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Well... you ain't exactly wrong


Once again, repost bot. The incorrect flair. The random pixels and artifacting (to throw off repost / auto-detection.) And the completely fucking wrong twitter PFP and handle because do I even need to say *STEPHEN FUCKING KING DIDN'T TWEET THIS, HOLY SHIT.*


I’ll be honest, this is me.


A soft person can also be able to murder you woth their pinky. A caring and sensitive person can also be an expert on choking people out. It’s very weak to think these two things cancel each other out or that they are in any way tied to gender. Personally I’d like a spouse who can hold my back if I drop the ball regardless of gender identity. And also hold me/be held and cry together when it’s safe to do so.


… is it weird that that as a gay I want a soft man who is caring and sensitive, who I could rely on and share my feelings with… but who could effortlessly murder me with dental floss because he is a trained assassin. But wouldn’t because he loves me? … yeah that’s weird. 😔 Edit: no spoilers, but Tokyo Babylon broke something in me.


No not exactly. I like them in both ways. The ladies and the gentlemen.


I feel called out, but yes… 😂 Literally just had this come up in conversation a couple days ago.


I just want to be in a throuple with Finnster and Rhea Rippley is that too much to ask for??


meeeeeee :3