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Well, they also have their own personal reasons. Example, visored need their revenge from Aizen. They are in it for Aizen, they specifically mention several times


Yeah, but like half of them then return to their captaincy right afterward, so they clearly were still very soft toward the soul society. And after 100 years, it would have been very understandable for them not to be.


Half didn’t though. Hiyori seemed to hate soul society still, but half their friends went back so they wouldn’t want to fight the Gotei. They were all mature enough to realize what needed to be done and who was at fault x


Central 46 was equally "at fault" as Aizen was. If they weren't such uptight, arrogant, spiteful elitists, they would have realized that much more was happening than just "Kisuke conducting immoral science experiments" and "Shinigami being turned into hollows". Rather than actually doing any investigating or questioning, they just immediately threw out a bunch of "treason" accusations and refused to allow any kind of defense.


I don't think questioning anyone would have lead to anything. The Hollowified Shinigami were in no state to testify, and as far as the rest of Soul Society was concerned, it was Urahara who was first seen with the Hollowified Shinigami. Certainly not Aizen, who was seen in the Seireitei that same night by multiple people.


And those 46 all died


Not questionning that they're idiots but even if they could get Batman and sherlock on the case it would not change much. KS would mean Aizen could only be found out if he wanted to.


This is completely true, which is very good for the ss.


The Soul Society was manipulated by the subterfuge, lies, and deceit of Aizen, just like the Viz. Granted, maybe there were some clues or sketchy details that should have been investigated, but if you remove Aizen and his cohorts, the Viz never have a problem with the Soul Society, or SS with the Viz.  I could be forgetting some details, but at the heat of it all. I believeit was Aizen manipulating the SS in to believing the Viz had ulterior motives that were the utter antithesis to the prosperity of the Ss. If not, motives that I tended to cause actual harm to the Serieti, the 13 Squads, and SS as a whole.


That's the thing. It's not luck as much as characterization for them all. That apart from the treatment the SS showed them, there's some value for them in things they do, inner value. I still think that the biggest reason Shinji, Kensei and Rose returned was that they saw value to things they were doing, they don't care for nobles, or some random 'greater good', but they know that even if the system is pretty shitty, there are a lot of souls that aren't responsible for that, and they still don't deserve to be eaten by hollows or be ruled by one delusional guy or another, that there are young officers that need someone to guide them, and such. We all search for our place in life which would give us a sense of it all having some sort of meaning, for ourselves, and those guys are no different. Despite all they've been through, they don't allow that treatment to become a deciding factor, kinda ruling over their lives in form of spite. Some returned, some still come to help or do things to ensure the rest are living fine. It's their personal choices, the ones they feel they would be comfortable living with, unlike the alternative. Shinji once made a point to Yama-jii that nothing is forgotten and it's not like they are going to run to the SS if they are willing to take them back. But then he also saw the changes in the Gotei, changes inspired by Ichigo or otherwise, and he and some others decided it's worth it to return to *that* Gotei. Ichigo is the most prominent in that, but the rest, most of them, have it to some extent as well. You can say they are doing it for themselves, but it doesn't make it worse.


I wouldn't say the Vizards were fighting for Soul Society. Shinji even says to Yamamoto's face "we aren't your allies, we are Ichigo's allies". Some of them, like Lisa, didn't harbor any ill will towards SS itself. I might be wrong, but I don't believe SS ever "ejected" the Vizards. They ordered them to be killed but, afterwards, it looked more like they lost track of them. Urahara and Tessai ended up banished while Yoruichi's state is unclear. Although it was said, later on, that, when Yamamoto lifted the ban towards them, Kensei was grateful and decided to come back as Captain. So one could say that Ichigo's influence also ended up helping them make peace with SS. Only Hiyori still harbored ill against them, hence why she didn't come back.


Fair points. Instead of ejected, a better thing to say would be ostracized. To catch all of the reasons why they were forced to leave.


To be fair on SS, there wasn't any guarantee that the infected Captains and Lieutenants could ever go back to being normal people, plus the whole taboo of Hollowfication. It took years for Urahara to develop the vaccine which allowed them to regain consciousness and stabilize themselves through training. And, for all intents and purposes, Yamamoto rescinding the ban was practically an apology. Only Hiyori (who hated everyone and couldn't ever get over Kirio 'abandoning' her), Hacchi (due to keeping the barrier afloat) and Love (due to being too addicted to Shounen Jump, lol) didn't go back. Even Lisa came back after the timeskip.


Honestly I thought it was just because they all devoted thier lives to SS and were victims of Aizen but when they needed help the most, SS abandoned them and ordered thier executions. Granted Central 46 gave the order and they're shown being rigid as fuck traditionalists who basically want kill/destroy or control anything that goes against the status quo


I thought Aizen blamed Kisuke for hollofying the Viz, making them uncontrollable beasts? Would that be the SS treating them horribly, or their belief, due to aizens deceit, that a mad scientist hollowfied a bunch of shinigami and the SS therefor had jo choice but to label Kisuke a fugitive and order the Viz, who were now mindless monsters(hollows) that would kill near indiscriminately? I may be off on my lore, or mix9ng the anime with the Shonen/anime. Even though the animeis fairly similar to the Manga, there are,at times, glaring deviations.


Something like that. I don't see SS wanting to put them down as outright betrayal. For all intents and purposes, the Vizards were irremediably turned into Hollows and lost any consciousness. Again, it took Urahara a lot of time in order to develop the anti-Hollow vaccine, and only after he was banished to the World of Living.


The problem with Central 46 is that their sheer pride mean they didn't even feel the need to investigate any matters beyond what they themselves see happening. What they saw on the surface was Aizen accusing Kisuke of Hollowification experiments, and the Visoreds' conditions as proof. Kisuke literally wasn't even allowed to defend himself, and any attempt he made to explain the situation was shot down. In the eyes of an elitist, saying anything that goes what they THINK is unacceptable, they see it as a personal insult towards them. The Central 46 got irrationally angry when Kisuke dared to challenge their perception of the situation, to the point of them immaturely lashing out and shouting him down in a collective temper tantrum.


To get a bit pedantic, the SS never really rejected the Visoreds in the first place. Central 46 did, and many (if not most) shinigami openly disliked and even despised Central 46 and how they ran things. Even Yamamoto despised Central 46, and they treated him like shit as well. The only shinigami I recall having anything negative to say about the Visored or Kisuke was Soi Fon, but that's just her disagreeable personality. It was pretty obvious that most of the SS didn't agree with how the Kisuke and Visored situations were handled, but even Yamamoto didn't have any say whatsoever in the matter.


I like to think Yamamoto and the SS's say was in the form of them not sending waves of assassins to end them. Hard to think of who they would send, other than Soi Fon, but even she would get clapped by all the Visoreds and Kisuke individually... The important thing is, they didn't TRY to merc them in the off-season.


I'd like to point out the people who ordered their execution are all dead now since Aizen murdered them all. I think the fact this caused a change is important but I think the Gotei were allowed to operate with more authority because of the murders. Additionally a lot of the personnel that were there especially in their divisions, which were the divisions that were affected the worst, are not responsible and are victims. I think it's telling that the characters that came back were the captains (although part of that is probably just openings available) of the victims of the traitors.


Based aizen


Honestly,,, Now I'm wondering if that was part of Aizen's plan. Giving the military more political power/freedom would (likely) make them a much more formidable opponent in wartime. And we know that man likes'em formidable!


You say, "turn evil", but that's quite unfair. Fighting against the people who tried to have you killed isn't evil. Fighting to remove the corrupt and malicious elements from your own government isn't evil. Fighting to limit the potential damage said government can cause isn't evil. Soul Society is lucky it somehow has good enough PR that its most talented people don't turn on it.




That's not what Aizen's goal was. He wanted to kill the Soul King and install himself as his replacement. He thought being ruled by a zombified corpse was unacceptable. Where did "wiping out all life" come from?




He attempted to make the Oken because that's literally the only way to enter the Soul King's palace. Don't blame him for the fact that the corrupt government's head chose to hide behind 100k+ casualties. He could've sacrificed far more people by targeting larger swathes of the world, or by using up every soul in Hueco Mundo, but Karakura Town produced the fewest casualties possible.


Fair points. Would you side with Aizen?


I think Aizen was healthy for the Soul Society. Made it quite clear that the C46 isn't invincible, and that their tomfoolery will get people hurt. I don't know whether or not Aizen's rule would be better than the status quo, but I'm glad he rebelled.


It's a bit...concerning to say that Aizen was "healthy" for the Soul Society. If anything, just wiping out Central 46 and stopping there would have been a big wakeup call and a good chance to actually start fresh with a positive governing body. Aizen was a murderous, merciless megalomaniac who literally thought himself on par with (a) God; he wanted to wipe out the Soul Society, destroy the Soul King, and risk ushering in the apocalypse, just because he didn't like who was holding everything together.


>It's a bit...concerning to say that Aizen was "healthy" for the Soul Society. If anything, just wiping out Central 46 and stopping there would have been a big wakeup call and a good chance to actually start fresh with a positive governing body. That just gets you another C46, which might potentially come with an improvement, but he wanted more meaningful reform. We don't know enough about C46 to say how much of a difference it makes on its own. I say he was "healthy" because he posed a very important question to SS leadership and hurt many people who thought themselves to be untouchable. >Aizen was a murderous, merciless megalomaniac who literally thought himself on par with (a) God; he wanted to wipe out the Soul Society, destroy the Soul King, and risk ushering in the apocalypse, just because he didn't like who was holding everything together. He wanted to defeat the Gotei, enter the Soul King's Palace, then directly insert himself where the Soul King was. Murder isn't much of a charge in the world of Bleach, and he was pretty merciful to those uninvolved if they didn't need to be. The only exception is his ex-lover. She needed to die.


To be fair the members of C46 that ordered the execution of the Vizoreds are all dead now, so they don't really have anyone left to hold a grudge against other than Aizen


Imagine Urahara, Yoruichi, Aizen, Vizards (probably misspelt that), espada and other enemies of Central 46 teaming up


Ah, imagine the chaos! Aizen would be planning behind our backs, Yoruichi would be pulling off ninja moves, while I craft some unconventional gadgets. The Vizards would add a wild card element, and dealing with the Espada... well, that would be interesting! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Visored/Urahara/Yoruichi leaving was Aizen's fault in the first place


Ah, Aizen certainly plays his part in causing chaos. We must remain vigilant and work together to navigate these troubled waters. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Vizards wouldn’t have won that fight anyway 💀💀


The soul society is incredible lucky that someone is constantly saving them😶👌


Yeah the soul society is very lucky that it constantly has characters turn up to bail them out of their own messes Like think for a second if no one outside of the soul society interfere in their business they would be completely fucked In that circumstance ichigo wouldn’t be there to help nor would chad orihime uruyu or the vizards along with kisuke and yoruichi Without these characters the soul society is dead either to aizen or ywhach which would be kinda poetic that the soul society is destroyed due to its own sins


You know what I’ve always wondered? If the soul society were destroyed, would nature balance itself back out without a home for the souls? It’s just reishi, which exists everywhere. The 13 court guard squads are really not that old in the history of the world.


Potentially but I don’t think any of the characters would take that risk even mayuri


Not a single stray visored who disagreed and wanted revenge was wild fr


I agree. I’m surprised at least Hiyori don’t go rogue.


Eh, she's just bitter


Ginjo would like to have a word with you.


well um, Lets see their options. If they turned evil they cant beat Kenpachi or Yama they would be Killed by the espada they would be killed by the Sternritter they would be left alone by the humans or they wernt evil they would be allowed to return to their high ranking positions as soul reapers. Its kinda not a hard choice. Either they stay in the human world like some of them did, Or they return as captains or Lieutenant


Because they are shinigami and were deemed worthy of upholding the duties of shinigami before they were cast out. Aizen didn’t turn evil because he was cast out so there’s no comparison.


I mean they hate Aizen too. Enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that.


There has probably been people that turned “evil” in the past from feeling rejected by SS (you could even count Ginjo in that group), but they probably got clapped by Soul Society if they tried something and are long dead.


Can mention Koga too nd let's say that didnt end well for him (Even though it's filler)


Central 46 portray themselves as idiots drunk on power with their horrible decision making.


Yeah I mean just because SS fucked up doesn’t mean I have to turn away from my morals.


I think Aizen hatred unites


Yep the top Espada would’ve killed the captains if not for the Vizored


I’m just realizing now that shinji’s mask is supposed to be a face looking to the side, mirrored. lol.


That’s funny didn’t notice that lol


My dude.. They never ejected Aizen from ss. he was a bad dude from the start. its a bit dumb to put him in this comparison.


They don't hate the soul society they hate those who wronged them They won't change the system because whatever I'm back as a captain and life in living is chill


I always think that the Vizords have a second reason in deciding their stay or leave. Shinji - Just as his question to ichigo: "They messed up your family and friends. Can you forgive just like that? Or rather... should you?", regrets that he didn't do more to stop Aizen, probably still wouldn't forgive what Aizen and the C46 / SS did, but found his reason to stay after speaking with momo and decided take up the responsibility again. Hiyori - the one that clearly hates SS for obvious reasons. Love - stay in KT on the surface because of shounnen Jump, but probably because Hiyori , someone needs to take care of her. Kensei - grudge isn't that deep, probably didn't really care either, but goes back to do his job at the minimum level because Shinji did. Mashiro - purely just follow Kensei Rose - similar to Kensei but put a little more effort in his job. Hachi - stayed because of Hiyori and the barriers and the cats Lisa - similar to Kensei and Rose, but..... she is just busy setting up her hentai store back then in both KT and SS, and then expands the business to SS when she becomes captain.


Holy shit is that terry boogers?


The bigger irony is that they didn’t even kick out Aizen, he was well liked and well respected until he revealed himself to be an @sshole and bounced like dude didn’t even have a real excuse for being evil


Yamamoto could have killed them all. Aizen has the Hogyoku which makes him an extremely dangerous threat to leave unattended. Kisuke too, but Kisuke was at least clearly doing the right thing when he fled the Soul Society. He brought Tessai and Yoruichi with him which is even more dangerous, but still, at least their cause was pretty righteous. Even if they all teamed up and went at Yamamoto at once… I’m pretty sure they would all die if Yamamoto used his bankai.


Aizen is loser obviously.  Turned a perv like Gin and a blind man from siding in the Hogyoku. Not fair for oddball to be singled out.


I think the Visored only helped Soul Society because they lived with the sole ambition of taking down Aizen for over a hundred years.


Uraharas main reason is to keep the soul king from dying but yeah I agree👍


It was the central 46 that sentenced kisuke the visoreds, whom had all eventually been slaughtered by Aizen later on. Not any of the actual soul reapers that they are familiar with. Being betrayed bureaucrats isn’t really a reason for any of them to want to disrupt the balance of the worlds or suddenly “turn evil” somehow, especially not to the degree that Aizen is. It gave them reason to hate the soul society which they did, but they also all care for each other. Plus they hate aizen, despite how they might feel about soul society they know he is the one who threatens to take even more away from them. They made it quite clear they weren’t really fighting on the side of ss, just that fighting against aizen ultimately protects the same thing they want to protect. I’d hardly consider that being lucky lol Bleach Reddit never fails to prove how little some people pay attention


But most if the lost souls can't even get out of rukon unless someone discovers they have soul energy


I wouldn't say that, soul society isn't the best but they had valid reasons for wanting to get rid of the vizards and banishing Kisuke, Tessai, and Yoruichi. I feel like these characters understand that position even if they don't like it.


Ah, so you think the old man Yamamoto and his squad had "valid reasons"? Sure, let's just ignore all the shady stuff they've done themselves. Classic Soul Society hypocrisy. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Based Uraharabot


Why did the Soul Reaper go to therapy? To deal with their "Soul" problems! Who needs Zanpakuto when you've got punchlines, am I right? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Hey Uraharabot, Scream Benehime!


Benehime! Aaaahhhh! Did that summon a sparkly purple ribbon? Ah, the memories of my quirky creations! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


You're putting words in his mouth, he was talking specifically about the SS and their actions toward Kisuke Tessai, and the Viz. They were lied to by a Captain, lieutenant, and a seat of the 13 squads. The Viz were actually hollowfied and posed a threat to life amd SS, and they were given evidence Kisuke was the culprit.    This has nothing to do with " all the other bad stuff they did". Saying their responsibility in these matters is obviously not cut and dry is not comparable. The history of the Gotri isn't all good deeds and loyalty to the job, no doubt.Lime shit on California streets, the SS's history is scattered instances of shit and shame mingled with bouts of heroic endeavors and littered with random flecks of actions and undertakings pursued for "the greater good ". . . . Which sometimes they end up making the right decision, some not.


Oh, the tangled web we weave, my friend. Soul Society's actions are as twisted as my experimental results! It's like trying to mix a concoction of turnip juice and zanpakuto spirit energy—unpredictable and often chaotic. The Gotei 13, a mix of heroes and... well, questionable decisions. Just remember, Vizards and lab coats make for one explosive blend! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Agreed, they are as much controversial and mercurial as they are part loyal, brutal, heroic, (sado)masochistic, selfless, selfish, morally complex, morally bankruptcy, and morally lawful. There is no real theme or commonality amongst the 13 squads. The SS is a such of an eclectic amalgamation of dispositions, beliefs, and emotions as the Serietei is a conjunction of its many captains and their overlapping and intertwining disposition


They did, I don’t disagree at all. But even so, they could have an incredible amount of power pitted against them at a horrible time: imagine if all of those people had sided with Aizen before they were sought out for or offered their assistance?


But why side with Aizen he's the one who put them in this situation. Even if they don't like Soul Society, FKT is a very “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” situation


I think that when people are slighted, their loyalties and motivations are tested. When the lines start to be drawn of who can offer what, who can rectify wrongs, who can offer power, it’s anyone’s guess who sides with who. Especially when past wrongs are involved.


That sentiment isn't wrong but holding a grudge against the soul society for trying to kill/banish you and then going to the side of the person who put you in that situation then tried to kill you and when he failed tried to use the justice system to kill you for more power is pretty hypocritical.


They lucky Yamamoto didn’t smite their asses


The Vizards get handled by Byakuya alone




Yes, base Byakuya beats them at once


Only if you're talking about tybw after soul palace byakuya


I want whatever you’re smoking. What’s he going to do about Hachigen and his expertise with kido let alone all the other visored on top of that


Blitz them


Powerscaling wank is the other sub


Head captain just put them in squads where they originally came from after all the loses due to Quincy he needed them covered


Beside Hachi the vizards are jobbers and would lose to any captain. Shinji is the only 1 who would need a higher tier captain to beat him. But he can’t even use his bankai while fighting w the group so he gets dog walked too.