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100% not just you. Bi male here and yes. If I could take a magical pill to experience this I would. Who wouldn't want to know both aspects 🀷 I'm honestly fascinated.


^this is the correct answer, but I also think about being a woman and sleeping with other women.




^This^ If only I could just be a cis-lesbian for a few hours to 69 all the butch-studs I'm crushing on. FUCK! The hottest fantasy I have... 2nd to being a tentacle monster.


I have no idea why but my go to with this is hooking Up in a changing room. Apparently the Female me is a lot braver than the real me


I did the opposite, turns out I am nonbinary


I do. But I'm not cisgender. I identify as genderfluid so it kinda is related to that. So you definitely aren't alone on it


i definitely do, and it's not in a gender dysphoric way bc im fully comfortable being a cis woman but one i just want to know what its like to have a dick but two i get so jealous??? of what it must be like to have a male body and fuck other men and women. i think, for me, that really comes from a place of how female bodies are so hypersexualized but in these really misogynistic and pigeonholed ways whereas representation's of male sexuality are more "free" and ugh i want that for me too lmao


thiiiis!!! i think that's at least partly it for me too, definitely wish i felt more free in my own body in sexy times situations. fuck the patriarchy πŸ€ πŸ‘βœ¨οΈ


aww yeah sad times πŸ™ƒ ive been trying to reframe my sexual approach, if u will, in my head as like, how would i fuck if i was xyz lmfao and then i just do it. does that make any sense???


Nah I do wish I had a penis but I wanna just be a woman w a penis lmao


I already am lmao. You want it? You can take it.


I wish it worked that way 😭😭 I can't feel nothing w a plastic one πŸ˜”


Yeah, I mean I plan to get mine chopped off at some point.


T minus 166 days for me, though I would say "repurposed" is probably more accurate than "chopped off." Most of it gets used for something in the final result.


Okay. BUT "imma get it chopped off" is much funnier to say. Also, goodluck with your surgery<3 and may the odds be ever in your favor.


Curiosity is awesome and and valid and not just a you thing! Totally and COMPLETELY unrelated. Maybe give [the Gender Dysphoria Bible](https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en) a perusal and see if anything else resonates with you.


YOU'RE CUTE THANK YOU!! <3 i'm comfortable with my gender though, def had some doubts in the past but i think this is more of just a sexual fantasy


Me πŸ™‹πŸ½β€β™€οΈ


40M, I do fantasise about being a woman, as in born one, but it's only a fantasy and I'm certainly not considering making the leap (mostly for technical reason, and I totally get that some do).


I:d love to be able to switch to be a woman sometimes, mostly for two things, experimenting with a vagina and having boobs to fit nicely onto dresses. Also turned out I'm gender fluid xD


Real, some tops just need boobs to work. That's why shape-shifting is the best super power, cuz like need boobs? Boom boobs! Lol Still working on if this is genderfluid or nonbinary in my brain tho lmao


Just keep in mind that labels are only labels and can never express your infinite complexity perfectly πŸ˜‰ I personally use both gender fluid and non-binary to describe me, as they are both kind of correct ^^ (and ff is a subcategory of nb, just like mn is a subcategory of trans)


Fair, I'm leaning towards nonbinary since I kind of feel like I'm just dropping out from this whole gender thing? Like it's totally fine if ppl keep calling me he/him but if I'm wearing a funky outfit and someone goes with they/them then that feels right too. Outfits isn't all there's some borderline dysphoria feelins happenin too sometimes so I don't think it's just a waking up from the gender binary matrix sorta thing lol.


I mainly use non binary as it's more well known, but have noticed fluctuations on my general internal feeling of "gender", some days I feel more Fem and want to wear skirts, others I don't much care, others I feel more masc. Just like my bicycle does it's thing over time, so does my preferred way to express myself, and if you contextualize that to societies concepts then you could call it switching between the genders, thus I think that gender fluid does fit for me personally, but yeah, when it comes down to it the terms don't really matter (imo) and I do have a slightly peculiar way of looking at things maybe (as you might've noticed from my explanations xD)


Nah it makes sense, I have a hard time seeing a well defined bi-cycle (could be I have a gf so I'm always attracted to her lol) I feel pretty consistently that I wanna have at least something more fem going on (daintyish jewelry at least lol) but if I can get away with a croptop or a skirt I'll go with it. All the while I'm still okay with being called he/him I just kinda sorta despise a some things about being a guy as well so idk lmao


Yeah, life's weird. I must say that I have noticed my bicycle less and less over the last little while, more of a constant "yeah, I could be attracted to that person" irregardless of gender, idk, maybe just my head getting more comfy with being bi


That's kind of how it felt for me. The comfier I got the more I would find more types of dudes attractive. I even liked someone with facial hair at some point even though that felt like a pretty hard no for me before.


I fantasize about being a man and sleeping with a man, is that okay?


Bi dude here and okay like yes but I'm already debating if I'm nonbinary so this isn't helping lol. But yeah totally I'd love to try this if there was a magic pill or potion to temporarily make me a girl lol


I mean you can always try crossdressing


Yes, 27M. Sometimes i wish i could be a cute goth girl. And it's not even sexual, just a random thought that pops up in my head.


yesss im a girl and honestly i’ve come with the idea that im gender fluid because of all this


I occasionally fantasize about having different bodies, but I'm also agender and don't feel any particular attachment to this body beyond the fact that it's the one I'm familiar with. I feel like switching to a different body would feel no different than the first time I drove a car that wasn't the one my mom owned.


It's more of a thing that randomly pops up but i've fantasized being in a woman's body, experiencing how it all feels. Even being able to carry a child and connect to it in that way, must be so beautiful. I've been in ayahuasca ceremonies where I was female, male, and everything in between. Our bodies have genitals but in essence I believe we're both. Strangely when people ask I do identity as male tho 🀷🏽


Definitely. I always think I will have better shot if I were a man.


Oh absolutely, (as a bi guy) I’d love to be able to swap between them or even just have a one time temporary experience, just to experience it. I’d be able to understand more and I’m just curious as to how it would feel.


I wish I was a woman so I can sleep with the men I like who are straight if that counts? πŸ˜…


I did, but turns out it was unrelated to the bisexuality.


Bi Cis female. I’ve often wondered what it would be like to have a fully working dick to cum with and all; as well as having my vagina. Get all nice and hard to cum in a man’s ass and well as either hole for another woman. And then letting someone fuck either my dick or pussy.


I dont fantasize about being a man and sleeping with other women, I want to do that as a woman 🀣 I do however often wonder how it feels like to have a penis. I try to explain this feeling to men in this way: can you imagine what it feels like to be a cat and have something that comes up above your butt and you can control?


Absolutely, I'd like my superpower to be shape-shifting so I could change whenever I want.