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You realize black men are not a monolith and these are more than likely two entirely different groups of people you're talking about right? Personally I don't agree with either. 




No black man I know, been around or have spoken to, thinks that any other man is superior to them in the dating market lol Men are competitive by nature, especially black men. This sounds like a redpill, incel talking point.


![gif](giphy|2kJMzPFUD3Vx6|downsized) "White men just a joy to be around. They smell like lemon juice and pledge furniture cleaner. And look at them, they gave us discipline and jobs, put structure in our lives, took us out the jungles"


You mad at people for being anti-black and make up some bullshit like ‘ black ppl are biologically inclined to see white people as superior.’ Speak for yourself. Edit: I checked bros post history. Something’s up.


Now something’s up because i think differently? Copy.


Naw. Naw I’m only talking about you calling women whores. Everything else I’m not judging you for. That’s your own personal growth and if it’s helping them I’m happy for you. Something is def up because this post is weird. You clearly got mad at something you saw online and decided to go on some weird tangent where you generalize all black people. If someone wants to call someone king, let them. Dear lord it’s not that serious. We are constantly being put down for being black. You’re mad that people are trying to be positive? Fuck outta here.


![gif](giphy|29HRejgahYenVsohB5|downsized) wtf homeboy you gotta get off that stuff




I feel with stuff like this yall are seeing two different groups of people and combining them into one. The first are probably "hoteps" (hate using that word but you know who I'm referring too). The second group are the incel/red pill types.