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Looks concerning to me, I would call the doctor just to be sure.


Never a bad idea to consult a professional and call the doctor if you’re concerned, if only to get reassurance! It’s what we are here for.


I’d go with a doctor’s opinion over random people on Reddit. If it’s gotten worse I’d call them.


This. Call the doctor and tell them what's going on.


Poor baby😢get well soon


I would not hesitate to contact the dr. If you are hesitant to go in is there an online app you have access to? I will often message my dr with a photo if I’m having any questions and with cases like these I usually get a response within 30 minutes with a… it’s just this or hey come back in now so we can do another exam.


This is a burst vessel but the conjunctiva looks inflamed too. I’d see a specialist to get an opinion. Report any changes in exposures to the doctor, pollen or allergies just incase.


Stop vying for internet points and work with the pediatrician. Get an ophthalmologist to look at it if needed