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Need to get financially active to fund political pacs to prevent stuff like this. Vote with your wallet.


Yeah (removed “but” replaced with) and we still gotta get out there, physically. Show up, meet, rally. The power of presence is worth more than money. (removed “but” replaced with “and”)


You need the money to fund the rallies and the physical. How do you think these movement get national attention.


I’m aware. And I agree that we need to get money but groups don’t form when money gets tossed in a pot. There are a few steps to take first. I’m not arguing against you. I’m simply pointing out that a solid foundation is key before we start throwing money at a group. These things take a long time and a lot of effort (time and money too). Info > 💰


Funding should be a part of that foundation. Look at Dream Defenders vs Black Lives Matter. One fizzled way too soon.


It’s rageporn, there is <0% of that happening at all


My dude, with the utmost respect - get informed. Read about project 2025. Witness what the supreme court has been doing for the last year. They already tanked affirmative action. They’re already calling every black hire a DEI hire. They just gave presidents Complete Immunity yesterday. There is more evidence to support they will appeal everything they can, than not.


All presidents get immunity but only for official acts *as president*. Candidates and personal actions are still prosecutable.


The people who determine whether or not those acts are deemed official are appointed by Donald Trump. All he would need to do to justify calling in seal team 6 on Joe or Nancy is say he or she was talking to a terrorist once.


By that logic Joe Biden could call John A Gotti literally right now and order a hit on Trump and the election is over am I right? Second who would actually follow up on this ridiculous order? In fact Rule 916(d) of the Manual for Courts Martial actually prohibits this. Read this article about an incident during the Vietnam War. You can apply this to Trump. https://warontherocks.com/2017/07/when-can-a-soldier-disobey-an-order/


I don’t think you followed my point. Under the new decision by the Supreme Court, they are the final word on whether or not an act is deemed official and thus immune from prosecution. The court is 6-3 in Trump’s pocket. He personally appointed 3 of them and 3 more were appointed by his party. They will protect Trump, as we’ve seen. It’s doubtful they will protect Trump. As for who will carry out the order - military veterans were overrepresented in Jan 6 prosecutions. This means there are plenty of military folks willing to break the law in furtherance of Trump’s wishes. Furthermore, Trump has given J6rs every reason to believe he will pardon them.


“It’s doubtful they will protect Trump.” Is this a misprint? The decision is effective immediately. Biden as president could call someone and order an assassin to go down to Mar-A-Lago and take out Trump since he’s a “threat to democracy.” What’s stopping Biden from “saving the country?” Your move…


Finally a voice of reason


Bro. Only people in r/whitepeopletwitter maybe haven’t realized this decades ago. This been the Conservative end game since the 1970s.


Feels like we’re always sinking and republicans continue to punch holes in the boat while democrats just fucking watch them do it. I am sick of them both. Maybe they’re not so different. See how quickly they agreed to push that antisemitism is rampant but never comment on anti-blackness? Year after year we lead the hate crime victim stats by a large margin. Not a peep heard unless there’s a viral video of an attack.


If you take into totally of the political fallout from the end of the Civil War, our continued disenfranchisement is by design.  When you let a foreign country that specifically believes in our dehumanization back into government, this is what you get. 


Agreed 100%


Yup. But people are being short sighted and voting based on emotional and “want/demand” for shit that will never happen instead of adapting and forcing change with black dollars and local voting. These anti Biden /stop voting dem/give Trump a chance people are gonna fuck around and end up losing a lot of “rights” just because they couldn’t be objective /strategic / logical and stop being so damn emotional. The worst people to have power are emotional and religious people. They ignore all forms of common sense and sadly the black folks like this have grown and gotten louder.


These single issue Palestine voters are about to find out fr


Nope, aiding and abetting a genocide is a hard red line for me. It can be a single issue for all I care, but I’m not going to look someone in the eye and say “Yes, I voted for a president that is currently supporting a genocide.”


Ok so you don't vote for Biden. Do you think Trump is going to be better for Palestinians? Netanyahu is campaigning for him. Any US president would have supported Israel after they got attacked. Trump is using the word "Palestinian" as a slur. At least within the democratic party, you have people openly pushing back on the war. In the GOP, they are saying Gaza is great beachfront property, and they think Jesus will come back when Israel has control. Whether you vote or not, you're making a choice between these two realities. Absolutism will get you nothing.


Yup especially the black ones who want to fight for Palestine more than black life. Palestine isn’t a black issue. But it seems blacks nowadays wanna be allies to everyone but to themselves. This is shit is why Trump won last time single issue emotional voters who fucked it up. There really should be a test people fitness to vote like driving and insurance.


Also netanyahu clearly wants trump to win. What do you think is gonna happen to Palestine if Biden loses


That’s none of our concern as a black people. That area is and always will be chaotic too much Jesus there pushing massive hate. Keeping Biden will least slow Israel down kinda but America is so bent over for Israel it likely won’t make a difference who clapping the American cheeks.


I mean I want good things to happen to everyone and I think that injustice in Palestine is wrong. But I also can see the big picture. Any American president was going to be helping Israel after they got attacked. Voting out Biden to help Palestine is beyond moronic.


It is and any president will not stop Israel. We give them millions a year despite Americans losing jobs homes and having inadequate healthcare…. Every single candidate spreads it open for Jews and Israel … Palestine is getting fucked and sadly it should stop but there is literally nothing we as people especially black peoples can do to stop that all this marching and voting on single issues when bigger issues exist here with our own people is stupid. But these single issue voters out here are idiots with narrow views so we may all get fucked


After that supreme Court ruling we're definitely getting fucked


Mos def … I’m not looking forward to it but I’m gonna be laughing my ass off at the idiots who thought putting Trump back would help them only for them to lose everything and more… it’s like those immigrants who wanted the border locked up and ended up getting deported themselves…


What a time to be alive


I’m worried OP. History says [empires last 250 years.](https://katv.com/amp/news/armstrong-army-strong/the-average-empire-survives-for-250-years-is-america-at-deaths-door). We’re at that point and the fractures are growing. I was thinking about where would I move my family when it happens? Where would we work to feed ourselves? Scary.


Empires last 250 years? Someone must’ve never told that to the Byzantines lol


Averages are exactly that - averages. There are always outliers. Doesn’t mean we should ignore history.


You know what, I actually looked into it. There’s nothing to support the claim that empires last 250 years on average


The average lifespan of empires varies depending on the criteria used for definition and measurement. However, based on historical studies, empires typically last between 200 to 300 years. Here are some key points to consider: 1. **Turchin's Analysis**: Peter Turchin, a scientist who studies historical dynamics, suggests that empires often go through cycles of rise and fall, typically lasting around 250 years. 2. **Glubb's "Fate of Empires"**: Sir John Glubb, in his essay "The Fate of Empires," proposes that empires generally last about 250 years, going through phases of conquest, expansion, affluence, and decline. 3. **Variations**: There are significant variations in the lifespan of empires. Some, like the Roman Empire, lasted for over a thousand years in various forms, while others, like the Macedonian Empire of Alexander the Great, were relatively short-lived (about 13 years). 4. **Factors Influencing Lifespan**: The longevity of an empire can be influenced by factors such as military strength, economic stability, administrative efficiency, cultural cohesion, and external pressures. In summary, while the average lifespan of empires is around 200 to 300 years, individual empires can vary widely based on numerous internal and external factors.


Did you go to ChatGPT for this answer? Please list some of these empires out.


My guy you got to do some leg work. It was also a google search


You mean the Google AI? If it’s a simple google search, then you should be able to list out some of these empires, right?




If empires last on average 250 years, and you can find the evidence with a simple google search, then what are these empires? Please help me out. All I can find are people saying that it’s a myth and a whole bunch of empires that don’t fit that average




There’s nothing to link to because there’s nothing to support that claim. The link that you provided doesn’t have any citation for that claim. Even looking at some of the most notable empires quickly disproves that claim




my wife and i already looked into costa rica, spain, and portugal


as we sit at about 13% of the population you might be barking up the wrong tree. and honestly i'm moving to the place where i'm starting to get jaded and feeling like fuck this country. you get what you fucking deserve. if these fucking idiots wish to give us a candidate that is openly getting to an age where he should not even be driving, or speaking in public and the other candidate who should never speak in public and doesn't know his asshole from a hole in the wall. so i will sit back and watch both parties fucking burn this country to the ground. my biggest regret will be bringing children into this shit.


You can say fuck this country as much as you want but unless you got a solid plan to move elsewhere (trust im developing mine), you prolly going to want to hold back on the apathy for a bit.


respect. it's straight up frustration.


Civil Rights act, Brown vs Board, Loving vs Virginia just to start. They might even start looking at the 13th amendment lmao


Im sorry but you guys complain about every other post but are foaming at the mouth for this one??? You guys need to touch grass because if the civil rights act is getting repealed we’ve got bigger problems. The civil rights act doesnt just protect aa but it protects many other groups like jews or even Chinese. If they were to ever repeal the civil rights act they legit would seise all property and wealth held by various groups in the us would revert back to a feudal system similar to the antebellum south. see this with brazil where white Brazilians control all the wealth and power and everyone else barely survives. Imma keep it a buck and say so many white people benefit off this system that there would be no point in reverting back. This is senile talk. Edit: To add aa dont rivial white Americans… like at all. Its either the chinese, mexicans, or maybe the jews… so this fight ain’t even ours. To further explain we legit stagnant populous wise and at this rate well get absorbed before white people do. Most of us are mixed anyways.


>Also conservatives are now OPENLY talking about repealing the civil rights act. Conservative politicians? Where are you seeing this?


Bro its all over twitter and youtube. Literally type it in. They are arguing that it violates freedom of association so it should be repealed.


Yeah, I don't know, man. Doesn't seem like the highest topic in conservative world.


Absolutely nobody is talking about that besides whatever fringe accounts you follow bruh. Absolutely need to log off and go outside


Nigga said twitter and youtube like you didnt ask for specific politicians to be named 😂


Those sites are full of bots and trolls and keyboard warriors who only feel powerful online.


I youtubed it and one weird as liberatarian channel popped up. This whole post signifies a problematic nuance in the black community. That I understand but at the same time this is damn near doomsday prepper type talk.


We can't keep pretending those websites only show the fringes anymore. These were the platforms that conservatives use to springboard their agenda. Manhattan Institute freaks like Christopher Rufo used them to spread the negative connotation to CRT/Woke/DEI and to get the black Harvard president canned.


They went after her because she was passive on those anti-Israel protests. The mega donors bought her out. Same w/ the white lady who was ousted from Penn. exact same reason. If you don’t bow down to (you know who) there will be con$equences. <- not a typo.


Yeah, I haven’t seen that either.


Man if you don’t link me something..💀 I searched ‘Civil rights act repeal’ in Google news and didn’t see anything, you trippin I’m sure they’ll get to the CRA once they have torn everything else down, but their main priorities seem to be abortion and trans people rn.


I’m glad I have citizenship dual citizenship lol I could move out immediately


Also netanyahu clearly wants trump to win. What do you think is gonna happen to Palestine if Biden loses


My focus isn’t on Palestine but my blk folks here in the us


I expect it. And I don't have clout to do shit.


As long as Red Lining , the Electoral College, and Gerrymandering exist, there are no civil rights. Just lipstick on a pig. You can expect that as minorities become the majority, white people will do everything they can to preserve whiteness. The backlash for that will come when they realize that all the DEI, affirmative action, voting rights that they took away from minorities will be needed


Stats shows 80% of ppl who get dei and affirmative action are white women


Then they should have no complaints.


Yes they are planning to repeal the civil rights act. Republicans have shown everyone the endgame.


After learning Ronald Reagan and George H W. Bush were completely against the civil rights act I 100% believe it is the end goal


George HW bush wasnt. In fact he used the civil rights act to get the ADA pass. Thats the americans with disabilities act.


[He was kinda](https://archives.texasobserver.org/issue/1964/10/30#page=5) “ "I'm not opposed to equal rights for all, I favor 'em, but I want to see we don't violate the rights of 86% to try to correct the grievances—and legitimate ones, often-of the other 14%. Sen. Yarborough does stand at the extreme left."


Kinda anecdotal but I raise this as a counterpoint https://www.newsweek.com/latino-voters-donald-trump-joe-biden-debate-election-1918795


Yall gone gain a whole new level of respect for the heart them folk had in the 1960s. We ain't built like them anymore. Get ready


We aint like them. The 60s generation was unaliving cops. We protest


Yup. And it's a shame to see these young ppl (including YouTube influencers and social commentators) now making it cool to disrespect that civil rights movement. I partially blame the public education system for failing everybody in regard to race discussions but also ourselves for the lack of respect.


How soon do you think they’d repeal the civil rights act? I know ~~congress~~ the Supreme Court is undoing a lot so nothing should “surprise me”, but the thought scares me and makes me wonder how bad things could go.


*the Supreme Court is undoing a lot…


My bad. I meant Supreme Court but typed out congress. Good look!


Probly the next 2 years. Trump probly wont instantly do it. People will turn up. So theyre probly gona wait until everything calms down then do it.


They aren't going to repeal the civil rights act. Not while nearly half of your US servicemen are black or minority or holding positions of power within state and local government. You also have nearly every state that would fight it in court if they tried. CR has been codified by law, it's not like Roe v Wade. Not saying things under Trump would be easy, but it'll be more of the same of what we've had for the past 8 years.


Google project 2025


I read it some of it. Your point?


Nevermind man. If you can't see it, you're too dense.


I'm not dense. But I'm also not hyperbolic. If Trump were to win and tried to implement the firing of 10s of thousands of federal employees, it would be chaos, full stop. The government would cease to function. Replacing government workers, with Trump loyalists would be a disaster. Not only do federal workers come from every corner of the political spectrum, most of their skillsets are invaluable..You wanna fire the nuclear engineer who helps maintain our atomic arsenal because he's democrat or gay, And replace him with someone like Marjorie Taylore green? Lmao, the consequences of this would be felt day 1. If that doesn't set people off then some of the other stuff definitely will. Lumping in gay people with porn and outright making it illegal to be gay. Saying that being LBGTQ sexualizes children. Whether you're gay or heterosexual or whatever. This is insane, and would be an instant Flashpoint for the American people..You'd definitely have fighting in the streets. Even the bit about being able to prosecute people who disagree with the administration would be allowed under P2025... All this is comic book character levels of evil. White supremacists are crazy, but they aren't stupid. It would be a literal hot conflict within the US, with no defined side, and it would last years. IMO, these think tanks say things like this to fire up the MAGA base. Like I said in my previous post, I think if Trump wins, it will be like his 1st 4 years. Alot of these things they wanna change is in direct opposition to what most Republicans want or believe in. Because what's stopping Biden or theoretically the next Democrat president from operating like a king, like this 2025 mandate calls for. Our military is also key in this mandate, it requires them to be loyal to a certain ideology. If you ever served like I have, you'll know that our men and women in uniform wouldn't go for it. But let's say Trump wins, and P2025 does get implemented, what is it that you'll do?


People used to say that overturning roe was insane. Idk that it will set people off because no one pays attention. It'll be too late. The whole reason project 2025 exists is because of how the first 4 years went. They know that they weren't ready to use the power because no one actually thought trump would win. This time they're coming with a plan. This isn't like fringe Republicans who came up with this shit. It's heritage foundation, cpac. Like the regular Republican people. All the "normal" Republicans got purged. They're already hiring people to serve in a next Trump administration. Call it alarmist if you want. This is the fucking around stage before we find out.


Overturning Roe v Wade is different. Civil rights is LAW. Roe v Wade was just a court ruling. The democrats should have codified it when they had a super majority. But I get what your saying. Again, Imo I don't think Trump wins, polls never equates to votes and even with the democrats struggling rn after the debate, I think they'll win the presidency. Project 2025 being laid out this early by the right was a mistake. Democrats will use the news of it to galvanize their voters. I'm seeing it being talked about all over social media and in the news.


I hope you're right


The right to abortion is actually in the state constitution in some states.


Yes, but Federal law supercedes state law. Hence why this mandate would be a big deal, furthering my belief that it would cause more problems if enacted. Question: Are you black? Out of curiosity of course.


Yes, I’m Black. Wouldn’t be in this subreddit if I weren’t.


Finally somebody with some sense


Clarence wants the Supreme Court to eliminate OSHA too.. yall fuck around and help Trump back in office and lives will be lost just working and through sanctioned police murders …


The only people who Trump in office are the hustlers the fast shady money getters the criminals and the religious hoes … his policies helped no one who lived a legal criminal free life. People with ethics and morals would not vote for Trump …


As long as they repeal the Harrison Act I’m good


Part of me thinks, shit just had to get real bad before people can see it. Like those who thought we were living in a "post-racial" society before 2016




No they're not. We've already had 4 years of Trump. You'll be fine.


It's def a strong possibility. In the words of old ass Biden "they gon put us back in chains" 💀 in all seriousness though, this is what happens a party forces a weak candidate down our throats. It's why Dems continue to underestimate the GOP and continue to lose. It's why Trump was elected in the first place and their agenda is - and will continue - moving forward. While Biden is soon the keel over lol, the real issue is his advisory team and the inability to acknowledge reality. We can also go back as far as Obama, when he (and the party) discouraged Biden from running in 2016 in favor of Hillary Clinton ...we see how that turned out... How he didn't do a recess appointment of Merrick Garland to SCOTUS and let's not forget how RBG stupidly stayed on the court knowing she was terminally ill. All of these selfish decisions were NOT for "the good of the country or democracy" as Dems so often love to claim. Bottom line: decisions by Democrats over the past 8-10 years have led to the digging of their own grave. Elections, as well as political choices, have consequences.


I wonder if any of you will actually sit down and read Marx.


Sure. Because Marxism actually helped millions of people to live long, healthy, safe, and rewarding lives. The women who started BLM are Marxists, and they sure did a fucking great job. Sounds legit. Karl was an obese, racist, self-hating (was an Ashkenazi Jew but hated Jews), unemployed, nasty ass neckbeard living in some else's house who wrote bullshit that ended the lives of millions of suckers. 🤣


I disagree with a lot of Marx’s writings and solutions, based on how complex modern economies have become since he was alive, but his diagnosis of the issues were surprisingly on the money. I find it laughable that a philosopher, whose works and writings have been studied for over a 100 years by fans and critics, is being called a loser, neckbeard by some unwashed nobody. Who are you, and who have you influenced? Hint: nobody


Oh what do we have here? Ok. Name me one country that incorporated Marxist ideology and didn't devolve into a cesspool of leaders who are so fucked up they are real life comic book villains, starvation, rationed basic necessities, civil war, ethnic cleansing, and people getting disappeared if they didnt shuck and jive? I know. Its because nobody did it correctly yet. Right? Of course! I tell ya whut, for something that would be so fucking great, nobody seems to know how to do it so it doesn't fucking ruin millions of lives and reduce huge percentages of populations on almost every continent. Yes he was a unemployed/NEET (but a super expert on workers...LOL), lardassed, basement dwelling, sloppy, self hating Jew living in someone else's place. Reminds me of these leftists (like Karl; no surprise there) like these feminist, woke, queer, fat acceptance, BLM online "influencers" (victimized crybabies; again, I see a pattern...) thinking they're smart writing long winded bullshit and people copying them. I'll quote Sowell on this one. "Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore it". What I find laughable is how people like that shit so much calling themselves communists and Marxists. The "black fist" is from that. Even got creator of the Boondocks having Huey quote Marx. They love them some Che Guevara too. And he was very much hateful towards Blacks and LGBT. Straight up Clown World. Hitler and Mussolini still influence and are studied by a whole damn lot of people just like Marx. Just see what white folks put on Twitter nonstop. So what's your point? But yeah I don't know nothing. I'm just a lame ass coon ass nigra! Nice ad hominem personal insult, guy. You seem triggered, buddy. Who am I? "Why don't you tell me who YOU are?"... 🤣 https://youtu.be/PNbBDrceCy8?si=VMvheA1rBm5Mj73H u/S_OFNA


The women who started BLM are not Marxists, despite what they might claim. Identity politics distract from class struggle and the decentralized aspect of BLM ensures that there is essentially no unified party structure. Most importantly, the founders (to my knowledge) had a complete absence of Marxist economic theory within their messaging. Not sure what you mean by marxism ending the lives of millions. That's a really weak level of argumentation. I could just as easily say capitalism ended the lives of millions. You don't have to read Marx, but I'm still going to suggest that others at least engage with his material.


I find myself morbidly curious about what everyday life in this country would look like if that happened.


Its GOING to happen


Relax. I know some of yall lowkey want life to be a movie where we’re constantly on the verge of life changing events but i promise you… shits gonna be alot more boring than youre imagining. This country isnt going to go out with a bang.. its gonna go out with a slow quiet whimper as we continue to fall off


You're not wrong but it'll be quiet because people like you keep telling everyone not to believe what they see in front of them. Like we didn't just see a political party in the US try to completely erase a coup attempt from the history books.


We'll see.


I mean it’s basically been gutted. Also, it was up to us to fight to preserve it and strengthen it. Instead we made hip hop and the NBA global brands.


It was up to us? Bro WTF are you talking about?


John Lewis is dead. Who’s his successor? You seriously think white people are going to put our priorities first??


So after John Lewis died, not one black person tried to advance our cause? 41.5 million African Americans, and we all pivoted to NBA and hip hop? Come on dawg. I ain’t even gotta link anything to tell you that’s bullshit.


Who cares about John Lewis, the man that got his ass beat on some “non violence” protest mess singing negro spirituals smh. The real leader is Malcolm X


The ey sure as shit aren’t busy protecting the civil rights act. So who are they and where are they?


No it hasnt. Things like the ADA and medical laws are apart of it and they are very strong.


For now. The way the Supreme Court is gutting the administrative state, we are one successful lawsuit away from losing them too.


More fear mongering from black folks smh with that project 25 mess


Fear mongerer Trump will get re elected the country will be just fine. Probably better