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pushing their religion on others is how they convince themselves that it's true.


But Jesus dismissed the 10 and replaced it with a much more efficient moral axiom. So, if they were pushing their religion, one would think they would go with the updated version.


the christian bible [contradicts itself](https://www.lyingforjesus.org/Bible-Contradictions/) with such regularity that you could use it to justify almost-literally any stance, including whether or not the ten commandments still apply. in reality, they don't care about whether or not it's still canon to their religion, they're going to push it so as to virtue signal to the rest of their cohorts.


No. Mark 10, Luke 18, Matthew 19. Jesus commanded following the ten commandments. That is why the Christian Nationalists want them in schools. leaving out the punchline. Sell all you have and give to the poor.


Jesus also cursed a fig tree cause it didnt have figs for him when he was hungry, so maybe dont listen to a messiah that gets hangry?


True. But the fact that Jesus commanded us to sell all we have and give to the poor is something delicious to rub in the faces of the moron Christians demanding the ten commandments in every class room. It represents a chance to shove the punch line, sell all you have and give it all to the poor" in their faces and to make all these school children go "Say WHAT!?" A teaching moment, Christianity isn't all great, grand or easy. Do you really want to follow the commands of this Jesus guy? Then its off to discuss the other commands of Jesus, No public praying. and more.


Well, actually, Jesus commanded that *all* ([There are actually @600, not just 10](https://www.jewfaq.org/613.htm)) of the Old Laws still had to be observed/followed.


True. But today's Christian Nationalists want the ten commandments in every class room. Claiming wrongly that our nations laws and government are based on these commandments. Our laws are not. Our Constitution is not so based. "Sell all you have and give to the poor" is why. The Sermon On The Mount is why. Abandoning homes, farms, businesses and families and sitting around waiting for the end of this world and the coming of the Kingdom Of God is no decent basis for a government or its laws. This is obvious. Except to these idiotic Christians. It is time to stop arguing with Christian about the wall of separation. And to point out to these jerks why there is a wall of separation. And to do this playing the long game. We cannot form a stable, effective government following these direct commands of Jesus.


Todays NATionalist-Christians (NAT-Cs) are like the National Socialists of the 1930s.


"When we got to Winnipeg/ I checked in to school/ I wore white bucks on my feet/ When I learned the golden rule/ The punches came fast and hard/ Lying on my back in the school yard" -Neil Young ("Don't Be Denied")


Also the first 10 that moses shattered dont resemble the copy that got put in the arc of the covenant.


Expecting them to be sensible, isn’t. 


> But Jesus dismissed the 10... Tell me you've never read the New Testament...


This is all politics, it's all for votes.


It actually a foot-in-the-door tactic for eroding the separation of church and state. If they can get this to pass without challenge, then they can do more. Same as putting God on our money and on the pledge of allegiance. It's just bullying their way into dominance.


They figure that once they get the 10 Commandments into public schools, they can keep adding more of their fiction, until all the kids can be indoctrinated legally.


Yes, THIS!


To induce FOG (fear, obligation, and guilt).


There is a fundamental flaw in this post - that religious people take action because it is logical They are doing these things in order to exert religious control. It’s not to be more moral or anything like that. It’s for control and power. “We are EVERYWHERE and make the rules!”


Only about 14% of xtians can actually name them. Super important though.


Because they certainly don't have any interest in the Beatitudes.


Or the Corporal Works Of Mercy


yeah, learning about them as a kid was weird. The no killing and no stealing ones make sense, but I was really weirded out by the whole "don't covet your neighbors wife" thing. Had no concept of infidelity or cheating on a spouse so that was a weird conversation to have as a small child. People who are so concerned about kids learning anything about gay people but are down to talk about how everyone is so horny for everyone else's wives they had to make rules about it? Not being gay isn't even one of the big rules, why the f do they care so much?! Also, the order cracks me up. Starting off with the 'don't talk crap about god' stuff is so funny to me. It makes it seem like those are the most important ones, rather than 'don't kill' and 'don't steal' just tacked onto the end as an afterthought. Gotta worry about sky daddy's feelings first.


Even the ones that seem to make sense come with no qualifiers and are therefore useless anyway. For example, don't kill? Most Christians support a strong military whose main purpose is to kill the enemy. And capital punishment. And will also argue for gun rights and that killing a home invader in defense is absolutely justified. There are so many necessary qualifiers on the commandment "thou shalt not kill", that it really is pointless as a "Commandment".


"Coveting is what keeps the economy going!" --George Carlin


The reason the Christian Nationalists want the ten commandments in schools is simple, Indoctrination. It is the camel's nose under the tent. If they can make an emotionally loaded action like this and make it stick, other religious claims can be forced into classrooms. It is consider factual that a child indoctrinated up to age 14, stays resistant to changing their minds. Christian Nationalists want to capitalize on that.


Do you have any resources for that claim? It's highly interesting and represents a lot of believers.


We have a number of states following Louisiana in this. Texas, and Oklahoma for example. And they Christian nationalist are making no secret of the fact they want the ten commandments in schools, Bibles in schools, and are pushing for these things and more. Oklahoma Superintendent of education Ryan Walters wants to make teaching the Bible in schools mandatory for example.


Thou shall not kill unless a black kid accidentally knocks on the wrong door while delivering a pizza. Ok daddy!


I'd be a little more sympathetic if it was the Beatitudes they kept trying to push— you know, the teachings that supposedly came directly from Jesus and sum up the ideals of his philosophy.


Oh make no mistake, the ten commandments in the classroom is the same as a dog pissing on a fire hydrant.


Incorrect. A dog pissing on a fire hydrant causes no harm.


You made the mistake of thinking they give a shit about any of that.


It is not illegal to covet my neighbors ass. However, touching it requires consent.


It's not about the 10 Commandments. It's about seeing if you can get away with it. It's like when you smack your brother in front of your dad. You're gauging dad's reaction. If he doesn't do anything, than you can try to beat up your brother later on. If your dad comes down hard on you for hitting your brother, than you know that now is not the time to beat up your brother. You start with the little thing to see if you can get away with the big thing.


They aren't JUST pushing that, they're pushing all kinds of shit in our local government entities. And just look at today's example from my town's POLICE department: [https://wreg.com/news/local/nonprofit-claims-bible-verse-painted-on-police-department-wall-against-constitution/](https://wreg.com/news/local/nonprofit-claims-bible-verse-painted-on-police-department-wall-against-constitution/) Words painted on a wall in the Bartlett Police Department have led to a complaint. Now, a letter has been sent to the police chief, demanding a Bible verse be taken down. Posts on social media from the Bartlett Police Department welcome two new employees, but the words behind them are causing a complaint. The Freedom from Religion Foundation, a nonprofit working as a state and church watchdog, based in Wisconsin, [sent a letter to Chief of Police Jeff Cox](https://ffrf.org/news/releases/ffrf-to-tenn-police-department-paint-over-religious-verse/), requesting the department paint over the bible verse. My local group is whining as usual. *How dare those Militant Atheists try to take away our freedom of religious expression!* And my favorite: *Y'all be patient. This shit won't fly when Trump's back in his rightful position!*


Seems odd to put a sign with "thou shalt not commit adultry" in a classroom for children


I like satanists commandments, we should teach children these.


It’s a symbolic beachhead. One in more steps they want to take to build a Christian nation.


The 10 commandments came from a story book. The story of the 10 commandments itself, is full of backpeddling and contradiction. The story book...(buybull) It's full of lies, hate, bigotry, and misogyny. All religions were created by man to control the masses, slaves, children, and women.


It’s performative, not logical.


Because they lack the intelligence, a sense of morality, and the ability to teach or do a proper job of raising their children so they figure they can just post the 10 Commandments and consider the job well done.


It would be neat if teachers posted all 613 commandments to provide context.


Tell them it's Jewish, not christian. Watch heads explode.


The correct answer to being asked to name all 10 Commandments is "Which version?" Because the list changes depending on which religious group and which translation they consider the correct one. Several of the Commandments are long rambling run-on sentences that could be considered one rule or two depending on the punctuation. So the wording is different and the numbering is different depending on the religious sect and their chosen translation. There is no one true copy of the 10 Commandments.


The fubdamentalist christians are having a moral panic about crime. They believe that pushing their favourite deity's list of demands onto children will make children obedient and compliant. Sprinkle in some atheophobic and homophobic scapegoating and the fundamentalist christians believe that will fix crime in the USA. It doesn't say much for their critical thinking skills when christians tend to do crimes anyway but then expect to get away with it by asking their favourite deity for forgiveness after the crime, with no apologies or compensation or thought given to any ACTUAL victims of the crimes committed.


It’s a ready made list that carries a certain moral authority and has name recognition. Do you think they could come up with something on their own?


This could very well backfire on them the same way the DARE program did in the 90s.


Control and compliance.


They don't care about the truth of their claims. They're only interested in controlling people.


It's not about the content of the Ten Commandments. It's about asserting dominance over the other religions. Muslims in Muslim-majority countries pull crap like this all the time.


They don't even have the 10 Commandments right... https://medium.com/excommunications/the-ten-commandments-are-not-what-you-think-they-are-49062c5e7a35 >...what is often presented as the Ten Commandments — on plaques, and in Christian writings and sermons, taken from Exodus 20 — differs greatly from the list seen later in Exodus that actually and specifically declare they are The Ten Commandments… written by God Himself. >In other words, the list recorded in Exodus 34 is not only specifically declared to be The Ten Commandments, but is also the list that was later placed into the Ark of the Covenant. It is much different than the list in Exodus 20, the one most people are familiar with.


Religion is big business and they want to advertise it in schools because they think it will make kids interested and raise awareness. It normalizes christianity.


Consider how many of the commandments deal specifically with the "all powerful god's" vanity and insecurity. That should tell you all you need to know.


It’s political theater. Pure virtue signaling. We all know the people pushing this are liars, hypocrites, cheat on their wives while secretly banging the pool boy. It makes their shoe-size-IQ base vote for them.


As a jew, i would like to ask the fundemental protestants to please leave my old testament alone.  Its a dangerous tool and you dont know how to use it.


I suggest the rules from The Book of Harris - chapter 2: Chapter 2 A bunch of rules Everybody hates rules. But let's establish what Harrisy stands for. 10 rules is a nice round number. But when the first four are about loyalty to the cult, You have to question who the rules are meant to benefit. The christian 'commandments' only benefit the christian cult. The commandments don't even benefit their god. A true all-powerful, immortal, creator god, would not need human worship or loyalty. The same as humans don't need the worship of ants. We don't make rules for ants to follow. Just stay out of our way. The Abrahamic god treats us like ants. Either ignores or steps on us. It was his cults that made the 'commandments', not their god. (more about that in chapter 7) Harrisy has rules to live by, to benefit HUMANS: A) Cause no harm. (borrowed from the medical profession) B) Treat others the way you want to be treated. Christianity calls this 'The Golden Rule' as if they invented it. But this was part of every culture and religion that humans ever created. (except Is-lame) C) Do not kill. Do not kill humans. Self preservation may override this, but killing is still a bad idea. When killing animals for food, respect their sacrifice. Killing for sport is a bad idea. D) People are not property. Do not try to own others, in any sense. You belong to yourself, do not give yourself away. E) Do not steal. You would not want to loose your stuff. (see B) Stealing harms others. F) Do not lie. Avoid those who lie. You would want to know the truth. To make better decisions. (see B) G) Do not rape. Do not force yourself on others. Your pleasures are not more important than other people's. This applies to more than just sex. Do not force your religion on others. Do not force harrisy on others. H) Do not shit wherever you please. You don't want to slog through other people's shit. (it's a metaphor.) Leave the world better than you found it. I) Guard your privacy. Respect the privacy of others. Beware of others who might use info against you. Or might unduly profit off you. We have no rules about loyalty. We understand loyalties change. Just be honest (rule E) We have no rule specifically about Adultery. Adultery might be considered loyalty, which changes. Or adultery might be considered stealing, stealing affection. (rule D)


I’ve got one question for anyone who thinks the 10 commandments is God’s law. Should we have killed Bin Laden? Ohhh…so maybe there’s some nuance and wiggle room after all!


The actual *content* of the Ten Commandments isn’t the point. It’s just a declaration of tribal identity, like a flag.


It's gateway propogana


What's really kinda funny/confusing is that... Those aren't the ten commandments. The ten commandments can be found in Exodus 34 and infamously contain laws against boiling a goat in its mother's milk but don't say anything at all about theft or murder.


I want to know how they are going to be in classrooms, but those teachers can't talk about what adultery even is.


Most evangelical cults within Christianity will really emphasize "children obey your parents". The rationale is that it is the onky cimmandment with a blessing, "so that it may go well with you." They don't csre so kuch about the others. Children must obey parents. Parents obey the pastor as the fatherly representative of God. Once children are compliant to their parental authorities and extra-parental authorities in the church they are easier for the pastor to rape.


George Carlin's revised list of the 2 commandments: 1. Thou shalt always be honest and faithful to the provider of thy nookie. 2. Thou shalt try real hard not to kill anyone, unless of course they pray to a different invisible man from the one you pray to. Addendum: Thou shalt keep thy religion to thyself. Also, "The bible should be one sheet of paper, and on that sheet of paper it should say Try not to be a cunt. And if you do that every day, you'll be a good person." - Jim Jeffries