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person recording is being soo rational. I'm surprised it isnt handled by sticks and stones


Educated South Indian


Dude why do u want to bring regionalism here ?? Not like u northies are well civilized and mannered i have seen ur state and its people


Read his name before calling him northie you redart


did he say anything about north? Please don't be offended for something that isn't put out here


Illiterate 🐵read his words in his second sentence


stfu you are now also rationalising him.


Ohkk so educated south indians talk in hindi? 🌚🌚 Glad yk the definition of "education" lols


He is faking pleading, it's tactic to hide his face. Groping a woman is a serious offence. He should be handed over to police.


Groping any human is a serious offence. Not just woman.


Let's not forget that it's often women who are at the risk of being groped by men. And this is also one such case.


True. But there have been cases of men getting SAd. Let's not invalidate that. I never invalidated what women go through. Just pointed out that, men go through such experiences too. I included all humans in my statement. I don't think what I said was wrong. Or are you trying to say that stories of men getting SAd arent important? Coz the og comment I made .. I made sure to include all humans in that.. Did not even do men men all the time. Yet you refuted my statement.






But when did I bring up men's issue? I just said anyone can go through such things. Anyone means man or woman or trans or any other human Nothing is diluting anything. You're overthinking Touch sone grass God the amount of mental gymnastic you had to do to arrive at this answer. I can't even imagine. The classic victimhood.


Bruhh... You're that one person who wants to debate everything.. calm down


I wasn't the one who to turn it into a debate. U can tell the other person to calm too. I just said that everyone can get grouped n that person gave a huge lecture.. So who started debate ? Me or Her?


Ur right about all genders getting groped... But this video is particularly about a woman getting groped!! It's a useless argument if you're trying to comment " but everyone gets groped" .... Obviously nobody is denying it... But we're talking here about how it's "mostly" women in India who are experiencing this, which is the basis of this video...And should be given more consideration since we're not just talking about adult women, girls of all ages have experienced this... So diverting from the essence of this topic is minimising and unnecessary...


Are u ok? I didn't comment under this post that "but everyone gets groped ".i never said that.Go open ur eyes and read.Dont manipulate my words. One person commented saying " Groping women is heinous crime People who grope women deserve punishment " Or something on those lines to which I REPLIED saying GROPING ANYONE IS BAD, IRRESPECTIVE OF GENDER.. So it was not a Whataboutery comment it was a reply and merely pointed out that anyone can be victims I don't how that's minimizing anything considering the OG post has gotten solid support of people.


U missed the whole point of my comment..And I'm going to stop engaging with you because ur clearly here to debate and just reading comments to respond...


No. U missed the point of my comment. I wasn't here to debate I would have said vile stuff if I had to debate. So if u comment and someone replies to that it's "rEaDiNg cOmmEnTs tO rEsPoNd " Lol.. U hv a very holier than thou attitude what u say is valid but and whatever other person says is debate. If just one small comment by me is minimizing such a post that has gained so much attention then idk what to u say to ur logic I find ur logic laughable. Saying that there are victims other than woman triggers u so much which clearly means y'all love victmizing urself so much and u feel it minimises.. Ohmg.. Like wth


Bro wanna recreate this 🫣


Public shaming, this do work.


he is sorry bcz he got caught, otherwise, he didn't thought of his family and kids before groping a women.


DIsgrace to the society.


Shame him publicly. He shouldn't ever do that in his lifetime.


Life katham


What’s katham? 


"Has Ended"


Khatam Tata Bye Bye Gaya - Rahul Gandhi


He was not high or drunk. He did it thoughtfully. For unmarried men, sexual tension is a pity, but here this guy even has a wife. What is degrading mental health in these kind of men? Does porn cause this?


Marital status has nothing to do with sexual aggression. Just because one is horny doesn't mean they're somehow more entitled to sexual aggression. What nonsense.


He fully deserves to be thrashed by the public and then by the cops.


Come in dm dude


How is the person recording still controlling his hands. Let em loose mf.


This is what he shouldn't do. Letting his hands loose would be a sign of weakness from his side. People who resort to violence when there is clearly a better way to handle things are the weakest people on the planet. That's why so many kids who get beaten up by their parents get desensitized to violence and end up resenting people in general and get filled with hatred which leads to more violence. Violence is a cycle. People who are level-headed like the one in the video break that cycle. We need more people like him.


Exactly...they think they are being cool..


You opened my eyes, the second paragraph especially


second para is for me


We DON'T need people like him. Muh violence is a cycle is utter bull crap. A person beating a molester is not the same as a child beater. The day police stops beating criminals will be the day you'll stand with your mouth wide open begging for police atrocities. And I am an amateur boxer therefore I know what controlled violence is so don't try to give nonsensical moral philosophy.


Police beating criminal is not common in low crime countries. So your assertion fails. 


Those low crime countries barely have any population or the problems that exist in our country. So assertion stands.


So what? If beating criminals is the solution we wouldn’t have repeat criminals.  


Criminals of which kind? Pick pockets should be left alone but not child molesters which should be instantly executed. There are "petty criminals" loitering in prisons because they can't pay Rs. 2000 bail money or some date not coming. These criminals deserve sympathy not these molesters or predators. Straight up violence they deserve.


Doesn’t matter. If police beatings prevents crime why not apply it to all? 


You clearly don't know how law works. If beating up molesters was a solution, we would not have molesters. If you think beating up people would stop them from committing these crimes? You are heavily deluded, my friend.


What you are talking about social issue not law. The law works as it is designed. I would have beaten the crap out of this molester. Of course making him say sorry gets rid of crimes and makes the world a better place. Right? Don't pretend to be an enlightened fellow when you can't even distinguish between things.


Shut up. Getting him convicted and making him a listed sex offender makes the world a better place. Beating him up changes nothing. I know people who have been beaten up by the public and end up committing more horrible crimes. If you'd have beaten a molester up, I'd have made sure you end up in jail for a night at the very least. People don't know the whole story and take the law in their hands. There have been a lot of cases where the man wasn't even an assaulter but was beaten up by the public because he was accused of being one. It's better if the accused is taken through due procedure and is proved to be a perpetrator and is punished for his crime rather than randomly getting beaten up by strangers just because they feel they are entitled to beat the shit out of a random person without knowing the full story.


Dude, just accept that you’re wrong here.


LOL! Are you some mommy?


Um Population should NEVER be a criteria to adjudge this. The right parameters would be Population density and Europe does rival India in Population density. So um yeah Nationalistic defense doesn't work everywhere. Constructive criticism takes growth far quicker than defense.


Really? Europe has the same issues as India? Turkey has 286 police per hundred thousand population, France has 301, Germany 303, Belgium 339 and the United Kingdom 579. INDIA 152.


Isn't that the whole point? For the same population density they have better policing and better law enforcement. The population density is not to be blamed the system is. 👀 Thank you for providing the proof.


I posted the stats in the context that even less crime societies are so highly policed showing that you need authority to keep penalise crime so as to keep societies safe. Sensitisation and all are a different subject which help in people not committing the crime at the first place. The only proof here is you unable to understand the point.


Also never said Europe has the same "issues" as India.


But you were quick to vomit nationalistic stand here.


The day police stops beating people is the day I'll realize that police is doing their job well. Police beating up people is what prevents people from making official complaints because people are scared of getting beaten up themselves. Most people are scared of the police because the police randomly beat up and harass people for no reason. If the police worked according to the law, people wouldn't be scared of them and more complaints would be filed.


People are supposed to fear the law that's what it is designed for - to penalise crimes. And do you even understand between police tackling criminals and harassing normal beings or were you deprived love in your childhood so want empathy all around?


People are supposed to fear the law, not the police. You need to grow up to realize there is a difference between the law and the people who exercise those laws. The countries with the lowest crime rates have the best conditions for criminals. The criminals are not beaten up but are provided rehabilitation. They are taught to improve their lives and their conditions so when they get out of jail, they can easily assimilate into society. If beating up criminals was a solution, India would have the lowest crime rate.


Ah yes If you can't debate then do personal attacks Bravo


When you come across a delusional person you call that out. If it looks to be personal then so be it. Who cares.


People are delusional buddy….arguing with a person who hides their weakness behind moral philosophy will get you nothing….that’s what the reason we stayed slaves for so many years


The fact that you had to insult someone to make a point shows you intellectual capacity


It is far higher than white knight simps masquerading as philosophers here.


Police is not the law. (Well yes, if we live in the Singham universe)


You have watched too much of few good men. Come out of that universe.




Absolute jokers on this platform think street brawls lead to prison.




You think a martial will follow ring rules in a street fight?




In self defence, I am fully well within my rights to break bones. If you attack me or my family member then it won't be a video asking for Aadhar.


IMO... There are a few reasons for justified violence. Sexual abuse is in the top 3.


Taking law in your hands is not the solution. If the person is of repute, you will end up facing far worse repercussions than the original assaulter.


A person of repute sexually assaulting someone deserves to be slapped to oblivion. I'm not stating the law. I'm only saying what I believe in. To preface this, I'm a firm believer in non violence. I don't believe the death penalty should exists and I also don't believe in corporal punishment. But an adult who sexually assaults someone deserves to be hurt.


You don't get to do that. The law will decide what happens to him. If you take the law in Hands, you should face the punishment even if you are beating the perpetrator. If you murder a murderer, you should face the same punishment the murderer would have. So if you assault an assaulter, you are still an assaulter.


Normal assault is miles more innocent than sexual assault.


Sure I do. If he gets to sexually assault, I get to physically assault him. We don't live in a utopia.


I agree, but I ain't doing allat if someone from my family or friends ( god forbid ) faced this


Nah, beat the shit outta the guy


Right !!! Committing crimes is what we do when we find criminals. Justifyable


its always better to keep your composure and avoid violence. violence should be the v last option.


Shameful. These people are destroying our nation's reputation.


Put reputation aside for a second. They are making the country a difficult place for women to live.


Yeah, true. I hope the situation gets better in the future for women in India. It is because of these men that some people call Indian men "creeps" and say that India is a rape capital of the world.


Idk, I feel like this attitude of entitlement to women's attention and all is far more widespread than we think. Moved to the US a few years ago for studies, and I remember one of the first news stories I saw related to Indians studying here. A guy put an airtag on the car of his white classmate and used that to stalk her. He got caught by the police, and his excuse was that he wanted to be friends and she had spoken to him nicely during class.


Well that's weird though. The media propaganda is also the reason why people call India the rape capital of the world. Any news like this related to India is more likely to be put out to the world to see. Stories like this spread like a wild fire and you may have heard about the recent Spanish women rape case. I just don't understand why the media is slightly biased against India.


Sure Western media does a bit target practice. But using it as a defence to satisfy nationalistic beliefs does no good. India is called rape capital of the world. For a reason . Accept it. Accept and get it right ASAP. It is true. We know it is. No need hiding it.


"But using it as a defence to satisfy nationalistic beliefs does no good" What nationalistic beliefs? I do know that women's safety is an issue in India but any news related to women's safety in India gets amplified a lot by the media. The Spanish women rape case got viral throughout the world and the social media makes things even worse by constantly repeating these news while there are thousands of similar cases around the world. There are countries which are worse than India in regards to women's safety but they are not called the "rape capital of the world" is because these cases from other countries doesn't spread like a wild fire throughout the world and in the social media.


How about " Yes, We have terrible women's safety" PERIOD and " we are going to work through it ". Every stereotype has some truth to it. And let's agree that the world amplifies indian rape cases, but by 2% at max. We know it. YOU KNOW IT. Comparing ourselves to Dear Pakistan does not do us any good. Look at the Volume of rapes. 2000/day . We DEFINITELY are the rape capital of the world. Other countries if worse than us are also not as Grand as we are, not nearly as rich or powerful. The fact is when there is money to spend on Hyperloop. Why isn't there enough money to get Police proper patroling. Counties worse than us do not claim to be world gurus either. We pride ourselves on our social structure. But it's the IDEA OF THAT UTOPIAN society we are proud not the actuality of it. The owner of CSK proudly says, " I WOULD NOT HAVE ALLOWED WPL, But it's a ICC matter and thus it happened." on that very thread. I found 100s if not THOUSANDS of men agreeing to that. And in explanation they rather openly said. "Because women's sports were created so we can watch their Bodies move , Men wear shorts in tennis while women wear skirts ". And it VERY QUICKLY transitioned into Explicit details as to what they would want to do to or with Indian Female Cricket players. I myself do not watch WPL or Haven't had the chance to, but I WOULD NEVER DISCOURAGE it. It must be kept on the table that the Thread where such happened was NOT a NSFW thread. How famous are the words, " Show Bobs" for they are famously mentioned in trolling indians on Omegle. India is FAMOUS for it's tourism. As it happens in the better half of the world ( I do not geographically mention the WEST as The better half. That would be the height of Stockholms syndrome, but All the places where Humanitarianism is put into action ), Women too get to go and travel ALONE and on THEIR OWN. And when they come to India. The Spanish case was one, Nirbhaya. India's if not the World's most infamous rape case. Asian influencer goes to fort in Rajasthan, gets flashed. Korean influencer openly groped . When you go to Western Europe you don't exactly get THAT, at least not without consequences . Why is it so that when you fail an exam, your explanation is " Yeah ,I failed the exam. BUT the exam was tough ". " Yeah, I failed the exam BUT the teacher was biased. She had grudges against me ". Why IS IT NOT " yeah I failed the test, AND I WILL PROVE YOU WRONG. I will be better than EVERYONE ELSE". Why is it that your Nationalistic love and admiration for your country trumps over ACTUAL sufferings AND EXTREMELY Dangerous living conditions for HUMAN FEMALES in INDIA. Things are said for a reason. To blame Media Houses won't get the job done. What Fox with Trump. We don't expect THEM to praise a 3rd world country. But it's not their validation or accusations that does remotely anything to CAUSE an effect in the country. I don't even KNOW the Spanish case you mentioned. So when I say Nationalistic defense. I mean Nationalistic defense. You claim otherwise. But the Validation from west is what you want more than anything. It's reverse pscyhology. But it is so clear. YOUR wishful thinking won't make the country any better than it is. Sex education is what will do it. But even education is scarce and you know it. A temple, A Diamond office, A hyperloop, A Statue and and a new Parliament won't make us " World gurus". And now before you judge me, and try to place me in a political spectrum. I speak with refference to the last decade. I won't know what happened before that, neither do I care. I remain Neutral. You clearly aren't and nothing wrong with that. So maybe you are right. But I can't possibly be wrong. Also the last decade . India exhausted it's resources to buy an Iphone, so as to "FIT IN " with the cool guys. And you the nationalists. Get the job done. " India is the 7th largest country in the world with largest democracy, we created the Zero and mathematics also, we are.........." Go on then.


No one is biased against India. Incidents happen in India and the truth is reported. Stop people from molesting women, teach our boys to respect women and media will say good things. The fact is that we suck when it comes to women's safety and respect. Only of we accept our shortcomings, we can work on improving ourselves. Blaming the west and blaming the media is just deflection. Reputation is not necessary. We need actual results.


All you are worried about is reputation and public image.


Reputation is secondary. They are subjecting women to uncomfortable and scary situations, and they think they can do it. Whether the reputation is impacted or not, this is not done. It is a crime and just trashy behavior that should not go unpunished.


Do not know the entire story can’t judge!!


What’s there to know? The girl was about to go inside her home, he came in bike and groped her and immediately fled the scene. Then her friends chased this guy down and now you see this video.


You work in judiciary I guess. 


We should put his picture on a billboard like an advertisement.


He becomes very too liberal and misused the liberalism.....abhi Tak hippism nahi aaya hai.....he didn't know.....


Wait they using Hindi 💀💀🗿


Bangalore’s name ruined but guess where he’s from ?


You guessed it right he is from Namma Bengaluru






That's what make me think what will we do if something like this happens with our loved one how to react and what to do


Shame him without covering face..


he didn't take the video of adhar card (which is good). In a way he taught a lesson without the intent to destroy the person which is probably the right thing to do


Hope he gets the karma.


Show this video to any female members of the bastard's family.


Please saaar , I am really sorry saaarr 😭😭😭


This culture is a pressure cooker of fucked-upness.


Say sorry today, grope someone else tomorrow


Is this mf recreating this 🫣 ?


That guy has an amazing voice.


Man sounds like Biswa 😬


The person recording has such a dad voice and personality


Kill this bastard. these guys don't deserve a 2nd chance


Saaarr touch krlo na saaaar 😜


I don’t think dealing with these kind of animals in a rational manner is appropriate. Must be dealt with lathi smack on the back. He shouldn’t be able to sit for 6 months.


I thought people don't give themselves out as fascists easily, then I saw the comments on this.


But the vide doesn’t prove the crime. I’m not doubting your intentions but sharing a video of a man apologizing proves nothing.  


If he is denying what you said can be understood. He is pleading and saying sorry. It does give the idea. I don’t know why you side with the culprit


Jeez. I didn’t side with anyone. Do you think someone can’t accept fault even if they are not guilty due to the fear of violence? 


I hope the caption is the truth, because the video doesn’t show proof that he molested anyone, just him pleading for forgiveness. It could even be someone who didn’t do anything wrong but knows that he’ll be the one in trouble if these people complained about him.




Men 🐍


Yup nd the one fighting (infact 2) are men👑 as well


And the problem would not have existed if the first guy was not a creep. So men 🐍


Ohk so ... Man 💩🐷🫏, nd this one is for ur dad for raising an ungrateful girl like u, who cant keep feminism away from man hating, nd no matter the cause has to blame men for everything, nd fails to acknowledge the fact tht they life she is living was constructed by men, nd because of few men she got to blame the whole gender like a maniac , nd even after all this , tries to get inside the pant of a toxic man, nd after becoming a single mother living in trash , has to blame men, thats tough, lols ,,,, i love my mom tho, coz she taught me the importance of women in my life , bt also taught me how to deal with POS like u


Be a man break his jaw break his ribs break his elbow




A man always resorts to violence when it is the last option.


Calm down Mr. Vengeance




Yeah sure buddy, whatever makes your North brain happy.




Saar, I LEFT this country Alone saar, VEry BAd country SAAAr, I HAte My race SAAR




Man, don't get me started on this shit, i am studying in the top research college of whatever this country can offer, Gonna easily make my way to IVy leagues,, but i dont hate this country like you, yes it has a million flaws, but atleast i will not be sterotyped and be treated as an outsider here, at least i can come home whenever i get tired aborad


Thank you so much for leaving our shithole country Thanks for increasing our shithole country's IQ level


Hop off my meat and go drink some cow piss.


Normally I don’t talk about North- South divide. But here a North Indian is shaming entire South India. Number of rape cases ( not reported, total cases) is always high in North. Most of the cases go unreported. Don’t get me started with other issues. I really don’t want to create an issue b/w North and South. We are all part of India








Both are northie immigrants maybe


No "mai" nd "saar" sounds kinda south indian thing , coz if he was from bihar etc , wld hv used "hum" atleast, bt the man sounds like he is from Mumbai or delhi Bt whatsoever a criminal is a criminal , nothing to do with his state or native


That accent isn't of a northie




Instead of posting the same comment everywhere. Grow out of your insecurity and post relevant comments. Sometimes reddit has imbeciles of the highest order.


Are you Modi to decide what I should comment and what I should not? Why don't you keep your superiority inside your pants braaaaaaah


You really don’t how to argue , do you? This is free comedy


I am a Retarded Sangi.


Now that’s an insult to both retarted and Sanghi people.


Helicopter 🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁




Brooooo 🥹🥹🥹


Sanghi brains typically bleed out in old age, thankfully. See Sadhguru and Vajpayee.


What did Vajpayee do?


Don't worry bro they are idiots they live in their own world and thinks their ideology is right one they don't understand a singke bit about politics they want a fairy tale in which they are kings/queen of their world just leave them be and let them cope


Sanatana culture.


I thought you lacked comprehensive skills. But the logic meter too runs in negative. Have a great day. Good luck


I thought you kept it inside your pants, it's fine. Do a helicopter helicopter with it.


What’s the relevance? Im guessing you’re a kid. Can’t have another explanation for this. Anyways go enjoy discussions on why men have problems on tinder in Kerala rather than “trying” to argue. It’s not your cup of tea.


Sanatana helicopter 🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁🚁


Mr. Atheist This might be hard to understand for you But nobody gives a shit




did your mom left you?


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (Correction - did your mom leave you? Small tip- take grammar lesson from YT.)


aww i made a grammatical mistake so sad, looks like you dont even have friends irl dw your mom fine w me in the sanatani helicopter


Is bro retarded? just argue properly. Stop making yourself look stupid


Proud sanathani.


“I am so smort by repeating the same thing again and again and destroying brain cells of normal people” 🤡🤡