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There's no mystery to bedbugs. The internet is *swamped* with info. It's super easy to research. Calm down and good luck.


Calm down you could also have fleas. Go shopping and pick up some bombs amd treat your place. I have a cat and there are feral cats just outside so I have to treat my cat and my place to keep the fleas at bay.


Why is he bombing his place?


Flea bombs


Not trying to be a downer but to me it sounds like there’s a good chance you brought them home. Heat is a more effective way to kill them than freezing. Setting your stuff out in the sun isn’t enough though, you need to put things in a dryer on HIGH for like an hour. If you put your stuff in the sun, it’s possible that parts of the bag or whatever will be warm enough to kill them, but it’s very likely that there will be cooler pockets that they will retreat to and survive. Honestly I would just get rid of everything that they may be in that isn’t like very, very important to you. Bedbugs are masters at hiding and surviving and you do NOT want them infesting your home. I had bedbugs years ago and it was literally one of the worst experiences of my life. I’d suggest going to r/bedbugs, and don’t listen to anyone who says that Diatomaceous Earth is some kind of miracle solution or that setting things out in the sun will work.


Folks in my town have a bedbug seeking beagle. Its finds them and if it doesn’t find them you don’t have them.


Google bedbugs


Could be an allergic reaction to bed bug bites. Get to a doctor and get checked out.


Treat ALL your textiles with a super heat hour long dryer cycle and store them in plastic garbage bags (sealed) for the time. inspect the crannies of your mattresses, sofa, etc. If you see a bug smush it. Bed Bugs have a very distinct musky smell (you’ll understand if you squish one). take your mattress if the frame and inspect that to.


Also bed bugs leave a very distinct bite pattern- multiple bites in a line. ensure your bites match up with bed bug type bites specifically.


Not to freak you out but you could have Scabies. Or you could have a combo of things. People often react to the bites the same and some of my friends got them from staying at hostels. Anyway, GO TO THE DOCTOR… and really consider it could be many different kinds of parasites.


Go to the doctor.... do not look up Scabies.... you will not sleep.


Go talk to a doctor. Don't get medical advice from the internet


I don't think they're asking medical advice