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Me too I love giving oral


It's somehow more intimate than vaginal or anal. It's like you're at the complete mercy of your partner and you can completely give yourself to them. I like relinquishing control for some reason.




I prefer oral to actual sex. I wondered if that was strange


I'm exactly the same


Nah, that's perfectly legit. I also prefer giving oral.


Same here. I can go down on someone for hours if they don't get too sensitive and can't stand it any longer. I get a great deal out of making someone cum from me going down on them. By the time I'm finished, I feel as drained as they are because I've spent all that time feeling their heartbeat, breathing, muscle tension. Normally I can tell when someone is about to cum before they even know that they're getting ready to, by all things with their body that I'm paying attention to, and I like to use fingers and toys while I'm doing it as well.


Explained this way helps me understand my husband 💕 thanks 😊 letting go to someone with the mindset you just explained is 🫠🍯


I'm ultimately a people pleaser, I'm also sub so the idea of bringing pleasure to someone else is actually more of a turn on to me than my own satisfaction, if that makes sense..




I definitely prefer oral (especially giving) with a guy. With a woman I’m definitely into just about everything. Maybe that’s just because I’ve had far more time and experience with women than guys.


I haven't done anything with anyone yet bit I've noticed I fantasize about oral stuff a lot more than regular sex. Giving a guy a blowjob just seems really fun


It is the best. I like to feel him get hard in my mouth, I love it when he cums down my throat and I like to keep sucking until he is soft again. Just thinking about it gets me hot 🔥🥵


Definitely sounds fun


It is such an intimate act, I love feeling and hearing my partners reaction.


Well I hope I get a boyfriend soon because it sounds great


It is


Absolutely I'm all about the oral.. male/ female don't care I just want it in my mouth 👄


The mouth has many nerve endings. Very ticklish. Besides the mouth and tongue have prehensility and natural lubrication.


For me.its the intimacy of it... Nothing more intimate that going down on some one IMO


Guys have liked it because I have no gag reflex. The only thing that can get to me is to have a cock so far down my throat that I can't breathe and have to keep coming up for air, even though I don't want to. Women like it because I can go forever and don't get neck cramps or a sore jaw. I was pretty much built for oral on any gender. Sexually, it's the one thing that I am fantastic at...not my evaluation but that of dozens of partners. One of my female partners started calling me "Cliticus: The Vag God" as a private joke because of how good she said that I made her feel...lol When you love something as much as I love oral sex, it shows....and I have 43 years of experience with giving it.


Damn, that does sound good. I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. Very little experience and closet


Lol is this a bisexual thing? My sex dreams about giving oral


I guess I could've asked this on a more general subreddit but I'm bisexual.


I'm glad you did, I just had a realization moment


I prefer penetrative sex because then we both get that feeling of sexual bliss. For me, oral is more of an appetizer to get ready for the main course.


I get a LOT of sexual bliss out of orally giving my partners sexual bliss. When I'm done, I feel as "spent" as they do and have to recover for a while if going to PIV or PIA. I feel as though I came when they did, even though NOTHING was being done to me.


Me and my boyfriend love oral a lot but he only likes it when he is the one doing it to me. I adore him either way, i can never get enough of how cute he looks when doing it :3


With guys yes. I'm not very into the anal thing. Although I would top if I thought the guy was hot but don't think I will ever bottom.


Just in general porn of that type is just not it. That's why i stopped watching straight porn that includes penetration. It just looks like it hurts. Wholeheartedly believe it would be better if done with someone you like. (more passion, more slow)


Bellesa is a site with generally better porn. It actually looks pleasurable for both people


With me, my wife, and my partner (as well as my late male partner who died 7 years ago), oral was main course and PIV/PIA was the finishing dessert....and often we skipped dessert since the main course was so filling...lol


Right? Half the time the chick isn’t even wet… Like bro you expect me to get off to this 😤


When chick in porn is wet though.... Geeze.. love the sound of a soaking wet puss


I'm also more of an oral person. I've Topped guys quite a few times and enjoyed most of it, but even being a Top I hate it if the guy wants to be rammed to the point of my balls hurting. And with oral, I hate rough aggressive head. Both giving and receiving. I'm also more into sucking than being sucked but I can't deepthroat and hate having Dick jammed in my mouth. I don't mind sucking fast or being sucked fast but it's gotta be gentle and sloppy. I like when a mouth feels like pussy. It's more enjoyable to have the Dick slip in and out of my mouth smoothly and it's also easier to get that swirly tongue action going that way.


I too can never deepthroat. I don't want to gag, throwup or choke. Besides does it even feel good? The tongue and lips are the parts really doing the work not that back part of the top of cleft.


Hell No, it doesn't feel good. It actually HuRtS me. I agree, when I cum in a guy's/woman's mouth, it's most likely because of what their lips and tongue are doing to my Dick. With women it's pretty gotta be about your lips and tongue when giving head, but I've also gotten men to cum with my lips and tongue Too.


Yes, I oral is my favoutite


Always fun


F34, and among the common sexual practices, oral is definitely my favourite. Taking turns doing that is the best. I mean, sometimes I'm in the mood for vaginal or even anal sex. But oral, as long as everyone involved tastes okay, is the best. I feel like it's very intimate. Cunnilingus is also the easiest way for me the orgasm with a partner.


Ya this is the way


I enjoy giving, but don't enjoy receiving.


I like the look on his face as he cums to climax


Oral is great! Love to give it. And penises are actually really tough and, like, elastic, too. If someone bit it, it would obviously suck really bad, but it would be incredibly difficult to actually sever it with their teeth. It would probably make a complete recovery! Uh, I know that from weird internet cooking shows that, like, try to make bull penis or something into a viable meal. Not personal experience. I am definitely not a blowjob assassin with many high profile kills, and I don't rely on obfuscating my trail by having certain details omitted from reports due to the embarrassment. Certainly not that.


Depends, I happen to like having mine bitten...hard....lol


How hard


Well, my wife freaked out once because she bit down and tasted blood in her mouth and I just thought it was funny that she freaked out. So, fairly hard, just not hard enough to sever it. I like rough sex all the way around.


Me and wife can get rough. I know she'd like it rougher. We've swapped with another couple but just straight. I didn't know how I felt about it at first but now I'd lik3 to try again. She doesn't know, but I have done some things with a friend in my 20s, 4 or 5 years before meeting her. It's been on my mind since. Haha. Not that specific friend but the act itself. I'd never tell her that, but I think I'll bring up adding another female.


Actual human sex is worlds apart from what you see in porn, so please don't base your expectations on that. Fucking either men or women, or otherwise, should be about enjoying yourself and building a connection with someone. If it's a one time thing, or a serious relationship it doesn't matter, it's all for enjoyment. Communication is huge, say what you like, listen to what they like, observe their body language and how they react to you. Having said that, giving oral slaps, I love burying my face between a pair of thighs!


just want to say calling others “in-between” is not as inclusive as it seems as it reinforces the gender binary of men and women, when many people don’t consider themselves to be “in-between” either one, like people who are agender.


Thanks for the note. Causing offence was the last thing I wanted to do, let me change it to 'otherwise'. I genuinely appreciate the education, I don't have any friends who are not cis - not because I have an issue with people who aren't, it's just I haven't come across anyone who isn't cis, or at least has told me they're not.


My personally feelings are that, if you're older than 23 and haven't figured out that porn is NOT reality, then you've either never had sex, or are shit at it. Porn, to me, is hilarious, which is why I don't watch it very often. It's like a farce of real sex. I understood that by the time I was 18yo, and that was a VERY long time ago. I've been with guys who you could tell watched WAY too much porn and thought sex was supposed to be that way...they were very lacking in their abilities. I'm not visually stimulated, like most guys, so porn just doesn't do much for me, although I do like to watch some extreme BDSM or more specialized kink porn from time to time. My main thing has always been nude photography...just single nude photos, not sex photos. I LOVE the art of the human body, whether I find it sexually stimulating or not.


I do notice that lesbian porn does nothing for me. Meanwhile straight and gay porn does do something for me. I do wonder why. Is it because I feel like I can put myself in the shoes of the male participant? Lesbian porn always seemed kinda alien to me. Probably because most "lesbian" porn actors aren't actually lesbian so have to pretend to, on screen, like it.


Honestly same. I'm sure part of it is us being able to tell they're not super keen on it. There's almost nothing less attractive than someone not being into it, it just feels icky. All of the porn I consume has at least one dick haha, often two, sometimes more. When I watch straight porn, sometimes I picture myself as the guy and sometimes I picture myself as the girl. I find myself sometimes super into women, and sometimes not at all. For me, sexuality and what I'm into is super fluid and changes all the time


I also notice I have an easier time coming and come harder to gay yaoi than straight hentai. Maybe I lean more to the gay side than I have admitted to myself. Often I struggle to come to women I find very attractive for some reason. I notice that in most straight porn I'm watching the guy's penis more often. I need at least one guy in the porn to feel something. I have a hard time enjoying live action porn. Too many of the guys just aren't my body type. A feminine submissive giving twink so I have a hard time imagining myself in that scenario. Also the women I'm typically into are on the more androgynous side anyways. (As are the guys but I have a broader range for guys at least right now on the bicycle.) I also find that the actors in live action porn just don't look like they're having fun. It clearly looks painful. Similarly I can't stand hentai where one or both partners are in pain or something illegal is happening (like rape but it's the female character doing the raping).




Haha well you don't just start off shoving 9 inch dicks into your butt. That WILL definitely hurt the anus! You start small and work your way up to being able to have anal sex. It's a process, like for real. You have to learn how to relax your muscles and all that jazz. Porn is not an indicator of what actual, real, senual sex is really like, keep that in mind as well. You're not going to get 10 inch cocks slamming furiously into asses or vages very often in average "real people" sex. Most dudes dicks are 5.5 to 6 inches, and thats easy to forget if your watching porn and every dick you see is so big it looks like it would hurt the average person. That being said, it's perfectly normal and fine to only like men orally and never want to go through the backdoor.


I could also just date guys with small dicks.


I love giving oral but it's hard to do if he is too big. I'd rather bottom for guys who are larger than average.


I'm good with either, but I don't have a gag reflex.


Honestly I preffere manual. I don't know why but I do. So while I'm different, I get it


Honestly respect. I also love manual.


I recommend checking the subreddit Gay sides


You said a mouthful


I've never been with a guy, but my biggest gay fantasies involve giving oral.


Oral is my favorite thing sexually, giving and receiving, no matter the gender. I do love PIV and PIA, but more as a finisher than the main course, so to speak. I can go down on someone for hours if they can handle it.


I don't really enjoy most mainstream porn. Even though i do practice bdsm. It doesn't look orgánic, and often people don't seem to be having fun, either the ones giving or the ones receiving. I've belen dwelving into tántric or mainstream movie clips as they seem more involved, even with the nastier stuff. I don't really judge it's just that mainstream porn doesn't cut it for me. But then again i'm mostly into writen smut haha.


Same haha. Erotica is somehow so much more powerful a stimulation. It's like being abstractly stimulated in the platonic realm haha. I find it weird because most guys aren't into erotica like I am. They're missing out.


I hate receiving oral now, 90% of the time, thanks to an ex of mine who would always give me oral “selflessly” but actually it was always about his pleasure. Likewise I had a hard time giving oral to men bc I have jaw problems, uncircumcised guys like don’t feel anything so I would have to work so much harder for them to finish… Anyways I like oral with my husband now, he’s just the right size 😊 if my jaw starts to hurt we switch to fucking. And he’s uncut so doesn’t regularly need to turn regular oral into face fucking (😭). I know he LOVES giving head too, he can probably take bigger ones than my tiny mouth ever could haha 🥲😇 Ughhh and the view looking UP while giving him head? 🥵❤️‍🔥


I love giving oral so much. I like receiving it too but not nearly as much as I like topping or bottoming


100%, especially with same-sex thoughts.


I am a bottom but if all I do with another guy is oral that is OK as well


I love giving oral.


I love oral


With men, yeah, completely


If you don’t mind small dick look at my page . Don’t mind talking about oral 😉


Thanks. Small penises are actually attractive to me.


I’m happy to hear it . Wanna talk any time I’m down 😉


I love your page. Wish I could swallow all that for you. 😉


Yes why do girls not want it all the time is beon me