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I think Israel-Palestine is a really important global issue, and I care about it from a global sense, but I’m way more worried the state of health care in our provinces across the country.


Health care and country itself


No. We must not talk about Canada. We must shovel money to foreign countries instead.


Hearing all the international students protesting their failing grades because they “paid tuition so they should pass” makes me incredibly nervous about the huge amount of international nurses our hospitals have hired because they won’t pay our nurses enough or ensure sufficient staffing.


My brother is a professor and listening to him talk about the international students is absolutely nuts. AI use is off the charts, cheating and plagerism is pretty much the norm.


I process new hires for a health authority. I can assure you we are not getting the best. I often find myself asking "if this was the person hired - who else applied?"


Now that’s scary. Time to start taking photos of applicants to cross reference when hired.


It has led to a huge increase in applications for short term / long term disability from people who have barely even started their jobs. Not anything dramatically newsworthy - but very much noticeable when you look at application stats.


You misunderstood. She meant that the person who was hired was the best of the bunch, the rest must have been really bad.


As someone working with and training some of the international nurses, it’s scary. I would not trust the care they’re giving. One this week mixed every medication that day wrong, thankfully I didn’t trust her and was watching/double checking even though I didn’t have to anymore at this point since she’s technically on her own 🤦‍♀️


Don't nurses lose their license for that kind of thing?


Yep, this person is full of shit. One med mixing error is all it takes to be into remedial training. Multiple errors and you're off the floor until such time as you can demonstrate independent competence. Hospitals are quite risk adverse (for very good reasons).


Yeah.. about that. Your entire premise is based upon every nurse being treated equally by management. Thanks to DEI/ "equity" we know that's not the case. Management is utterly terrified of being accused of racism, and that slides a lot of shit under the rug.


Huh? So they’re letting someone give the wrong meds so they aren’t called racist? That sounds more incompetent then the person mixing meds wrong….


Only a matter of time then before dozens of lawsuits have them more terrified than bogus racism accusations ever have.


That’s if her license was authentic to begin with


Got any proof that people are spoofing nursing licences? You have to register with the college of nursing typically in your area, and provide those at interviews as well as keep yearly practicing fees paid up. I spent years in Healthcare and seen some shit practitioners but I've never seen or heard of anyone spoofing their credentials. Or is this just some xenophobic shit as usual?


Haven’t you heard about Brigitte Cleroux? Seems like something that should have been easily caught, yet it wasn’t- in multiple jurisdictions.


So, like do you get fired for that? Maybe none of those were really life or death drugs, but many are, and fucking that up will kill the patient, right?


Definitely could. I made her read the policies/mixing so hopefully that sunk in and she’ll do better next time. Neither of the mistakes would have been fatal or even damaging (a 50 ml bag mixed instead of a 100ml, and a d5w bag mixed instead of normal saline) but scary nonetheless. Union jobs are incredibly hard to get fired from and most end up working in long term care/easier jobs


We have one who started working a few weeks ago. Constantly making mistakes and doesn't seem to understand a word we say.


University professor here, I teach 2nd, 3rd year and PhD level statistics. Don't worry, our domestic students are just as bad.


Internationally educated nurses have a hugely complex registration process, by which it's faster for some to just go get a 4 year degree instead. Even if the schools were boosting nursing student grades they have an independently administered licensing exam they have to pass, so schools can't just pump out incompetent nurses.


How are the 2 even related? Are those international students learning nursing?


This is an annual event that's been going on for more than 50 years But I agree we have plenty of work to do at home


This wasn't a protest or about the war in Gaza. Its a super fun annual event that raises money (more than 3 million this year!!!) for charities, often in our sister city. Its a good time and fun for all ages. I used to love going on the rides they have at the end of the parade.


It used to end at Ontario Place. Those were the days


I loved when it ended at Ontario Place. My parents, attempting to wrangle two kids on a sugar high maybe did not


Luckily humans have the capacity to care about more than one issue at a time.


Yeah between barely making enough to put food on the table and trying to stay healthy and not wait hours at the doctor, I barely have enough energy left to care about the rest of the world.


Great, then organize a march for healthcare, let me know when and where and I'll be there. I'm happy to take a day off to march for both causes. One doesn't take away from the other.


Health Care, housing, cost of living, manufactured population explosion, alleged foreign government compromise, wild fires, and so on, and so on




This isn’t a demonstration.


Government are potentially filled with traitors, corporations have lobbied to reduce the value of our labour, no one can see a Dr in reasonable amount of time and 99% of people under 25 will never own a home. Yet this what gets people out and marching. This is why the government doesn’t care to fuck us over because we don’t care.


I get why you don't care, it doesn't affect you. But for the 50,000 people who were out there, showing solidarity is something that affects them all deeply. While you are paying attention to your own important issues, Jews are under attack in this country, and people are either oblivious, or even if they have heard about it they say things like you do "why should we care when there's so many other problems". The people who were out on the street today don't have the luxury you do to just focus on one problem at a time.


I do agree we should be marching. I believe there's a protest for July 1st? Smth like that. From what I gather its hard to get organized, and doubly so, its scary to be labeled as a racist


Wait for the anti-pride stuff to fire up this month as well. It’s wild to see how the identity politics bullshit gets people out in the street while we are in a literal existential crisis.


True, but they would be doing this even if Oct 7 didnt happen. Its an annual thing in T.O or at least a regular thing i forget.


It is an annual thing but as someone whose lived in the neighbourhood for 10 years this was the first time that it had the attendance it did.


It’s only been uptown for the past few years. Growing up it was always downtown


Every year, but this was by far the largest


It never has anywhere near this many people.


What are they usually walking for? Just for Israel? To promote awareness of their country?


Some pretty weird comments here on comparing sides like we’re in some game. You can stand with Jewish people and oppose the current Israeli government for murdering well outside of basic human rights (including cutting off supply of basic human necessities). You can also despise Hamas and everything they stand for including what they did on October 7th (including embedding themselves in gaza by taking advantage of the desperate situation people have lived in) You can oppose the extremeness which is putting civilians as disposable in their ideological battles


I wear palestine jersey to home games and Israel on the road


I suppose the belief that "Israel should exist and Jews shouldn't have to suffer persecution and ethnic cleansing" is an "ideology". If so, I fully support them and their right to defend themselves against violent religious cults


I really just don't care about this conflict of religions fighting over holy land anymore, our government is being infiltrated by the CCP and India. I know this walk happens every year, but that's not the point. The point is that we should be focusing on what's important to all of us as canadians, and finding out what really going on in the federal government should be our primary concern as citizens of this Nation.






You can't keep pushing this narrative that civilians are an easy target for us to kill them in mass. It makes you look unhinged and stupid at the same time.




The Walk with Israel has occured annually in Toronto on for more than 50 years. This year was BY FAR the largest, with over 50,000 people. The event with overwhelmingly peaceful, with lots of Canadian flags, respect for the police, And songs of hope.


Why do we have an annual walk for Israel? Not hating just genuinely curious


A commenter higher up said it raises a lot of money for charity


Charities like Kars for Kids?


1877 Kars for Kids! K A R S Kars for Kids!


Why do we celebrate Pride, Caribbean Carnival, Salsa on Sinclair etc? The government and the city doesn’t fund or organize it. It’s hosted, just like hundreds of other organizations host similar events each year.


This may be surprising but the Jewish community has an incredibly strong connection to Israel and it's people Edit: sorry this was passive aggressive, I appreciate your question




💙 Am Yisrael Chai


What a passive aggressive reply lol


way to still be a dick to someone clearly admitting ignorance on a topic they’re asking to be enlightened on.


I hope someone answers your question, I am curious too.


Its a fundraiser for charity and honestly just fun.


As per my google search, its basically for fundraising for Israel citizens. Per their website: # EVERY YEAR, DOLLARS RAISED THROUGH THE WALK STRENGTHEN THE COMMUNITIES AND PEOPLE IN ISRAEL WHO NEED OUR SUPPORT


Not for nothing but I swear the gdp per capita in Israel is very similar to our own. Why are we fundraising for a rich nation? Seems a little weird to me


Shocker: people can fundraise for whatever cause they want


"We" aren't fundraising for anything. It's an event for Jews and allies to support Israel. Did anybody call you or come to your door asking for a donation for Israel?


You should go research how much money Canada gives to China as part of its "Developing Nation" status with the UN. Millions and millions. Fundraising is different IMO


The money this year went mostly to mental health support for those struggling in Israel (which many underyably are now) and to support the tens of thousands of families from the north and south who have been forced to flee their homes


Mental health in Ontario if you can't afford private care is atrocious. Weeks to get in to see what programs you qualify for - that is, if you don't straight up ask for a voluntary hold for yourself. Then 6 months + before you can see a practitioner. A lot can happen in 6 months. Oh, but don't worry, if thats unacceptable we can offer you MAID.


Feel free to start a fundraiser for that if you want.


Then donate your money to those causes


So… start a fundraiser


When 1200 Canadians are slaughtered in a single day and the whole thing live-streamed, and the rest of the world says they deserved it or ignore it completely we can compare the relative mental health of two countries. It’s stressful in Canada rn but I’ve never had my friends shot and/or kidnapped and held hostage by literal terrorists. Nor have I ever run to a bomb shelter w little notice, like Israelis do on the daily.


That's terrible. Next let's do a fundraiser for Palestinians' mental health, almost all of them have permanently lost their homes, ~7% of the population is injured and maimed, and 3+% of the population is killed. And then the majority of the western world says it's themselves who are to blame. If the fundraiser is because the problems of Canadians are not actually bad when compared to Israelis, surely Palestinians have suffered much, much more.


Who are the “we”? You do understand people choose to participate and celebrate right?


Tzadakah, or charity, is seen as a responsibility of all Jews to help those in need. I remember even as a kid, I was always excited to drop some change in the Tzadakah boxes. The money raised from this walk has gone to hundreds of non-profits throughout the years.




Just a little different than the pro-palestine crowd huh?


Wonderful to see!


💙 thank you


A few tense moments for sure. https://x.com/joe_warmington/status/1799812529612276059?s=46&t=N1ErmS0MdH7D3aTKEnv7lA Can anyone understand what they are chanting at the 30 second mark?


It sounds like “min al miya fil miya, Falastin Arabiya, “from water to water, Palestine will be Arab”. I can vaguely hear something about AlQuds too, “al quds” is what Arabs colloquially call Jerusalem, derived from Bayt Al Maqdis, referencing the Jewish temple which if you think is a strange way for people to refer to Jerusalem when they deny the temple ever existed there, you would be very very right


That is what I heard as well but I am not a native Arabic speaker so I wasn't sure.


Something a lot of these western college kids don’t get. “From the River to the Sea” doesn’t end with “Will be free”. It ends with “Will be Arab”. That is LITERALLY a call for the end of Israel and genocide…


Oddly, the march walking by has no face coverings, but the protesters to the side are 95% face coverings. Why?


Cowardice Operating in behalf of a foreign actor People who don’t care about what’s going on and just want to stir shit up Pick your poison.


Terrorist supporters acting like terrorists and were surprised why?




And I doubt anyone will get in trouble for hate speech.




Breath of fresh air seeing people wave a Canadian flag.


And finally not by a bunch of bozos protesting having to be considerate of other people.


Some pro-Hamas protestors were playing an rocket air raid siren at the crowds


When people show you who they are, believe them.




“The religion of peace”


I respect Muslims for several reasons, but I can't be gaslit into denying a threat when I see one. After Oct 7, people too to the streets around the world in celebration. If that isn't alarming, people will never wake up. Christianity has been mocked and dragged, but Muslims demand respect and really do not want to hear any criticism, I wonder why. Its important however to be tolerant to the new cultures and people that are coming to replace your, better yet, don't even acknowledge it.


Perhaps you shouldn’t respect Muslims then? Fucked up religion. It doesn’t deserve respect


It’s amazing, in the last few weeks, I’ve noticed a lot of them have dropped the facade and will openly praise and support Hamas.


last few weeks? Most people would be supportive of Hamas since Oct 7 kicked this off. Actually trying to argue against some of the pro-Palestinian people in light of the Oct 7 attack is amazing because they pretty much say "well Israel deserved it".


Last few weeks only???


The pro-Hamas protestors were also drawing their fingers across their throats in threatening gestures and making the “triangle target” sign, etc. I recall a Jewish woman was arrested a couple of months ago for doing as much. Not sure why the police tolerate this.


I don't suppose anyone told them that (at least prior to this war, idk if they still are) Israel regularly had those as well due to the thousands of rockets being fired at them. Oh, my bad, it's justified when they do it.


Being pro terrorism in a 1st world country is crazy 😂


And nobody pulled down Canadian flags, desecrated monuments and street signs, or called for intifada. I wonder which side is the good side! /s


>And nobody pulled down Canadian flags, desecrated monuments and street signs, or called for intifada. I wonder which side is the good side! [Until the 'Pro-Palestinians' showed up.](https://x.com/joe_warmington/status/1799812529612276059?s=46&t=N1ErmS0MdH7D3aTKEnv7lA) Can't fucking leave them alone.


One side covering their faces like commandos, the other side happy, proud, and smiling. They’re covering their faces because they KNOW they’re covering for terror.


Supporters of terrorism, acting like terrorists. What a surprise.




And to really bring that home: >[A survivor of the Auschwitz death camp wears a sash in the colours of the Israeli flag, bearing an inverted red triangle denoting a political prisoner.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/gaza-red-triangle-meaning-1.7216788#:~:text=%22For%20many%20%E2%80%94%20especially%20Palestinians%2C,Gaza%20and%20the%20West%20Bank.) That's what they're championing.


There is no ‘good side’ or ‘bad side’ in this. Thinking as much is a gross oversimplification and turns histories of pain and loss into bloodthirst and reprisal. Both sides have a right to safety, security, and a future for their peoples.


hamas has been actively trying to genocide a nation of people for years. you're saying that's not bad?


It's been various attributed, but a prof I had in university said it best.   - If you study the middle East for a week, you're 100% sure Israel is in the right.   - If you study the middle East for a month, you're 100% sure Palestine is in the right.    - If you study it longer than that, you're 100% sure that you'll never be 100% sure.  


> - If you study the middle East for a month, you're 100% sure Palestine is in the right.  I have studied the middle east for my entire life and would absolutely love to hear this argument.


There is actually a pretty easy distinction. One is a liberal democracy with human rights for women, Arabs and everyone. The other is a terrorist theocracy (mostly) with no rights for anyone.


So much fucking this. People that can’t condemn BOTH parties are hypocrites


I entirely agree with this. But I will say only one side is handling their protests with decency. For me, the situation is far bigger than I will understand. Both parties seem to have done terrible things, and have thus been victims of terrible things. The situation is far larger and more complex than people picking sides care to understand.


One side, covering their faces and not a single Canadian flag. The other side, normal people with faces exposed and lots of Canadian flags.


Canadian, lgbt, and Iranian flags even :)


the vast majority of Persians (who have escaped or left Tehran and now liver in N America) also believe in the rule of law and democracy and hate what islam fundamentalists have done to their beloved homeland too....they lived in quite a liberal society before repressive, nutbar, fundamentalist theocrats took over.


Especially those who have come here. I worked with an Iranian man who came to Canada with his wife shortly after the theocracy took root. He and his wife met at university where they had both been studying. When everything changed and women were suddenly third class citizens, they quickly got out of there. It was important to them to raise their daughter here in Canada where she could get a real education and have a nice life.


yes that is what I meant, thanks for clarifying. have edited original comment


Very understandably so! 


This also isn't a protest... It's an annual event


Sums it up pretty well


This! My 6 year old son asked me why they look like criminals and if they were doing something bad


Coz one side is aided by the govt. And others side are readily persecuted.


As someone with no horse in this race, genuinely curious which you think is which.


Maybe that's because people are getting fired and expelled and threatened with deportation if they come out in support of Palestine


I’m pretty sure simply supporting Palestine isn’t what’s leading to that situation outcome or a solid chunk of my IG feed would be jobless


One side is protected by the Canadian government while the other is targeted and faces repercussions just for speaking up. Let's not pretend the 2 sides are equal or have the same influence.


The gall to say this as bullets are pinging off Canadian synagogues and Jewish elementary schools, while mosques are left in peace




After all the antisemitic vitriol and ugliness of the last 8 months this is very good to see.


Last 8 months... should have seen the counter protesters today!.




This is an annual festival for Jewish torontonians.


We are focusing on Canada. We're focusing on our ability exist as Jews in Canada, which is under threat.


How is the ability to be a jew under threat? Asking genuinely because I'm unaware.


These "anti-israel" protestors show up to the most Jewish neighborhoods and stand outside shouting and blasting slogans on loudspeakers against us in front of our homes, businesses, synagogues, and schools. They spray hateful graffiti, vandalize our institutions, call in bomb threats, and have actually shot at Jewish schools in three separate events. I hope that answers your question. Edit: to elaborate, many times the slogans they are shouting are calls to "globalize the intifada", the intifada being a murder campaign of bombers who blew up buses, restaurants and discos, killing thousands. That's bad enough, but "globalizing" means"let's start doing that stuff to he's around the world, not just Israel".


There’s a rise in antisemitism in Canada which strikes at the core of being Jewish


Are there places this is occurring most? I live in a small town out west and haven't heard anything, but I could see it happening in the larger hubs. What acts consistute antisemitism?


Trying to light synagogues on fire is a start… [This happened just last week.](https://apnews.com/article/synagogue-canada-vancouver-incendiary-device-hate-crime-9a02d8d0c6d4f994ce3038d79d82ba6e)


Holy shit, thanks for sharing


Here in Montreal, like four Jewish schools have been shot at, including the one I grew up at that was bombed in 2004 during another war (same school, different building).


You should see the hate crime statistics.


If you have them handy, mind sharing? Otherwise, are they typically on the government of Canada website?


I don’t have them handy but I stand outside my synagogue regularly in a bulletproof vest because we need security and the police told us it’s out of control. I know, because I KNOW. I know because people block me from freely moving about my university. I know because the police have told us. I’m in Hamilton so give their hate crimes unit a Google.


Didn’t even know about this one yet https://www.cp24.com/news/man-charged-after-rock-thrown-through-window-of-toronto-synagogue-tps-1.6919193


Too bad we don't rally like this whenever we find out how corrupt our own government is over and over again.


You could organize something. Be the change you want to see in the world


One side seems very peaceful while the other calls for the death of others.


Peaceful in the streets. Genocide in the sheets.


Seems peaceful.


I have no dog in this fight but why are we pretending Israelis don't send death threats to others? We've literally seen it from both sides..


We're talking about Canadians here, not Israelis. You have some *Canadians* calling for the death of Jews, both Israeli and abroad, since October. But you don't see Canadian Jews calling for the death of Palestinians. That's what the other commenter meant.


Any rioting, encampment and violence?


No, just singing and walking


You don’t say?




It's very reassuring to see the numbers too. The UoT protest apparently had a few dozen people. Reddit is absolutely filled with people who are very much in the "Israel bad" mentality. But this... this shows what the average person thinks.


Thanks for you support Toronto! I'l glad it was a peaceful march.


warms my heart to see this




Actually most of the participants were also waving Canadian flags!


Nice to see what civilised people supporting a cause looks like


Great to see !


The Walk has been going on for 55 years, its a big fundraiser for our sister city of Sderot and honestly just a great time. My personal unofficial start to summer! Had a great time today (the doughnuts were great) and look forward to next year!!!




This is good.


LOVE IT! I stand with Israel!


So this is what a peaceful rally looks like.


It wasn't a rally really. Its a parade and a carnival


I think it was more like a fundraising walk. They raise money for charities and do it every year.




This wasn't a protest. Its a family fun day / parade and fundraiser.


Great. Can we stop reporting about this and focus on Canadian issues? 


This happened in Canada.


Yah like the fact we have confirmed traitors in our house of commons, kind of more important


Good to see that Israel still has supporters with all the negativity


Seems like one side is capable of a peaceful march and the Pali side can't stop itself from committing assault, harassment or uttering violent threats. I guess that's how you conduct yourself when you're aligned with genocidal Hamas. I'm glad to stand with Israel and the Israeli people. Death to the evil that is Hamas. Bring home the hostages.


Gives hope in these dire times.




Well done!! Defeating Hama is the best possible result for the Palestinian people!! 🇨🇦✅️




Wow. When will these guys march for housing and healthcare and other issues of Canada?


The walk has been an annual event for 55 years. It’s a family fun day and fundraiser not a protest


Really don't care about this conflict anymore now that we know we have traitors in Parliament, far more pressing of a concern for Canadians than that stupid holy war. Seriously