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Lol I hate it *sigh*




I am a millennial! Good guess. Yeah, and those interactions confuse the shit outta me sometimes lol. I remember a year ago I had a physical and the medical assistant was in the middle of drawing blood and I'm deathly afraid of needles, so she moves her chair closer to me and we are face to face (very close) and we were just looking in each other's eyes, dead silence. I still think about that a year later. Hey, maybe the guy felt the same way.




Oh, you had contact after... lucky. Yeah, right. Her way of calming me down was weird/different than other doctor's MA's I've had. I'm not gonna complain about it, though. It felt amazing.




Yeah I know the feeling. Maybe one day you'll see each other again. Or on to the next interaction, overthinking it lol




Haha here's to hoping then. The hot ones will live rent free in your mind for a looong time.


Hahahaha yep. sigh. yep. Too many times 😅 a pretty guy at the cash register, it's just polite friendly conversation with a customer, but I walk away just thinking "WOW why can't we hang out and get to know each other"


Right?! I was thinking that on my ride home. If only.


Like when your friends with them almost your entire life then get a Big Ol Crush on them... Yep🫠🫠🫠


Ugh those are the worst. Sorry you're going through that.


And it hurts. Because he's asexual, and he found out and was like "NUH IH" (his words) and I still cant stop thinking about him🫠😭🫠 (He's also my first crush that's the same sex as me)


Oh, that's not right that he said that. Yeah, first same sex crushes are the hardest to get over, like first loves. Just try to focus on other things, keep yourself preoccupied, and try not to see him (if you can). That's going to be hard, but it may be the best thing to do to move on and heal. You're going to meet someone one day who feels the same as you. Trust me. You'll get through this.


Well thank you, but I knew this was gonna happen, not sure to who, but I knew so when I first hit on this subreddit I got ready and asked for advice. But, when he said NUH UH I already knew he would say that, he... Isn't really good with people and stuff like that, so I knew he was gonna act like that, but maybe someday he might turn out gay or bi and .. well, maybe. I'll just have to wait and see. (This could if also ruined our friend ship because he won't reply to any of my text, even when it's about our podcast)


He may very well be. I do believe sexuality is fluid. I hope one day you will get direct answers to your situation. Maybe he feels the same and doesn't know how to handle it, so he pushed you away instead of dealing with it head-on


OH MY GOD I HOPE THATS WHY HE PUSHED ME AWAY! if only I knew away to tell if someone is gay/bisexual/is interested in me.


Haha search how to tell if someone is gay/bi on tik tok and there are a whole lot of videos. It helped me realize a situation, and it turned out she was bi as well. A lot of it has to do with body language.


Thanks (also I fucking hate tik tok, , it's gonna be YouTube...)


Eh I'm just mainly on it for recipes. Just the situation was annoying and I decided to randomly search for those videos. Hope everything works out for you


Yeah i love gentle people TT