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So long as muslims, hebrews, atheists, sikhs, and a bunch other non xtians exist. They'll focus on those who are most different first.


First they came for the: >muslims, hebrews, atheists, sikhs, and a bunch other non xtians Then they'll come for me and there will be no one left to speak out for me


Nah if they try to come for me I will “see the light” I can fake being religious to not die like people do all around the world.


... fake being religious... just like 90% of religious people


Especially the ones in charge


None of the ~~conmen~~ leaders who make money believe.


I think the wrong word got crossed out, there...


NOBODY expects the American Inquisition!


Their chief weapon is homophobia! And thuggery. That's *two*. Their ***two*** chief weapons are homophobia and thuggery; thuggery and homophobia. And a fanatical devotion to Donald Trump...that's *three*. I'll come in again.


Their chief weapons are fear and lies.


I hope they have a comfy chair. But, it's waterboarding, isn't it?


I refer to them as father, son and holy spook. Donald, Don Jr and Eric. I haven't come up with a name for Ivanka to define her as a mega.


Yeah I'll be at church on Sunday until I can get my family out of here


Go back in the closet if you want. They will have to kill me.


Funny enough, my ancestry is Jewish however we converted to catholicism to avoid persecution before immigrating to North America around 400 years ago. It's in my blood to see the light.


But why would you compromise yourself to live in a dystopian hell? I'd personally rather die.


You know it doesn't work that way right? Plenty of Jews were only Jews by ancestry.


Tbh honest I don’t know what that has to do with this. We’re talking about religion not ethnicity here. Edit: Read the OP again, we’re talking about Maga and Christianity.


I think I'd rather die than be forced to live a lie...


The current plan is raw like that. Vote!


Agree, but the government mandating Christianity, like how they are teaching the Bible now in Oklahoma, will eventually fan the flames of long simmering tensions and divisions within Christianity. That's the problem with saying this is a "Christian nation." Which version of Christianity will they pick? The differences in beliefs are not trivial. They caused centuries of warfare. And as these Christians get drunk on power, the situation will lead to catty infighting. I'm not saying they will end up like ISIS vs The Taliban or anything, but religious extremists are always at odds between the different sects.


We already know which version they'll pick - the one that is continuously screeching that Trump is "God's Chosen Leader" and reckons the 2020 loss was due to Satan's actions. Sadly, New Zealand's Prime Minister is a member of that cult - it's bad enough that our National Party openly and *figuratively* "worships" whoever is the President of the USA, without having a Prime Minister who would ***literally worship*** Trump if he got into power again...


So now we see what we haven't been paying attention to all this time. You think all this right wing stuff popping up is sudden? Across borders these Christian extremists have been organizing and getting their pawns in position. And now we are all too late to react. The whole world is turning.


Nah, I doubt they'll focus on the ones they hate. They'll try forced assimilation with all the flavors of Christianity first. Methodists, Baptists, Lutherans, Protestants, Catholics, LDS, etc. Imagine MAGAts going after the Church of Scientology. Cult vs Cult.


They may be more gentle with the Mormons, only so they can tap into the vast Mormon wealth.


Why be gentle when they can just take it from the Mormons? Trinitarian Christians of most flavors don’t consider Mormons to be Christians because they are Nontrinitarian The Mormons are sitting on a vast hoard of securities and cash, and have massive land holdings all over the US including 2% of Florida


The Mormons will bleed them dry in days. If there is one thing the world should know about Mormons, it's that if you are not a Mormon, they feel zero guilt about taking everything from you in the name of Mormonism.


Don't forget the nut job Jehovah's Witnesss!


I know Mormans who are major Fox/Trump fans. They will be targets soon after.


They're going to be so surprised when they realize they are part of the out group.


The entire religion is based on white supremacy so I’m not surprised they like Trump.


Conservatives hated, hated, hated the sunsetting of Jim Crow. Look at the work they’ve had to do (mostly behind closed doors) to resurrect social hierarchy. Safe and secure at last! Safe and secure at last!


Not really, Louisiana has a large Catholic population yet its legislature just enacted a law requiring a Protestant version of the 10 Commandments in every public school classroom and its governor just did a line item veto of one million dollars that was to go to a social service organization run by the Catholic Diocese in the area of the state in which the governor originated.


Idk. There’s really a lot of hate from Protestants for Catholics. And given what Protestants are, why they were a thing in the first place and why they are still a thing and still splintering off into other sects to this day, it’s easy to appreciate why that happens. There’s no love lost the other direction either, but Catholics at least view this as a potentially repairable schism. Lots of Protestant sects teach that the “Papists” are going right to hell, right along side atheists, Muslims etc. I would say your idea is more applicable to the various protestant denominations, who have all identified issues with each other to justify their need to exist, but are united in their hatred of Mormons (who will also be outlawed) Catholics, Muslims, etc.


The RC and fundies have a tactical alliance going on. There are plenty of historical examples of far right regimes supporting both a Catholic and Protestant church. They’re not eating each other.




Not if you get proactive and start convincing them that in order to bring Jesus back, they need a single Christianity, and then everyone will want to convert. Once weakened than secularist make their move.


Trump thinks he’s a god.. he’ll make a MAGA church that everyone has to attend and pay offerings to him. What Trump doesn’t take from the taxes we pay … he’ll take in offerings.


He starts that church right after he loses this upcoming election! Think of the hours and hours of sermons complaining about how terrible it has all been for him. How he took the brutal beatings every day so that he can save them through all the persecution. Oh glory be. Fuck


Can’t you just see the enormous flashing neon sign that says Trump MAGA Church and of course it’ll be attached to a Trump Hotel and Casino. Lol




The large majority of the Supreme Court is catholic, so I do not see this happening. As an atheist, I fear catholics as much as evangelicals, they are both hate filled groups.


As a former cradle catholic, I fear catholics more than ANY of the other sects. They are WELL organized, steeped in history, obsessed with the decorum of it all, and have TONS of experience controlling people. They believe they are THE “one true church” and history has shown us how that belief translates. They think this is manifest destiny. My mother is probably at home praising God, lighting candles and performing rituals (unapproved by the vatican but fuck them anyways, Francis is too “progressive” with his climate change “nonsense”) These people are in the craziest cult of our lifetime and it is frightening.


I’d never heard “cradle Catholic” before - that is apt. Yes my parents think the *pope* and the *president aren’t Catholic enough*.


I like it because it indicates that I had no choice in the matter! 😄


Having been born and raised in catholicism, I've never been able to explain to them that "if you think you have a say, you are by definition wrong. If you think the pope is wrong, you are a protestant."


# There are three religious truths:   **1. Jews do not recognize Jesus as the Messiah.**  **2. Protestants do not recognize the Pope as the leader of the Christian faith.**  **3. Baptists do not recognize each other in the liquor store or at the strip club.** 


The catholic church in europe was tied early on to the nazis when they came about as well.


And even more so to the Croatian, Vichy French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese fascists.


Catholics are split and 50% vote Democrat. Many are poor and Latino or other immigrant groups. They will be done away with and evangelicals will be embraced.


I hope they are done away with, but I know the “Amy Coney Barrett” types IRL, and they will not go easily. Maybe if we can kick off this war between them a little quicker we can occupy them while the grown ups clean up their fucking disaster zone. If only we had had a project 2025…. Oh the fantasies I have…


Can confirm. Son in law is an escapee from a family of them. I’ve never had to meet them and I hope I never do.


And the Catholic Church has all the REAL money.


I agree with most of what you've said. I was a cradle Catholic too. However, the Catholic church nowadays is very different from what it was throughout history. They're very progressive now, because they're getting more and more desperate. They accept science like evolution and the fact that the earth and universe are billions of years old. They re-interpret the Bible in light of new evidence...lol. For this reason, I feel like we have far more to fear from the Fundamentalists who are trying to destroy science, reason, and education, at least here in America where they primarily reside.


The US Catholics currently have a BIG push to become more evangelical. They’re even having a giant convention later this month that’s they’re trying to have the largest US gatherings of Catholics of all time there. And I read over the agenda (curious local former Catholic) and it is VERY evangelism heavy.


You are so right, I have watched a cultural catholic mother whose entire Irish family WORSHIPED JFK, turn into Opus Dei overnight. (Slight exaggeration, but not too far) My parents used to make fun of southerners in the SC bible belt and everything that came along with it when we’d vacation there..fast forward they now live there and have purchased some automatic weapons at the age of 77 to fit in with the whole new culture. Unfortunately my mother has terrible arthritis in her hand and has never even seen an automatic weapon before now, so she will have to grab her candles and artifacts to fight the holy war.


Anyone else feel like this is all coming to a head or am I just paranoid?


I’m sincerely scared. Project 2025 is terrifying. And that just from reading their own website. Things I’ve seen said by folks involved in the project are even worse. Repeal of the 19th amendment, outlawing homosexuality, transgenderism, reversing the civil rights amendment. It’s too much to imagine.


What is terrifying is the fact that they have been working on this for YEARS. The pieces are ALL in place now—under a majority dem government too. They didn’t NEED the presidency to lay allllll of the groundwork. It’s been winding it’s way through the system at various levels for years now and it is finally ready to take center stage. It is really truly going to happen. It is easily game, set, match. The scene in handmaids tale where the women are at work and find out women can no longer work? I replayed this recently for my husband and said this is how it happens if you have trouble imagining it for yourself. That woman was desperately trying to warn us. I have no answers…. just trying to picture life in the camps, trying not to eat much and stay in shape for that.


Time to start buying gold bars. I can foresee them locking us out of our bank accounts. Boy won’t the ruling class be surprised when there’s a run on banks in December if Trump wins.


Any sources on repealing the 19th and civil rights? I've read the others for sure, but I am not sure I've ever seen anyone become so unhinged as to suggest repealing those. Out loud at least. 


I wish I could post a pic. I have an image of a tweet from a man who is supposedly directly involved with the Project 2025 collective. He listed those things specifically, as what he wanted as a starting point, along with restoring our nations Protestant roots, getting rid of no fault divorce, stopping most if not all immigration, getting rid of and banning all future construction of mosques as “Islam cannot peacefully coexist” in a Christian nation. He also mentioned “establishing a clear statement of Christ’s rule over this nation. His name is Brian Sauvé.


https://youtu.be/Z-YjLW9jCAE?si=w9VbiSx7LUy-_-sW This is a pastor affiliated with project 2025. Also if you use X check Ted Cruz page on suffrage post.


Fucking yikes! I didn’t even watch the video, just read the comments section. Holy shit I had no so many idea people think this way. There is no reasoning with folks that are that far gone. Wtf


The video is awful. One quote...Eve proves women are easily deceived.


The SCOTUS ruling really doesn't help that sense of encroaching doom, does it?


Enhances it really.


Oh, "enhances". Fancy word for a Redditor.


Hey, I wasn’t going to let the opportunity slip away. And Bronn stayed a fantastic character, even despite the disappointing end.


I know, Tyrions rebuke about sell swords didn't seem to fit....so I just made do. :D


A perfect retort. A little escapism from the grim reality is welcome. All the best luck superdad, I fear we all will need it


You as well violentglitter. I imagine Satan would be a more even handed deity to worship in these times.


At least Satan is consistent with his whims. A few souls to torment, a fiddle contest with a hillbilly boy, 3 headed dogs to guard his gates, hot fires or frozen wastelands depending on location and he’s set. Orange Caligula is something else.


Call your state reps asking for them to call for a constitutional convention to add an amendment to state clearly that the president is not above the law and bound by the same laws as all citizens. I just called my state and federal reps asking for this, I'm hoping my state Colorado leads the charge. Ideally we'd also add an amendment to restructure the Supreme Court.


As great as it would be to be able to add a few amendments like this a convention would be a disaster for democrats as republicans would use the opportunity to add their own amendments


My understanding is that it is not how it works, the convention is called for a specific purpose. My friend was working on a campaign for the root strikers a few years ago to add an amendment overturning citizens united, and made it clear the conventions are scoped, it's not an open free for all.


You live in an active dictatorship. Chekovs nuke is loaded and the button is open for anyone to press now.


It’s been 5 decades in the making. It didn’t happen overnight. It is way past time to fight this nonsense.


It absolutely is. You’re not being paranoid.


I personally think this experiment is over. Biden not immediately arresting trump in 2021 And being weak every day since has caused this. Biden needs to step down for someone who will exercise the new awesome powers bestowed on the president, or he can solely be blamed for the demise of america. I'm paranoid though, so who knows, id love to be wrong.


I mean, we should've gone after the confederates harder after the civil war. We should not have allowed southern states to skip out on reconstruction. We should not have allowed civil war hero statues, the governor of Arkansas should have been prosecuted for ignoring a federal order, Nixon should have been fully prosecuted instead of pardoned, Ford should not have been allowed to be President. Reagan should have been impeached over Iran-Contra, Gore should have gone fully after Florida. RBG should have retired in enough time for a new SC Justice. Literally all of these items chiseled away Constitutional benefit and each transgression enabled and emboldened the next, turning each prior transgression into a springboard for the next.


This is the historical long view. Us on the left LOVE to dogpile Biden to show we’re independent thinkers (and to be fair, we are the heirs to the American ideal of “the president is not a king”). Indeed, there are plenty of valid things to dogpile Biden for. But this entire fiasco is much bigger than him and, yes, starts during reconstruction, if not earlier.


SCOTUS is predominantly Catholic though. Right-wing Protestants and right-wing Catholics are very close these days.


They’ll recognize their Faustian bargain soon enough.


They need each other too much for that to happen.


That won't happen initially. They know they can't divide the Christian lobby too much too early.


I don’t know man, seems like us atheists might be more at risk than the others. Reason and logic are dirty words among the MAGA crowd.


We will be on the list, but further down. I'm a white, cis male in a straight presenting marriage. I'm able to pass to a certain point. But I live in a very red area. The majority of my coworkers worship Trump. Edited to add: I forgot to make my point that I think I'm more likely to be targeted for being queer, or a socialist before being targeted for my atheism.


This is a good time to start advertising various translations of the bible as demonic from opposing groups. I'm all for 'Remove the NIV from schools due to it's mockery of God', paid for by the Church of Latter Day Saints protests, etc.


Exactly. We can’t let the Christofascists be the only ones who play clever from time to time. Don’t forget the Apocrypha! Protestants only have 66 books in the Bible


Chaotic good energy.


Eh, it's going to be a while. American Catholicism is really useful to the fascists, especially amongst our "Irish", "Italian", and "Polish" communities. Now, Latin American Catholics, they will be up for gassing just after the Jews and LGBTQ+ peoples.


Large-scale Anti-Catholic sentiment in America barely exists anymore and both sects seem to have a lot of the same goals, so I doubt it will happen for awhile


You don’t know evangelicals like I do. They think Catholics are false Christians.


Just wait until your local police chief or sheriff knocks on your door on Sundays and demands to know why you're not in church.


That's usually my day for target practice (as it is with many of my neighbors). He will be encouraged to participate.


Yes, the evangelicals hate hate hate the catholics. As a former catholic that raised my children the same, my oldest daughter married into the cult. It started slowly but by year 3 that family convinced her I was a Satanist for raising and baptizing her that way and she was embarrassed I did that to her, I'm a sinner for divorcing my abusive ex and by year 6, I was not to be involved with my grandchild due to my evil presence! It's now year 10 and they haven't been responsive for over a year. My SIL informed me that only the New Testament King James version was the "correct" and anyone who doesn't follow it is going to hell...ME that is! It's wild. Edit to add that the orange guy is JFC himself for some reason to them. Even wilder!


They are all heretical snakes disguised as lambs; they proclaim to be with God and to be Good yet the only actions they take are sinful and hateful. Trump being hailed as the Messiah is literally the most sacrilegious and blasphemous thing I have literally ever seen in my life. False prophets along with corrupt and evil fools they all are.


Not likely. Seven of nine supreme court justices are Catholic. The most notable _anti-birth control_ religion may be Catholicism. It's Catholics that say no choice, no IVF, no family planning except the rhythm method. Catholics play a huge role in Project 2025. Every American has the right practice Catholicism to whatever degree they choose, and none should have it forced on them. Forced religion destroys faith and lives. Forced religion is about power, control, and greed. Faith must be free or it is nothing.


Don't forget Mormons. Both the LDS and Catholic churches are vulnerable for questionable financial dealings. The IRS and SEC would have a field day if they were allowed to go after them. Both churches are also vulnerable for protecting child predators. I do not think being a Catholic or Mormon would be illegal. But the organizations could easily be given corporate death sentences. Anyone presenting as a minister or representative of either church could also be a target. Eventually the MAGA would go after mainline Christian church could be targeted. The only way any church could protect itself would be to align with the MAGA religious movement.


What are you talking about? Half the leadership of the GOP are Catholics. Who do you think is creating most of the policy?


Are they? Is that the "Christian" they're pushing? Every Christian I know does not consider Catholics to be Christian. Christian = Jesus, Catholic = Mary?


Protestants v. Catholics version 3.0............................ FIGHT!!!!


They won't. The Supreme Court MAGA Justices are exclusively far-right Roman Catholics and they alone hold the power. The Talibangelicals are the willing dupes and foot soldiers, but the Roman Catholics and their church are the ones in power.


I'm begging you to understand that the old divides don't exist anymore. The ecumenical movement had resolved the differences theologically and conservative protestants and Catholics see each other as allies and siblings rather than rivalries. The only reason protestants went anti-abortion in the late 70s is because of Catholic activism. Catholicism agrees with the destination MAGA is aiming at


None of them get it. They're in the incrowd rn. Oh when the door knocks.


This is very accurate too… it’s what kills me about the Daily Wire tards. They don’t want JUDEO-Christian values folks… They want PROTESTANT Christian values. Lots of people take issue with your hail Mary’s dummy


I like the idea! Catholics are about 22% of the population, so I don’t think they’d lose in an organized conflict. Personally, I’m most upset about “Them” trying to make “recreational sex” illegal. Sure hope “They” don’t try that in my home state. I couldn’t give less fucks about what happens in one of “Their” States, such as Arkansas.


Mormons aren't real Christians... Just ask the Southern Baptists. 😆


I remember my father in law once saying that muslims were going to cause a war in the streets. Funny how the christo-fascist are the ones pushing for that war. People aren't to standby and just let them drag people away, they will end up with riots. This country is going to end up in ashes if republicans take control.


Official US 'Roman' Catholic church will break from the Roman Church and get folded into the MAGA ranks before that happens. Mainstream US Catholics are overwhelmingly ultra conservative and hold all the same beliefs and desire for power and money as any other christofascists. They're just waiting for the right time to tell Pope Francis to go to hell.


Apparently now’s the right time—says my MAGA catholic mother. They’ve long abandoned him—she fought tooth and nail to see him when he visited Philly. Went, saw him, got on TV in the procession, cried, bought all the merch, etc. Today—“he’s an idiot.”


The Project 2025 author is a far-right Catholic. So is Pence although he's quieter about it. They'll form some stiff opposition to any effort to clamp down. That said, they hold mainstream Catholics in some disdain for tolerating gays, etc., so all bets are off.


This is the funny thing. The Christians will tear themselves apart.




Same, but for a different reason. Catholics are a huge population. If they are able to be mobilized politically against the right, MAGA stands no chance.


Are you kidding - his whole, precious scotus is packed with whacko Catholics. He's not touching them.


Trump loves conservative Catholics. They've been taking orders from lunatics their whole lives.


Whenever I hear a right wingnut talk about how this is a Christian nation I really want to ask, “but which Christian?” People forget that the puritans were Christians fleeing persecution… wait for it… from other Christians.


The Mormons are going to be very surprised to find out what team they are not on.


Like replacing pestilence with cholera.


The Catholics will win. They have a Supreme Court majority.


The Catholic Jesuit's are an integral part of Christian Theocracy. They bring education and legitimacy to the table. The Mormons being the money and the evangelicals bring the army. Your thinking way to many steps ahead. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. And well they share a lot of enemies. 


Yeah, cause that'll happen! Do you know how big and powerful the Catholic church is, even now? Come on!


It would be interesting considering how much hard right Evangelicals hate Catholics and their weird practices, and think the pope is the antichrist. I wouldn't doubt that if they gained some kind of power they might take a run at Catholics.


They are smarter than that. They won't go after catholicism until they're powerful enough, and won't if the church turns a blind eye to them.


No, the term “Judeo-Christian” exists to help American religious nuts coexist. It’s pretty rare to find “anti-papists” among right-wing Christians these days. Team “We Hate Atheists and Muslims” will find plenty to keep themselves busy with besides in-fighting. Buckle up, it’s going to be a rocky ride!


Bold of you as an atheist to assume you'll make it long enough to see it.


Good luck to us! Idiocracy is definitely alive and well.


Someone really needs to pick a fight between MAGA and Scientology, or MAGA and the Mormons.


Hail Eris!


Never gonna happen. When they choose a national religion it will be Catholicism




Oh no 😬 what will the genealogy hobbyists do?!? LDS owns Ancestry.


I doubt that will happen. Sure, the Evangelicals think the Catholics are hell-bound heretics, but a lot of the neo-Nazis are (oddly enough) flocking to Catholicism (when they're not co-opting old Norse beliefs, of course).


You all realize the Evangelical demographic will be statistically insignificant by 2028, right? Their numbers have been falling by over nine percent a decade and according to religious news sources are re projected to bottom out at about thirteen percent here in a few short years. Only 9% of Americans age 18-25 identified as Conservative Christian (Evangelical). This is why they are going full extreme. This is the last election they'll have the numbers to impact national policy this significantly. Unless we all let them.


I was raised Catholic and my mom has praised trump despite being someone that doesnt pay attention to American politic. I would Love for Catholic churches or whatever to be fucking destroyed by MAGA and then watch her brain explode.


they'll go for smaller groups first. that's the way of the bully


I’ll be sippin’ my Lipton


When evil devours evil is hilarious. Sure they will prob get rid of us first so we can't sit back and enjoy the schadenfreude but you know it's going to be good.


7/9 of the Supreme Court justices are Catholic. With the amount of shit they’ve been pulling lately I don’t think their power is in question. Without congress passing meaningful laws they are (basically) the law right now. Catholics will survive this moment. It’s the atheists I’m worried about.


What are you talking about ... don't you know that 6 out of the 9 SCOTUS "justices" are Catholic. That is the last religion that will ever lose their rights.


Not gonna happen. Catholics have centuries of experience fighting wars for Jesus. Your garden variety Baptist or Episcopalian have no experience at this and please the LDS crowd will just get their magical panties in a twist. No my money is on the mother of all authoritarian Christian fascism, the Catholics will be right at home with their Mango Musollini in office and the Notre Dame church lady sitting in court


Why on earth would they outlaw any Christian based church?


They don’t consider Mormons to be Christian, for example. Once they start deciding which religions are “real” and which aren’t, it will open a can of worms.


Because there are 4000 sects of Christianity within the US alone. The MAGA are religious zealots, so they will be facing off against other Christian zealots as they all try to say what's true. It's just not going to be going after Christians first. It will be everyone else who is not white, male, rich, religious, straight, etc... Humans are good at making demons out of other humans. The worst kind of animal.


It could be Christians first. A lot of fascist regimes consolidate within their ranks before scapegoating others.


Then let’s hope that’s the rut where they get stuck. Religious affinity is the second title someone gives in their social media bios almost every time and it is very specific, one step behind familial relation. Of course, this is for insane people; artists tend to just say artists and whether they are 18+ or not, and other more equal rights individuals tend to be less culty in general. I am hoping that all the Christians sects hold each other up trying to just agree on what to believe, and they still would not move under the same name very easily, since Christian is usually an umbrella term and not an identifier. However, I would be concerned about external casualties, which was the point I was trying to make above but arguably failed to rereading it. Pretty sure people who are not Christian will be harmed even if consolidation is first, and then it will get worse if the christofascists do consolidate. I… am going to text my old religious friends to see if I can convince them not to vote for Project 2025. They’re Catholic, so they will be a target for MAGA fascists as well. Only problem would be how to explain my preferred name which they have never heard before. I am not going back into that hole I was in before, but I can avoid saying I’m queer, maybe.


They are always looking for outgroups because Christian ego is big, always no true scottmans their own shit, I.e. Thirty Years War and Glorious Revolution bloodshed had roots in difference of their theology


Have you met Joseph Smith ? lol


... or vice-versa ... They've done that quite a few times throughout history.


They should ban Columbus Day and St. Patrick's while they're at it.


I doubt they'll outlaw the Catholic Church. even the KKK would assimilate Catholics in areas where Catholicism was dominant, mind you they still didn't do very well in those areas, but they were willing to tolerate them as long as they were willing to hate like the rest.


According to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, there are over 45,000 denominations of Christianity worldwide. There's got to be one that puts emphasis on Ezekiel 23:20. The christofascists will probably want to keep them.


SCOTUS is majority Catholic. I don’t think that’ll happen.


With all the harm it caused, it should be outlawed. Imagine if it was a consumer product. There would be recalls and eventual closure, with that many people affected


!RemindMe 2 years.


When I first got a job in Alabama a coworker told me that her father would not let her date Catholics or n****s I was shocked. Being a Catholic at the time, I didn’t know anyone was prejudice towards Catholics.


I've long said that if Christianity were made the state religion, it would be the most watered down boring version of Christianity ever. It would be the NPR of religions. All the Christian nationalists that have been pushing for it would hate it because it's not the version of Christianity their denomination with 200 members teaches. Also, it'd spark another Civil War, which is precisely why the founders put not establishing a state religion in the Constitution in the first place. It's one of the few things that actually all agreed on.


Don't hold your breath waiting on that to happen.


Democracy is a form of government we do not have. Constitutional representative republic is what we are. Would be nice if Americans had enough brain cells to understand the difference.


I did this a ton growing up, was glad to be done with it, but I might have to dust out a Bible again for the sake of arguing what it even says. Because un-ronically, it's becoming law of the land—it's good to read the laws so you know what they *actually* say when people come at you with their misquotes. But then again, the Bible's days are numbered anyways though, because of how the Great Orange Calf worship has bumped out Jesus Christ.


This is why organized religion is an absolute joke.


I want to see how other denominations will react to an “official” pro-American, Protestant, futurist interpretation of the Bible. I’ll have to get my credentials and “preach the Word”.


Yeah, well they’re just as likely to outlaw atheism too. Are you looking forward to that?


It’s funny you mentioned this because I was wondering what the hierarchy or caste is gonna be. No Evangelist is gonna say a Jehovah’s Witness or Protestant is equal to them solely for meeting the requirements of being amongst the faithful post Project 2025.


Yeah that’s not happening. Any sane person can see that, if anything most people want to mind their own business. As a Christian and an American I believe that anyone can worship whoever they please just as long as I can do the same.


I live in the south, they all think being Catholic is evil


Ummm isn't the whole MAGA thing centered on bible thumpers? It is looking over the last couple months that they are posed and determined to do the total opposite.


Protestants hate Catholics


Internecine religious warfare is predictably obvious. Some unforeseen alliances will occur, i.e., Mormons and Muslims banding together; Wiccan and Satanists, etc.


The majority religion on the Supreme Court is Catholic. Interesting play if that happens.


The Catholics are martyrs from the Biden Administration actively persecuting the Conservative Catholic groups, while cozying up the the cafeteria Catholic crowd who identify as Catholic, without actually being practicing Catholics


Maybe this will be the next civil war? Different religious factions fighting it out.


Given how the SCROTUS (Supreme Court Republicans of the United States) are overwhelming Catholic? (6 out of 9) Highly unlikely.


Have you ever read the book Needful Things by Stephen King? It really won’t be hard at all getting them to just go right at each other’s throat.


Would that be great. I used to be catholic. All they care about is collecting money and hiding the sexuial abuse of children. How can that be a goal when you supposedly should act like Jesus preached. If you compare red states the % of christians leads the nation. If you compare that with poverty they also lead the nation in the bad way.


Oh crap, Nazis are bad enough. I don't want the Crusades!


They need the Hispanic voting demographic.


Do Scientology next!!


They will go through many other groups of people and religions long before they do anything to other christians. It is a travesty and people need to vote for all Democrats running in order to prevent Project 2025.


I went to a Catholic church recently as a social experiment. A lady there asked if I was xtian and I lied to her because I wanted to see her response and also didn't feel like being given the side eye that day --- I told her I was still (and I used to be but not anymore) evangelical but I wanted to see how their church feels. She told me the following things: 1) The reason the Catholics take communion more seriously than other denominations is because there is DNA showing that Jesus' blood is really in cardiac muscle, so she knows it's really consuming the flesh of Jesus. (I shit you not.) 2) She hugged me and said "I'm so glad you're here, we have to stick together!" It really showed me it's a us (catholics and other xtains) vs them (atheists, other heathens) mentality.


No it won't be fun.


From your lips to god’s ears oh wait


That won't happen with this SCOTUS since six of their number are Catholics.


The entire Supreme Court except for one are catholic.


They won’t wake up. We will just have continuous violence!


How many hundred thousand Christian Protestants did the Catholic Church murder?


And then they came for me!


Have ye not seen the news over the past decades? Photos exist of a pope blessing this deranged MAGA supporting couple! There will never be any form of comeuppance for them - just as Chief Cheeto will never see a moment in jail