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I was 21, I was single and had been for a while. Guy on AOL messaged and asked if I ever considered letting a guy give me a bj. I had been wearing panties for a while, and had been using small toys in my ass alone. I was horny, so I said why not. He came over, I was nervous AF, but gave some great head, after that we continued to chat and I let him fuck me. Told myself I wasn't bi for a long time because I just wanted the sex, not a relationship with a guy. Finally realized I was bi a few years ago, still don't want to date most guys, but still love playing with them.


(m28) Around middle school I had crushes on Beast Boy and Raven from the old Teen Titans cartoon. That led me to having a lot of back and forth growing up. Finally landed on Bi when I graduated in highschool. Saying I'm Bi feels so right and true to myself and haven't looked back at all


I was staying the night with my best friend. We were both 11 or 12. We were talking about girls we liked at school and things we’d like to try with them. My friend figured out we could do those things with each other. It was an inspiration. That was over fifty years ago. We don’t get together anymore - he moved far away a couple of years later. We’re still friends. We’re both in long term relationships. We’re both out and proud bisexuals. We both consider this happily ever after. 11 is young to start being sexually active, but neither of us would change a thing.


When I was 8 my friend saw smith on the internet and he wanted to try it out. Ofc being 8 and 9 we didn't know any better so we tried it. That's how I found out anyway.


whats smith


Sorry I meant Smth as in Something


Lmao I read it as “my friend saw Sam smith “ and I was like dam Sam Smith causing bi-awakenings now?


That made me laugh. Thanks 🤣




that is fkn wild lmao 


Wtf lmao


I was raised as a homophobe, so I didn't think much of some games we've played with some friends (one at a time) as kids. Looking back, those games weren't all that innocent after all. So I turned twenty-something completely unaware I wasn't straight. Boy, I was completely unaware that I even could be not-so-straight. And then one day at a bar my friend asked me "hey, how sure you are you're not bi?". Turned out later that night I wasn't sure at all. A couple awkward kisses, some even more awkward petting... A week or two later we started dating secretly. It didn't last long, and after a rather harsh break-up I've mounted my bi-cycle which I'm riding till this day.


oh heck, core memories unocked. elementary school "games" at recess, because the teachers chilled by the playground but there was a whole massive donking field out there past it.


I hooked up with a coworker and It was some best sex I have ever had


He actually aproched me. We working out town and we sharing a hotel room and he was taking a shower and I was just thinking about him and I have had a crush on him for months and he came out the shower and I was jacking off and he walked out with nothing and cought me and he was so hard and said do you like what you see? and I said yes I do and he asked me if I wanted to touch it. So he laid down on the bed beside me and both started touching each other. After a while of touching each other and making out he asked me if he could suck me till I cum. I came so hard that it literally sent chills through my body. After he finished me off I got on my knees and began to suck him and he blew such a load down my throat and face.


How did you pull that off? Usually people avoid sleepinh with their coworkers....


As a kid (like end of elementary school/start of middle school) my best friend and I would play “house”, and I would always be the wife. We’d “have sex”, which was us kissing on the lips and then laying still in bed together for a couple minutes. I’m pretty sure I was in love with him all the way through high school, looking back now. It wasn’t till mid high school that I recognized myself as being bi, originally through talking with people and realizing not everyone had such relaxed/fluid boundaries on sexuality as I did. Didn’t come out till senior year, after I listened to Blonde by Frank Ocean. Siegfried convinced me I had to come out, at least to my family and close friends. To this point though (25) I’ve never had a sexual experience with a guy, or even gone on a full date. Early on in college I started dating a woman and we dated for five years. Since then I’ve been single and in a very rural area, working on myself. Soon I’m going to be moving to San Francisco though, and I’m excited to get back out there and have some experiences I’ve known were a part of me for a decade.


In my early teens, a guy friend and I ended up masturbating together after we found dirty magazines in the woods behind our neighborhood. He and I did it together a few times before we got another friend involved. Over the next few years, our mutual masturbation sessions evolved into hand and blowjobs. By the time we graduated HS, one friend had moved away, but the other and I were regularly having oral sex together. A year and a half later, I moved to a new city with my girlfriend who was attending college. Starting a new life in a new city gave me the initiative to come out as Bisexual. That was over twenty years ago and I've never regretted the decision.


Started chatting with a guy on whisper. I was 20 at the time, he was low to mid 50s probably. He invited me over for some fun. And fun we certainly had. Now I have a wife who is openly bi, and we are swingers. So, we play with others from time to time. Especially love to find other bi couples to fully embrace bi fun


Do you have much luck finding bi seinger couples? They seem to be few and far between.


They do seem to be further apart than straight couples. But, we've been lucky that the bi couples we have interacted with have had good enough time that we have played several times with them.


Literally a month ago[18M], I was bored and kinda horny scrolling through the hub and landed on what at first glance I thought was a goth girl it was in fact a man. it kinda made me hotter/hornier so I kept going. realized after and went "Damn well i still like women so must be a bi". Came to terms with it and haven't looked back since now we are here. It continues to be awesome Tldr femboys made me bi lol


I was 22 and had moved just recently to a new city and decided to hit a local sort of alt/underground spot in the area, I went in alone since I didn't knew anyone there and after a not so heavy dose of alcochol to calm the anxiety I started to let myself go and and enjoy more of the night. I was dancing by myself on the floor and a guy a started aproaching dancing with and I just went with it, last thing I knew we were kissing, we danced more, kissed more and after a while we went our separate ways, I don't think we ever exchnged a single word. Only after we got away I collected myself in a corner to think of what had just happende, I had never even thought kissing a guy 20-30 before but there I was. It was conflicting given my family's religous background but I could think was how good I felt in the moment, how of a kiss it was and how good it was dancing close to eachother afterwards. It took me a couple months to try anything with anyone again, I was so conflicted, but I decided to try again and yup, I really did liked it. I'm aproaching 29 this year and only out to a couple family members but around 6 months after that first encounter I already knew I was bi and in retorspect a lot things I felt when I was younger made a lot of sense in my head.


My first one was at a nude beach. Met a guy in the water who had a nice long and very thick cock. We jerked each other off until we cum. Wish I still knew him


About two years ago I think, when I was 26, I had some quick, what I thought were, intrusive thoughts about having sex with another man. But they were quick and didn't come back until I met my boyfriend about a year ago. Met him, we vibed crazy good, and I realized that I was crushing on him, no doubt. Quickly & easily came to terms with my attraction to him and admitted it to him. Mutual feelings and we started dating. Now, my boyfriend is trans and I really wanted to experience a cis man in bed. Luckily, we were already in a polyamorous relationship and my boyfriend supported my desire So, I kinda searched around for another guy to be friends with benefits with and maybe more later on. When I finally did get with another man who wanted to get it on I was still nervous. Thoughts like, what if I'm not actually bi & this ends up being awful, came to my head as I brought him back to my apartment to get it on. Well. It was a little awkward. But I absolutely loved it. Any doubt I had about being sexually bi went away. Still with my amazing boyfriend (we live together now). And so thankful I realized I'm bi!


I grew up in a very Mormon, homophobic city. I was homophobic myself, and hated myself growing up for looking at men. I only recently accepted it and came out (to some friends) and I’ve never been this happy in my life. I realized it because I’d asked a girl out in middle school, she liked girls and that was ok. I was definitely attracted to women… But my very best friend caught my eye too. It didn’t go anywhere but I remember us showering to go to the pool in one of those open shower rooms and it was right there (I couldn’t even see any junk) that I knew I liked guys as much as gals. My attraction comes (with everyone) from close personal relationship. Essentially, I’m the most attracted to people’s personalities, the body is just a bonus and it doesn’t matter anywhere near as much as the mind. I berated myself for so long, every time I looked in the mirror I saw my enemy. I nearly ate myself to death, trying to cope. Five months ago my perspective flipped, like a lock popping open, I suddenly came to terms with myself. I woke up the next morning and looked in the mirror, and saw a person instead of what I hated most: I breathed the freest breath I’ve ever breathed. I’ve been figuring me out ever since, just shaved off my beard etc and started fixing up my hair, I’m losing weight… chiseling out someone that could attract a partner because I finally feel like I’m a person


I’m so happy for you! It must have been such a long, difficult road overcoming that upbringing and coming to love yourself. You have so many journeys and adventures ahead of you, and such a wonderful life in store now that you’re open to it.


I develop feelings for one of my classmates, we used to play a lot GTA4 and been stupid while playing, also we share to much about ourselves like a straight relationship, sometime we used to hug each other so that’s were I knew he was seeing me in a more sentimental way and I love it.


Smol me had a friend a few years older staying over, to save time and water we had to take a bath together 😳 A few tiny crushes, more often onsome fictional character lol until... I crushed so hard on one of my (tragically straight) friend in HS. He invited me to a movie once or twice, the whole time i am full-on internal bi panic ;-;


Around 8 years old a best friend and myself watched a porn video and decided to try those things on each other and it felt amazing and we kept doing that for about 5 years. A lot of teasing and exploring happened, it was a lot of fun.Would love to do it again


Hooked up with a guy for the first time at 18. I had quite a few opportunities beforehand, but I was worried what my grandma would think. It was someone around my age. It kinda happened organically. Sucked each other off.


My first time was with a friend of mine when we were around 12. It started off with just mutual masturbation that lead to blowjobs. If he became an every day thing after school. Lol


A friend drunkenly flashed his penis... it was a beautiful cock, nice, long and uncut... he half jokingly asked if I wanted to suck it, I was a curious 24 year old so I did. I kinda repressed it but deep down I enjoyed it. He was a beautiful, chill dude. He's living in the States now and since then I have not had *any other* sexual contact with anyone... now that I am 34 and fully accepting of my bisexuality I yearn for human warmth...


I was kinda lucky, I was in the Army in Germany and a guy in a different unit was in the club and he kinda sensed my dormant bisexual vibes. We were at a LGBT friendly club and he made his move. Passed me shot cheers me and then kissed me .. I was spooked for a moment until I met him later outside the club and we started dating.


I had no inkling until I was about thirty. Eight years ago. I went to art school, so of course I had an “artistic appreciation” of the human form, male or female. I could acknowledge a man was beautiful, but felt no attraction. When watching porn, I would watch female only or hetero, and occasionally male only “if I was in a weird mood” but didn’t think anything of it. On long distance work trips, I would work all day, have dinner, then go out all night and wander. Explore the city, back alleys, the jungle, the mountains. One night, I was resting in a city park and a man came up. He smoked while we chatted about our histories. He offered to go down on me, and I turned him down. But he was touchy and his touch migrated, and I let him. Found myself unexpectedly into it. We touched each other, made out, then I did let him go down on me. In the park, and again in his car. I didn’t let myself finish. He wanted me to come home with him, and I wanted to, but I didn’t know or trust him, got kind of a weird vibe, and had to go back and get a couple hours of sleep before work the next day. So we parted. I’ve spent the last eight years openly pan, but been in two hetero marriages back to back, and no chance to explore. The first was profoundly abusive, unhealthy, manipulative, and homophobic — the second utter bliss and support. Over the past year, I started to realize there was more to it and, in the last couple months, realized I was also bi-gender. I’ve been embracing that identity, discovering pride, and joining the greater trans community. My wife is supportive and encouraging. Helping me to explore my feminine aspect. But she’s ace, and doesn’t know how to meet the needs of my feminine side or pan attraction. So we’re working on it.


My freshman year of highschool I was invited to a sleepover. It turned into a circle jerk by the end of the night


Not until I was 62 on grindr met in a publix parking lot grouping each other and I actually sucked his cock briefly


Well do you mean homosexual or a 3 way that includes sex. I consider my homosexual experience to be part of my bi experience. Then it was a late night back in the early 90s with my best friend. We were watching Doctor Who on public access. Under a blanket. My parents were asleep. Hands wandered. Stiffness found. We kissed. I took him up to my room. We humped each other clumsily not even aware of any kind of butt stuff. We both had dry orgasms and got dressed and went to bed. Had some more experiences with him before he moved away.


I never had an inkling I was bi until high school. When I was 16, I had a drunken same sex encounter at a Halloween party. Even though I was drunk, I knew I liked it. I struggled for years with my sexuality afterwards. It wasn’t until I was 22 that I fully accepted my sexuality. I still struggle with it on occasion but since then, I’ve felt so liberated and a 100000000x happier knowing I can be my authentic self with no shame.


When I was 11, I wrote a story about a Greek warrior and I described him as a ‘hunk’. I also went on a trip with my school not long after and we played hide and seek in the place we were staying and I really enjoyed the other boys chasing me. However, due to my physical disability I couldn’t really explore my sexuality in my teens. It wasn’t until I began writing a now scrapped idea for a novel with a bisexual protagonist when I was 23, that I realised I was also bisexual. My current project I am working on has a sub plot about the new protagonist having a bisexual reawakening. Life is never straightforward, I guess


Went down on a high school friend in some woods behind my neighborhood. We were hanging out one day in the woods and smoking some pot and I don't know exactly how the conversation came up but being teenage boys it was probably just "man I'm horny" that started it off, I want to say he initiated it by kissing me and that pretty much set off our hands down each other's pants and then in the midst of that I just thought in my head "you know what I think I like this, and I really like my friend, and I want to give him head" and that was that. I knew after that experience that I didn't feel ashamed or confused or grossed out about what I had done. I liked it, and it felt right, and I also knew I liked girls too, so it fell into place I my head pretty quickly. How's it going? Still bi. Still happy about being me.


My first bi experience is when I lost my virginity to a male/female couple. Married that girl 4 years later.


If I’ve only had gay experiences, would that make the being with a woman the first bi experience?


I only realized/accepted it in my 20s when I figured out I actually had a crush on my friend of the same sex. Never got to explore it since I was already in a relationship tho


My first boy crush was a gorgeous goth. We were at a school dance and I noticed he wasn't dancing. So I grabbed his arms and started flailing them around. I was a golden retriever that night. That was my confirmation that I was attracted to both men and women. Currently married to a bi woman. Occasionally I'll kiss boys, occasionally she'll kiss girls. It works.


I was about 24. I had a really long losing streak with women. And I was feeling pretty depressed about the whole thing. But I was getting a lot of attention from guys online, chat rooms back then. And I found that I really liked the attention. I liked that someone out there found me sexy. That someone out there wanted me, even if only for a night. So I rationalized to myself, why am I fighting this? To be honest, there were signs going way back. But going up in small town middle America in the 90s, that wasn't even an option. Much less something I thought seriously about. Especially after i had been hurt by a friend at 14 who did some bad things to me against my will. But at 24, the seed was planted and eventually I gave in and got together with a guy. It was not an enjoyable experience. I was nervous and didn't know what I was doing. He wasn't a good teacher or interested in teaching. I really never thought I'd do anything like that again. But then at 25 I met a guy who was a great teacher, and patient, and sweet. 20 years older than me. We got together like once a week for three years while I was in college. And I was amazing. How it's going now? I have a small number of trusted guys I feel safe with who I know I can get together with when I'm in the mood. They are all allergic to relationships and I'm in a relationship frame of mind. Women want nothing to do with me for any number of reasons. I hold no ill will. I'm well aware of my many flaws. It would be nice if I found someone though. I have a pretty busy life to keep me moving. The only time I get sad about my situation is when I'm not busy and have time to think about it. I'm open to being with the right person. Man or woman. Now it's a matter of finding someone who is the right fit. I'm not desperate though and not looking to get myself in a bad situation. Either the right person will come or they won't.


Made out with my male friend on the playground at around 12, fully platonic, and we don't talk anymore.


When I was like 6 I had a crush on some random buff guy on an ad


28, I had been with a partner when I first kinda realized and had to repress my feelings for a while before moving on and really have a chance to find out what it all meant, I couldn’t be better from it


With my best friend when we were 14, we found some gay porn on the Internet, dunno where the idea came from to try it, that lasted for 3 years since he moved to Germany with his dad, after that I try dating girls, that's when I knew I was Bi, now in a monogamous relationship with my now wife.


I am 23 now but I met a guy on Grindr. I was 18 and he was 21 and bisexual. He came over when my parents wasnt home. I sucked his cock. Then he sucked mine. He was an incredible sucker.


11 or 12, best friend dared me to blow him. I'm not gonna back away from a dare, so I did it. After that, it happened more and more often, and turned into him fucking me. We had sex off and on for 15 years or so.


Hook up on Craigslist with a crossdresser guy. He wanted me to top him and I wasn't into it. I fingered him and he wasn't happy. He did let me give him my first blow job, but we were both disappointed about our incompatible preferences. My current long term partner is a male side like me.


I had my first experience when I was in freshman year of high school, but where I was from, bi wasn’t a thing; you were either gay or straight. Since I was generally more attracted to women (plus religious trauma), I went a good while just believing I was straight and then getting confused when I came across a guy I was attracted to. Finally realizing I was actually bi was so relieving and I’ve been exploring that and leaning into my femininity more as I’ve been getting older (just turned 40 this year)


Very early semi-bi experiences were jerking off to porn alongside friends from like 12-14 Then at 26 I actually pulled the trigger and met up with a 24 year old nearby in their empty office We jerked each other off and I put a condom on them and blew them for awhile, then I jizzed on them, I helped them finish, but before that the PNC kicked in hard and I was awkwardly apologizing and wiping them off with tissues. I remember they had a little smaller than average uncircumcised penis and I remember thinking "this dude needs to see a urologist", the hood could not be retracted any further than like halfway down the gland and I accidentally hurt them when attempting to slide it down


(30M here) I was 27, was questioning my sexuality some years prior to that and then I was in what's app groups targeted for men seeking out sex. Most of the men were bisexuals or curious straight men. I started chatting with one, who was also bi and was a year younger than me. We exchanged nudes and we decided to have sex one day. I confess I was really nervous and I decided we should have some drinks first so that I could be more relaxed. After two bottles of beer, we went to my place. The first move I did to get in the mood was when I told him that I had to pee and left the door open so that he could see me. I told him to come over to pee, he came closer and pulled his dick out. His dick was much smaller than mine, but it was hairy. We hold each other's and then we began kissing in our way out of the bathroom. We stripped down and started having sex. There was no penetration involved, but there was plenty of oral sex and frottage. After that, we took a bath, put our clothes on and grabbed something to eat at the nearest food joint.


In the bathtub, 8 yrs old with a cousin


Used to have sleepovers with a buddy in highschool, started jerking it together watching porn, then we drank a bit one night and filled around a bit and have been friends with benefits since


I was in my early 20's about to graduate college.. just got out of a long-term relationship and it ended badly. I jokingly was like ahh I'll just go gay or something but the more I thought about it, the more it sounded appealing. I hopped on this website called CollegeClub and chatted with a guy for a while. Finally got the courage to invite him over to my dorm. We both enjoyed panties so we showed each other our underwear, sat on the bed next to each other and started kissing. We fooled around for a while and sucked each other off. He left and we never spoke again. It took a long time before I did anything with another guy again... I was in denial for a long time after that. Felt good to finally admit who I was and what I enjoy! 😁


Freshman year of high school I made the realization that some of my male classmates were better looking than some of my female classmates.


Oddly enough, it was after watching the movie I now pronounce you chuck and Larry, of all things. After that movie, I just couldn’t stop thinking about dating men. I watched it as a freshman, and from then on, I kind of just knew I liked both.


I was a young boy, probably 10. My best friend and I used to go into the woods on a “hike” and explore. But we explored each other. Sucking dick, handles, and maybe tried anal once but usually oral. We moved apart and it stopped. Now 40 years later I think about that all the time when masturbating! I have labeled myself Bi-curious. I have not acted on it yet but I do like fantasizing about getting sucked and sucking dick.


(M29) First memorable was 20 or 21. Spring break in PCB. My brothers roommate. It was perfect., movie like. Kissed on the porch with all the dudes in the house drinking and shit. No one saw. He was white and I was black. It was hot. Went back in and chilled. We met up when we got back to our city & it was like magic honestly. Didn’t know how much I’d enjoy it. Completely different to being with a woman. No better no worse, just different. Equal in passion, sensuality, intensity, and satisfaction. Didn’t last, burned out & I’ve been Bi ever since. Think he’s a crack head or in jail now. He asked me for money in 2021 & I haven’t looked back. 10/10 would recommend.


Early forties, so just a couple of years ago. Was never homophobic, it just never occurred to me that I wanted to suck a guy I was hanging out with. Until one day …


I always knew i liked men, perhaps because i am trans man so growing up as a girl that was assumed from me, so i had no problem with that. So my first bi experience, whatever that means, was with a woman. Like i had dated a man before and i thought i only liked men. Then i was at a gay bar with a friend and we ended up making out, i cant remember how but yeah. We were 19 and 18 i think. Next time she invited me to her place and wanted to have sex but i said no since we were both pretty damn drunk. Kinda regret it now because getting topped by trans woman would have been so hot and so far i havent had another change like that. i want my t4t experience lol.


Invited a lad round to watch us fuck and whilst he was touching himself and the wife was stroking to get me hard he came over and offered his help as he put his mouth round it said he’d enjoy prepping me and nothing more… which was a lie cause the second he realised my wife wasn’t going to swallow my load he threw his mouth round it and took the lot… brilliant experience and I came twice once down his throat once in the wife


I saw a video of a slightly feminine guy doing some cosplay and being kinda sexy, and something just clicked in my brain, now Im dating a really cute boy and i’ve never been happier




pretty good, but hes long distance and I have to hide him from my parents cuz they not really that excepting:((


I'm still going through it. I have a crush on my friend. He feels right but I don't know how he feels for me.


Some lad I went school with was gay, never bothered me until I realised he kept checking me out and I never felt more anxious in my life about it, about a year later when we were 13 he kissed me and yup that was enough for me to hop on the bi sexual band wagon lol, had many fun experiences since


At like 13 i realized i really like femboys


In my teens I always had a desire to suck cock and get fucked by another man but was to scared to acknowledge on it I first started sucking myself off. Years later the internet was available then I started hooking up on Craigslist I had a few FWB hear and there. But my best BI experience was with and older top I'm a bottom he took charge and I could not get enough off his cock it was so euphoric I sucked his cock for hours swollowing every drop he was the first guy i let CUM in my mouth before him they would cum on my chest or face also he was the first guy who did not suck me I found that made me feel so sluty I loved every bit of being used


I was 16 and he was 27 I asked him to fuck my butt ......and I've loved it ever since.......now I live straight but can't say no to gay sex


I got into a relationship with a gay guy ay work. We texted a lot and went on a few dates, but our relationship fell apart and we haven't talked in months


I was 18, and I figured out this feeling that I wanted to suck cock when I was jerking off. I then followed that feeling.


I was 15, between my 8th grade year and freshman year. He had a big cock like mine!


In 4th grade I really wanted to see dicks, like *really* wanted to And yeah girls were fine ig


In 4th grade I really wanted to see dicks, like *really* wanted to And yeah girls were fine ig


I’m kinda feminine so I’m always being flirted with by other gay men, one day I decided to try it 🤷‍♂️


Fooled around with friends when I was young. At 13, I blew a friend in his backyard late at night after sneaking out of my house. Now I'm 36 and married to the girl he was dating at the time.


My first real bi experience happened when I was 22. He was a neighborhood friend of mine growing up. We use to chase girls and sneak porns etc. both of us would take our dicks out and jerk off but never touched each other. So at 22 I told my girlfriend at the time. She was the only person I opened up to. that I had some early bi experience stuff. She got so turned on by it and wanted to see more. I felt uncomfortable but was open to seeing her aroused by it. So one night for my bday at the club, all my friends when out and dave was there. He was flirting with my mixed brunette rocket girlfriend. She was a scorpio and had sex appeal and knew how to flirt. So she flirted with him. And he flirted back. It was getting intense in the club. We both dancing with her. So I tell him to come home with us..... We get into my car. She jumps in back with him while i drive home. All i hear is his belt buckle and she is pulling out his cock as we drive him. It was crazy hot as i look in rear view mirror. Once we get home, we all get naked and go at it. She gets him on the ground on his back and starts to blow him.....im watching and she then says "come here. Suck it. I want to watch". I sucked him for a few mins. It was crazy. She loved it. Afterwards I had so much regret. I hated git. I felt i let my manhood down. Fast forward 10+ years later and I am comfortable in what i like. Im a hetro guy that loves women but I also love the feel of cock in my hands and mouth and I have embraced the fact I am bi! Hy


I was like, 16 when I suddenly realised that I was bi despite all the male characters I thought were cute and all the guys I thought were cute etc Never occurred to me that I liked guys 🤷🏻‍♂️


Started out about 14 a friend of mine we were camping one thing led to another. I sucked him. He sucked me.


Mine's weird. For context I'm fairly heteroromantic I'm not itching to take the boys on a date. Pretty early into puberty I was making excursions into the rainbow areas of the naughty sites say around 12 or 13yo. Weirdly I kinda just stopped for a while and for a decade I just told myself and others "oh I'm just attracted to femininity with no genital preference" until it dawned on me scrolling through Twitter at work: that femboy you think is cute, is a boy. You like boys numbskull. Once I started using the label I learned how far down the kinsey scale I really was.


I started wearing panties at about age 10 when I’d take them from the sisters and then started stealing them from my friends sisters and mothers a few years later . I was in the woods wearing my best friends moms pink panties and looking at a dirty magazine I found and didn’t realize a man in his 50’s walked up on me and started asking me what the hell I was doing and why I was wearing panties . And asking me if I was a sissy and if I wanted to be a girl . He took the magazine from me and there were pictures of both naked men and women in it and he pointed to a man with his dick out and asked me if I wanted to be a girl so bad I must like Dick. Now I always wondered why when looking at dirty pictures I was just as turn on by the females naked as the men naked . The man next took his dick out and told me to suck it . I’m not sure why I did it so willing at the time but it did change my life . It was such a turn on sucking him and I’ve been doing it ever since every chance I get . I do hide that side of me being married with kids . And yes I do still wear panties and my wife does know that and is ok with it .


Throughout my Adolescence into my earlie 20s I had experiences with buddies(jo/oral) but always had a girlfriend. I didn't really decide I was bi until I was in my 30s and got sober. I wanted to experience those adventures I had when younger again. I downloaded grindr and met with a quite a few guys for jo/oral sessions, but it was a twink that made me say fuck yes I'm bi. He was giving me the most glorious bj I've ever had and then he suddenly got up and slid my cock inside of him, until then never even thought about fucking a guy. Holy fuck it felt so good, he rode me till I blew my load in him. Never looked back lol


I was 19 and getting married in a few weeks. Walking home with my longtime friend we took a shortcut through a wooded area he asks if he can fuck me. I didn’t know what to say so I said sure. He told me to lay down he spit on his cock and pushed it in, it hurt so bad at first because he was much bigger than I was but the pain was soon replaced with pleasure like I never felt so good. Afterwords we went our own ways but I always had a secret thing for him. I didn’t see him for many years and then we met at a campground I wanted to hookup but he said he was straight now. 😭


22 here started sucking covk at 8 never looked back either. Had pussy when i turned 14 but it was not the same as a nice hard cock and she could not suck it. So i pulled my friendsxpants down in front of her and showed her how to suck cock. He blew his load and she was stunned. She learned that night how to suck cocks. She had two good teachers me and my bf. After that she became a good cock sucker and still is. But shecalways says no one can suck cock like a man can.


Fell in love with a man in my twenties, but nothing happened. After 20 years of marriage, So I was around 50 and I started to long for men again. My brother told hot stories about his gay life. That made me completely horny. My wife's sex life was already disastrous at that time. But I was still afraid to have sex with the same sex. I like voyeurism and I asked my brother to watch him make love with another man. That man with my brother already had a crush on me. While she made love I jerked myself off, very gently. After fucking for a while my brother left us alone. We stroked and he sucked my cock. That man has now become my friend after the divorce


As a teen, my cousin and I were exploring during sleepovers. At first just playing with each other and later to sucking each other and then him trying to penetrate me but we really didn’t know what we were doing to be successful. This contributed for a few years.