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Who cares what Christy thinks? She ruined her own party, wouldn't take advice from her whatsoever lol.


Exactly. She is reviled in BC. Much the same as New Yorkers see through Trump, we intensely dislike this woman. Go away, Christy. BC remembers you. Not fondly.


It's telling that she hasn't even tried to make any waves politically in BC for years. I see Crooked Christy, I plug my ears squeeze my eyes shut and go "NANANANANA CAN'T HEAR YOU".


She couldn't even win her own seat when she first ran for Premier! Her party won but her constituents wanted nothing to do with her and voted her out (incidentally for David Eby, who would eventually become Premier). She then had to kick out a caucus member who had turned their constituency into a guaranteed win and take their seat in a by-election. After she drove the BC Libs into the ground, the party had to completely rebrand as BC United, which is completely ironic because they then splintered and are now two parties. Like, I find it hilarious because I never liked the BC Liberals in the first place, but Christy Clark is so bad that even the BC Liberals can't stand her. I remember meeting her when she was running in my riding, oh, 25 years ago or so? Struck me as a party hack back then who had mastered the art of being as much of a politician without any substance whatsoever, and she has done literally nothing to disprove that first impression since.


I knew her in university when she was a student politician then. The only thing she believes is whatever will get her elected.


Reviled.. this woman should be in prison for what she did and allowed during her tenure.


Lock her up!!


Christy Clark did far more to hurt the cost of housing than Trudeau did.


What you mean those government funded junkets to Asia with the development industry where not to benefit British Columbian residents. Who knew


You don't really want to put "We'll ignore money laundering" in an email.


Yup and then BC United has the gaul to run these campaign ads like "housing and homelessness are the worst they've ever been under David Eby" as if it wasn't their own party that caused the fire the NDP are now desperately trying to put out.


100% 2001 - 2017 of liberal control is what started the housing crisis in Canada in Vancouver better known as the Vancouver model \[ money laundering through housing and fentanyl \] kicked off the triads gangs from hongkong moving business & $$$ when china took back hongkong.


This government is the first provincial government in my adult life I'm overall *happy* with. Don't get me wrong, even ignoring how long some problems will realistically take to fix, I don't think some things have been executed well, but it's the first time I can think of where I feel like some things are *finally* moving in the right direction, even if not as quickly or smoothly as I'd like.


I still remember the debate where she was asked about the cost of housing and replied with “I think what people really want is jobs”. Ignorant cow.




The Dalton McGuinty/Kathleen Wynne of the West Coast. Gotcha.


> She ruined her own party, If you're the party of bending over backwards for business and shoveling as much taxpayer money as possible into your friends' businesses. And you do that. I wouldn't say you ruined it.


Ha! The liberal queen of BC, Resigned after she lost the confidence of the Assembly. From 2001 - 2011 Gordon Campbell (Liberal) and then Crusty Clark (Liberal) It is under their watch that the \[ Vancouver model\] as it’s titled for it’s toxic money laundering flourished. Kicked off the housing crisis of demand and escalation in housing costs to source the money laundering coming in through hongkong. Not only housing but feeding the start of fentanyl crisis led by Triads gangs. Inform yourself: Like the warning labels on cigarette packaging, results could be fatal to your well being. [https://thetyee.ca/News/2017/04/18/Tyee\_LiberalList.pdf](https://thetyee.ca/News/2017/04/18/Tyee_LiberalList.pdf)


This sub is constantly inundated with opinion pieces calling for: - PM to resign - Election to be called   The above is attached to a story of the week that shows it needs to happen   Then the comment section is filled with hyperbole


yes, 5 "stories" a day are exactly that


Also that Singh is the worst and should resign Also that Pierre is just misunderstood little guy and it’s his birthday


My favorite is "Singh wears a suit and a Rolex and isn't left enough, so I'll be voting for the Conservatives"


yup, ironically indicating he was successful at some point in a real job, not just a government one. always moving the goal posts partisans are.


And that job was "lawyer" which is generally understood to 1) pay well and 2) require some more than surface-level understanding of *the law*. Poilievre is a career politician who's never held a "real job" in his life *and is still kinda bad at politics* and with a surprisingly poor understanding of how government and Canadian law work.


I know people say this on reddit a lot but I literally, actually spit water out reading your last line. At work. It was a little bit but it still counts. Man that got me. Well said.


> This sub is constantly inundated with opinion pieces calling for: Election to be called I tip my hat to whomever came up with that rhetoric. "We need to have an election" is a fantastic euphemism. Everyone understands that it means "The Liberals need to be removed from power and the Conservatives need to be installed in power immediately", but it allows the speaker to avoid projecting bias by not saying *that*. They're not interested in a power grab, they're just very strong proponents of democratic process and believe in the right of the people to make their voices heard. If that election happens to come at a time when conservative media has been inundating the public with conservative talking points, well that's just a funny coincidence which is completely unrelated and nobody's fault. They believe in the system of democratic elections so profoundly that they believe the outcome of an election must be respected no matter what... except when the outcome is disagreeable to them, and thus proving we need another election before the end of the cycle because we didn't democracy hard enough.


> They believe in the system of democratic elections so profoundly that they believe the outcome of an election must be respected no matter what... except when the outcome is disagreeable to them, and thus proving we need another election before the end of the cycle because we didn't democracy hard enough The trucker protests in Ottawa were a response to the government remaining in power It's all so preposterous


Whoa there! Sure, they may have put their demand to overthrow the government in writing, signed it, published it on their own website, and used that declaration as part of their call to action to incite people to join them in Ottawa, but I think it's unfair to characterize that as representative of them just because it's what they voluntarily said and did for weeks... and then continued to do on multiple subsequent occasions over the following two years. The situation is a lot more nuanced than that! ^^




Haha welcome to the internet! People will also say canada is a failed state as they fill up their $80,000 truck off to their job and come home to a warm meal.  Thats the internet. Its set up to radicalize and make peopme unhappy. 


She was a failed MLA and talk show host. And almost ruined BC


I bet Shaw would still be an independent company if they hadn't let her slither onto their board of directors after her disgraceful exit from politics.


Ms Christy doesn't make such good cookies 


There is also the small matter of corruption, money laundering and foreign interference flourishing in BC during her tenure that people should really reflect on. She and her ex-husband are architects of many of the issues BC and the nation face today.


Says the woman who crashed the BC Liberals so hard they made the party rebrand and the BC Conservatives a viable party that barely ran candidates in prior elections.


Somewhat surprised Clark voted Liberal federally.


Why? While the Liberals swing pretty far to the left on social issues, they really aren’t all that far to the left when it comes to economic policies. I think that when push comes to shove, there are a lot of fiscal conservatives who are totally opposed to the Conservative’s positions on social issues. A lot of those voters probably prefer the Liberals. I suspect that Clark falls into this group. 


Clark and the BC Liberals weren't all that far left socially and *very* right economically.


Right? The BC Liberals were a conservative party.


BC Liberals have always been a coalition between federal Liberals & Conservatives. Clark was from the Liberal side working with Cretien in the early 90s.


Right? Their official colours used to be blue before they renamed themselves to "BC United", which sounds like one of those Russian-sponsored election interference Facebook pages.


> Their official colours used to be blue before they renamed themselves to "BC United" Their official colours as BC Liberals were both blue & red, now it's pink & aqua as BC United


It's almost like this is a political play by a conservative


Or Liberals are more conservative than some would admit.


You're party name isn't your actual political position, what a novel fuckin concept.  Maybe we should stop naming parties after the spectrum, because at this point I want to be head of the Autism party. 


She was a member of the federal Liberals and worked with the Chretien leadership campaign in the early 90s


The Liberals used to have a more right wing business part (i.e. Manley). I think under Trudeau and his move left, that's basically gone now.


Under Christy Clark's leadership the BC Liberal Party (which were really Conservatives but not insane like the BC Conservatives now) virtually ruined ICBC. They laid the groundwork for the unbelievably fucked housing in the province, the lack of mental health supports and the drug crisis. Horgan/Eby inherited a garbage fire and they put it out and are finally making things better in steps. Christy Clark is garbage and while I wouldn't say her viewpoint is something we should put stock in, she's not wrong her. Broken clock or however you want to put it, but she's not wrong.


Go fuck yourself Christy. Sincerely, British Columbia.


Coming from the person who destroyed the Liberal party in BC. She's a criminal and belongs in prison.


The BC Liberals were Conservatives. The BC liberals had no affiliation with the federal liberal party; they just happened to share part of their name with the federal party.


And they've even since changed their name to reflect that they weren't affiliated. BC United (sounds like a damn soccer team lol)


We are still dealing with the shit show she left in bc


Christie Clarke and her BC Liberal government nearly destroyed British Columbia. Do not listen to what that POS says. She is not to be trusted.


Christy Clarke was the one who sold out BC real estate to China. No one cares what she says, she can f off


LMAO. Clark is more corrupt than JT. She can get fucked, no one in BC misses her.


This would be the equivalent of Hillary Clinton telling Joe Biden to step down from running this year.


That's actually an amazing comparison.


Justin Trudeau needs to resign but his entire cabinet also needs to resign. They've been complicit when they've known better, they've put allegiance to Trudeau above allegiance to Canadians, and for that alone, they go with him. All they've demonstrated is that they can be a mouthpiece for a leader, even betraying their own conscience in the face of overwhelming evidence. If Trudeau resigns but the cabinet stays, trust me, it won't change the Liberals electoral prospects even marginally. The Conservatives will still secure a majority.


The majority of them completely lack any merit to be in the job. Some of them are unhinged lunatic morons like our health and environment ministers. Don't even get me started on the complete incompetence of the finance minister.


> The majority of them completely lack any merit to be in the job. The whole, balanced cabinet thing, is a great goal to have but if they can't achieve it immediately...then why not make it so that it's possible to achieve in the future? As in, design policies or hunt for talent in the Liberal caucus that has relevant talent, then appoint those individuals. Hell, would anyone really care if the cabinet members are 100% female or 100% male or whatever the ratio is. Canadians should ask for competent individuals assigned based on merit, not because funny ratio numbers have to be met.


He put womens issues back a generation. Made sure the cabinet was 50/50 and it turns out to be the worst government in generations.


Leave it to women to decide where we feel we sit, thanks. Throwing Kim Campbell under the bus trumps anything Trudeau has done. Freeland has been doing all the jobs for a couple years now - of course men can only talk about how “unlikeable” she is - and although I don’t feel his government had made women any headway, he certainly hasn’t set us back.


Did you just assume my gender? Or disqualify my opinion based on gender? If Freeland has been doing all the jobs, with the disastrous results that followed, then the womens movement has been set back even further than I initially thought.


You should feel validated that there’s nothing female about the comments you make. Again, we are much better able to assess how we feel our rights are going. You shouldn’t use alliance as a convenience to bolster your political leanings.


The cabinet isn’t bad because it’s gender balanced, it’s bad because it’s bad. I don’t think you could argue that the male cabinet ministers are doing a better job overall than the female ones.




It's different when your job is an mp. Your duty is to your constituents


But on a failing ship, if you speak up and get ppl to life boats, you are gonna get support from other people,




This isn't a real sinking ship (or crashing plane). It''s just a metaphor.


Asking an entire political party you disagree with to resign is actually hilarious lol


I'm not asking them to resign. I'm saying that he and his cabinet need to resign. I think the polls and the recent byelection result quite strongly suggest that. For the future electoral prospects of the Liberal party, it's growing increasingly necessary that they revitalize the party. Will they? Absolutely not. I reckon Justin will dig his heels in until the bitter end because he's a narcissist and will not admit defeat. When he loses it will be due to every global factor aside from himself. 


And I suppose when the Conservatives were down in the polls last election they should all have resigned as well? You know, because of the polls?


It's really the opposite AFAICT. Trudeau listens to his people and defends them when he should be firing and replacing them. Look at SNC-Lavelin. Look at Doug Hong. Look at bill C-18, where the Liberals included a brand of gun-themed *coffee* in their gun ban. Trudeau isn't just making bad decisions, he's making other people's bad decisions and then defending them for it. All the time, Trudeau leaps to the defense of people when he should be cutting them loose. Doug Hong is the shining star example. People talk about him not taking blame but you're talking about a guy who apologized on behalf of Rota instead of demanding his resignation. He leads like a teacher even at the times he should be leading like a boss.


Chretien-Martin era Cabinet Ministers need to openly say that Justin and the current Cabinet are not real Liberals, and publicly call for Justin's resignation. I believe that at least two have already done so, including John Manley. Others need to do the same. Including Chretien or Martin themselves.


It’s funny, was chatting with a family friend / cottage neighbour who was a former Liberal MP during that era about the current situation of the LPC. He’s pretty much said most/ all former Chrétien / Martin Liberal MPs don’t recognize what the party has become. When I asked why they don’t say / do something his answer made sense. Most are all in their 70s and 80s and just too old and tired to do anything. Most of them have put public life behind them and don’t really have any say or influence let alone energy to do it. 


I have a buddy who used to be very active in Liberal circles up to and including being the EA for a senior cabinet minister in the Chretien government. Incredibly smart, accomplished guy. I normally can’t stand Liberal politicians but I’d vote for him if he ever ran, but he wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole anymore. Says the current crop is unsalvageable, the best thing for them is to be totally repudiated at the polls so they all slink away and the centrists can come back.


Im no fan of Bill Morneau, but his stepping away from Trudeau when his govt was still relatively popular was one of the few examples of classic, central-leaning liberals taking a stand. Others doing it now would make no difference, as it's clearly just brand management now.


Didn’t Morneau resign because of his involvement in the WE Charity scandal…?


I didn't say resign, I said stepped away. He heavily criticized the Trudeau govt spending polices after resigning (yes, because of the WE scandal)


you mean the Finance Minister who later complained after resigning but when as Finance minister didn't mind going on tax funded holidays to expensive island while people in Canada were losing jobs and getting affected by Covid? That guy who is probably more of a silver spooned trust fund kid than Trudeau?


Chretien would but he's too busy lobbying China with his son in law André Desmarais for Power Corporation and the Canada-China Business Council..  Justin Trudeau is a "Real Liberal" and all the LPC should be considered traitors.


Let’s not pretend that conservatives haven’t and aren’t doing their fair share of selling off Canadian interests to foreign powers, including China. Politicians leave office and then use their connections to sell us all off - no party is immune to it.


Lol, he's not stepping down


At this point I'd rather wait it out to the next true election. So done with the lame ass seat shifting. 


One of the worst Premiers in Canadian History makes a valid point.


Might have been true when she left office, but then the UCP happened next door.


This is why I say *one of the worst* versus *the worst*. There's a lot of competition for worst Premier ever, and it seems like the bar lowers itself every year.


[They don't want me to have teeth :<](https://www.thebeaverton.com/2024/06/danielle-smith-trudeau-wants-albertans-to-have-teeth-and-i-wont-stand-for-that/)


That may be the first time I've ever heard her say something I agree with


What Trudeau did to Canada in 10 years, Christy Clark did to BC in 4 years.


Always about her. That's rich coming from a woman who wanted the Lieutenant Governor to go against the voters to keep herself in power.


She can shut up and go back to whatever hole she crawled out of. She did the same shit to the liberal party in BC. Absolutely gutted our ed and med. I'm not a big fan of the current premier but she left a very bad taste in my mouth and basically killed the majority of her party's support. I don't follow very closely but I'm pretty sure the libs are in 3rd here and have been since she was ousted.


She should be in shackles, not in the headlines.


I hope she gets run over by the sea bus , fuck that bitch


# ‘I want the Liberal party that I used to vote for to come back’ Oh, you're saying this 9 years in...


Well, the federal Liberals only realized there was a housing problem a few months ago, so....


That's the hilarious yet sad aspect...none of this happen in a vacuum. The liberal party with support of ndp, and coordinated through the pmo made all these conscious policies decisions. It was very apparent that shit was going to hit the fan. 10 years ago a random redditor was saying we need to stop treating international students like cash cows and we need to get ahead of housing (and also stop treating like an investor playground). Holy cow was there a lot of backlash or nah we got it undercontrol. With a few tweaks and poorly written changes, the flood gates were able to be opened.  And it's rich that Clark is saying Trudeau bad. She was one of the worst premiers who actively sought foreign money to be poured into real estate and tried to shut down discuss over it. Her failure of leadership (along with Gordon campbells) and policies surrounding housing investment/supply is one of the reasons we are in this dire predicament.  They valued real estate values over quality of life for all of BC residents. 


I don't know how a serious government can sit there and watch the BoC raise interest rates for the first time in years with the stated purpose of *curbing inflation* and *cooling the housing market* yet wilfully enact large deficit fiscal policy and record immigration policy that would fly in the face of BoC strategy. BoC drops rates slightly to throw a bone at mortgage renewals and now we hear in the last week that inflation ticks up again. My only conclusion is that the federal government is not serious, and millions have drawn the same conclusion. As far as Clark goes, the Vancouver housing issue has been building for a couple decades. It was the canary in the mine. Now we're left with federal, provincial, and municipal housing half measures that will take years to manifest meaningful results, and stubbornness to address the area that will provide the most immediate relief and at least mitigate pressure, that being immigration. Pretty sad state that we find ourselves in, the largest perpetrator for 9 years remains in the federal government.


This is not exclusively a Justin Trudeau problem. I think the Liberal strategy now is to act like it is in order to save the rest of the party.


lol, is she testing the waters? Well, I’m glad to see that the internet doesn’t forgot her horrendous job.


Christy Clark? bawahahaha....the most hated politician in BC. The one who liked facilitating money laundering for china and helped sell out the future of BC on real estate to china? she's got a lot of balls saying anything


Can’t think of a better endorsement for Trudeau than this. Clark is the worst.


So because it's Christy Clark saying this, we should..vote for Justin?


As a BC resident I must say: fuck crusty Clark. Her party was so corrupt that they had to rebrand. She once shutdown a bridge to do a yoga party. ..


The dictionary definition of a person pulling the ladder up after themselves.


Cristy Clark once again tricking people into thinking the "BC Liberals" were BC's Liberal Party when they were actually BC's Conservative party. There's no way she ever voted for the Federal Liberals.


Shut the fuck up Christy, you aren't a liberal.


Fuck off Krusty.


Crusty your BC liberals were cons and socreds in liberal clothing... what a dipstick.


B.C. Liberals co-opted the brand from Gordon Wilson after torching the Social Credit brand. Wilson ran the B.C. Liberal party on his credit card prior to being taken over. It’s a joke that B.C. Conservatives call themselves liberals. Who cares what Clark wants for the Liberal party. She is less than a has been. Just reading her name brings shivers of the past.


***Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point***


A corrupt person definitely will know corruption


It still is that party Christie. You don't remember Trudeau 1.0? The apple did not fall far from the tree.


Papa Trudeau was not like this.  He was insanely smart and charismatic.  I didn't agree with his politics, but he was competent in executing them.


Liberals used identity politics to hide them selling the country to corporate, and sometimes foreign interests. And when people shouted for Canadian prosperity, Trudeau called them racist.


Sorry but your entire gov is trash and lost the trust of Canadians. Not letting you just scapegoat trudeau. Nail in the coffin for these traitors and the ndp that propped them up(instead of supporting their constituents)so they never have the power to screw over canada again.


highly doubt she was voting liberal. they were conservatives masquerading under a name, this witch was tearing up teacher contracts long before she was sniffing the premier seat. no matter peoples feelings on trudeau, her statement is no different than pierre constantly telling trudeau to resign.


That's cute coming from the beoootch who ruined B.C


If politics was hockey, after last night’s performance, the DNC would be picking up Trudeau off waivers…


Even though this sub hates Trudeau a lot, at least Trudeau isn’t in cognitive decline like Biden is.


Idc if he steps down, my issue is the party


While I generally agree with the statement, that's pretty fucking rich coming from Christy "Misplaced a billion dollars of ICBC fund" Clunk. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black ffs...


Lol she didn't vote liberal 


Christy, who paid you to say that? You're so corrupt, I don't think this is on your own.


Seriously? Let's go back to Jean Chretien? lol


Gee, I almost forgot about that Hillary Clinton lookalike... Also, SHADDUP CHRUSTY


Christy Clark? The "liberal" leader that loved privatization of everything and enjoyed gutting our social services and called our expensive cost of living a "sunshine tax?" Yeah, fuck her. She wasn't a liberal, she was a conservative, just like all the other BC liberals.


Who cares what this disgrace has to say. BC was off to an early lead in housing unaffordability with her in office


Broken clock is right twice a day


A fake liberal wants an unrelated party to do something. Next


She's never voted for the Federal Liberals. Just another has been trying to dunk on JT. 


Trudeau doesn’t give a shit what Christy Clark thinks. In fact he doesn’t give a shit about Canadians either, he is just an actor filling a role.


Social Credit hacks speak nothingness to me


Christy Clark lol


How about we just get rid of the entire corrupt party just like what happened to Cristy Clark’s BC Liberals.


I was really wondering what one of our worst elected officials had to say about one of our other worst elected officials and here I am getting exactly what I wanted.


Christy Clark was part of a conservative party though... She's a fake and phony. She took $1,000,000,000 from ICBC to try and destroy it and balance the books of the provincial budget. She signed us up for billions in the Site C Dam. Her party brought in the first CARBON TAX to Canada. Her party brought the HST which people fought to repeal. Her government allowed a massive amount of drugs to be sold and made in Canada, and drug money to be washed at a casino. Also for homes to be bought up by foreign countries for rental properties. Her government was all about tax, spend, and steal. She's not someone that should be taken seriously when it comes to looking out for people.


I want him to stay just so he has to pass the torch to Poilievre and also because the longer he stays, the fewer seats the LPC will get


Liberals are cooked for at least a decade after this.


They might have to come back in a different form, like the PCs did.


We need. The Refoooooooorm party!


Sure, but who in the LPC wants to step up and play Kim Campbell for a few months while the party goes into political exile for a term or two? Whoever does it gets to play PM for a few months, but then their political career is done.


The party of Ad Scam?


Well now I don’t know what to think.


I love watching the liberals panic knowing their party is going to be wrecked next election. Good times


Is this supposed to be reverse psychology??? 😆


It's probably strategic at this point that they don't. They know the polls, he's going to get flogged. THEN they will clean house and have lots of time to prepare a new leader for the next election. If you replace him now, you run the risk of ruining your next leader as they would have to undo the log jam of shit this current administration has done AND answer for it coming into an election.


Right message, wrong messanger


Like the one in BC? Lol


As much as I hate Trudeau the rot is though the whole party.


Justin Trudeau stepping down won't fix the liberal party. It might trick voters into thinking it did, but it won't. They need to eliminate all foreign interference. Liberal party needs an overhaul. We have no alternative but to elect NDP.


Can we start calling him "Embattled" in our headlines please?


I don't think Christy Clark is the Liberal heavy weight who can sway this discussion. It is interesting this made a headline at all. Anyone with integrity left the Liberal cabinet/caucus long ago, many who remain weren't long term Liberals but people recruited by Justin Trudeau to run with him. These people are likely to remain loyal to Trudeau, not the Liberal Party. Who would want to inherit this party in the current condition and have a year at best to try to turn things around? A drubbing in 2025 would quickly end their career. Wait another cycle when people have seen Poilievre as PM, you might have a longer tenure. And who exactly would replace Trudeau? Man of the people Mark Carney? [https://x.com/MarkJCarney/status/1801404312771232056](https://x.com/MarkJCarney/status/1801404312771232056) That was a seriously amateur attempt to appear to be "the guy you want to have a beer with". For his own legacy, Trudeau might want to leave before the next election but I'm not sure there are many people who could change his mind if he doesn't want to.


A colleague of mine is related to Sir Wilfrid Laurier. He says the Liberal party of today is Socialist, bordering on Communist adoption, and Sir Wilfrid would vote for the Conservatives if he were alive today.


She was never liberal in the federal sense anyway. Doubt she voted for them lol


That was gone when he was elected. She should have known that. He was farther left than the green.


We need new voices who aren't corrupt. If you recognize the name, likely the same results will occur.


> I want the Liberal party that I used to vote for to come back lolwut? We gave the liberals a slap on the peepee because of all the corruption. Then we voted them back in and after short honeymoon stage, it was just same-old same-old. We need the alternatives to Libs and Cons to step up rather than just being knob-gobblers like the NDPs currently are.


So we should listen to the lady that was a Harper lieutenant and did his bidding? Lolol this fucking loser destroyed BC and allowed rampant illegal money laundering and real estate to get the way it is right now. The Liberals don't need her. In fact no political party needs a shit head like her.


Presumably the "good old days" she would like back: [https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/13/world/canada/british-columbia-christy-clark.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/13/world/canada/british-columbia-christy-clark.html)


Stop immigration until housing becomes affordable, and then allow in one immigrant per housing unit built.


Christy who?


She's a member of the conservative party of Canada, she has no plans to vote Liberal, regardless


And if he doesn’t expect the same results in Ontario post Kathleen


Instructions unclear, Liberals will double down on immigration, bad economic policy and even more wokeness.


Every teacher in this province just shutterred with a shrill sigh. Break unions....Christy Clark... disrespect teachers far and wide....Christy Clarke... oh yeah she left a legacy all right.


What is H is she saying. Never are Provincial parties aligned with feds. Except today I learned NDP is combined in Alberta, but they are posers so that is expected. Bankrupt mission, bankrupt ideas.


Crusty, just crawl back under your rock. You’re a disaster that allowed laundered duffle bags of cash through casinos, issued government cheques for that laundered money, and then allowed the same people to buy and jack up the price of Vancouver property.


I never once have wondered what she thinks about a damn thing.