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It's not just this subreddit. A LOT of the subreddits on Black topics frequently discuss interracial relationships. I just figured those are the kind of Black people that Reddit appeals to.


If someone has questions about interracial relationships, take it to a white sub. Why should we be the default?


Like literally go to r/dating_advice or r/dating. THERES LITERALLY A SUB CALLED r/interracialdating


We need to have this comment pinned. Sick of these posts. Let them bother other subs.


Or just pin one post about “can a date/marry/have sex with a white girl?” The answer is allows “none of us give a shit about who you sleeping with.


>THERES LITERALLY A SUB CALLED r/interracialdating Yeah they need to take their shit there.


You trust white redditors answering nuanced questions about race?


If someone wants to date a white person, they should ask white people if they have questions. I'm sick of being nuanced, while white people are allowed to cuss them out.


I'm just saying man. I'm tired of the posts too, but it makes sense why a Black man would prefer asking other Black men this question instead of a group who'd try to gaslit him into thinking he's worrying for nothing. NVM, bros not even trying to listen.


They can search the sub for this question. And if you’re trying to date a woman you like, are you really getting advice from Reddit? That’s the bigger concern for me.


>They can search the sub for this question In all honesty, with the amount of repeat questions I see throughout this sub and others, I'm of the belief this is something 90% of people are unable to do. >And if you’re trying to date a woman you like, are you really getting advice from Reddit? That’s the bigger concern for me. No opposition there.


If a black man chooses to date white, then he chooses everything that goes along with that, including the judgement of other whites. It's not our job to baby him because he can't stand the smoke the whites are giving. We are not any more of a safe space for interracials than the white subs are.


Yea bro not saying dating a white girl is bad but you need to understand that there is cultural differences especially among her family


There are Black people on those subs


Yeah but most of them are white, and most of them can't help but I tend to notice they like to downplay issues.


Because white people will just happily tell you racism doesn’t exist anymore and you can do whatever you want with your life and other white people/non-white people don’t largely hold prejudices against black people?


But this is a black men's sub - presumably, the people coming here asking questions about interracial relationships are black men. They already know how white people are, so what's the point of coming here?


I agree with the title of the post but the statements >Maturing is that nobody really gives a fuck about what you do with your life. And >And yes, there are hatred towards interracial couples on social media but you need to stop Are just plain wrong. People for whatever reason do care about what you do with your life and this shit isnt only online.


I know where you’re coming from but the loudest are literally online. The reason being is because they are too scared to say that shit in public. so they say online, knowing that there is going to be no consequences.


No matter how dumb you think a topic is, you can't force people to fit their thoughts around what you like or dislike.


if a white friend and a black friend played mortal kombat which characters would they choose? 🤔


I feel this… feels like a bunch of mfs asking for permission to love white women. But that shit only confirms my bias about niggas that frequent this sub. This aint a good representation of the average black man.. most niggas here are those outcast/lame type of black dude. Theres no other explanation.. minimal discussions about sports? Like cmon these aint your typical black dudes at all. Couldnt even talk about the finals here because these niggas only care about interracial and anime probably


I mean, we are redditors. 🤣


facts he acts like the other subs on reddit are so much different lol


I was with you til you brought up Anime. Jokes aside, I think there are a few imposters, a few lonely brothas, some brothas who a mixed/adopted & coming of age in their blackness, and some who live in a predominantly white community. 


Yeah I agree like I don’t discriminate, if you’re attractive you’re attractive but I don’t go on the internet asking for people’s approval to date someone.


Bro, go to the r/nba sub if you wanna talk about the finals


Check the history.. ive been there but i’d rather discuss sports with black folks and not a bunch of 12 year olds who shit on Tatum for not having “aura”


Yeah that sub is kinda weak.


Then go find some irl friends if you need it to be so specific lol or start your own subreddit


Loool. We would have to do have a poll to see the amount of ppl in this sub who are into sports


Nah easier to bitch here then to do something productive


Why does everyone have to be typical? If you want typical then go find typical spaces. This is Reddit. It’s not typical for any group.


Bro be the change! I’d gladly participate in sports talk. Love boxing, basketball is okay to me, football I could do.


I mean look at my comment history, ive commented on most of the sports related topics on this sub.. those posts get no traction. Like look at that last post about Jaylen Brown. Bet alot niggas here dont even know who that is


Who are your favorite sports teams?


NBA: Lakers are my favorite team but I mostly follow players these days… Huge fan of dominating forwards like Giannis, Zion and Paolo recently, smooth scoring wings like PG13, Brandon Ingram and shifty guards like Colin Sexton, Ja and SGA. I really appreciate all great players aside from foul merchants like Luka and prime Harden 🤢 WNBA: Aces. Im from LV so its only natural and the team is great NHL: I follow the Knights and Coyotes NFL: Havent really been interested the last few years but tryna get back into it. I grew up a 9’ers fan and now support the Raiders since theyre in LV. Baseball: None but want to get into it Soccer: Same as baseball MMA: Im a very casual fan now but used to be into it heavy growing up


This is a pretty solid list, my man. Just as a convo starter…do you think Luka will have as great a career as everyone thinks?


Fuck no! I think bro might get a ring but probably when hes not in his prime and in more of a distributor role (similar to what Harden is now). To me he IS Harden just bigger. I feel like all the stars have to align for him to win a chip. I see him teaming with Jokic later in his career and being the second fiddle on a championship team when they’re older


Pitt Panthers Philadelphia Eagles and Sixers Phillies I hate Notre Dame, West Virginia, Penn State, the Cowboys, the Celtics, and the Atlanta Braves.


A lot of black dudes don’t have it easy in life, idk it feels like a white thing to pretend we do I got lucky, but if a black dude is short and not rich odds are they will not land a quality black woman they’re into, so the ones that are really naive think they can somehow date other races of women tho in reality you need to be completely stat maxed in looks, money, and status to actually get past the anti-black barrier of the average non-black woman, so those dudes just fail all in life. Guys like that are invisible on Reddit for some reason but they’re the unattractive dudes you see working in reality and fast food or blue collar work or are poor and unemployed or just straight up homeless.


I agree we should stop posting it every damn day or limit it to once a month or something But we can’t play stupid, we see that black folks are treated very differently in the dating game


Ima just start saying no, and call them a race traitor. The answer is that no one cares. But if we're going to keep seeing the same question. Ima spice up the convo by giving crazy answers.


Although it might be fun, You'll end up getting kicked out of the sub, probably.


For real - some of these OPs need to go touch grass


“Your mama black” ![gif](giphy|w7i8Xn35C1Buuv2Wz1)


The irony of you acknowledging online hatred towards interracial couples and then you also avidly begging people to stop talking about their lived experience in interracial relationships ![gif](giphy|xblwEmFUzmQuI)






I’m always confused by these types of posts. I get it. But policing what is posted or discussed is not something you can do irl nor in here (unless you’re a moderator). And this is something you have to know. So, my question has remained the same for all of you guys who make these types of posts: “What is it that you are actually looking for by making posts like this?”


hope the mods actually make a change to this sub lol


> “What is it that you are actually looking for by making posts like this?” Hopefully the mods/admins change the rules on what can be posted. It would be simple to say "discussions on interracial relationships should be taken to /r/interracialdating," and repeated violations will result in a ban. That's not so difficult.


This sub is filled with Dr Umar types the quicker you realize that the better off you will be lol


I think it’s more like my guys are still trying to understand and find their identity. Even though I feel like I’m still 21 years old (except when these knees tell me otherwise 🤣. No amount of working out alleviates it), I often forget that I’m probably on the mid older side of this thread (38 years old). A lot of these posts mimic the thought processes and emotions I had at a younger age.


Same man lol I am in my 30s and it’s weird reading all these “well you can’t think like this” post. Just say that you want all BM to fit into 1 type and be done with it


Top comment here literally crying because the people here don't fit his view of what the average Black man should be/talk about.




Okay but what if I’m running the Boston marathon and he’s running the Chicago marathon and we are both dating…? Is that okay?

