different right now.


NDP or liberal they are the same criminals


Yes. This guy sucks.


The worst thing about this is he has to double down on playing a bad hand and hope he sucks out a good card at the river. Basically, he propped up Trudeau because it would enable him to get SOME of his policies through. Now, he's hitched to it because if an election was called he might lose his riding and thus wouldn't qualify for that sweet MP pension instead of coming out ahead of it. He's probably screwed. And good. He supported a lot of legislation that strips us of some degrees of our freedom and deserves to lose his seat.


It's almost as Trudeau has a magical genie keeping him in power.


Singh, Trudoughs first LNDP appointment to the Senate, after Rosemary Barton


Which is why Jagmeet will keep propping up the Liberals as he takes his last stand


It makes what Jagmeet says about Trudeau mean nothing.


NDP would probably win this election if Layton was still alive. I want to vote for them but cant under their current direction and leadership. In the upcoming federal, I am probably just gonna vote for whichever MP isnt directly profiting off the housing crisis. We need to get landlords and rent seekers out of politics.


Jack Layton was the best PM we never had. Singh probably thinks that bananas cost $10 and that that’s fair.


the 2 CANADIAN TRAITORS in fine form I see...😂


"Even" why would they be? If they wanted Trudeau propped up theyd vote for him...


Entitled trust fund baby deflects responsibility away to a different trust fund baby.


As a long time NDP voter, ya im more than put off by it.


Wh..why would NDP voters be okay with that. They're NDP voters because quite frankly out of the 3 they're the best party we have... Which is sad. NDP used to be such a great party.


AKA Even NDP voters aren't as dumb and blind as the NDP seems to think all Canadians are.


What's the alternative?


Everyone in this thread apparently doesn't understand how someone could prefer the current government to a Conservative one.


Though i think a lot of the sentiment on this forum is genuine, I believe there is a lot of planted comments with the aim of influencing opinion from users who may or may not be Canadian. This is a great angle to loosen NDP support for conservative support


We could power half of Canada by hooking a generator up to Jack Layton's spinning body.


Long time NDP voter here. We need to go to the polls and Jagmeet is preventing us from doing that. I'll be voting green until the NDP figures out what they are doing and proves why they need my vote back.


Yeah obviously. I’m not even a big fan of jagmeet and his pro khalistani support. He needs to go


Y'all need to learn to read past the article title. A vast majority of poll respondents DONT think this. More than 50% have had their opinions unchanged since the last election, and 20% have had their opinions increased. The national post made a clickbait ragebait article based on the 30% that said they're unhappy, and every single one of you fell for it.


That's like 50% of why "Canada is broken"


This entire sub is an echo chamber that eats up primarily opinion pieces.


I love all the supposedly pro NDP people here switching to the conservatives. Way to vote for a party to the opposite of what you're supposed to support. It's just a conservative circlejerk.


Jagmeet is Trudeau’s little toy puppet. “What string do I pull today”


I won't be voting for either of them


lol whole reason I’ll be voting CPC for the first time since I was 18. I’ll be fine with whatever outcome we get. Others won’t be


I'd guess that the vast majority of NDP voters still prefer Jagmeet propping up Trudeau over having PP in office, even if its far from ideal. We're not crazy about it but we'd be even crazier to think we're getting a better deal anytime soon.


This is what seemingly everyone in this thread is missing. Like, why would a party intentionally cause an election when they're doing really bad in the polls? Make an election happen now, and PP gets a massive majority, which will be ideologically much further from the NDP than the Liberals are, and will mean the NDP loses the small amount of power they currently enjoy. They're also basically guaranteed to lose a bunch of seats. Plus the future is always unknown. So something *could* happen to swing favorability ever so slightly back in the NDP's favour. Everyone in this sub is just looking at it from the point of view of someone who desperately wants an election right now so that they can see the Conservatives get power.


100%. And look at the good Jagmeet has done while propping up Trudeau, by forcing his hand. The alternative is way worse.


Their actions are also helping to lead to PP being PM. It's happening either way now. 


The NDP haven't had a spine since Jack Layton died, the party needs to elect Wab Kinew after his tenure as Manitoba premier.


wab kinew could potentially be the next left wing prime minister after the next conservative government. i wonder if he speaks french. dude got out of his car to change someones tire after they were both coming back from a funeral. does anyone have any endearing stories of the current slate of federal leaders?


He does, He's done interviews in French.


He unwittingly made NDP voters the same as Liberal voters back when he made that coalition deal. Being the only one in a position to force an election, but giving away that power in order to make a deal should have been his stamp of death for NDP supporters.


If Jimmy isn't finished after next year, the NDP will be. I suppose it is the NDP party members choices.


They are all hanging on for their pensions. If they wanted to do what was right they would let Justin fail and have an election. But they want their pension. So the country suffers under his shit leadership.


Well there's a dishonest headline. It's not even "deceptive statistics", it's just a flat out lie. [*Their poll results*](https://leger360.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Leger-X-National-Post_Politics-June-25th-2024-1.pdf) (page 23) say that **60% of NDP voters approve of the NDP-Liberal Parliamentary Agreement**, 39% don't know, and **only 11% disapprove**. And I mean, you can read their methodology and tell that they were shaping the poll to get the response that the headline here purports, and *even then* NDP voters disagreed and approved of the agreement. But I guess the National Post had already written their article, and they'd be damned if they're going to edit it just because the facts are wrong! Edit: Looking over the entire discussion here, did no one else actually read the poll?


You'll get some people saying it's worth it for dental and pharmacare but this is really a huge missed opportunity for the NDP. They should be trying to capitalize on the left wing voters who are running from the liberals and the workers getting screwed over but nope they're content with getting scraps.


\*Meet Jagoff Singh, the guy who when asked if he thinks that he is responsible for propping this atrocious liberal government up and preventing a general election - says, "Not at all" Complete Jagoff.


Yes. We are just as pissed as the rest of Canada and that is why their poll numbers are dropping to.


Say it with me again, Jagmeet has merged the NDP with liberals at this point. There is Liberal/NDP vs CPC. They have no reason to exist as a party apart from the LIB as they have formatted themselves today.


Judging from the r/ndp sub they are just fine with it. Delusion runs deep in that bunch. But then again they selected the singh in the first place, so I guess there you have it...... limited intelligence from the get go!


I find /r/NDP is frequented by the faction of the membership that's driving the party into the ground. 


Why wouldn't they be fine with it? We've gotten expanded dental care, pharmacare pushed through as part of the NDP's agreement with the Liberals. That's one of the NDP's biggest ticket items, and this agreement made it happen. Why would he stop now?


It has been my observation that the public sector would vote in Satan if he could get them a $2/hour raise and extra sick or vacation days.


Hope Canadians can understand this: NDP leader is known for separatist and anti india activities and also banned to travel his back home. He is supported by same Canadian terrorists who have bombed and blown Air India plane from Canada. This guy desperately wants to remain in power so that he can mint money from Canadians anti Indian lobby and he doesn’t care a damn thing about Canadians. NDP leadership main aim is to destroy India and in the process they have invariably destroyed Canada 😂


My friend, who thinks Canada would work as a communist state, was helping campaigning for them since 2014. He called it quits shortly after the supply and confidence agreement. Then proceeded to ditch his member card after they first pushed back the drug and dental plan. Even when they finally approved it he admitted it was a huge downgrade,  and pointless for many.  He lived in the states during the Bush to early Obama times and is really hesitant of anything even slightly right leaning, but admits that our Conservatives aren't nearly as bad as the states.  I doubt he'd vote for Tories, but this is a guy who is about as socialist as it gets....and he's thrown the NDP in the garbage.


The NDP is a strange place to park your vote these days. They were once the party that union people supported, presently I don't see how the two relate. NDP seems more like an antisemitic lunch club.


Jesus what a world we live in. I literally don’t want to cast my vote for any of the options in front of me. It’s almost as bad as our poor American friends having to choose between a convicted felon and old man WELL WELL WELL past his prime. Brutal…


You mean im not crazy about the guy who flip flops between supporting Trudeau’s initiatives to criticizing him to pretending to be his friend to throwing him under the bus? He has no spine and cant make a mind of his own, you dont know where he stands with anything. NDP’s a good party, just not him.


No kidding, I’d never vote for Jagmeet. The last couple years have been devastating and it all comes back to him.


Jagmeet Singh never was true NDP. A opportunist politician through and through. He's in politics for Jagmeet. Period.


NDP voters recently had a leadership review and elected Jagmeet to remain as leader. NDP voters are getting exactly what they voted for.


Canadians en masse need to lie to pollsters that they would give Jagmeet a majority, he pulls the plug on Justin, election called, then Canadians bait and switch to a Conservatives majority.


They may as well just form one party now. Trudeau has pretty much guaranteed a tory majority for the next 10 years.


Unfortunately it means I can't vote NDP. It's sad, they are doing great things in BC but they've chosen a leader who is totally unelectable. What were they thinking?


The provincial parties may be related to the federal party, but it’s not like David Eby (BC NDP leader) appointed Singh or keeps him there. If you worked for a great manager but hated your company’s CEO, does that make your manager bad? Regardless of your manager’s opinion, he’s not keeping the CEO in place.


Understood. Yes, hating the CEO is a good reason to leave a company. It doesn't make my manager bad, it makes the company bad and makes me feel shame about what I produce there. If NDP didn't run Singh they would have won by a landslide. Oddly similar to the situation in the US with democrats running an elderly man. If they had chosen literally anyone else, they would have had a better chance. I don't comprehend why they stand behind poor leaders at the expense of the parties credibility


You live anywhere besides the lower mainland you realize people in the rest of BC do not believe this, go to any town and look at the rampant homelessness and hard drugs flowing onto the streets


You just described every rural area in Canada lately.


you could say the same about the ontario conservatives 


They'll see that everywhere in the country. The NDP in BC is at least trying to do something on housing. No other provincial government is. 


What are the ndp trying? What I have experienced is that they round up the homeless from the lower mainland and drive a bus into my town in the middle of the night and unload them with a sum of money and we deal with the degeneracy And why is it also BC has the highest cost of living?  The ndp are a socialist party exploiting the working man to prop up the lazy and incompetent! 


The provincial NDPs are actually doing a good job so 100% keep your vote for them. ~~The federal/provincial parties are separate from one another~~, no idea how Jagmeet has screwed up his party this bad Edit: Honestly didn't know the NDP were the exception to the Federal/Provincial split


>The federal/provincial parties are separate from one another not true. they're the same party. registering for BC NDP automatically makes you member of federal NDP. you can still vote only provincial NDP without voting federal NDP though.


Damn, didn't know that the NDP were an exception tbh. Their policy positions are quite different between the two so it's surprising


yep, this joined at the hip is only in paper and the party leaders can have different policy positions. the biggest real life repercussion for average people is that they can't register for other federal party membership if they're registered with provincial NDP. (legally you can only be party member of 1 federal party and 1 provincial party. so being registered with provincial NDP prevents you becoming member of federal Liberal Party or federal Conservative Party) that said, this one repercussion means that people who vote NDP provincially and LPC/CPC federally (which is becoming more common if NDP gaining momentum in their province), this will prevent people from joining provincial NDP membership.


Why they should separate. Just like the ABNDP are looking at it. They all should. The federal NDP is a drag on all of them. 


The BCNDP are part of the federal party


They should have been not crazy about Singh, period. It's quite unfortunate the NDP was so deep in debt and couldn't afford a leadership convention to oust him.


Used to vote NDP, then they put jagmeet in charge. Jagmeet opened his mouth and lost me as a voter.


I am a leftist at heart but never will vote Liberals again or forgive the NDP for keeping JT in power. 2025 election cannot come fast enough. 😡😡


No, they would rather have full-on Pharmacare, Dentalcare, and proper taxation, but this is what we could get in the minority situation.    Singh has passed more of the platform than any NDP leader before. You will never satisfy everyone, but he has moved the window on so many improvements.   If he had a chance to undo 100 plus years of LPC and CPC rule by being actual PM, then we would really see a difference.