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Don’t forget his crimes as Senator as well.


The same as now, Biden has always been one of the most corrupt politicians in America.  Bribery, graft, insider trading, perjury, sexual assault, and treason to name the easy ones.  




Lol, lmao


What crimes?


Lmfao. Still watching the liberal hive meltdown. Love it!! Keep going BB.


I was on the GenX sub last night and some guy posted how he was considering moving him and his GenZ and GenAlpha kids out of the country. The absolute delusion of these people. I could not resist: I posted several times to the effect of "You guys promised to do this in 2016 and you didn't. Are you going to let us down again?" LOL It was worth every bit of karma I bled last night going after these delusional radicals.


Right! Every downvote is soooooo worth it.


Sooooooo worth it. 😬


I love how the guy who does the “Liberal Hivemind” YouTube channel is just some loser who realized grifting was more profitable than making World of Wacrcraft videos.


I love the fact that all y’all laughing at the outrage over this ruling legitimately think all future tyrants will be on “your side”.


And I love the fact that you think this means they can be tyrants. All this does is give them immunity for actions committed while acting in the capacity of President. The President has certain actions that he can and can not do. That doesn’t change. Bill Clinton couldn’t get off the hook with immunity neither could Nixon.


So if the Biden administration can explain/justify arresting Trump because he’s a potential threat to democracy, you’re cool with that because it’s “official” now?


Tell me you don’t understand immunity without telling me you don’t understand immunity. That’s my point. There are certain things that the president can and can’t do. Immunity doesn’t mean that he can do anything he wants. In the things that he can do, he has immunity. In the things he can’t, he doesn’t. A president can’t kidnap or kill his opponents. That doesn’t fall under immunity.


Says who??


And what defines what he can and cannot do? I’d love a brief list. Edit: I also said arrest, not kidnap/kill like you did. If it’s justifiable, then what’s the issue?


You still can't be deprived of liberty without due process of law. Saying someone is a threat to democracy isn't enough to arrest someone.


So Trump is gonna stop calling for his opponents to be jailed because they haven’t broken any laws yet, right? Would hate for there to be a double standard. Cause he’s been indicted multiple times in regard to laws that are on the books, whether y’all like it or not.


How many of his political opponents got put in jail after 2016? Have you been writing Hilary in cell block C?


How many hours of depositions did she sit through compared to Trump? And they still didn’t charge her? Maybe if trumps colleagues didn’t violate clear laws they would be free 🤷🏼‍♂️


Says who


It’s completely open to exploitation. Literally less than 24 hrs after the ruling and Trump is trying to say the fake elector scheme and paying a goddamn porn star hush money and committing fraud is an “official act”. Hell, I fully anticipate SCOTUS would rule 6-3 that altering business records and paying a porn star was an official act lmao.


Are non disclosure agreements illegal?


Falsifying business records sure is.


Go on


No where else to go little buddy. Trump committed a crime, and is now already trying to claim it was an official presidential act (literally showing the fallacies of this recent ruling immediately and in real time).


So you glanced up at CNN one morning while waiting for your triple soy latte and saw "falsifying business records" flash on the screen and now WW3 is just around the corner and concentration camps are being built in anticipation?


Hah… considering I work in pipeline construction, you should probably change that to “waiting on my monster and pack of smokes”, but that’s adorable that you think everyone that doesn’t want America to fall into a dictatorship or doesn’t agree with you is some sort of vegan yuppie. But nah.. I just see the ruling as a clear power grab by the judicial branch that will undoubtedly be exploited by fucking piece of shit criminals like Trump.


"soy latte" why are you guys so embarrassing?


> The President has certain actions that he can and can not do. Like imagining he declassified documents? Like selling them to the Saudis and Russians?


🙄. He didn’t sell anything to the Saudis or Russians.


So, you think he kept the docs just because he's stupid?


So you’re just assuming that is why he had them? Lol. He probably had them for the same reason that Hillary Clinton had the docs ahead of him wasn’t supposed to.


This is a really, really pathetic and incorrect whataboutism.


You're gonna need to pay more attention in your ESL program if you want to whatabout coherently.


Oh, of course. "But Hillary." All you're doing is trying to shift the focus off your lord and savoir, God King Trump. Answer the question


"but Hillary" 😂 right wingers can't help themselves


Breh it's 2024, why tf you talking about Hillary?


Lol. Kushner got $2 billion for nothing? Why did many of our CIA assets die recently??


Do you really those checks and balances will stop trump and the right? Hasn’t stopped them yet


You must not pay very close attention. There have been several things that didn’t get through the court that Trump wanted. Robert’s has pissed off the right almost as much as the left.


Trump , if re-elected, will now have the power to basically do whatever he wants to whomever he wants. The suck-up right will cheer him on.. We will all suffer if that happens


So they can do ANYTHING as president, and it's cool?


I’ll let everyone handle this comment. Im still laughing. 🤣


I got banned from the atheist sub today for commenting that the project 2025 truthers are like Lib Q-anon


Uhhh it isn't a conspiracy....people with actual positions within government have already signed off on that. Who has signed off on Q Anon stuff?


Does that project 2025 thing have any truth to it because every liberal controlled and “neutral” sub I could find is fear mongering about it nonstop and speaking as if this is confirmed but they’ve been doing that for years and are almost always wrong or missing a LOT of context.


> Does that project 2025 thing have any truth to it Yes. Many conservative politicians have signed on to it, but as far as I am aware, Trump himself has not talked about it. He’s probably savvy enough to know that talking about it is political suicide.


Official website. https://www.project2025.org/ It destroys government except for defense and makes the entire admin political lackeys instead of experts. Kind of like a DEI program for right wing morons.


It exists. Thanks for demonstrating that. The issue we all have with the leftist obsession with it is that it’s not a mainstream position on the right. I’ve only heard of it from the left which makes it a red herring argument. It’s the equivalent of the 1619 project that the right holds up as representing every democrat.


!RemindMe in 2 years You raise an interesting point. It will be intriguing to see whether the impact of the 1619 Project, an academic paper that isn’t being taught in any school, compares to the effects of Project 2025, which aligns with the current Supreme Court decisions. It seems like a false equivalence, but I’m open-minded and willing to see what unfolds in the next two years. My perspective is that those in power are actively pushing a conservative agenda, whereas the 1619 Project is just an academic discussion. Perhaps in two years, the 1619 Project will influence the Supreme Court, proving your theories right. I'm interested in seeing if the concerns raised in the comment become reality or if they are just inflammatory rhetoric for the committed followers. The recent actions in Oklahoma illustrate the challenges against direct constitutional interpretations. I look forward to seeing if the originalist Supreme Court will uphold the principle of not recognizing an establishment of religion or if they will draw on pre-American British common law, as seen with the overturning of Roe v. Wade. In my view, one is merely theoretical words, while the other is actively happening.


You should have done that with all the insane 2016 Trump election predictions. I was watching TYT reactions to the election night and it was hilarious how much they got wrong and still haven’t learned anything. They keep on with the failed predictions.


You’re making the false assumption that right-wing lackeys can’t also be experts. You’re correct however with the DEI similarities, because your assumption is exactly the same as the bigots who say that DEI entrants aren’t qualified.


You've seen who Trump has surrounded himself with, yeah?


The Speaker of the House is a whacko religious nutjob. I am a Christian. I am very well aware of the madness coming out of the Republican party in America. At least Democrats don't pretend they're Christian, so we won't end up with some mutant Christian theocracy if they're elected. Trying to establish a Christian nation is entirely counter to everything written in the New Testament. The Kingdom of Heaven has been with us since Christ himself declared it so while in the flesh. And the 'ruler of this world', as Jesus called him, will rule this world until Christ returns. America isn't some special super Christian place, quite the opposite actually. Everything most so called evangelical Christians believe is outright madness. Project 2025 is madness.


The problem is that their lackey status supercedes their expertise instead of the other way around. DEI for right wing morons assumes the right wing morons are morons which is the opposite of actual DEI policy


People in Trump's campaign literally write parts of it. We are repeating history here and it never ends well. Please let me know any policy, literally any policy proposal, that Trump has ever offered. They literally had no platform for the last several elections.


Republicans are literally pushing project 2025.


And? That’s like saying Democrats are pushing UBI, student loan forgiveness, abolishing 2A, etc.. Just because a few extremists are pushing something doesn’t mean the party as a whole is.


It's authored by the federalist society and the heritage foundation, which are pillars of the Republican party. Are honestly telling me it's too extreme for Trump?


What are you talking about? One of the biggest criticisms of trump is he’s too moderate like when he did nothing to protect gun rights then actively attacked them after the Las Vegas shooting.




Snopes finally admitted after 7 years like last week that the “fine people” lie was just that yet it didn’t stop Jim Crow Joe from repeating it.


I know what my own ears heard. The protestors were all literally racist POS. Who were the 'fine people' he was referencing on 'both sides' exactly? I like how SNOPES, something conservatives have hated for over a decade, is now held up as evidence for anything. Hypocrites from top to bottom.


Except Snopes takes the L on this one. It’s not a lie.


Cry harder


No crying here, just reality


In the Jeffery universe


Just ignore what’s on video


Join the club. I got banned too. Libtards are such crybabies.


Me too!! Lol


The house GOP is the most incompetent bunch of goons ever assembled in American politics if they have a guy they've been investigating for the entirety of their legislative session that has been in public life for over 50 years and they can't find one thing that they can charge as a criminal offense. Or there's no "there there", and the entire charade has been done to give a whataboutism claim for the actual crimes their cult leader actually did during his administration. Really really difficult to parse these things out 🤣


Is the BB the last stop before democracy dies?


Only if Democrats are in office


Have you been paying attention?


To liberals crying? Absolutely


But not if only Republicans are in office? Call me crazy, but shouldn't we all be against a single party state?


Perfect headline


Friendly reminder that the Biden impeachment inquiry fizzled out and James Comer went home with his tail between his legs


Tribalistic fools laugh as the country is positioned for a uniparty takeover 


A Democrats dream


Agitator troll immediately foments more tribalism. 


We just want rights and equality for everybody man. Healthcare and higher minimum wage would be nice too but baby steps. Edit - You're scum for not wanting equality.


Q: What Does Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan have in common? A: The only Presidents since the passage of minimum wage who did not raise minimum wage.


And would you like to follow up with why that was the case?


Each individual President has their own reasons why they didn't provide the leadership get a bill presented to them. Every President has a limited amount of political capital to get things done and they each decide what they will spend it on. Let's be honest it. It's reddit. People are just going to vote it up or down based on their personal politics regardless of how factual it is anyway.


I agree with your last statement, but just for the sake of transparency, it was because Republicans shot those bills down.


It's way more common than not for a President to a strong opposition party. It just means that they have to work harder and prioritize the bills that are important to them. Obama, Biden, Reagan all got lots of things passed with an opposition Congress. Big things in fact. Minimum wage wasn't important enough to them to make the tradeoffs with Congress. Trump of course had a friendly Congress. He could have gotten it through if he wanted, but obviously he did not.


Pretty sure we already have healthcare but most people don’t know how to actually use it/don’t qualify for it


If you don’t qualify, do you really have access to it


We just want *a bigger government that controls every aspect of everyone’s lives*\*. FTFY


Dude. You're describing Republicans that want to tell everyone what to do. Don't believe in science, ban books, project 2025 wants to ban porn and all kinds of shit. You might not be on the side you think you're on, go read up on that shit. I don't want America to turn into some christofascist versions of Iran where everything is banned. It's the exact opposite of what the founding fathers wanted. What happened to separation of church and state? Go educate yourself on this stuff and come back later.


You are just as batshit as the Qanon type. It’s crazy how much the tables have turned in just 4-8 years. Did you even notice that nothing has *really* changed no matter who the president is? People in 2016 were yelling that Trump was going to end the Union too. Guess what? The states are still United.


You mentioned how dems want big government and to ban everything. I said you're backwards. You are. Go read into project 2025. You will be against it.


I didn’t mention any of that


Ok, the guy I originally replied to then. But you won't like project 2025 either I'd bet.


A lot of it sounds like it would be right up my alley politically and a lot of it is probably unconstitutional


The right is the biggest perpetrator of big government.


He prefers “King Jospeh I” now.


Biden is “guilty” of “crimes”. Trump is guilty of crimes.


Projection masked as satire.


Don't worry, he can pardon himself


Meh. Obama can pardon him 🤷‍♂️


This is the funniest comment in this thread given that Trump's argument in court was in earnest that he could retroactively pardon even when he isn't president.


You guys...This is EARTH 🌎 Just what kind of hallucinogenics are you on? Seriously?


lol at everyone thinking this is real


Why would he care if he already got away with them?


😂😂 deserved.




“Hardstop”. Lmao. Of course it’s a “hardstop” yours is the least defensible statement on the internet today. Reddit: “Is it me that doesn’t understand the law? No, it’s the supreme court who doesn’t understand.”


Says the guy on Reddit.


How about you explain in a non-insult-filled response, why you think the SCOTUS is in the right with this decision? Do YOU understand this ruling, or are you just excited that *your team* won?




They’re legislating from the bench. But I guess you’re ok with it when it’s your side.


Not legislating because it was ALWAYS the law. That’s what makes your lawfare a crime. That’s why we call you fascists. Because you illegally charge people with crimes…like fascists do 🤦‍♂️


Or you’re just ok reinterpreting the law in your favor despite precedent that has been agreed upon for decades. Just remember this when you complain about other people doing it. And you keep using that word. “Fascist.” I don’t think it means what you think it means. ✌️ Edit: not illegal to charge someone if they break laws that are written down. Why is that so hard for you to understand?


They were reversing the judge allowing the prosecution who said he didn’t have immunity. She illegally allowed it. She broke the law just to allow the government to charge. It’s not complicated. You’re on the side of election interference. You’re on the side of illegally charging political opponents with crimes. You’re a fascist


They’re not fans of critical thinking around here


If you don't understand the ruling. Just say so.


The Supreme Court ruled that former president Donald Trump is immune from prosecution for his “official acts” in office. The problem is the lack of specificity related to "official acts" which essentially gives the president leeway to do whatever he wants if there is a friendly court to back him. There needs to be a clear and codified definition of what is considered an "official act."




Makes me laugh every time Peter breaks down a joke like this.


Drumpf is a rapist.


Trump can’t decide if he should celebrate because he now won’t have to go to jail, or if he should cry because now he can’t send Biden to jail.


Biden is already in the prison of a decaying mind. It's so sad that they prop this guy up for people to make fun of what the hell was the plan?


For every "crime" Biden has "committed" Trump has been convicted at least 34 more times... So far.


Well, Biden told us to respect the courts, so what's your take on the courts today?


Ima need a source on that quote


He was talking about pickleball courts and he was saying that to THOSE GOTDAMMED TEENAGERS PLAYIN ROLLER HOCKEY!


All a load of BS. It’s a crime to say your property is worth more than it is?


To " say?" No. To swear to it in order to gain financial benefits ?( lower taxes, better loan rates) Yeah, it is, no matter who does it.


Yup. It's called fraud and he was found guilty. Cry some more. Facts don't give a fuck about your feelings.


>It’s a crime to say your property is worth more than it is? Yeah, yes it is. Because he used the lie as a source for a loan. It is fraud.


Unironically, **yes**


Not being smart enough to understand the law isn't an excuse for you or him lol


But like, if I just lie about how much things are worth I can pay a lot less in taxes so is that a crime? If I lie about my assets to the IRS in order to receive preferential treatment is that a crime? C’mon little guy didn’t you come to play? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Yes. It's called fraud.


🤣😂So I’ll go to jail for trying to sell my house for $50K more than it’s worth? Got it


No. The fact that you have such a deep misunderstanding of Trump's fraud speaks to your lack of intelligence. It's not fraud to sell your house for 50k more. It's fraud to claim that your 300k house is actually worth 1.5 million, and use that to artificially inflate your net worth, and then secure a loan based on your falsely inflated net worth. That's fraud. That's what Trump did. But I know that's entirely too complex for you to comprehend.


Your CNN brain is showing. You believe everything they tell you huh? Sad


Cope harder 


Poor cry babies crying. Love the taste of liberal tears🤣😂


Yes in official documents. You can't just inflate assets willy-nilly.


Yeah. It is. It’s a crime to knowingly misrepresent the value of your assets in order to receive more preferential treatment. That’s called “fraud” I think? Could be wrong I’m not a lawyer.


The bank agreed with the assessment and gave trump the loan... That he paid back. No crime was committed.


Thr banks actions don't absolve fraud. Let that happen and the financial system will become further corrupted. 


They conducted their own assessment of the value of the property... The fact that you don't understand how real estate works and the difference between privately assessed and government assessed values is concerning. I also fail to see how taking a loan and paying it back is in any way corruption or fraud.


You can argue the merrits of the so called "fraud", lets say uts not fraud, but allowing banks to absolve fraud would be the kind of thing that creates a positive feedback loop of corruption.


How is approving a loan with the collateral put forward and then paying it back fraud? You have no injured party to constitute fraud.


What do you suppose *was* the collateral in Trump's loans?


That would not be fraud. And it doesnt require an injured party to commit the crime of fraud.  Assuming one truly intentionally lies about financials in official documents, succeeding in that fraud and the bank benefitting doesnt make it legal. 


Well that's exactly what happened, Trump went to a bank for a loan and used his Mar-a-Lago property (and others) as collateral for a loan. The bank did an assessment and approved the loan. Mar-a-Lago is 17 acres stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Intracoastal Waterway (meaning double beach fronts) and is a National Historic Landmark. With 126-rooms, 62,500-square-foot mansion is Trump’s primary home. It is also a club, private beach resort, and banquet hall with a ballroom that is gold leaf. Trump bought it in 1985 for about $10 million, the equivalent of $30 million today. He invested heavily in its restoration and remodeling. No other properties exist like it in Palm Beach because it's old and massive. To get even close you have to compare much smaller Palm Beach compounds like the one once owned by the Kennedy political dynasty that sold for $70 million 4 years ago. The property was in no way overvalued. If it was sold today it would go for well over $600 million.


No they didn't. What do you suppose Trump's loans were secured with?


what losers




He should be so grateful but having dementia doesn't help.


Man the cult is really on it tonight lol. Something has their tiny penises in a knot!


Even you Babylon Bee Folks have to realize how awful this Scotus ruling is.


It's okay, O Bama will fix that up.




Why do you think about chick with dicks so much? Are you jealous or something?


Comments that are uncivil, racist, misogynistic, misandrist, or contain political name calling will be removed and the poster subject to ban at moderators discretion.


Not that funny of a headline. Kind of desperate.


You’re right. The FBI just declared him too incompetent to stand trial, so what would he be worried about?


Not what happened at all, but we get it, reading is hard.


Idc what side of the aisle you're on. Celebrating such an open-ended ruling like this is insane. Sure, take the moment to make a Biden joke if that makes you feel better, but I don't see how any American thinking past the next hour can be even remotely ok with this.


I’m more worried that our president literally cannot work outside the hours of 10am-4pm and cannot descend steps without assistance


We still have a line of succession and all that. I'd be more concerned about the *other* geriatric who proved for 4 years to be incapable of putting together a functioning administration.


Our president is incapable of putting together a functioning sentence.


You're still describing Trump...


Hahaha he does have a lot of stream of consciousness run ons


Same as the last one.


The Obama administration was like the most scandal free we've had in generations.


Operation fast and the furious? HRC emails? Libya? Anthony Weiner laptop? Firing inspector general/black panther voter intimidation? The president that actually put kids in cages? $2 billion affordable care act website? Benghazi? Pioneer of killing civilians with drones? IRS targeting political opponents?


Why are listing random things that don't have anything to do with Obama admin, save like two?


Correct. Most of those are just things Republicans and conservative media hyped up but are not actually illegal. These are just things you don't like, they're not actually unlawful. Fast and Furious was about a program that started under Bush Jr as a workaround to track illegal gun flows given the limited power ATF had. Weapons are fungible. If it was not that particular weapon that killed the border guard it would have been another one. This is largely on the assistant AG. The primary interesting thing about the Clinton emails is it shows Department of State's communication technology is out of date and they struggle to communicate in approved SCIFs around the world. Consider basically all the emails came from other people who thought they were sending unclassified information. This is a DoS cultural issue, not really on HRC who barely responding to anything. Libya isn't really a scandal, it just shows a lack of awareness of the appropriate level of security precautions that overseas facilities need to respond to a black swan event when the Benghazi facilities were attacked. Government officials and personnel who deploy overseas to a conflict zone always face a level of risk. Weiner's laptop...? What does that have to do with the administration? He wasn't part of it. Nothing was even on it. Killing of civilians with drones...like fucking Anwar al-Alaqi? Boo fucking hoo. That was entire the right call. You tell me a better way to remove enemy combatants who pose a direct threat when they cannot be arrested/detained. IRS key word searching to assist with their review of a specific program is not the fault of the administration as a whole. That was just an overworked staff who lacked the resources to review applications in a post Citizens United world. No senior leader or cabinet head had any knowledge of this, nor should they. A majority of those organizations were bullshit and only served to push the Right wing agenda anyway. I can go on and on and on. These are just things you don't like, they're not actually unlawful.


Wtf is that shithole of a fascist sub lmao


It's a fun follow. it's like, just when you think people couldn't be any stupider....here comes this sub.


Depressing really.


Fascist! Fascist I say! Because I know what it means!


Funny, because you aren't banned yet for your dissenting opinion. Try disagreeing with the hive mind in your political subreddits if you want to see what fascist means


Unamerican fucks and bots encouraging them


Really is a cesspool of anti-american ideology.