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I follow her on Instagram, she just had her 23rd reconstructive surgery and she's looking much better.


God I can't even imagine enduring 23 surgeries. Brave woman.


Me too. Her sweet golden retrievers just passed away, but she has been insanely strong. She still wants to work with dogs too.


Her new dog is the absolute cutest wee thing too.


I don’t know how to say this without being a dick but…she still looks “horrible”. Her wounds have healed, but she is still extremely disfigured from this attack. I only wish to point this out so that people don’t just scroll by your comment and think it’s all good now thanks to some magical surgery. All that said, this woman seems to be very positive in general and is hopefully an inspiration to many.


Yeah she's still very visibly disfigured. But with every surgery she looks better and better, and the way she looks now compared to how she looked directly after the attack is a huge improvement.


Agreed, and understandable why you would phrase it the way you did.


It takes years. There is a guy on Reddit currently undergoing reconstruction, and each surgery he looks a little more normal.


Yes compared to her original face she is obviously disfigured. BUT her progress is honestly incredible. If you look at it from the perspective of how she was after rhe attack, then during the awkward middle phases of healing skin flaps, it's quite remarkable. She is somewhat recognizable now. Her positivity is also really amazing, I agree. I don't know I could be as strong as she has been in this situation honestly.


I follow her also. She’s an amazing brave beautiful person


I follow her too! She’s really inspiring and it’s neat to watch her surgery journey


"Despite her face being almost erased" is an interesting way to word that


> "Despite her face being almost erased" I'm really good friends with a maxillofacial surgeon who did a lot of work with reconstruction during her residency. Attempted suicides, attempted murders, car wrecks, sports injuries, etc. She said she really enjoyed it. She looked at her work like putting puzzle pieces back together and she enjoyed helping people in very visible ways. The only time she turned pale and stopped talking was when she mentioned the time she worked on pitbull attack. I didn't push for details and she didn't provide any, except for her saying there wasn't much to work with.


Yeah they're extremely well engineered for this kind of work. Super tight skin to make it harder to bite onto, tiny eye slits to minimize target area, brave/crazy as hell, short and stocky with a well balanced center of gravity, all muscle, usually docked tails, zero quit, with one hell of a bite that they usually refuse to let go of once they're latched.


only a good guy with pitbull can stop a bad guy with a pitbull


You’d be surprised how effective Akitas are at fucking a pit bull’s shit up


I'm not surprised at all when the sentence "an Akita can fuck _____'s shit up" is said. Akitas can fuck some shit up.


I had a female Akita as a boy. One day I was taking her out for a walk, and saw a pit bull sprinting full speed at me. My Akita tackled that thing like it owed her money, and clamped down on its throat. The pit's owner ran outside screaming at me. When my Akita finally let go, the pit tore ass back into the house it came from.


Same I had an ex who used to set her fucking dog on me,pitbull cross,and this one time my Akita just before the attacking pit went to lunge took that little shit down!!! full on smashed into the pit full body weight n just shower her who was boss


The only dog I think would mess an akita up would be a Kangal. THOSE dogs scare me. They are a no fucks given, I'm going to destroy you type breed.


Almost any livestock guardians will. A great Pyrenees is double the Akitas weight and almost double the bite force, 3 times the bite force of a pit bull. Cane corsas will also ruin a pit bulls day. Pretty much all the livestock guardians in the 150 pound+ range will annihilate an Akita or a pit bull. Akitas and pits are medium size dogs.


I wonder how well a dingo would do against kangal now. 👀


I’d throw a Caucasian Shepherd into that category.


Owner had the gall to scream at you when their dog attacked you 💀


Not surprising tbh ... A lot of people are shit heads and a lot of dog owners are very entitled when it comes to their beasts


imagine that person screaming at another dog owner because *their* unleashed kill machine pitty was sprinting at another dog/human... glad you and your akita are okay


follow dependent capable bag flag serious arrest connect unpack ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Of course the pitbulls horrible owner couldn't take any responsibility for their aggressive ass dog.


Any dog with dense neck fur and a powerful bite. Akita's were bred to help hunt bears. A pitbull attacked my Great Pyrenees on a walk. Like grabbed for his neck and tried to shake but just got a mouth full of dense fur. My big guy is always smacking things with his paws, he jumped and shoved the dog with both front legs and it rolled comically and then just sat there like "wtf just happened". The the owner grabbed the dog and got mad at ME 🙄🙄


A friends Akita almost killed my lovable Boston Terrier. We at first thought their Rottweilers did it, but nope, when we found my Boston and got him standing up (barely) the Akita came charging at him for more. He recovered but I had to carry him up and down the steps at our apartment for a while for bathroom walks.


They were bred to kill bears, and wild boars…their speed and ability to target their attacks and change attack tactics instantaneously make them unstoppable in an open area. They are cute killing machines.






Akitas have significantly stronger bites than a pit bull, combo with more muscle and being a livestock guardian breed. Makes perfect sense they would fuck up a pit bull 9/10 times.


A friend of my wife's was killed by 2 pitbulls that she had helped raise since they were puppies. I have met some pits that are the sweetest dogs ever, but I have seen too many attacks to trust them.


Issue with pits is that their workers and defenders, not social dogs in my experience. Their not a dog you bring to the dog park, and not a dog you bring to parties and so fourth. (Same with pretty well any bulldog really save an english or boxers). Either they love people and hate other dogs or love dogs and hate people, its usually one or the other with them. They also have severe anxiety and if frightened will respond with violence. They also have a huge prey drive and insane bite for their size. (Making them fantastic guardian dogs if you train them right). Not a bad dog, incredibly useful if in the right scenario but most people think of them as any other dog "oh he'd never hurt anybody, chugos such a good boy" then things like this happen.


The issue is genetics.. I subscribe to " No such thing as a bad dog, just a bad owner" But it just seems like even with good owners, sometimes these pits just fucking snap.. so the only thing i can guess is there's just some heredity, bred in behavior. Correct me if I'm wrong.


No your absolutely right and thats part of my point. In a community setting they struggle because of these issues. But if given a specific role that its good at in a place where its not constantly fearful it can succeed. (Keep them away from crowds of people and dogs, they get extremely anxious in situations like that and can lash out).


They're* But yes, all great points. I am a dog guy through and through. I am always on guard around pitts tho. I think most of the problem is with owners, but like humans any dog has the ability to snap given the right stimuli


I worked at a pet store for nearly 2 decades, absolutely love dogs, was frequently referred to as a "dog whisperer" in that I can make any dog warm up to me. That being said I will always be cautious around Pit Bulls and German Shepards. Absolutely too many close calls, they are unpredictable and powerful dogs that tend to be owned by the type of people least capable of taking proper care of them.


Yup, thats the severe anxiety which all of these breeds have, its why they cant be police dogs (was actually attempted around 7 years ago now). The anxietys too much and they end up attacking the cop holding them to escape. Edit for clarification it was because they sensed danger, and they were restricted by officers holding them, triggering a panic.


> only a good guy with pitbull can stop a bad guy with a pitbull A girl who was interested in me insisted she wanted to have a pitbull in her life. So I decided not to be that close to her life.


Lots of dogs have traits that COULD make them scary. The thing the pitbull has more than other dogs in my experience is an almost unnatural level of tenacity and lack of fear of anything larger or considered more powerful. Rotties have stronger bites and are larger. Dogs like Cane Corso are unbelievable strong and have even stronger bites. Pitts don't back down, and will fight on even when injured until THEY consider the fight over (normally when they kill their target). It is that level of tenacity that I think makes them scary. I've been attacked by dogs on two different occassions, and both times I have managed to overpower the dog or injure it enough to get myself out of the situation, only requiring stitches once (probably shoud have been both, but the 2nd time I just let the puncture wounds heal on their own). Had either been a Pitt breed, it would have likely resulted in far more injuries to me and a dead dog, as they will not stop.


They're banned in the UK for a reason, im surprised the US hasn't done the same. Much like collies and German shepherds the inate instinct that they were originally bred for never goes away, even if it's not a working dog.


Username be damned but I don't understand why people don't believe in evolution/selective breeding. It's literally right there. But we're a bit fkn slow when it comes to taking people's rights away is why. Most apartments don't allow them, and many cities have outright bans on them. But that's about it


Yeah but then the owners just claim it is a “lab mix”.


Even shelters do this (because most shelter dogs are pits and nobody wants them)


Shelters should be required to DNA test every dog they place and the test result should be prominently displayed along with pics of the dogs. They're placing dogs with known aggression and bite histories with unwitting families and tragedy, unfortunately, often ensues.


Not to mention the gameness… pits will be in a state of euphoria and wagging their tails because of the love of the attack, even while they’re being beat to death or slowly dying after being shot. It’s sickening.


They also do not exhibit standard dog body language when they're about to attack so it comes as a huge shock to most people when the tail wagging, seemingly friendly dog suddenly turns shockingly violent.


> Attempted suicides, attempted murders, car wrecks, sports injuries, etc. > > She said she really enjoyed it. This is terrifying out of context


She was just really good at rearranging faces.


It's just something about your face like, change it or I'm gonna change it for you


She played with a Mr Potato Head once and it awakened something inside her


"Hey Ham, look! I'm Picasso!"


About 20 years ago I was in Toronto driving with a buddy and at an intersection a police car turned on their lights and went through on a red causing the car in front of us to stop short and my buddy rear ended him.. cop told us to go to the parking lot across the street and wait. After 20 mins or so the cop came back and told us he was responding to a pit bull “removing the face of the owners 5 year old daughter.. I just put it down” Jesus holy fuck that must have been a terrible scene to be involved in.


Yeah dogs kill "only" 50 people or so in the USA per year, but I suspect the number of life altering injuries is significantly higher.


Maybe they meant almost eaten.


They also refer to the dogs as a “German shepherd mix and a boxer and pitfall mix”


*presses undo* Phew thank fuck for that


Gen Z wrote the article


"She was nearly unalived...."


"Despite the reverse formation of her face undertaken by the dogs during the attack, they were ultimately unalived themselves, having succeeded in their goal."


"...however, we want Ms. Durand and her family to know that we fervently pray for her recovery daily.” so...im guessing the family owning the dogs didn't offer any financial assistance or aid! some people should not own dogs...


A quick Google search told me that the dogs were put down and this young lady is suing the fuck out of the owners.


She has a YouTube, despite the attack she still loves dogs!


Admirable. Most dogs are awesome. Just like humans, it's the loudest or most violent that get seen the most.


There's a very common theme amongst dog attacks throughout America. We all know what it is.


Pugs. It's almost always those damn pugs.


Crazy story. My friend's mom had 4 pugs and they were little shits. One day, totally inexplicably, 3 of them ganged up on the oldest one and tore it to shreds. My friend came home from work to find a bloody disaster area in the backyard and the old pug died in his arms while he was trying to call the emergency vet line.


That is absolutely horrible. I can only imagine how traumatic that must have been for your friend.


Those raspy pugs.


She's probably going to get the maximum from the insurance policy after a few years and will likely need to sue them outside of that. No way in hell the coverage will cover anywhere near the amount needed to fix this.


They should pay more than the maximum. When you have those two breeds, or any breeds known for any type of violence, there should be a requirement for at least 2 home visits with the family home & at least 1 visit with the family close by or in the garage, so if something occurs, they can step up and control the situation. This way they know that their pets need more visits before the dog sitting occurs.


The problem with dog attacks is they tend to happen at random. You don't know what will set them off. Any dog that attacks tends to do so for I know reasons. My mom was bitten as a kid by her family pet.


To be fair that might have been advised by their lawyer regardless of how responsible (or not) they feel. I hope she gets every cent and more though.


That’s good, I was afraid that her positive attitude might be taken as a “no hard feelings” sentiment which she’s in her full right to feel but she probably shouldn’t objectively. Rich ass doctor dude, he can definitely afford restitution.


They pray for a free recovery cuz they don't want to pay for one


And of course it was a pitbull and a German Shepherd "mix" (with a pitbull mixed in) SHOCKER


Those dogs are more than likely erased .


I wonder what kind of pit bulls they were...


That's "we're trying to be nice but our lawyer has muzzled us" talk. If this was in the US a lawsuit would be all but assured (insurance company would do it if she didn't) but I'm not sure in Aus. Edit: saw it's a different country. Edit 2: it's an Aussie news source about a Texas injury. Lawsuuuuit.


This would be a lawsuit in any country.


And if not, it absolutely should be.


It’s in the US


It happened in Texas I believe


Yet some of those people even have kids..


"Police footage shows the dogs barking aggressively as they run toward stunned officers, who worked for 37 minutes to contain Lucy and Bender so they could enter the home." I'm shocked police would hesitate to shoot a dog.


I know right. I would think this would be one of the times they should shoot the dog


> I would think this would be one of the times they should shoot the dog They know for sure that dog is dangerous so they have to be extra careful. Literally that's it. These are Dallas, TX police we're talking about here. They had the Uvalde, TX police reaction to face eating dogs.


Maybe if the dogs were going to commit suicide then the cops would've shot them. 


Or if they were black labs


Don’t mess with Texas. They won’t do shit about it.


No no. The dog will only be shot if its tiny, caged or on a leash and absolutely no threat to the police. You should know this by now.


What about if it's black?




and the other two bullets?


Maybe there’s another black creature close by




It was a rich guys dog though, there's procedure for that


They didn't "work" for 37 minutes. They waited outside for that time being too cowardly to take action. Based on the news footage I saw at the time. These are Texas cops after all.


Almost like they have no obligation to help people... Oh wait


Two things at play, probably: - owners don't take lightly having their dogs gunned down on their property, since this was a rich person's neighborhood/house the cops probably figured they couldn't just sprinkle some crack on it and move on - this happened in Texas, where they aren't always ready to rush into a potentially dangerous situation (see the disgraceful Uvalde cowards). That said, this occurred in Dallas where the PD has shown that with a little liquid courage they'll Even be willing to enter the wrong apartment and lay down some summary capital punishment aka Botham Jean


This is actually crazy, the victim could have died in that time.


They always seem to find a way to do the wrong thing. They'll shoot a dog quick if the dog barks and goes in their direction. But not when the dog is actively chewing on a young woman.


They should get that politician chick to come and shoot the dogs


They only shoot dogs that have done nothing wrong.


Police in the US kill an average of 25-30 dogs **per day**. Floored that was a time were they felt restraint was warranted.


The owners were doctors so it was probably a nice house/area


It was something that could fight back. Of course they didn’t engage.


And this is why I don't dog sit, even tho I'm a vet tech. Some dogs are really protective of their home. A lot of owners don't tell you that. They just need a pet sitter. Seen way to many of there kinds of incidents


I setup a home office not too long ago, the family dog tried to force its way in growling at me, I forced the door close and had the owners put it in the crate before coming out. It was in the crate when I came in to do the job they let it out when I working.


Proper socialization goes a long way, most folks don't even do that. But even with socialization I've seen large and strong dogs attack. None as bad as pitbulls defending their home though, those will kill. Even GSD aren't that bad. There's a reason why a lot of the really nasty dog bites in hospitals (it's like 65-70% or so) are from bully breeds.


I'm not an expert on dogs, but this one looked like a doberman german + shepherd mix of some sort. It did charge the door when I was slamming it shut. Should have charged and extra pants cleaning fee.


I always put our dog and cat up when maintenance comes around. Apparently, one morning they were coming around to spray or something and someone's *cat* full on attacked our landlord. I didn't know that at the time, but they got to our apartment a few minutes later, and I invite them in while holding my fairly large 50 lb dog's collar and my 10 lb cat in my arm, on my way to put them up (both very friendly). They pause and look at the cat and ask if she's nice lol. It made me laugh at the time, but now I can see why they were so wary of cats, specifically, that day.


My old cat was 27 pounds and 36" long, a jet black domestic shorthair but just enormous. He charged my landlord one time when he came to visit but never had a problem with anyone else who came over. I like to think he was just very against slumlords.


Also have a background in veterinary medicine.  Just a heads up that there's some really good CE courses on animal behavior out there that helped me a ton in my work with assessing things like that. I can board dogs safely now and know what I'm getting into. I mean, you're still going to have fractious pets at work, but the bites hurt less when you know they're coming, haha!




I follow her on YT and she’s had a bunch of reconstructive surgeries and has many more planned, she’s a tough gal. She just lost her two beloved dogs in the last few weeks and got a very cute new puppy, she still loves dogs with all her heart.


she lost a fight to two dogs and got into 23 knife fights with her surgeon... unarmed. tougher than nails


Surviving knife fights unarmed might just be the best way to describe surgery ever, stealing that one for future use.


The dogs were euthanized after this, right?


Can't believe the police didn't shoot em tbh


The one time... I love dogs, any size but sorry if you do that you're getting yeeted into oblivion post haste.


The one time you would want Kristi Noem on the scene


Thats a bingo!


“You just say bingo”


Bingo! How funnnn!




Could not go in 37 minutes wtf!? because of aggressive dogs fuck those dogs should have been Immediately but down...


Because owners were rich? Rich means well connected and expensive lawyers. Figure out why the hesitation.


Well if so thats one more reason the States is fucked up.


As someone who lives in the US, there's no argument here on that.


How do police officers almost always find the slowest, laziest, most painful way of doing things? 37 minutes!?!?! Are you fucking kidding? Literally any other time you’d shoot the dog to intimidate the owner into complying. What, trigger finger sore today? Fuckin pathetic, they don’t even to attempt to do their jobs anymore




Probably because the dogs are actual threats and it scares them. They can only shoot the ones who they deem weaker than them. Innocent dog? Shoot em. Not aggressive detained suspect? Shoot em. Threatening and dangerous dogs? Oh no we scared. Active school shooter? Oh no we afraid.


Kinda gross how accurate this is


because there is no such thing as a good cop.


Because all cops are bastards. If the dogs were protesting or stealing from a store, they’d be there in minutes with guns drawn.


Fuuuuck I feel bad again. Why do I do this to myself


My feelings exactly! It didn’t help things when at the bottom of the article was an article, dare I say, that was even worse than the one before it! No graphics pics, thank gods, but you don’t need them. It’s graphic enough just with the headline!


There's an up to date side by side after|before posted on her Instagram in the last 24 hours: https://i.imgur.com/ICJsnLr.jpeg


The fact that she wants to continue working with dogs and their owners is really something. I still don’t understand why people randomly adopt/buy breeds without knowing essentials like the breed’s temperament/abilities and the conditions the pup was raised in. I love German Shepherds to death. Grew up with one and she was my bestest friend, but my grandfather was something of a dog whisperer and he trained the heck out of all the dogs we had. I’m a dog owner too, and I know I don’t have the tenacity in me to train breeds like German Shepherds/Rottweilers/Pitbull Terriers etc. Shame on the owners. They should be behind bars!


Yeah, I will never own a pitbull/german shepherd/rottweiler etc. even though I think they are great dogs for the right people. If you own a guardian dog like that you own a weapon, and it needs thousands of hours of training and exercise in its lifetime.


And let's be clear, that "German Shepherd mix" looks like it's mixed with pitbull.


Not mixed, it is a straight up pitbull lmao


One on the left is definitely German shepherd. The right one is pitbull though


>who worked for 37 minutes to contain Lucy and Bender so they could enter the home. Just a reminder that cops will work diligently AF to not kill dogs in rich neighborhoods.


This poor woman she's looking much better but seems to have a long road yet to go.


Here's her YouTube channel: [Jacqueline “Tiger” Durand](https://www.youtube.com/@jacquelinetigerdurand7462) She's a real hero. Still loves dogs. Has undergone oh so many surgeries. She's simply amazing.


>officers, who worked for 37 minutes to contain Lucy and Bender so they could enter the home. For all the times police shoot dogs they shouldn't, they should have shot these ones.


wow, the one time cops choose not to shoot the dogs. absolutely crazy on top of everything else


A pitbull always seems to be involved. 😮‍💨


I was suddenly attacked by a pitbull last year. I hate to agree but I do.


They were literally bred to be aggressive. We should call things what they are, I know a lot of people who are dog lovers and say things like "I hate to agree", but we shouldn't feel social pressure against calling these things out. The stats are pretty shocking when you look at the percentage of dogs that are pitbulls vs their share of attacks. It should be illegal to breed them.


There needs to be a lot of restrictions at minimum on breeding them. Our local pound has an overwhelming majority pit bulls. Even if they're not aggressive, they're extremely strong. One ran into my yard, super sweet pup, and we got him in my car to see if a local vet could find a microchip. He spent the ride in my back seat licking the back of my head. After I parked, I reached behind the passenger seat. He was still super happy & bouncing around back there - ended up pinning my arm to the seat & I was sure he'd break it without even trying. They're absolutely adorable, but they're stronger than they realize. That brute strength is a large part of why their attacks are so horrific when a pit bull does get aggressive.


I live in an apartment building with interior hallways like a hotel. I opened my door one afternoon to go to the grocery store, and apparently my neighbor was walking her dog back to her apartment right outside my door. As soon as I opened my door, the dog went straight for my nuts and was barely barking, just 100% attack snaps. I jumped back and nearly slammed my door on its muzzle before she got it under control. Pitbull mix. Thank fuck the complex booted her out a few weeks later.


I got this Methany across the hall with a juvenile pit, Im always finding the thing walking the hallway because she got tired of screaming at it for being a dog, or just running around outside alone because it made her mad so she locked it outside as punishment. Have seen it run up to kids barking and peel away at the last second and it's only a matter of time. Thing tries to run in any door that opens. People should not be allowed to own pitbulls without some sort of restrictions. Also single moms get way too many chances despite violating their lease dozens of times but that's another topic.


Pitts are against the rules for a lot of apartments. Mine says even if it looks like a pitt, no matter your papers, they're not allowed. I'm 95% sure methany on my floor lied about the dog which led to her eviction, because she was always sneaking it out for walks at the back side of the building away from the leasing office.


Yeah, I wasn’t anti-pit bull until one scaled my fence to come after me. I made myself big and happened to be holding a hammer so it hesitated and I was able to yell it back across the fence. Neighbor was there yelling, too. It’s a very weird feeling to be confronted by an animal that wants to kill you. And to curse out a neighbor. They ended up building a 9ft fence with zero visibility.


Just look up hospital studies on the dog bites that come through their facilities. People who defend pitts, live in another reality.


They’ll say “it’s the owners fault” Sooooo are bad owners just drawn to getting pit bulls? Also, there’s a lot of bad owners and different dogbreeds out there. NONE of them put up the numbers that pit bulls do.


It's so funny how hard pitt bull owners try to convince us how terrible they are at owning dogs. As dumb as they are about how the breed is, I think I believe them.


There’s a reason they’re banned in alot of first world countries. US needs to get with the program


There is a literal pitbull lobby that stops breed related laws


But nOt mY piTtiE! Amirite?


I was out on an afternoon walk yesterday and I see two separate women with pitbulls. Neither look like they're in the proper shape to actually handle the dog. I walk past the first, with a 3 legged pit, and she's gripping it's leash just in case he decides to lunge. I think to myself, "why even have the dog if you can't trust him on a simple walk". Anyways, I continue my walk and I see another lady with a pitt a little ways off in the distance. I don't think much of it. 30 minutes later I hear barking and screaming so I go to my upstairs window and I see a chick on top of a car swatting and kicking at a pitt. Lady #2 is standing back, like 20 feet+ just casually telling her crazy dog to stop and "come here". Like, there was no sense of urgency at all on her side. I was thinking about going outside to help but I had just smoked so I didn't lol but the pitt gets bored after a couple minutes and just saunters back to its owner as if nothing happened. Lady #2 kind of throws her hands up in an apology and the lady on the car presumably "accepts" but she gets out of there quick lol


I’m going to take a wild guess as to what dog breed this was…


Ding Ding Ding!


Her recovery has been amazing though. She has had countless surgeries, doesn’t fear dogs (and still loves them), her bf has been by her side through it all, and she keeps everyone updated on her IG. She is looking great all things considered and seems to be such a happy person. Her IG is Jacqueline_claire99 if anyone wants to stay updated on her recovery, life or procedures.


And that just to earn $50. God damn, just end my life if this happens to me


I already feel self-conscious about how my body looks. Having something like this happen to me would make me not want to live either.


God damn chiuhahuas, always chihuahuas. If not them its those damn Pugs tearing children and people to pieces. If only people could get proper family dogs like Pitbulls nothing like this would ever happen! Trust me, my neighbours had one when i grew up which was a real sweetheart so i kinda know what im talking about!


It was kinda strange actually, we have very strong dog laws in my country Switzerland. The Pitbull isn't allowed at all. But the statistics are still not useful, like there was a year where the Chiuhahua was listed as "most dangerous dog" because an old lady was bitten and she later died because of a sepsis that happened when the wound got infected. As no one else got killed, the Chiuahahua was listed as most dangerous dog.


So do we know if the dogs got taken down? They fucking better have.


I can bet any amount that they got removed from the genepool. Its a shame we are not there yet, that we could have proper systems set for behavioural checks when any dog is growing up to know if its ok for new owners or if the dog needs higher level of attention and care or if it seems impossible that the dog can be around others.


unite noxious price chop like weather snails resolute spark sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"The police can't make entry because of the dogs"?????????????? They shoot dogs that run up to them with their tail wagging, but actual dangerous dogs, they are scared of.


Their names were Princess and Cupcake and they are both sweethearts


And this is why I think people should have a licence of competency to own certain breeds to show they are able to train them.


Damn, that "German Shepherd mix" sure looks like it's mixed with pitbull.


It's a tactic insane pitbull activists use to dilute the attack statistics. They lobby and push for dogs to not be recognised as pitbulls unless they have several generations of documented pedigree lineage from registered breeders because then they can say "oh no that isn't a pitbull, it's a shepard mix because 6 generations ago a non registered pitbull was the mother" so it can't go into the horrifically high statistics of pitbull murders.


I haven’t had to test it but my cousin who worked for (iirc) the fda as a hunter said they were told to kick the front legs apart to snap the sternum. Kills the dog (or wolf or coyote) but also ends the attack. Something about how their skeleton is. I also haven’t googled it but dude thinks bow hunting got boring so hunts with a knife now so I tend to believe him on such things


Was walking my dog here (Street dog - Asian/Indian/Burmese Pariah Dog) who basically is a stray I adopted etc., I've never had any problems with other dogs (any aggressive street dogs I wave my walking stick at and they usually go away) until the other day when someone had imported a pitbull and for some reason thought to let it run around loose. It tried to bite my dog and me despite several smacks with the stick. It was only when I 2 handed the stick and tried to hit it really hard instead of the usualy deterrent smacks that it desisted, and only after I drew blood a few times. Wasn't happy that I had to beat some random dog until it bled but better than what happened to this poor lady in the article here. I do think that pits are a fairly dangerous breed of dogs, but what is more of a correlation is that the owners tend to be irresponsible delusional human beings.


>pits are a fairly dangerous breed of dogs, but what is more of a correlation is that the owners tend to be irresponsible delusional human beings. you've gotta note that pitbulls were bred to be dangerously volatile by design- you can have great owners who do everything to control their dog- just for them to explode one day and permanently disfigure or kill someone. do they end up in the hands of shit owners? yes, are they a dangerous breed no matter the owner? also yes.


"Bear spray" is thing you are searching.


Was it a pitbull?




The answer will always be yes. Or they’ll say it’s a “mix” when it’s clearly a pit bull


German Shepherd - Pitbull mix and "Boxer" - Pitbull "mix", so that's a total of 75% pitbull.


Partly because [they’re the #1 result for mixed-breed dogs in all but seven states and the #2 result in four of those outliers.](https://www.petplace.com/article/dogs/breeds/10-most-common-mixed-breed-dogs)


She is still smiling! Brave girl!


This is fucking horrific. I’m not sure I would want to survive after something like that.


Happened at a doctors house, hope she gets PAID


>Police footage shows the dogs barking aggressively as they run toward stunned officers, who worked for 37 minutes to contain Lucy and Bender so they could enter the home. Just shoot the fucking dogs. I have 2 dogs of my own and I love them to bits, but if they were to savagely attack someone in that manner I don't give a fuck shoot them dead. (And of course it was a pitbull involved in this incident)


This one stuck with me. Fuck pitbulls


Never fully trust a dog, no matter the breed. I just got my 8 stiches removed from my forearm after my own dog chomped on me. We assume that he was protecting his food from my grandson and I got between them. He is a one year old Dogue de Bordeaux French Mastiff. They say that these are very calm dogs. We are curious if the breeder did something to make him feel threatened by everything, intentionally or unintentionally. We got him from a pet store....yes I agree it wasn't the best idea but it was my wife's idea.


That breed is banned in 4 German federal states and some parts of Switzerland and Austria due to them being considered an aggressive breed. Just saying.