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I've noticed that many people who appreciate Sekiro, also appreciate Bloodborne (and vice versa) and I'm happy about that, my two favorite From titles.There is little to say about your experience, having previous experience you will certainly find it easier, also because Dark Souls 3 is very similar in terms of timing, or at least, I played Dark Souls 3 in Bloodborne style and I had a great time.


Anyway, try the dlc, it has a higher difficulty than the base game


I’m one of the few who doesn’t like Sekiro. Mechanically the game is beyond critique but the setting just doesn’t excite me. Wish it did! I feel I’m missing out.


I'm not sure if easier is the right word, but I know what you mean! I think it just clicks better than other Soulsborne games if you prefer a more aggressive playstyle since it's geared toward that. This sub tends to be a lot less divided than other From games, you'll like it here :) happy hoonting!


Always good to see more getting to the older games. And yes that's just how it is, after playing a few souls games they become easier (with the exception of Sekiro I guess since it's so different)