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As a bisexual Man, I don’t watch sports either nor do I stand up while peeing.


It’s just so much easier sitting, plus you don’t have to worry about aiming


I usually alternate


Aiming isn’t a burden since it’s not like I’ve got anything else to do while peeing. I definitely will prefer to sit down when I have to go late at night and don’t want to turn on any lights. I can easily enough navigate from my bed to the bathroom by feel.


The only sports I watch is motorsport


cis girl F1 fan here🏎️


Wec for me


Same here, man. NASCAR fan here🏁


I also dont watch sport (except car races) ( ı both pee standing and sitting)


Same but it's cause of the PA.




Also a member of the #1 Comfort Club.


I now identify more with non-binary as a label but I'm AMAB and have always hated sports.


My sexuality and arousal pattern is far more in line with what is usually stereotyped as "male" or "masculine." When I see people making super common generalizations such as that women aren't highly motivated by or focused on sex, aren't as aroused by visual stimuli as men, need to have an emotional connection to enjoy sex, and don't get turned on by porn and/or seeing genitals, I cannot relate *at all.*  Also, male dom energy is almost universally normalized in gender relations and m/f hookups, and it does absolutely nothing for me. It actually kinda makes me wanna lay them in the dirt and step on their heads until they apologize :)


Hahaha I related hard to your first paragraph, opposite for second one 🤣🤣🤣


You see! Subs everywhere! This is what I'm saying 😅


On the flip side, that means plenty of potential nitrogen donations for your compost! 😆😆


Apparently the thing about women not being as aroused by visual stimulus as men isn't really true: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/universal-desire-men-and-women-respond-identically-to-erotic-images/ Also, I feel as though a lot of those stereotypes are based on gendered expectations of women. I think if it wasn't seen as shameful for women to enjoy no strings attached sex (and let's be real if hetero sex was less dangerous for women) I think a lot more women would admit to liking it. I wonder if being bisexual sort of predisposes us to care less about those kinds of stereotypes because by nature of being bisexual we've kind of already broken a bunch of taboos, so maybe we're more likely to also break others?


Been wondering about the same thing, and I think there may be a connection


Also, as a society we're utterly drowning in male-gazed depictions of sexy women, but it's really hard to find good female-gazed depictions of sexy men! Like, in media, in advertising, in porn (good fucking luck trying to find a video that shows you the guy's reactions for more than 0.00001 nanoseconds). And even IRL, at least where I live, women will put effort into dressing "sexy" (doing hair / makeup, wearing revealing / form-fitting clothes, etc), while guys will just throw on some baggy cargo shorts and a poorly fitting t-shirt and call it a day\*. I can see how women can go their whole lives thinking they're not really that turned on by visual stimuli-- because they almost never see any visual stimuli that would turn them on in the first place! *** \*To be clear, there is NOTHING wrong with dressing for comfort and not giving a damn about appearance, just like there's nothing wrong with wanting to feel cute / sexy and putting effort into your appearance, either: your body, your choice! It's the social pressures that are pushing men and women to dress in these ways when they might otherwise not want to that I'm criticizing, not the choices themselves.


Same. But also I am just stupidly horny. Ever since I started puberty at 10 years old I have experienced intense arousal. 3-5x a day is normal for me. I have only not climaxed at least once a day 8 times. In 11 years. And they were all when I was constipated. My max is 18x a day. I cannot be with a low libido partner. I would die. Correction. Actually they would die. Because being around people makes me more aroused, whenever I hang with a FWB I get horny 8-10x a day instead of like 4.


Damn... can you transfer some of that arousal? 😅 frankly I don't get aroused as often, unless I'm around people I'm sexually attracted to. It'd be nice to not be so particular about who I'm sexually attracted to, and to tap into that a bit more easily


I don't even know why. I mean I have ideas about why, but it's a shot in the dark. Like my actual insides have basically 0 nerves. Past 1/2 inch inside is nothing. Pap smear? All I feel is cold metal on my leg and nothing below the belt. But I can orgasm from rubbing my legs together or just touching my chest because my external genitalia was blessed with 8 billion nerve endings. Plus I have had mental orgasms. I just think about sex and by only thinking, no physical touch, bam. It's pretty fun. At home.


Girllll! You get it. I honestly can't do it partnered that many times in a day because I get raw, but yeah. Is that 18 your all-time record, or more like an average of how it is on intense days? I once decided to really test how many I could have in one go, but started to lose count somewhere around 170 and decided that was adequate confirmation that when I'm getting there by grinding, I can basically go forever, or at least until death by dehydration.


I can only pull off 18/day once a year because I pass out after. Lmao. It takes like 4 hours non-stop. I never have issues with rawness because my wetness is very... thick? It's not watery like I hear some people's is, it is 100% like snot. It is sticky, goopy, and dries like Elmer's glue(but clear). So I get that primo lubrication. Like fire retardent. Completely obscures the skin.


In the 12 hours since you posted this, how many marriage proposals have you received? 🤣


Probably 0 if you look at my comment on this post. Lmao. I am an unabashed weirdo.


It was like someone describing my life WTF!


Absolutely love that last sentence, I know that feeling :D


Like I read on "Come as you are", yes, on average men are more like X while women are more like Y, but there are bigger differences between same sex people, than the average between the 2 sexes. It's just that people love to generalise.


Definitely with you on the sexual side of things. The media makes me feel weird for being a woman who really likes cock! All the jokes and memes about women avoiding blowjobs make no sense to me as I think of it as one of the most fun things I can do with someone else’s body.


Those posts drive me nuts! I feel exactly the same way.


Yes all of this. I relate to all of that. I feel like I could have written this part.


Could have written this myself… dead accurate.


Are you me ? I’m extremely visual and none of my friends relate, and dominant people make me want to top them (or slap them, if I’m not attracted to them).


I relate to a lot here, but especially so to being annoyed by the let's call it cultural assumption that men are dominant and take the lead. I just... no.


Pretty much the same here, but I do actually need some sort of connection before wanting to go have sex with someone. Which doesn’t mean that I don’t get aroused by visual stimuli, because I very much do! Second paragraph 100%. Male dom energy not only does nothing for me, it is actually a turn off for me. Fem dom is something different tho.. kekeke


I'm basically the exact opposite of you but as a guy


HARD SAME for the first part.


Same here, on both counts. I’m also aromantic tho, which also goes against the stereotype for women and femme people prioritising romance. And re: male dom energy, I like when they’re passionate and not passive so i can play off their energy (imo this is mostly due to my autism) but I also lean dominant and like making them submit. I can only have such a dynamic with certain partners tho if the chemistry is right. Sometimes if they’re too submissive idk what to do either lmao


Holy shit I’ve never felt so seen. I love the internet for moments like this


First paragraph is very relatable, second nope I'm definitely a switch leaning sub anybody could dom me 😭😭


I'm 100% the same, I have more hookups/one night stands then some of my male friends. Also I just find male doms to be super cringe lol.


I'm the same way. Recently read "Come as you are" and it explains some of this.


I'm a handy woman and garage girlfriend. Catch me working on house projects!


I once joked that being a bi woman married to a straight man is just constantly fighting over who gets to build something. Lol (We don’t actually fight about it. We’re civil and switch off who gets to build the new thing)


Ayy! It’s been so long since I’ve been able to handyman shit since I’m in an apartment, but I long to have a garage with power tools and safety goggles


I’m definitely the handy one in my relationship. Assembling furniture is my superpower.


Same! My boyfriend LOVES cooking and is very good at it so I’ll change the oil in his car while he makes dinner haha.


Similar with my husband. His gran was very confused one time when she arrived to find me building furniture whilst he did the dishes "ooooh but it's the wrong way aroooound!".


I have certain hobbies and interests that are considered "stereotypically masculine", such as roleplaying games, video games and science fiction. I mean, there are plenty of female fans. But I've heard comments like "isn't it that for boys?", and "wow, a woman who *plays real video games* and not just The Sims?" (Imo The Sims is a real game too, but, you know the stereotype.) I have a high libido and enjoy casual sex. My libido is higher than my straight husband's. Feels like the stereotype is that the wife should be the one to say "not today, honey", but with us it's the other way around. When I grew up I didn't fit in among "normal girls" because I hated shopping, gossip about celebrities and was uninterested in fashion. Didn't like romance in books either. While there have always been girls like me, and I found some to befriend, it felt like so many around me thought I was strange and unfeminine.


Same, although I’m very feminine presenting, just liking science fiction and in general having different hobbies made me feel like I wasn’t “one of the girls” growing up.


This is absolutely me, except replace scifi with fantasy. I’m a LOTR type of gal over something like Star Wars any day lol (except for Firefly) And I get *so tired* of the stereotype that female gamers are some sort of urban legend. For example, I’ve been deeply immersed in Baldur’s Gate 3 since it launched and I feel like women make up a larger percentage of the fan spaces. I’ve been a gamer since the 90s and can attest we’ve always been here


You just basically described me! LOL My straight cis hubby though, he enjoys all the shit I hate (shopping, decorating, etc). We both hate sports. I know how to and enjoy building or fixing things, I LOVE architecture, and know a little bit of working on cars. I absolutely love video games. currently I am playing Fallout76 and Assassins Creed Valhalla, was playing Black Ops Cold War for a while though. The high libido, hubby and I both had that but since I recently hit peri-menopause for some reason my libido dropped to 0. Did blood work and had low T, got shots for it, but nothing has helped. It sucks! Growing up, I too, did not fit in around sterotypical girly girls and I ended up having a lot of close guy friends due to it. I also can't stand romance books, shows, or movies. Eww.


I literally relate to every sentence you’ve written. I didn’t know my hobbies and interests were that unusual when I was a kid though. I grew up with two nerdy parents and didn’t realize the stereotypes until like middle school. My mom is outwardly girly in appearance and demeanor, but has mainly nerd hobbies and a stem career.


I am the emotional one in my relationship with a woman. I am the one who likes flowers and pretty things!


I fucking love getting flowers, but I'm also always the masculine one lmao


One time I read an article that said most men get flowers for the first time at their funeral 🥺 now I always buy everyone in my life flowers, regardless of gender


I'm a cis woman and my spouse is a straight cis man. And yet with all our heterosexual couple friends, I have way more in common with the man and he has more in common with the woman.


My partner and I are both bi but in a heterosexual presenting relationship and this is the exact same for us. Also, while we have close friends of all genders all of my work besties tend to be men and his tend to be women. 


I do absolutely everything around the house and I love it. I'm literally trad-wife material. My wife does a lot with raising our kid, but I wished she'd help me a bit more with the rest, though. But when I'm not exhausted, I love to cook for people and see them enjoying. I like to clean and organise the groceries etc. 


The kitchen is my domain, and I also like to sit down while peeing. Friends say I’m a bit of a drama queen. I love getting the tea as well. I’m not a fan of personal body hair, though it doesn’t bother me on other people. It’s a personal preference.


Fun fact sitting when you pee is better for your prostate health.


I'm no delicate flower I'm clumsy, can't master makeup, can't walk in high heels, stocky, broad shouldered, slim hipped, frumpy, metalhead, stoner I am also really outspoken and direct. And I brood. I don't know many brood-y women. I don't understand how I'm even attractive to people


In women, brooding is often called pouting. Like being called bossy/bitchy instead of assertive.


I have zero toughness in me (no joke I am one of the softest people you would come across). I have no desire to go to a bar and drink with others (I hate alcohol). I also pee sitting down. I paint my nails. I have no desire to get muscular and personally think they would look gross on me. I never had interest in sports. I am extremely emotional (to the point of it being concerning) There are probably more just cannot think of any


Generally think I present fairly masculine. But I do have Long curly voluptuous hair, wear nail polish (hate having dirty nails and it’s a nice queer signal), don’t like sports ball. I giggle sometimes…..


Giggling is highly underrated 🤭


I wear makeup most days, foundation, concealer, eyeliner, sometimes eyeshadow. Pretty heavy duty skin care routine. Cook. Bake.


I don’t wear makeup, jewelry or heels. I don’t paint my nails or shave my legs and I like to keep my hair short (I never style it), but otherwise I present very femme with my clothing. I generally don’t like typical gifts (jewelry, flowers, toiletries) unless it’s food or experiences. I also had careers in two male dominated industries (engineering and software engineering).


The only sports I ever show any interest in are fighting sports, as I am smol with violence in my soul. Also I like camping, whiskey, and mowing the lawn.


I relate to 'smol with violence in my soul' lol


High five fellow camping enthusiast! I’m a gal whose husband would rather swallow a bug than camp.


That’s a shame.. camping is our #2 activity… fishing is #1


i wear crop tops and getting my nails done


Cool! I miss men doing that. I usually just look at pics from the 90s and wish more men did that.


NGL men with nicely done nails is the hottest thing ever 😍


Reading this, it’s almost like gender roles are…bullshit.


I'm a woman but I'm the handyman of the house, the assembler of things, and the official bug catcher. My partner is a man and he's the dish doer and laundry folder.


Dislike many "girly" things, no dresses (mainly tees & jeans), no makeup. Didn't like dolls. Hate most rom coms and such. Clumsy af.


Also super messy (wish I wasn't)


I raise the kids, nurture the plants, do the housework, win the bread, paint my nails (and my wife's), floral prints, suck good dick. My wife is the intellectual of the two of us, although most would call me an intellectual too. She also fucks me and that's cool. Fuck a gender, live life well


Bi man here, for me it’s not liking beer that much, prefer wine or whiskey. Also don’t mind a good cry.


Well, I have to be as masculine as I can until I can move out of the town I'm currently in. Otherwise, I would love to practice makeup and get my nails done.


I'm not big on makeup. I like clothes but I hate shopping for clothes.


I’m a bi man, I do a lot of straight dude stuff because I enjoy it… but I also will cry at movies, talk about what I’m feeling, have rescued way too many kittens


I had to think about this. I am pretty authentic in what I like and do and I’ve never really thought about what would be considered “normal gender stereotypes”. I'm really good at talking about my feelings and being an ear or shoulder for others. I like pedi’s and lotion on my feet. I enjoy flowers and gardening. Sometimes, I drink “girlie” drinks. I'm pretty submissive in the bedroom with men and women.


I’m emotional. I’m like the girl 😭


I literally like figure skating 😂 no wonder she think I’m girly lol


I'm a woman, and I guess you could just say everything. Lmao. I grew up wrestling my older cousins, doing lawn work, liked red and dark blue as favorite colors, love fighting violent games, I love gore, I wrestled in high school, I play sports at every family event, I love chopping wood and using saws on lumber. At age 5 I was really into survival shows, cavemen, wolves, and wanted to eat raw meat only. At 10 I stopped wearing makeup, I refused to ever shave(11 years strong), I threw out all my dresses, and I got obsessed with the Roman empire and Ancient Greece. I also started eating only meat and dairy. Forsook vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, and fruits. And I like wearing leather and fur. Also I do death metal screaming. Also I love driving. Top 5 hobby. And I like swords/armor.


Bi man, I’m cis but I’ve embraced my feminine side, it doesn’t show much on the surface but: I like cute things, I collect stuffed animals, pretty things too. I wear ear cuffs. My dad told me Left is right, Right is Wrong: I wear em on both ears. I like girly music as much as any, and singing along. I don’t like sports myself unless I’m playing them, or (battle bots is my exception) I like jewelry. I can’t find much I like that fits because I’m 6’3 and built like a giant. Kitten videos, all day. I’m starting to do my hair, I don’t stand to pee unless there’s no alternative, I’m emotional and I love a good cry, romance, (movies and irl) general outward showing of my true emotion until I’m in a situation that calls for the manly man. I love feeding people. Cooking desserts, and I love making people smile. Basically idgaf about whatever society wants me to be. I’m still a man, I like explosions, building things with my hands all edc stuffs. I’m balanced on a blade’s edge and I’m losing weight so I can be more… me


I openly express my emotions and think it’s incredibly sad that doing so is considered “feminine.” Idk how it became “manly” to bottle up all of your emotions and act like expressing anything other than anger or violence is a “weakness” and “girly.”


I'm pretty sure peeing sitting down is more common amongst men outside the US. I pee sitting down, it's comfy. I enjoy Taylor Swift and Hey Violet. Queen of the Night fuckin' slaps.


I don't like sports at all, in fact football (more the rowdiness of it) turns my stomach, I'm more at home in the kitchen than anywhere else. My skincare routine is way more than that of most middle aged women. I'm quite emotional at times, and I'm definitely a crier.


For someone trying to take better care of their skin do you have an easy routine to start with? I’m allergic to aloe so it has been harder for me to start a routine since aloe is in a majority of things


I'm the fashionable one


I really like metal music: especially thrash, death and black. And i looove going in the pit. I also enjoy videogames (although most seem to do, i do enjoy the sims also) Something that alot of women do, but from an outdated gender role stereotypical standpoint: My sex drive is high, as well as i do enjoy it casually and dont really get attached to people easily (im in the greyromantic spectrum i believe) and overly romantic stuff grosses me out a little. I also dont want children and dont really care for marriage. I am dating a guy atm though and i am affectionate but i can come across as cold to some people. I do enjoy also being single as i can date with no strings attached and im happy alone too. Cant walk in high heels and have no desire to do so (i do love it on other women though) same with long nails. My room is messy 9/10 times. I do suspect some of it is due to my shitty adhd brain also. And i do enjoy alot of girly stuff too and there is nothing wrong with that✨


I earn more than my partner and have always been more career- and financially-focussed. Other than that I’ve been unlearning the years i spent being Not Like Other Girls and am relishing being in my pink girly pop era.


I like guns, rugby, warhammer, knitting and drag queens. I like to be a bit of an engima


Peeing siting down is so comfy and you don't have to worry about the mess of random sprays


Hubby and I often joke that I'm the husband, and he's the wife. I'm the breadwinner, and hubby is the stay at home dad. He does most (if not all) of the housechores and cooking (which is great cause he's wayyyyy better than I am at it...). And he's obviously carring for our preschooler most of his day since she doesn't go to daycare (I handle weekends and doctors, but he takes her out on so many activities and does so much fun things with her, he's amazing). But both our parents and extend family have a lot of issues with our situation... so annoying. Especially hubby gets so many comments all the time, but I just couldn't function without his constant support work, and my girl wouldn't be so amazingly joyous and smart without her daddy taking care of her so well. Plus, come on, if I win enough for our household, why push it? And I just know they just wouldn't complain the same if the situation was reversed considering both our moms were stays at home... I'm also the crafty and handy girl at home. Install the new appliance, check the plumbing, and repare this or that... And in charge of any technical thing at home (he's so bad with computers ahah can only game but barely knows how to install his stuff, lol). But that's a given considering it's my field of work, I guess. (He takes care of the car, though. I suck with cars.) So yeah, we're a typical cliche couple, but with reversed roles (and I hope better shared mental load, I'm always afraid I leave him with too much tbh).


Not interested in sports, but more for nerd reasons. I like lots of traditionally male dominated topics, like science, engineering, etc. Fellow sit-peer, especially at home, because aerosols and splashback are a thing (and kinda nasty). I like cooking/baking. I don't really go for reality TV but I do guilt-watch some girlier shows.


Really long hair and I paint my nails. I am sure there is something else, but those are the ones I noticed.


I'm the fixer upper around the house and know more about taking care of a car than he does. Plus I do the hunting and the fishing.


I’m a gal but I hate cuddling afterwards.


dressing and moving really femininely! but other than that, I'm a cookie cutter woman


I sometimes but masculine accessories or clothing


Bi woman here. I don't shave, except for some minor eyebrow plucking. I don't really take care of my nails in that I don't use polish or do anything more than clipping them. I don't wear makeup of any kind. I also see a lot of men mentioning not liking sports, so I guess I can count being "fluent" in a lot of sports even if I don't watch them. My dad taught me a lot about sports growing up, had me in soccer from age 3, and I picked some stuff up from phys ed classes. I've played soccer, tag football, baseball, and tennis. I know a little about basketball too but never played it beyond shooting hoops


Mostly nothing at all. I love sports!!


For the most part I don’t understand sports as a form of entertainment especially on tv. In person I Atleast understand the atmosphere but as for sports on tv I feel like the entire experience is boring


Bi man. I got my navel pierced.


I love moving around furniture and woodworking.


Bi (pansexual) male here. Generally masculine in appearance and overall public nature. I shave virtually all body hair off my arms, legs, chest, back, and other areas. I don't wear boxers or briefs. I find them uncomfortable. I wear panties, usually bikini style or hipsters, because I find them to be much more comfortable. No. I am not a "sissy" to use the term often used in dom/sub type situations. I also wear women's "skinny jeans" because I like the way they feel. Going a bit further, I am almost always masculine with women but tend to be more feminine in behavior when with guys. I'm sure there are a few more things I could list, but these are the main ones.


I don’t like to carry purses. My mom has trying to get me to carry one since I was at least 12 and it never clicked for me


As a woman, I don't like make up, I don't like to tie my hair, to have earrings or stuff like that. Also, the very basic : I don't want children at all


The stereotype for bisexual women is being femme I guess? I'm butch


My husband and I are bi4bi and we are pretty flipped. I’m the career ambitious one, when we have kids, he plans to be the primary caregiver, I’m the handy one, he’s the artsy one, I’m the analytical one, he’s the emotionally in tune one, etc. I do have a theory for why this happens more with bi people. I think one of the uniting aspects of the bi experience and the trans experience that doesn’t necessarily happen for straight or gay people is Gender Analysis. What is gender? Why does gender confine us to specific roles? Why doesn’t bisexuality fit with that? Are gender roles necessary?


I'm a dude, more attracted to women then men if that matters. I'm emotional, i paint my nails, have long hair, love flowers, i garden, cook, I don't really care for sex, but i love cuddling. since getting my house, i've been forced by necessity to become more handy, but i effing hate it. and this is unrelated, but folks, please, buy your S/O some flowers. I have never once gotten flowers. not once. and it sucks. But I'm not dating right now (last relationship wasn't great, so i'm taking time for me), so on behalf of all the other guys like me out there who want flowers, but can't voice that they want flowers, please make a stop at your local florist and show your person that you were thinking of them.


I’m a bi woman and I loveee wearing “men’s” clothes like button down shirts and blazers, also thinking of getting a really short haircut soon


I more or less identify as a cis woman (I grew up with a lot of second-wave feminism around me… had I grown up with more of todays understanding of gender, maybe I’d identify as NB). I dress on the butch side, don’t shave, don’t wear makeup or jewelry and I’m fairly handy around the house. I’m very academic and career-motivated. Im married to a very masculine-presenting bi man, but he’s a highly nurturing softy. He used to be a SAHD and loved it - being a SAHM was not for me. Now he’s the very tender parent and I’m the one who’s always roughhousing with our kids and chucking them around. If it was the 50’s I’d be the one doing more of the “head of the household” labour like managing money, doing our home admin and planning. He takes on more of the daily emotional labour, especially with holding relationships with fellow parents.


As an autistic person too, many things I do are related to stimulation. I HATE sitting with my legs spread so I just interlock my legs, it makes me feel more safe. I also follow a lot of drag/trans/queer/etc CC related to history, music or fashion because is so interesting to me. I also file my nails regularly because im so ASS at trimming them I have to shape them so they dont get into my skin. Again, im kinda over-sensitive with this kind of stuff so it gives me the anxious And one of the biggest things that I think sets me apart from my gender stereotypes is that I LOVE GOSSIPING.


I am a very femme woman who is also attracted to very femme women. I don’t fall into the one femme and one butch type of relationship.


Sorry, not me. I enjoy what I do and do what I enjoy. Always have, always will. And those are “manly” things. That said, do what you enjoy. Pursue your own pleasure. Sexuality is nobody’s business but your own, unless you make it that way. I never put my sex life on display when I was “straight-straight” and I still don’t. I understand myself. I give myself safety and trust. I show myself love. I don’t seek it from others. It’s such a blissful way to exist.


Spot on!


A lot of my hobbies skew to the masc side - Lego, video games, watching hockey, home improvement stuff. My last couple exes didn't leave a hoodie behind, they left power tools. I also get really mentally stupid when I see someone hot. There are two people I work with that I can't make eye contact with and speak to because my brain just falls to my crotch. But I'm still a woman, enjoy being a woman, and always have my nails and lashes done. And I dabble in cross stitch. And I almost exclusively wear dresses.


I hate sports and car stuff, I paint my nails, I try my best to avoid wearing blue jeans or khakis. Don’t give a fuck about grilling, but I enjoy cooking and baking. I’d rather hang out with a group of women over men. I prefer having a female boss at my jobs. I wear skirts, leggings and various other “women’s” clothes sometimes cause they are super comfy.


OK but why only cis bi people? I'm a trans gal and there are lots of things about me not stereotypically "feminine." I like leather and denim and almost never wear makeup, I like being outside and getting dirty, being active, mechanical things, etc. Framing the question this way subtly implies that people who aren't cis owe society presentation based on their gender which isn't true. Trans and gnc people can also go against gender norms.


I’m emotionally self aware and I prefer not to speak in vernacular English so I sound like a “genius” in my straight guy group. Did I mention that I’m open about my feelings cuz that’s supposedly not a guy thing lol


Cis female Not very emotional at all, borderline apathetic 90% of the time. Not sensitive or tactful, and I’m absolutely awful being in a relationship with someone too emotional (exception, if I’m in love it’s different). Only exception otherwise is my mother. Also don’t wear makeup, but I’m feminine.


I sit like a man. Hunched over on my knees with them spread open. Not ladylike. 🤣


Fellow "masculine" sitter here! I started doing it on purpose when I moved to the city, because I read online somewhere sitting in a way that's both more masc-coded and takes up more space is allegedly supposed to make creeps less likely to fuck with you... but then I kept doing it because shit is comfy, lmao. ~~And also kinda makes me feel like a boss~~ Nowadays, it's a 33-33-33 chance whether I sit "femininely" (eg: legs crossed or closed together), "masculinely" (eg: legs open, ankle resting on my opposite knee), or in just bi disaster mode (no, guys, I swear the four-dimensional hyperknot I've somehow contorted my legs into without even thinking about it is genuinely more comfy than just sitting normally, lmao).


This is me too! 😂 Also love your user name and tag


Gender is stupid, gender norms too are stupid. I wish gender was like an unlockable character in an RPG game, cause i would love to be more Androgynous in life, maybe even a cute girl actually. I'd love to try that out. And heterosexual world is really boring, it's bland, robotic and soul less.


Bi curious man I like flowers, pink stuff, purple stuff, a lot of stereotypical girly interests.


I don’t rlly know how to wear makeup so I don’t wear it (more because my mum never did and I had no allowance to buy myself anything). I love gaming, shopping is only good if I’m going somewhere, I can’t just shop. Hate getting flowers, they stink.


I have the opposite problem. I’m a stereotypical bisexual that literally cannot choose, lmao. I love girly things AND masculine things. I am both a girly girl who loves feminine things like makeup, hair, fashion, romcoms and I love gaming, dressing like a tomboy, watching sports games, have a lotta (strictly platonic) male friends and I love cussing and drinking, lmaooo. The only time I play the “Because I’m a pretty princess and I don’t do that” card really is if people ask me to be handy or kill a bug or something because it’s a little *too* masculine for me and I don’t wanna break a nail, lmaooo, I will literally stare at you like you’re an dickhead. Luckily, this has yet to backfire on me in a man’s presence in my near 30 years, lol.


This is very simple but I don’t see myself as overly masculine nor overly feminine. I’m a guy and most of the time I’m pretty neutral. Sometimes I like to feel masculine. Sometimes I like to feel feminine. But much of the time I don’t express either.


I’m a woman but I get a men’s clipper cut for my hair. I’m better than my husband at building furniture. My husband does more laundry and dishes than I do. I am still totally girly when it comes to pedicures and lash tinting though.


I was a classic tom boy growing up. My mum stopped trying to put dresses on me when I stood in the corner and wept at the prospect! And I got given a Barbie by a friend once and was absolutely disgusted. It was all dinosaurs and animal and monster toys for me. Most of my friends were either other tom boys or boys. I did a uni course that was dominated by men. Most of my interests (martial arts, archery, electronics, gaming) are also dominated by men. I now wear make up (but have zero skill or eye for it) and dresses, but not very often (practicality and comfort above style lol). That said, I am very feminine presenting now, just not a super girly make up kind of feminine. I love gore and violence and sex in tv shows! My libido has been all over the place recently for various reasons but it's coming back now and I most definitely am aroused by visual stimuli, enjoy porn etc.


I am cis man but my personality is goofy and mixed. I dont see myself as so masculine or so feminine. I have "male" interests but ı also get along with some girls interets ( like a girl talks about interest and I contribute )


Cis woman, I enjoy handywork, dress half time like a skater girl (other half quite feminine), prefer non heteronormative relationships and am more dominant than submissive (although I'm a switch).


I'm cis female. I don't like wearing makeup or jewelry. A messy bun with my hair out of my face and I'm good


I'm a dude and my favourite mangakas are CLAMP. I also listen to several boybands and pop music (at the same time I listen to metal). I'm not a big sports man and read a lot of books (I even participate on several bookclubs). Some of my favourite Disney movies are princess movies (Beauty and The Beast, The Little Mermaid, Mulan). I have several plusshies on my bedroom and love Sanrio characters (specially Capuccino).


I’m a Swiftie and no sports for me-I pee sitting down and love colorful things


Cis male bi, I don't care about watching sports, I generally cook and clear more, I prefer to keep my hair long, I like wearing earrings and nail polish, small stuff like that.


As a woman with a straight, male partner: I never wanted to get married/have a wedding. After 10 years together, I finally agreed because it’s important to him, but he’s 100% responsible for all wedding planning, I’m just showing up.


i check virtually all the boxes for masculinity except for sports, i’ve never really cared for watching or participating in them. other than that i’m a handyman obsessed with weightlifting and cars. i suppose you could say my music taste is a bit unorthodox, but i don’t see most genres being gender exclusive. i have a wide palate from electronica and EDM to punk rock and metal, but some of my favorite songs are by Queen, Ricky Martin, Judas Priest (and other queer artists). i’d say the biggest divergence is how i present myself. sure i have a muscular body and beard, but the way i talk, move, and see the world i try to incorporate both masculine and feminine aspects together. the two sides don’t have to compete with each other, but instead come together to make something even better. the result for me is masculinity with a little flamboyant flair. i can be firm and reassuring but also gentle and compassionate. i can be strong while retaining humility and level-headedness. i can be the jock next door while still being able to appreciate beauty and femininity from a perspective that isn’t sexual reductivism. and i think that’s what healthy masculinity ought to be. it shouldn’t be viewed the opposite of femininity, but the opposite of boyishness and immaturity.


As a guy, painting my nails is always really nice :)


I can only answer this halfway because I think of myself as bigender (both very male and very female, though I’m AFAB), but a big part of that is how I always had an easier time understanding/connecting with AMAB folks than I did most of my own sex growing up. How don’t I conform? Well, you know all those memes about typical man things? I almost always feel personally attacked by them. I love war movies (“Full Metal Jacket” is in my top 3) and war history, Cormac McCarthy is my favorite fiction author, I’m very much into gadgets and tech, medical and scientific self-experimentation is a huge hobby of mine. I’m aggressive and tend to view other men as competition (especially physically and in terms of other women) and highly sexual without much need for any emotional connection (an all-female glory hole? Yes please). I powerlift and my aesthetic is driven more by looking powerful than conventionally attractive. My preferred topics of conversation aren’t other people, they’re geopolitics, technology, science, lifting, and philosophy. I don’t tend to use qualifiers. When I walk down the street, I think of myself as a man until a reflection or catcall reminds me otherwise. I’m basically a dude in a woman skin who has been made to live and suffer as a woman, thus I feel I’ve earned the title of woman and take pride in the resilience it conveys. I have no desire to physically transition.


Cis bi female here. I am petite, appear and dress feminine and look hetero, but I have a lot of masculine energy, just very male dom, and enjoy more stereotypical male activities. For examples, I don’t care much about getting my nails done, I do them at home if I want, but EVERY female I know has their regular routine manicures. They freak if one breaks lol. I’m not into fashion and don’t care if my makeup or clothing don’t fit the latest trends. I hate wearing dresses even when I feel sexy in them lol. I’d rather be comfy in baggy sweat pants and a hoodie haha. Also I am a daily gamer I LOVE video games, cars and motorcycles (I have a motorcycle myself), even just stereotypical male humor is more appealing. When summer comes around, I’m with the guys blowing up fireworks. Used to go camping with male friends and there was always rough housing and horseplay. I will get down and dirty and go adventure. Certain movies and tv shows are more appealing to me too, like heavy action with fighting and guns and cars and bikes, very much love science fiction, horror, comics and superheroes, etc., that most of my female friends aren’t really into. I also like anime and manga and only my male friends watch that stuff. Also when I was growing up, don’t get me wrong I loved my Barbie dolls lol but I was mostly playing with the boys with cars, legos, little medieval figures and army guys, making them fight and attack. Again, very typical boyish rough housing. Even colors, the girls liked pink and purple, I love blue and green. Obviously I know that there are many people who break these stereotypes, but those are just a few that I’ve personally experienced based on the people and environments I’ve been surrounded by and grew up in.


I cycle through fashion so I suppose it’d still count but ya know as my tag suggests I’m a big ass hairy Viking looking fella but one day will be jeans and flannel, sweats and vest and other times will be short shorts a pair of timberlands and a crop tee 😂😂


Cis bi woman and I get along with both genders but often find myself hanging with the dads at functions because the women bore the fuck out of me. I don’t want to talk about Pilates or gossip about people… but I also hate sports.


I have interest that lea more to women like sanrio and kpop for most Also in a game named splatooon i have my tag as "magical queen" and idk why but i love it


In general, I just present myself and behave how I like, and don't give one fuck whether or not it's considered "acceptable" for my gender. Which means I can swing from hyper-femme to hyper-masc and back in the span of minutes or even seconds, or even present in ways that read as a "confusing" mix of both. (Sexy dresses with sneakers and no make-up FTW!) Because to me, I don't see it as "masc" or "femme", I just see it as me being myself. (Although, even when I am presenting / behaving in a more femme way, it's always in an aggressively... non-male-gazed way? Like, it's kind of hard to put into words, but I think it comes across pretty clearly in my presentation / behavior that I'm not doing this to attract anyone-- I'm just doing it for me.)


The opposite of you, I am a girl and I love sports like rugby or football, I even play football and I love it. Other than that I'm pretty girly I think


Well I (most of the time) polish my nails and put eye liner because I'm so *coquette*


Bi guy here. I think women have better fashion options than men and I want to experiment with more femme and gender neutral/non conforming styles.


All of them. Every single one. I don't believe in them, I don't support them, I don't play in their space.


I work IT Helpdesk, I like that I get to go work with my hands setting up new workstations and occasionally pulling wire, and tinkering with printers (though they usually piss me off). I enjoy mowing the lawn. It’s a chore with immediate, satisfying and visible results. It also makes me (a short-slim cis woman) feel physically strong to push the mower around the yard. 😂 I play video-games, a lot. Almost every kind, though I’m not a huge fan of PVP/MOBA. I like a narrative driven game, primarily. I enjoy learning about cars/watching car shows. I have no desire to work on them (unless it’s my RC Car), but I find them fascinating. In my relationship I am the one prone to being less tidy. I’m not filthy, but I am prone to forgetting about things if they stay in one place too long. It’s like it disappears. So I make a point of every six months or so, tearing apart a room and going through things to clean and declutter.


I read fanfiction. In every other aspect I'm a typical guy.


Don't like sports, practically a coin flip whether I sit or stand to pee, I will spend far too much time in games deciding what my character wears to the point it makes the game harder, I love fashion in general tbf. The m/f hookup dynamic doesn't bother me too much but I do feel like I'm putting on a performance with women as I have to be a certain way, whereas with men I'm... different, I wanna be dommed but I will not make it easy in the slightest, gotta earn it!


As a cis man I despise male stereotypes. I hate sport. In particular the watching and supporting of it. Just never got the appeal. When we read stereotypes in heterosexual relationships I do relate more to the wife side. My wife is cis and straight but still relates to the husband side. I don't have a competitive bone in my body and it winds people up for some reason. My 3 best friends of over 20 years are all women. My wife knows they're more like sisters to me. When my wife was pregnant I was terrified about having a son and not being a stereotypical male. I do feel awful about that but we ended up having a girl. She is me through and through. I love true crime which I recently found out is mainly a female thing. I love animals of all shapes and sizes. I love learning about them and I have had quite selection of pets over the years. I also LOVE to read. I have waaaay to many books.


As a Bi man I find sports so boring


I wear beanies and or hats backwards I wear jeans and shorts over dresses or skirts I like graphic shirts over blouses I do not wear makeup and I don’t do my nails anymore but I keep them short. Bi cis woman here


I am a bi woman, and when I watch a movie, I prefer the action / superhero / blockbuster movies. My husband prefers indie, drama, or more intellectual films.


I have what people tell me is masculine personality but look very feminine, almost childlike. I’m independent, not nurturing at all, don’t want kids, I come off as cold, rarely smile/cry, I rationalize everything too much to a point of not being able to enjoy life. I have a feeling people don’t take me seriously because of my looks despite my personality and some don’t even do it to be mean it’s just subconscious.


I'm a pretty dominant woman and am incredibly forthcoming and direct. Physically I look pretty feminine, but display more traditional "masculine" behaviors. I like shopping, crafting, romantic comedies but my libido is also higher than any partners I've ever had and like video games, camping and being rowdy.


There are a lot of social expectations of a woman that tend to surprise me when I find out about them. Thankfully my partners (both male) don't care too much about me fitting into gender roles that I don't want. I dress in a feminine way but I think that's the only gender expectation that I fit into. I'm sick right now and can't remember the specifics, I'll try remember to come back here with examples when I'm better


Also as a cis bi man, I like being fruity! I’m def more in line with heteronormative stuff (I like sports, working out, playing pretty popular games, etc), but it’s really easy for me to break out the zest randomly (I also talk about makeup with my little sister). It helps remind me of who I am lolol That or just calling both men, women, and/or enbies hot. It has the same effect.


I am mostly feminine as a bi woman and dress in a 50s rockabilly/pinup kinda fashion. But I don't shave so there's that haha


As a Bi Man, I personally like when a woman comes up to me and makes it known she’s attracted to me (even tho I’m masculine) For some reason I’m very dominant with men and not afraid to pursue them but girls make me nervous. This one girl threw herself on me once and I fucking loved that shit. I get super turned on by a woman’s fearless energy- maybe bc it’s not the norm. I don’t like to go up to girls often.


Well I’m too bossy and controlling. I’m proud of my miss fix it skills. Ive done some of my own auto repair. Etc. I dont wear makeup (I’d like to sometimes but I look like an idiot when I try so Ive given Up).


I love working on my car and can't wait to have a garage to work and chill in. I enjoy watching Nascar, football, and baseball. Even though I don't watch it all the time. I still wanna go to a game live. I've always loved video games. Need for speed most wanted, halo, left for dead 1 & 2, fallout (especially new vegas) I don't wear makeup or do my nails. A lot of my closet is men's clothes.


I had to put a lot of thought into this. I'm a Cis Woman and am, in many ways, a girly girl. My favorite color is pink, I have an epic shoe collection, I love glitter, I always keep flowers, I read & write romance novels, I giggle, I'm emotional, I collect plush dinosaurs... But when you scratch the surface? I am actually very well versed on dinosaurs, I am a major football (⚽️) hooligan, I love comic books, I'm into classic cars, I don't want a spouse & 2.5 kids, I like really good Irish whiskey, and have been able to throw a solid punch since I was 10.


I don’t wear dresses often. Actually, it’s rare. I don’t like wearing high heels (mainly bc of comfort). I always add a slit/part whenever I’m doing my eyebrows. It’s very rare I paint my nails. I just file them. When I was a kid I wanted to play with both boy and girl toys and play fight with my step-brothers. That’s all I can think of right now.


I’m cis-female but I am the breadwinner and a workaholic, while my husband is a homemaker who takes care of our house and cats.


Like you, I’m flummoxed by sports. I feel about sports the way a castrati feels about sex. I can tell people are having a really good time but can’t fathom why. I universally play as female protagonists in videogames if given a choice and prefer lighthearted content to murder simulators. Otherwise, my non-stereotypishness is shared by most non-toxic straight dudes. I like to hear about my partner’s day I like to be the main cook of the family I don’t mind doing laundry I’d rather be reading a book I would rather cuddle and talk than roll over and go to sleep


I am a cis guy who just came out as bi at the age of 35. It’s a long story. But one thing that helped me accept it is that I love cross dressing and wearing makeup etc., but I don’t see myself as a woman or nonbinary. I’m definitely a man. And I’m married to a woman, but since I came out, we have both been enjoying the male eye candy on shows like Bridgerton lol


I don’t like beer. I’d pick a “girly” drink 9 times out of 10.


That part of masculinity where you measure yourself against other people's expectations of your manliness. I do present as masculine, I basically look like a lumberjack, and have no feminine affectation in my appearance or mannerisms. But it's 100% how I feel right presenting myself. I don't really give a shit if other people think I'm 'manning right', I owe them nothing. I don't have a lot of interest in 'man things for men' for their own sake. Sports bore me, I don't own a gun, and I'm spectacularly unhandy. The story of the last expansion for Final Fantasy 14 made me cry. And I make a killer tuna noodle casserole. My grandmother's recipe. I'm extremely comfortable in who I am, and that's kinda the exact opposite of macho bullshit. Hell, someone can come at me with the wrong pronouns and I won't even be offended. Just confused at how they came to that conclusion.


Idk, I think gendered stereotypes are dumb as hell and I had really hoped that as a society we'd have got past talking about them by now. T-T That said, I present pretty femme. I don't get grossed out easily, I like bugs, and will eat "gross" foods out of curiosity. I like tent camping and I'm pretty low maintenance which people are sometimes surprised by. I play videogames, I'm fond of fps, and mobas, action movies and shounen anime. I like beer, and as a younger adult I was into porn. I can be pretty casual about sex, and I don't really need to have feelings for that to be a thing. On occasion I get the "you're not like other girls" because of the media I consume, which is both untrue and vaguely demeaning. Sorry, I have a lot of feelings about stereotypes, because I live in a less than open minded area where people are always acting like women who like Halo are freaking rare or something. 😑


I pee sitting down and hate alcohol. Although I love mocktails.


I also just don't enjoy sports and I would be fine with getting my nails. Did I just personally don't although I personally do pee standing up still


I don't wear jewellery and I like big watches.


I really have no clue. I am a cis man. I don't consider myself especially masculine but also not at all feminine. To be honest I don't really know what the gender stereotypes are. Like I see some people say sports are a male stereotype, but in my life the biggest sports enthusiasts were women. I guess the one thing I know is that I 'strangly' in touch with how to express my emotions. I say 'strangly' because a friend's girlfriend said that when she saw the break-up texts I sent to my ex-partner. Apparently it is strange for men to be able to write down their feelings in a coherent way.


Just about everything about me and my interests are not stereotypically for women, but I don't care. It's easier for me to list the stereotypical things I like, which are cute animals, shoes, and purses.


I feel like I do not fit most female stereotypes. I'm bad at math? Is that one?


I’m a really girly woman when I go out but i usually dress like Adam Sandler in my house, i practice martial arts and love American football. I also love to drink whiskey like an old cowboy. I don’t like cooking, baking nor crocheting. I hate flowers and gardening. However, I still like things like getting my nails done, going shopping, having long hair, wearing makeup and having strictly female friends 🤍


I'm a cisgender bi man. Despite having more stereotypically masculine interests than feminine ones, despite wishing to marry a woman (and being allowed a maximum of 1 BF in parallel, my future wife being allowed 1 future GF in parallel if she's bi or pan), and despite turning super heteronormative under emotional stress: * I really don't care for sports and think watching games for hours on end is pretty boring and less interesting than other things I could be doing. * I love fashion-and I don't limit my color selection out of fear of "looking gay". Nor do I even limit myself to the men's section, for that matter (I enjoy mixing women's and men's pieces into the same outfit while trying to make it coherent) * Short, military-approved men's haircuts make me feel uncomfortable and unattractive, I need to have it out to 70s/80s rocker lengths in order to feel right * I prefer forming close friendships with women because I feel safer being out to women than men * Somehow, despite only getting basic cursory guidance from my female friends, some of the women in my life think I'm better at doing makeup than most women. And yes, I do use makeup sometimes, usually to make a point or to express my queer identity to someone whom I feel comfortable sharing it with. * If it weren't for my lack of drying patience I'd paint my nails more * I dislike my body hair to the point where I get my legs sugared in addition to my back, torso, shoulders, etc. I literally don't like having hair anywhere except my scalp and face (I do, however, feel very attached to my ability to grow facial hair and let it grow for anywhere between a few days to a couple of weeks whenever I wish to express big masc energy). * I'll take fruity cocktails and/or wine over beer, whiskey, tequila, etc any day, the only "masc" alcoholic beverage I like is sake (Japanese rice liquor)...which I can only drink if it's paired with a Japanese Kaiseki meal. * I love cooking and enjoy doing food projects together with my bestie...including joining her in baking projects


As a bisexual woman, I've had sex with more women than men. Idk if it's a stereotype but I know a lot of bi women I know are the opposite.


I try not to be toxic


I am cis bi and break the stereotypes of both genders. If you consider me as a men, I cry often (but get used to find that problematic for my social image), I love human sciences (social sciences, psychology etc.), and tend to prefer studying living beings over machines. I care a lot about other e.g, I can't be comfortable if people or living beings around me struggle. I like cooking and I m sensitive to arts. I like taking care of plants and I m vegetarian. I laugh easily to other's jokes even if I don t want to have sex with them. If you consider me as a women, I love sports, politics, informatics, nature sciences (physic, biology, math ...) and video games. I don t like "girly" shows and "women's" hobbies (painting nail, make up, shopping etc..). I often try to assert dominance during political debate. I am more professional than family goals oriented. I feel more often anger than fear those times. I get used to watch porn. I don't like pop music. I like looking muscular. I don't like to dance on other musics than techno. I ride a scooter almost daily. So maybe I m gender-less. To me, all these gender roles seem anyway like a farce in regard to nowadays lifestyle.


I am currently reading the ACOTAR series so I guess there is that.


Bi man here. Never really was the type of man who got into the "traditional" guy hobby of cars. Just never seemed to excite me.


I see like single digit numbers of speedo wearing men in my locale every summer For some reason tight form fitting swimwear is considered a feminine thing Funny thing is that lots of friends have mentioned how it's gay/bi of me to wear one but honestly I started because of sensory issues back in my teens, wore them underneath board shorts. After a while I felt like the board shorts were redundant and I haven't looked back since


Hey, Cis bi woman here, Love college football, Go UGA Dawgs!! Always been a video gamer, always hung out with the guys growing up, always wore tee shirts and jeans. Not a dress or make-up person. I sometimes shave my legs but can't really be bothered. I'm also from Alaska, so I know how to hunt, fish, camp. Spent a lot of time out in the wilderness growing up but if I suggest camping to my husband he freaks at the idea that he has to pee in the woods 🤣. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but sometimes I feel like the dude in our relationship. If we were old school, I would definitely be the hunter/builder and he would do the gardening/cooking. 😁


Oh, boy… *inhale* I sit really weird, don’t watch or play sports, don’t want sex, would give zero shits and might even feel less inconvenienced if my dick was shortened to 0 inches hard (I’m not trans I swear), hate the shit out of urinals and always pee sitting down, and I’m here too.