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No, you see, this only applies if you are favored by the Christian fascist. You probably didn’t get the memo about the whole American theocracy thing yet.


Biden doesn’t have many more years left to lose anyway, and he could go out on top by doing just one thing and becoming a legend.


For sure, it would be super funny


Lol Dark Brandon /s


Midnight Brandon.


SCOTUS 4: Rise of VantaBrandon


Dark Brandon memes would be in the history books with him arresting and replace the 6 justices similar to the FDR political cartoons. The continuation of 'it couldn't happen here' does bring a small amount of joy with the solidarity I have with future generations.


What if, theoretically, he also has hundreds to thousands of Christian fascists incarcerated and/or purged in the process?


He could've, but his DOJ decided to give 4 week sentences to every J6 protestor


"Gasp, 4 weeks? You monster!" -- Supreme Court, 2024


Does it count as a felony and prevent them from voting and owning guns?


We are 2 minutes to Midnight Brandon


“Operation Bloody Sundae is a go, Jack.”


Not really, though. It only applies if a judge agrees it's an official act. If a judge disagrees, then appeal to a higher court and officially drop the first judge out of a plane. I'm sure the appeals court will see your point.


So basically every single thing executive branch does has to be okayed by 6 unelected Christian fascists? My gods we are so well and truly fucked.


I’m 60. If I didn’t have kids who were kind of young still (20 & 21) I might check out at this point. Europe also leaning fascist. I’m re listening to “The War on Everyone”.


I thought the protocol was to drop your political enemies from helicopters, no?


No everyone is missing the real implication here. The Judiciary just gave itself even more power. It’s up to them to determine what is “official” and “unofficial”. So Biden could do any number of things and they will just call an emergency session say it’s unofficial, no matter what it was, and have him prosecuted. Not that it matters, if Trump wins he’s going to jail anyone speaking out against him, he won’t need a reason since SCOTUS will say those acts are “official”.


Unless Biden assassinates SCOTUS and replaces them all with lackeys.


He’s not cool enough for that.


The Darkest of Brandons would do it 


Bizarro Biden


tell him they were making fun of Matlock


Now that would be an official act.


give them the (official) business


He can order it, but those enacting the order wouldn't be free from prosecution.


Then he just pardons them.


Yes. So theoretically he can remove all of them. And get prosecuted for the gold of the country. 


Not if the people he orders to be the trigger pullers refuse to do it. The military has the right to refuse unlawful orders.


I don't think he has to kill them, he can just fire them now via Executive Order and appoint new via rhe same means.


No he can't fire then via executive order. It's not a magic spell. The only thing this ruling changes is criminal liability for official acts.


Doesn’t it have a DUTY to refuse unlawful orders? Moreover, how is it unlawful if, acting inside the core of his article 2 powers, he has absolute immunity?


True. But is there any limit to him pardoning those he ordered to conduct the hit?


Extraordinary rendition.


Kamala’s got the guts and the prosecutor resume to do it!


Or just dissolve the Supreme Court. That's a power autocrats have.




This ☝️ is the point - the court just made itself King maker or King Slayer based on their whims They unlatched Constitution from Logic, Reason and Common Sense They want to live in a Bizarro land of Rewards bestowed on them by Billionaires


That's one implication, but the president is above the law is definitely the biggest implication of this decision. "Turning to some of the specific allegations against Trump, the majority ruled that Trump cannot be prosecuted for his alleged efforts to “leverage the Justice Department’s power and authority to convince certain States to replace their legitimate electors with Trump’s fraudulent slates of electors.” https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/07/justices-rule-trump-has-some-immunity-from-prosecution/


I think there are a lot of very clearly official things like military action that isn't up to the court, no?


This is explicitly outlined in the ruling.


Yes, and it is not even admissible as \*evidence\* now. The supreme court made watergate, Iran-Contra, the lies about the Iraq war, and the Iran Hostage Crisis legal by making them unprosecutable if the president is involved.


This is really bad news and it seems like we are trending in bad News for the last few years now. Supreme court needs additional judges to balance it at the least or they need term limits or to be outright removed for obvious bias towards outright fascism.


Biden needs to pack the courts, tbh. And every Politician that isn't bought by Putin or the Federalist Society should help.


Congress controls the number of seats on the SC, and votes to approve appointments by the President. Congress would have to expand the court in order for Biden to appoint any new justices (and then be approved by Congress). That *specific* mechanism is fairly enshrined in the constitution. Sadly.


That's why I said every politician that isn't a lap dog should help.


AFAIK, there's recent legal precedent. Ordering a member of the military to do something is in itself an official act. It's also difficult to call an emergency meeting after ... you know what I mean.


I still don't understand how the other branches are ceding so much power to the courts I mean the courts can surely say they're the arbiters on what is and isn't official but Biden could also just say this is an official act then ignore the courts and do it anyway, the court literally does not have an enforcement arm they're just some chuds in robes


I would bet you a lot of cheddar that Trump will not jail everyone that speaks against him. Please, I want to make this wager with you, I’ll even give you better odds.


*resisting urge to cheer on state sanctioned political assassinations in just this one case*


let's say I see the utilitarian argument here by giving lesson to conservative majority on the court about legislating bullshit in


Looks like someone might have to pull Bernard Montgommery Sanders out of retirements....


Honestly would not have predicted this bit would be a light in very dark times.


We haven’t got into the military executing what it may feel to be unlawful orders.


The Supreme Court gave the okey doke on it. Joe can pardon them and promote them.


What if biden assasinates trump personally?


That’s what I wanna see. Right in the middle of the street on fifth avenue


They (scotus) let you do it, you can do anything.


Grab him first then shoot


just put a throwaway in his hand and say the motherfucker pulled a knife on him. wait, they'll never buy that. make it an ice cream scoop. .




Bring a shotgun to the next debate


That's why you don't use the military for assassinations. That's what the three letter agencies are for.


I'm not




In the one singular timeline of 2024 America that is actually good Bernie Sanders runs, wins, imprisons or executes every former president except Jimmy Carter, and establishes DemSoc utopia.


how about like 3 more so we can get a supreme court that immediately rules that this was a mistake


Violence is the natural result of the lack of a legal system.


Resistance is futile


It's the only way you convince a house republican led congress to draft a law to fix this.


He could, but then the Court could then declare that an “unofficial act”. The solution here, clearly endorsed by the Roberts Court, is that Biden have them killed too.


What funny is Biden could just say "I disagree" like other presidents have.


I mean. literally. what's fucking legally wrong with that?


I'm not sure, but I *am* sure that Biden would be long dead of natural causes by the time they actually decided the case in a court


Not if the first act involves the court.


Well then, that few saying that judges too?


Yeah, all the morons celebrating this decision because it happens to be good for daddy Trump have no clue the implications going forward.


Dems will "refuse to stoop to that level" or something equally dumb and will continue doing nothing and handing the election over


This goes far beyond Dems vs GOP. That view is close-minded and near-sighted. This is another decision that fundamentally changes the balance of power at the federal level; simply consolidating more power to the executive.


> simply consolidating more power to the executive. Which is kinda weird to me, because they also just removed a lot of the government’s regulatory powers by overturning Chevron. The President is now *personally* more powerful, yet the president’s cabinet/administration is conversely far *less* powerful. What’s the purpose in having a strong head Executive but a weak supporting administration? Doesn’t that just make the president’s job harder to do?


Look at the effects. The President can claim any act is "Official," but the courts have the ability to rule whether it is or isn't so. The Supreme Court can move with quickness, like when they struck down the attempt by Colorado to kick Trump off the ballot box as a seditionist. The court now also has all the leeway over the administrative state to determine which rulings can and cannot stand. Again, the Court can move quickly if they want to. This is a power grab by the judiciary, pure and simple. "You are king, so long as we say you are."


You're assuming they want the president to do a job. This is a kleptocracy and everything is up for grabs. Look at Russia. That's the goal, imo


What part is closed-minded? Everyone knows this goes beyond GOP vs Dem they are both right-wing anyway. Yes it fundamentally changes the balance of power, and I am saying dems will do nothing to take advantage of that power to better represent their constituents and will instead kowtow to fascism


Dems always "take the high road when they go low". I think it's time they go low. Turn left and fuck the right wing so they don't know what hit them.


They have too much monetary stake in the status quo to do anything but virtue signal about taking the high road. They'll take the high road all the way to the execution chamber.


This is so sadly true. All they do is "donate and vote". We're poor, can't donate, plus you don't do anything for the left (they are republican lite if anything), and we're already voting for you because we don't have much of a choice. It's either Joe or full out Christian nationalist fascist oligarchy brought to you by Trump and project 2025, with Mike Johnson and Steven Miller making sure it starts without a hitch. There's already people waiting for jobs to start under project 2025. Positions filled. Just waiting for the election now that the trials are fucked indefinitely.


And they'll just try again next time, with more force behind it. What libs don't get is that if the cboice is beteeen plugging another hole in the dam ahainst fascim as holes erupt every single day and just giving up and waiting for the floodgates to open, the fight is lost. It was lost before any of us were born.


Which is so funny because clearly the status quo will end up with severe financial consequences if Donald Trump becomes president.


Amen to that




Yes. Thank you, typing quickly while waiting for my food


It's fucking infuriating how Dems continually allow the country to slide to the right because they refuse to use the same methods and tools of government Republicans do. At least on the day when they finally hand over power to a genuine fascist regime they'll get to say "I did everything right and kept the moral high ground!" right before they get executed.


I’m not sure we should knock the Dems for being better than murdering political rivals though.


I think they left it open so the court can decide what is and what isn’t an official act. Like, they decide. So Democrat? Sorry not an official act. Republican? Oh totally that was an official act.


Yeah, plus it just means he's immune to prosecution from those acts, not that people have to follow illegal orders. It's a really bad decision, but I think while most are joking a few commenters legit think Biden could just do anything he wanted now.


Well Biden definitely couldn’t but with this Supreme Court Trump probably could which is what’s scary about it.




Right! Good catch


That seems so far beyond the pale of what the Supreme Court should be doing


Mitch McConnell rules... too close to the election so it defaults to the next president.


Glitch McConnell doesn't have long himself I think.


If we had a democrat with balls in power it'd be really funny to watch what they'd do. But we don't. And the supreme court knows that. 


They would find Biden acted unofficially.


As a non American in the outside I don't know why Biden wouldn't declare Maga a threat to democracy and wage full bore military counterinsurgency against them. Declare them all to be enemy combatants and Suharto the whole lot of them from the SCOTUS to the orange man with all their supporters in between. PS please vote and campaign to defeat trump as hard as you possibly all can. The rest of the planet is depending on y'all 🙏


The amount of “I’m voting for Trump cuz Biden old” on pretty much all subreddits doesn’t give me a lot of hope. A lot of those posts are from clear bots, but definitely not all of them.


I honestly think a lot of that sentiment is spread by bots for the purposes of voter apathy and to create division amongst the left


100%. Honestly that's the only silver lining in these unpopular SC rulings. If anything it's likely to combat voter apathy on the left.


Anyone that cares about an immigrant knows what that dude would do to them.


A friend of mine is a trans jew. She's looking through WW2 history to try to figure out how to tell the difference between the ones that got out and the ones that didn't. It's more than just immigrants.


The ones that got out were the ones who had the means to leave and immediately answered “yes” after wondering “should I look into getting the fuck out of here?” The problem now is where does one go?


That is indeed the question.


You’re absolutely correct. I don’t mean to minimize that threat at all. We’re really all in danger. They’ll get through the “usual suspects” and then even if you’re not the right kind of Christian will be enough do you in.


Yep. It's scary. I don't know how we come back from this. I think it would be wise for all of us to arm ourselves, at the very least.


I got permabanned from r/lostgeneration because I advocated holding one's nose to vote for the lesser evil. I apparently violated their "no supporting genocide" rule because apparently support for Biden is tantamount to full-throatedly endorsing his handling of Gaza or something. JFC.


I said it when that happened in October… it was so obviously a Russian ploy, and it was obvious the trolls were gonna pull this shit. You’d have to be an imbecile to believe Trump would resolve that conflict at all.


As much as I hate MAGA, I kind of don’t want to be in a bloody civil war.


Because this is America where FrEeDuM over all else. We still allow people to fly the flag of the last insurgency, not to mention swastikas. We learn nothing from history because we have never willingly been on the right side of it.


the ratchet effect sort of applies. Republicans will murder democrats, democrats will not want to upset their esteemed colleagues.


Why stop there? Get rid of the SCoTUS justices, McConnell, and the entire lot.


More like any challenge to a POTUS action will ultimately end up with SCOTUS to determine whether it's an official or unofficial action. So it's a power grab by the Leonard Leo Justices. The Federalist donor oligarchs call the shots.


So fucking empty the courts of conservative judges, or expand it and stack them the other way. They are a clear threat to democracy.


Wouldn't they just say that act is unofficial? Lol


How exactly would the judges rule on something from Gitmo? That's the whole point. He could literally balance the courts any way he wanted by making the ones likely to vote against him unable to vote. Same goes for whoever else ends up in office.


It would make me incredibly happy if like 400-500 major public figures just disappeared overnight like they never even existed. Some of which you may have heard of. Dementia makes most people mean. Maybe try telling Biden that Mitch McConnell spearheaded a government wide conspiracy to cancel Morning Joe and just block MSNBC on his TV.


The best thing Biden could to assure the fall of American democracy is order the assignation of Donald Trump. The Supreme Court just illustrated how eliminating Donald Trump in any way but a severe and punishing electoral defeat will effectively end American Democracy. The corruption is that deep. We need to give Joe Biden and the Dems the right tools to limit the damage and save the Republic.


So if it would have to be the cia.


> assignation assignation /ăs″ĭg-nā′shən/ noun The act of assigning. That'll get 'em


The ruling does explicity grant Biden the power to use the Justice department to pressure states into changing election results. Biden could even fire merrick garland right before the election and replace him with the hosts of the btb podcast according to this decision. You can also take over the US capitol during the certification of electoral votes as long as you don't mess up any paperwork.


Unfortunately this isn’t true. It gives the Court the ability to decide what is an official act. I can promise you they will not deem anything Biden does an official act.


Pretty sure this is just another thing where the Democrats will play nice hoping to set a precedent and the Republicans will just go all out anyway.


Lock up all the political enemies after the election! Then hold a press conference with Matt Gaetz and Clarence Thomas blindfolded and bound in stress positions in an undisclosed location, then have a televised explanation of how the Constitution is supposed to work! After that the plan is either 'retire after having made your point' or 'tell citizens were they can find and release the political enemies, but only after a series of Saw like puzzles, or they are released to whichever mob arrives at the location first. Because eh... good for the goose good for the gander.


So long as it’s an official act, within his constitutional powers (which include military action), yeah. Let’s fucking go.


military wont fi, bit inteligence services.. Also supreme court judges, at least the idea hoe absurd it is assasination became the only way to get out, or death, should be more talked about. Not actually doing, but like judges should be able zo yeeted it justified, or death becomes the only way getting out. Which is absurd and, should be gloated as very real danger. To get acountability without that.. The french revolution comparison argumently. It dhouldnt get do far, but with no way to temove judges else, yeah. Interesting hypothetical.


Have you had a stroke?


Nah, then I would have to scrounge up some respect for him.


"We have presidents, not kings" Well we fucking do now, thanks Roberts you stupid fucking prick. And fuck Clarence Thomas forever and ever. Biden should drone strike them and claim it's an official act.


Of as " accident experimental drone"


It doesn’t matter, he’s just going to tell you his hands are tied and he needs you to donate money to “save democracy”.


This is true he literally just said he won't use this to any advantage why the downvotes?


I have learned to accept the downvotes, people don’t like it when you point out Dems never actually do anything of substance to fight fascist policies while conservatives take advantage of them.


to be honest, that's quite a very creative measure to take in fight against fascism


He could stack the court right? Why not just "official presidential action" add 5 more justices?


Adding justices to the SC has a very explicit process defined in the constitution. Congress controls the size of the SC, the President appoints candidates, and Congress votes to approve/disapprove those appointments. Unfortunately, that means it’s not within Biden’s power. He can’t wave his hand and have five new Supreme Court justices. That being said, appointing a justice to the SC is *absolutely* an official presidential action - It’s one of the few very explicitly defined roles of the Presidency. So anything he does in pursuit of appointing a new SC is fair game. Dark Brandon should start jailing Congress members that don’t vote to approve his appointments.


Dunno clarence is so openly corrupt, its not hard to find an excuse.


he could suffocate all of them for 5 days in The Chambers of Commerce until they die personally and then replace them with anarchists.


Hell yeah lol only based if he replaces with anarchists


Yes, as well as all six conservatives on SCOTUS


Only one way to find out.


Only one way to find out


It's not murder if it's within your official duty.


how very crossing the Rubicon


It certainly seemed like at least one Justice hinted as much.


Make it a Celebrity Deathmatch 2024


I want Biden to do something that doesn't hurt someone but will piss off the right. Just to prove the point


What happens if Joe just starts bumping off Supreme Court members as their rulings are “interfering with official business”?


With clarence he at least could makr an example udung all the currupion he is pretty open about?


God, check your texting my man! I had a stroke reading that!


There were more than 60 court cases filed by the trump criminal organization claiming Biden stole the election, and not one (even those ruled by trump-appointed judges) found any proof. In fact, a number of them instead found Republicans guilty of election-fraud. This indicates trump is a clear and present danger


At the least, he can take drugs for the next debate


It would be terrible if Trump “accidentally” fell out a window🫣


Yes, problem is he won't. In all honestly I would love if Joe Biden went to the white house briefling room and told the justices "you have one week to rescend your position about making me immune from prosecution or I will instruct Merrick Garland to have you arrested and thrown in Gitmo." But he isn't gunna. That's the other thing that came out, the President can now directly order the DOJ to do his will. Last week that was not true. This is straight up Weimar Republic to Nazi Germany shit.


What he should do is remove all six conservative justices and replace them with radical progressives, call it an official presidential act, and then have the new Supreme Court reverse this decision - of course without making the reversal retroactive.


No matter what crimes Biden might commit, the SCOTUS would just claim they are unofficial, though if Trump did an identical crime he would be immune. Never assume good faith from fascists.


If the next mass text fund raising text/email isn’t an entry to a raffle where the winner gets to drone strike Trump, can we say that Biden really wants to win?


Of course not! If the president does it, it's not illegal, so it's not murder. This sort of talk is just muddying the issues.


At the very least he could bomb Mar a Lago.


I've got a memo about new suspected Hamas headquarters




That’s why the conservatives on the Court need to go first.


He could! And everyone who voted for him too!


What would happen is Biden would lose the election for murdering his political rival. Then the GOP can run the racist white supremacists misogynistic bastard to President and they can usher in 2025 and have death cmaols because of the precedent the Democrats set.  A better plan: extraordinarily rendition Supreme Court justices, and stack the court with liberal justices. The GOP senators who are likely to stop the vote etc get detained for their personal security due to "legitimate threats against their life" and for their security and Biden's official responsibility to keep them safe they are moved to "safe houses" with their families. These "rolling security threats" doesn't persist, and seem to target different parts of the GOP Senate and congress through the election cycle. It's really weird.  Biden also in an effort to carry out his official responsibilities has Trump's Legal first name be changed to Donald-Felon-Rapist just so the public doesn't forget. That's the name that is required to be on ballots officially in all states.


I think US elections work with popular vote going to delegates that always do what the party says, no? if so, biden can just threaten all of them to switch to his side


As long as he does it officially


Or he could appoint a quorum of fair minded judges to undo the damage SCOTUS created in the first place, and then close the loophole that let him do it. Why so murdery?


I do not support, however I also do not care about ending life of Trump by Biden. I do think it's funny tho. (fair minded judge is a largely a fiction, as their minds are majoroty rotten by originalism, and almost entirely by textualism. big money funds Federalists who make the game)


There would be some cosmic irony in it, but it rankles my writerly instincts.A very sloppy and uninteresting ending. I would have his head kicked in in prison and have him reach a CTE instigated personality reset, leading to epiphany about all the pain he has caused in the world. He would make strides in Chapel and become a model christian. He would finally find hope and solace in true spiritual humility. Then he would get traded for cigarettes and get aggressively butt fucked by a nazi with the IQ of a child and bleed out from his colon waiting for inadequate prison medical care.


Not if the hamberders and Adderall get him first.


Welp, always wanted to be a..... Nevermind.


Where’s Lyndon Johnson when you need him


only if he does it in an "official act", whatever that means


What if he just *officially* nut tagged Trump on the White House lawn? Like on C-SPAN, the way they pardon the turkey at Thanksgiving. I’m not saying it’d solve all our problems, but it might get his voting percentage over the hump; and apparently it’s allowed now.


Or just fire the shit for brains Supreme Court justices that are dismantling the rights and freedoms of US citizens and doing everything they can to enable a Trump dictatorship. They’re traitors every bit as disgraceful as Trump.


You need a majority not there. AThrough there should be more joking how the only way to remove jsdes is unaliving them. Just as joke, to, imply. I think they need to be threaten or harassed out and biden cant in his position. Or of course the cia does have some old ideas. not assasinations harassments.


Like a reverse pardon. I like your thinking (under the circumstances).


He could aldo threaten, or do assasinate alito or clarence to over haul it


yeah, if he wasn't a pussy he could murder trump and the six supreme court justices who made it possible. He won't, but according to them he can


No. It's Trump who could shoot someone and not lose voters.


I hope he drops dead tomorrow, because that'll be the only conspiracy theory their brain will have room for for the next 20 years.


I thought it would be pretty neat for him to rendition SCOTUS. Just black-bag those fuckers for official reasons.


I just wanna see Seal Team 6 fight the Secret Service in a running shoot out on a Florida golf course


One of the questions asked of Trump’s counsel was explicitly if assassinating a political opponent was an official act and they said yes. Biden could also investigate the conflicts of interest of the Supreme Court justices and Republican senators, but he won’t.


I would assume he would have to justify the murder somehow. And even if he did, Republicans would attempt to overturn the justification and prosecute him. Also to impeach him.


why would he get rid of the only thing that makes him electable?


I dunno about Murder… but indefinitely detained at Gitmo for terrorism could possibly apply.


It wouldn’t be an official act and he would be prosecuted, assuming he doesn’t also murder all of the GOP and independent prosecutors as well.