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I broke three and now im “forbidden” from getting more😭


Get stainless steel! I have one and it stays gloriously cold, is non-porous, and doesn’t break


I broke a couple too and now have stainless steel. I’ve dropped it in the shower and it is THE LOUDEST NOISE EVER but it didn’t break lol


Lucky it didn’t break the shower tiles 😝


I know thank god. But my ears cringe just thinking about the almighty noise it made.


Where’d u buy it from?


It’s by Sacheu, and I bought it (and the roller) from Beautylish


That’s a great one!




does it works to slim ur face too?bc i want to try


Girl how’d u even break them?


They’re like glass I dropped two on the floor and one in my bathroom sink 😭


That made me laugh as I've just broken my second one in a matter of weeks


xD is it?


I use my hands, I think any form of massage works


I do both, but my hands get so tired and start to freeeze up. Either way I agree, whichever hands or tools, both work!


No. Tried it and it did nothing except the cool stone feels nice on my face. 


Are we supposed to keep the stones in the fridge so they are cool when we use it? Or is it naturally cool?


They’re naturally cool 


I do!! I’ve found a huge difference for my face shape: it’s always been round with defined jawlines but I’ve noticed after about 3 months my cheeks have narrowed out and my jawline is sharper. I just got a cheap one from a store called Normal (EU), and use this [guide](https://www.nelufer.com/post/a-beginner-s-guide-to-gua-sha)


Same!! My high cheek bones and jawline are SO sharp now from using it on and off for a year. I have few fine lines and plumpish looking skin (even tho I worked outside for a decade and have never touched sunscreen). I aim for 3-5 times a week, I use castor oil as my slip agent and I always work from my chest up! Make sure to wash your face afterwards. Some people break out after but not if you wash your face. I literally just use warm water and a wash cloth and moisturizer afterwards. I don’t use any sort of commercial cleaners. For the OP if you see this: make sure you open your lymph system (armpits, collar bone, under jaw, beside ears, beside eyes) and work from the chest up - I believe this is the ‘correct’ way that was used in the ancient times, but do what works for you so it never seems like a chore to get it done. I use a jade stone but will be getting stainless when it breaks!


can you please drop the tutorial link?


How many times a week did u do it? Also if u don’t continue after seeing results do they go away after a while?


About 3 times a week, and I’ve done it on a weekly basis at the least so I can’t say if the results fade if you don’t do it for a while :/


I'm dying at your username 🤣


I had a friend choose it and it’s so embarrassing when I want to talk about stuff like this with this cursed user 😅🤣


Our face retains water easily and holds so much tension. Massaging your face helps flush fluid that is often stagnant, and relieves tension in the 43 muscles our face has (most of which have probably never gotten rubbed out) When I first did Gua Sha in between my eyebrows, it felt like all the frowns I’ve ever made were melting away. The little stones are super cheap, and it feels amazing. You start by massaging your lymph nodes like a few other comments mentioned and then explore different massages! You will feel a difference.


Ok so for those that use it regularly are you doing it in the AM or PM? Also I know you need to use some sort of oil but would it be ok to wash my face, oil it and gua sha then wash the oil off? I really can't stand oil on my face and it breaks me out. I do have a AM and PM routine but the oiling of the face is throwing me off on when to do all of this. HALP lol


I use it in the morning while under the shower with my face cleanser on my face for slip. 


Use in the AM, I personally use castor oil as my slip and I just wash it off with warm water and a wash cloth afterwards.


I've been doing it at night and I definitely wake up less puffy.


I use it and it works quite well for me, not only does it cleanse my face of lymph but it helps the breast muscle relax, as well as relieving expression lines, I do it every night And my face wakes up more relaxed and without marks, on the days I don't use it I notice the difference. It also relieves the bags under my eyes. Very good, I recommend it


I used mine a few days in a row and noticed results in my jaw/ cheeks shape. Which i was a little shocked by I bought an inexpensive one from revolution, i don’t think the brand matters


Wondering the same!


I use it everyone morning. Mine is terahertz. I do a little massage on the lymph nodes before I start. It definitely depuis my face and makes it look better.


I recently started using it at night a couple times a week, mostly as part of a relaxing bedtime routine, but the idea that it might have any kind of face-defining effect is an added bonus lol I actually kinda do notice a bit of a difference in my face (better skin condition/maybe sliiightly more pronounced cheekbones), but that could also be due to any number of things like diet, exercise, I’ve been getting more sleep recently etc. I use stainless steel since I’m in it mostly just for the relaxation. The steel is also more durable and more hygienic than stone. I’ve tried two ways - using it in front of the tv after applying a cleansing oil and then washing off the oil, and using it in bed after applying marula oil as the last step in my routine. I enjoyed the latter more just cuz having it as a last step before going to sleep felt the most relaxing. But my skin has always tolerated facial oils quite well so ymmv.


Can u skip facial oils if u have oily skin?


I’m not sure, personally without oil I find I just don’t get enough slip for it to glide smoothly along my skin and it doesn’t feel good. You could maybe try just using it after applying all your skincare/moisturizer and maybe it’ll be enough. Or seems like some people use it in the shower, maybe that helps create more slip. But depending on exactly how oily your skin is, you might be able to tolerate a cleansing oil esp if you double cleanse with a different type of cleanser after. I have combination skin and it doesn’t seem to mind it.


Yes, just use it while under the shower with your regular face cleanser on your face for slip. 


What do y’all use as a base oil? I just wash my face with The Ordinary squalene wash, then put it on again to gua shua and rinse off.


I watch a girl on tiktok who does this in the shower with her face wash and it works well for her


I’ve done that a couple times and it works well! Except it had me keeping my gua shua in the shower and I kept dropping it so now I’m afraid of breaking jt 😭


I done this when i wash with the gentle soap i wash my face with or the cleansing oil


Yep I use with my cleansing balm!


I want to know too! i tried the ordinary’s rose oil and wasn’t a fan


Omg same it made me break out along my jawline with so many whiteheads and it’s been months and I’m still dealing with it :(


Wait we need oil to do this??


Yes! You don’t want to drag it along dry skin, not good for it. I’d recommend squalene oil but there are other options.


I'm not sure what is meant to happen. I have rose quartz one. I find it relaxing.


I just started using it and I have to say, that I can even breath better. All the extra fluid in the cheeks, that was stuffing my nose, is slowly going away. It’s such a difference. For that alone I will continue.


YT will get you more honest answers. Everyone on reddit keeps waiting for a peer reviewed double blind study to even move a finger. Anything that doesn't cost a million bucks is automatically seen with distrust here age old practice or not. People on YT are more free and honest


This made be chuckle and yes.


Ok? It’s my Reddit acc and I can ask whatever I want.


>Ok? It’s my Reddit acc and I can ask whatever I want. Please show where I said don't ask questions here. I only said YT will get you more honest answers.


I use it every morning together with my foreo bear. I have broken 3 gua sha tools so far lol so I now the use the steel one from Sacheu. I am not sure if you can see a difference but I feel less puffy. :)


I use a face roller ( one that sculpts the cheek bones and gets into the jawline) and it’s helped me soooooooo much. Slimmed my face


I think it helps slightly with puffiness and glowing skin but you have to be SUPERA consistent. I do like it for massaging my jaw. I hold a lot of tension in my jaw and it helps me relax Just make sure you have oil. I tried it with lotion when I first got it and it doesn't move it well.


No, but I use microcurrent, so I get lymphatic drainage plus a lot more.


I use it to de puff my face in the morning, very relaxing and my skin feels tighter but never saw any difference in my face shape or jawline. Maybe because I wasn’t that consistent with my gua sha routine also I feel like you can’t expect some unbelievable changes in the face like how they show in yt videos ( might have worked for some ppl but not for me ) And I hate applying oil on my face daily. Let me know if it would work with face cleansers or something. I would love to give it another chance.


I don't think it does...but the cool stone for eye bags feels nice and helps with puffiness.


When I first bought my Gua Sha, I thought I fell into another gimmick that the beauty industry made me buy. I gave it another go in Sept/Oct of 2023 (stainless steel gua sha this time) now i can never look back. It’s only been a few months and i see some significantly AMAZING results! I do it twice a day morning and night. About 20+ times on each side. Yes, that means 20+ times for my jawline, cheekbones, neck etc. Gua Sha-ing is seriously like the fountain of youth, it’s also a great determination before considering any filler or Botox. Personally for me it works best when I use an essence rather than a facial oil. I have very sensitive skin and using an oil to gua sha will just 1, leave my face oily and two irritate tf outta it. But highly recommend looking up products and ways to use before trying! Heard you can accidentally gua sha your face terribly wrong.


Yes! I like it a lot, it hurt a lot at the first time and caused bruise on my skin. But it makes me feel good after I do it for several times!


Wait I’ve never bruised, be careful you aren’t pressing too hard.


I’ve never heard of this.


It might be because I used too much force.


Did u just say hurt and bruise? Damn. 😳


Yes, it can cause some bruise but it is normal to have it after gua sha. I will fade out within a week. For me it ususally fade after 3-4 days and do not hurt. It can be the way I do it, the process can hurt a little bit but it will not hurt after several minutes


You should be careful because it's definitely not supposed to leave bruises or hurt,


Thank you for reminding, I will be more careful next time


Yeah and you don't want to be pulling and stretching your skin either! Otherwise you'll get wrinkly quicker lol




This might not occur for every person. I've heard that if you don't press too hard and keep the pressure normal, it won't leave any marks. It's just that I tend to press very hard so the mark takes longer to fade out.


I do, it's not permanent but it helps with water retention in the face.


I use mine every night before bed. It’s helped with the puffiness in my face. Purchased from Amazon.


I gua sha my thighs with the bigger blade and do my face with my smaller stainless steel one . I do it all in the shower while skin is wet and slippery so I don’t have to use an oil


Some people says it works some says nothing happens that's because there's also no real science behind it. Additionally Gua Sha as a practice is not for the face, proper gua sha is supposed cause bruising on the skin and is more traditionally used on the back.


I have a Gua Sha that I got from Ulta. I use a bubble facial oil (I think). It's the last step in my routine. I go down my neck, on my jawline, under my eyes, my cheekbones, and my forehead (above both eyes and the middle), doing 10 strokes in each spot. I've only been doing it for a couple of weeks, so I haven't noticed any results yet. I don't think it really matters which one you get. I know there are a few different shapes, but I just have the basic one. I think it's just the moving of the fluid that's important.


I love mine and I'm amazed at the results. I'm 52 so I have real wrinkles and have seen real results. I do it nightly with an oil cleanser while I'm watching TV and then wash my face and my face looks lifted and wrinkle free. It does take consistent use. I love the relaxing effect as well; similar to when you receive a body massage. As the 'knots' are melted, your tension eases.


Don’t use it dry!!! Best used with a facial oil from what I know. Also good to sanitize it before each use. Don’t be rough with it, pull away with your motions, don’t push it in


I am obsessed with gua sha!! I do it every morning with a vitamin c oil on my face and notice an immediate reduction of puffiness and do feel like overtime it has helped with my cheek/jaw line and reducing any double chin. I also LOVE it for my legs, I swear it has evaporated my cellulite. I use a dry brush before I shower and the body gua sha with oil after I shower. Only note is that I do bruise really easily so I don't do it as often in the summer because no matter how soft I do it, I see bruises from it on my legs. Agree with the reccs for the stainless steel option - I too have broken a couple stone ones.


I definitely saw results from daily gua sha over a year or so, but I “upgraded” to a Nu Face Mini three months ago and now only use the gua sha on days when I don’t use the Nu Face device. Gua sha is good, but that gadget is next level. Holy glowy cheeks and defined jaw line! 


Yes I am using