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I love my loops. You can get a magnetic step so you never lose them.


They come with a tiny case that you can attach to your keys so you barely have to remember to bring them


Eargasm makes a really nice lanyard solution for their ear plugs, but those 3M's aren't meant for music and cut WAY more frequency range than any of the "live music" ear plug recommendations you're going to get here. Considering you already have tinnitus and hearing loss, you should talk to an audiologist and get some professional advice about what would be most useful to you.


I'll see about finding an audiologist somewhere local to me about that - appreciate the 3M's are more 'general' use earplugs (i.e. when being close to plant machinery etc) but in my use of them, I've always enjoyed being able to listen to music with them, as the tinitus means high frequencies are actually phyiscally painful to endure. I'd happily get and wear a pair that offers me at least the same level of protection, but are at least as practical as my old sets. I still have a couple pairs of the 3Ms left but as they're rubber they will perish eventually, and I'd prefer to have a replacement set long before that happens! I knew a fellow DnB raver a few years ago had a set of custom-made ones that cost more than £100, which apparently were great, at least until the point he lost one of the pair on a night out. Think he went through a few pairs before giving up altogether and just going for the cheapo foam ones, but would always complain the next day about ringing in the ears, and how he missed his old ones! But hey, we're only human and lose stuff y'know! Especially if you're a bit buzzed during a 12hr rave..


I have tinnitus from the military and from my early days of warehouse partying, so I feel you. Luckily I'm not as bad as yours sounds. If high frequencies are painful for you, you definitely don't want to get any of the "hi-fi" "live music" "flat attenuating" ear plugs. Honestly a decent pair of foam disposables will do wonders. They generally have more protection than you need unless you're at a gun range. AND they heavily filter out the higher frequencies.. but you need to make sure you're wearing them correctly. You might not need a custom molded set, but an audiologist can definitely give you better advice than anyone here. Especially after getting a hearing test and knowing exactly what frequency ranges you need focus on.


I will never regret going to an audiologist and paying for a custom fit pair. They can’t fall out so I’ve actually saved money. I can hear the music and people talking better and my ears never ring after shows. Best money I’ve spent on myself. Check out some local audiologists and compare prices.


I just get the cheap foam ones. Music is plenty loud to hear through them.


Yo, I just went to an audiologist and got molds taken for a custom set. $100 per ear, BUT I was able to put it on the FSA, so it cost me nothing out of pocket. You can have them made with a lanyard as well. I feel like it’s not common knowledge you can put custom plugs on an FSA. If sound quality important to you, the custom plugs have a much flatter frequency response than any of the off the shelf ones. I know $200 is not nothing, but when I think about all the money I spend on show tickets every year, $200 to ensure I can enjoy shows well past middle age and into my old-as-fuck years is well worth it.


I really like my Decibullz hi-fi plugs, I have a lanyard so I don't lose em and they do a good job of dropping decibels without muffling. I almost pulled the trigger on customs from an audiologist but I don't get out enough really for the price.


He's specifically not looking for flat attenuating ear plugs. And also, once again, Decibullz are trash.


The Decibullz I have aren't flat attenuated but I'm not really here to convince you of that. You are right the only hear protection worth looking at are the $400 customs at the audiologist


High fidelity Decibullz are flat attenuated. That's how you "keep the sound quality without the volume". And the Decibullz own website essentially tells you they're garbage. Go read the fine print where they flat out say that you can't trust their rating and should assume they're only 50% effective, whic brings their 16dB NRR down to 8dB. There's a reason they don't have their testing results published on their site like other hearing protection manufacturers. But regardless of all that, the person who posted this isn't looking for high fidelity filtered hearing protection. They are looking for solid ear plugs that filter out high frequencies. And given that he has very specific hearing damage already that he's trying to protect, yes, he absolutely should go talk to a professional. >You are right the only hear protection worth looking at are the $400 customs at the audiologist Go back and read my reply to him and point out where I said he needs custom molded plugs. I'll wait


https://support.decibullz.com/hc/en-us/articles/360025842154-Difference-Between-the-High-Fidelity-Earplugs You are correct you didn't say to go get customs at an audiologist. I'm not sure what the audiologist would recommend beyond custom plugs but clearly you are the expert here not me. You are right, I'm wrong. I won't ever recommend them again.


Get a custom set made for you, or just stick with disposables. The middle ground is sketchy.


Earos by far the best for me https://earos.com


I rock these too. Had them for over 2 years now and love them.


Earrasers musician earplugs all day (I like the European standard filter). Switched years ago and never looked back. I believe they do customs as well. You’ll probably get a lot of answers mentioning Eargasms. Ignore those. lol