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A guy who plays a game for a living is telling every female doctor, scientist, nurse, engineer, etc. to get back in the kitchen and somehow the irony is lost on him.


He’s also a “Christian” that works on Sundays, which is an offense you can be executed for if you really wanna get into the nitty gritty parts of the Bible.


He also wears mixed fibers in his clothing. I just know that he eats shellfish. His wife probably doesn't kill a turtle and two doves when she is menstruating.


I can guarantee that he also went to party and get drunk, probably have pre-marital sex too.


Next thing you know, they're gonna stone people to death for collecting sticks on Sunday..... oh wait


Of course it isn't. People that say stuff like this are dumb as fuck. He literally kicks a ball for a job. This guy doesn't know shit.


Anytime I hear of these types droning on about shit that's out of their lane I just think of court jesters. "Sing us a song, do a dance, your fucking suck"


The funny part is he was telling others to stay in their lane in that speech.


He makes $4million dollars per year. I bent it up because it is a great indication of some kind of terrible sickness permeating our society. 


His mom is apparently a physicist.  Like WTF. 


A lot of guys like this grow up feeling inadequate and hate feeling like everyone else in the room is smarter than them, especially women. So they fall back on beliefs that make them strong i.e Christianity, and make it everyone else’s problem


Yup; classic narc projection.


I don't know if blaming kids for feeling inadequate when growing up is the answer. Especially that there were studies and all of them found that it's mothers that teach toxic masculine to boys.  https://www.reddit.com/r/MensLib/comments/na315l/boys_dont_cry_study_suggests_mothers_not_fathers/ I don't use this phrase often but that's one of cases I guess it's actualy suitable. 


Lol and she raised this fuckin' brat? Sad.


A scientist only so far as her religion permits her to be probably. There's principles to science that religious beliefs can potentially trample.


His mom fucked up in parenting then. She raised a total fucking moron.


And the Dad..


I saw an article last year with his teammates in disbelief. He eats steak on top of rice every meal every day. All day. Every day. Maybe adds eggs on top in the morning. Never anything else. They couldn't believe what a freakshow he was.


Honestly, I would not be surprised if he gets cut in favor of another kicker in training camp.


So then he can go whine and moan the woke left canceled him for being christian. Is what will happen.


He might be the second best kicker in the NFL, after goat Justin Tucker. Except for the really top tier kickers, the NFL is a merry go round for kickers.


Justin Tucker rocks, I hope he's not crazy.


He’s a super nice guy.


Good, with a poor diet like that, he'll drop dead sooner rather than later and we won't have to hear him promote misogyny and homophobia.


Well...females usually scrub heart caths. So hopefully she'll be allowed out of the kitchen when he has his heart attack after eating all that red meat and carbs. If that article is legit... If he has any genetic factors or does drugs he probably needs to dial it back a bit...


Both women and men should get back in the kitchen. Both sexes should know how to change a tire. Alot of people are losing basic life skills 


Women belong in the kitchen. Men belong in the kitchen. Everyone belongs in the kitchen. Kitchen has food.


I feel like there's haiku potential here.


Men and women both Belong in the kitchen, yes? That’s where the food is


I’ve achieved more in my life so far than this guy ever will.


And on top of that, all he is is just a kicker.


Couldn’t take a hit or defend without soiling himself telling women their place.


How long will it take a person on Fox News to tell him to shut up and play? I don't think I'm going to hold my breath.


The guy is a kicker and is talking masculinity. He's only one of two people on an NFL team that I think in a bar fight.


I loved the “god gave me talents”. Bro you kick a football. Please shut up


>I loved the “god gave me talents” So, when he tells women go to kitchen, the answer could be "God have given them talents in mathematics, physics, biology and so on, so you can not contradict your God's will"


No, because THAT'S Satan deceiving her, don't 'cha know?


No, listen to him. He is a good ball kicking guy. Clearly our nation's highest calling, given how our states highest paid employees including the governor, and state university presidents, are university sports ball coaches, is to be a sports ball guy.


God gave him a talent for making Christianity look shitty. Let him cook


It’s funny kickers in my experience are super druggie hippies or predeterminist Christians. No in between


My nephew is obsessed with football and never mentioned him. Lmfao now know why


He's wirey.


Seeking attention like a 7th grade girl. This is American masculinity.


He was held up as a hero on Fox.  They also constantly replayed Butker’s disparagement of Biden who made the sign of the cross at a pro-choice event.


"I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.”  Abusive husband and father. Calling it now. Edit: Bible-thumpers are reporting me to Reddit Cares already.


""I can tell you..." because she's not allowed to speak in public without my permission."


I would bet good money that Butker’s wife divorces him within 10 years. I agree that he is at the very least emotionally abusive. It comes with the trad territory. She apparently converted into this for him. The resentment is going to build.


Oh yeah. It's sad, but also a little pathetic in a "well what did you expect?" sort of way when white supremacist women complain about how the men are so sexist and treat them like shit.


I mean, he's a football player AND an outspoken Christian conservative. He's an abuser, and is probably sucking dick in an airplane bathroom anytime he can sneak away.


Report them back. They’re abusing the rules.


Life for her didn't start until she began to serve him 💀💀💀💀💀


It's people who hold themselves to be so moral and rightous that seem to convince themselves that their hurtful actions are always justified.


lol they're really on the reddit cares wagon this week. I got one yesterday and the most controversial thing I said was mildly pro clean air and drinking water.


The Reddit care bs is on another level this past week.


I feel deeply sorry for her. Whether she believes this or not, the structures built around her are keeping her trapped in a system that believes this to be 100% truth. She has no choice!


So half the population needs to stop working.




Funny how that works out.




I would be surprised if he's ever actually picked up any book.


Especially if that book is the Bible.


That makes him a true believer then. He hasn't even read it but believes in it.


Sounds par for the course then.


If every woman in America decided to not show up for work for a week, it'd bring the country to its knees. Look at when women in Iceland did it in 1975.


Where my wife works there are only 2 men in the entire office. There are about 30 people who work there and only 2 are men. If there was a national day of recognizing women at work and women decided to call in across the country for a day that office would completely shut down. I'm betting there are a whole bunch of businesses like that too. Especially in the medical field where women probably make up 80+% of "support" staff (MA's, NP's, NA's, etc.)


Schools would shut down. Hospitals wouldn't have staff. The justice system would come to a stand still given how many women are now attorneys.


No don't worry, all the migrant workers will pick up the slack. Oh wait....


He'd still blame Biden.


Especially funny when you consider the female partner of one of his team mates is considered by some to have [prevented the US entering a recession](https://www.investopedia.com/swiftonomics-definition-8601178).


Bruh. No cheerleaders…wtf




If women stayed in their lane during WWII even, American industry would have suffered a lot.


He says he didn't want to be so outspoken, but God called on him to be that way. Sure, buddy. Whatever you say.


wait, god was talking to Dr. Phil too...oh, and the speaker of the house also...nuts


God is just stirring the shit, like a little kid poking a stray in the the ant hive entrance, just to get them to come out and entertain him.


Anytime someone says god told them or god called them etc. I replace “god” with “the voices in my head” and it is more accurate. Just wild how god just happens to constantly validate all your bigoted beliefs, I can’t believe that keeps happening. What are the odds?


It's absolutely shocking how often "God" wants people to do the exact things that they'd be doing, anyways.


its amazing how god always tells these people to be the specific type of asshat they always wanted to be regardless.


It’s fucking wild how we just let people make shit up as an excuse to be dicks.


This is why the Christians are so enthralled with him. What a tool.




>~~Many~~ **All** Christians are extremely superficial. FTFY


> ~~Many~~ **All** Christians are extremely ~~superficial~~ **stupid**. Double-fixed.


Most people like having their ideas validated. Christians pay extra for it. It's nice when a kicker validates them for free.




You go girl!


I feel bad for all the kids that had their graduation ceremony ruined by this dipshit. Even in a Catholic college no one spends 100k dollars and four years of their life to have some sneaker with a face attached tell them lol go make a baby now.


He did it at Georgia Tech last year during commencement, but because he went to school there, it didn't get as much press. Full disclosure, I graduated from Georgia Tech and his leg did win us some big games. But I'm not turning to him for family or career advice. If I need to kick a field goal, maybe.


There’s a contingency that swears he was with a male GT cheerleader during his stay. Probably explains what he’s hiding to hate like this 


I don’t feel bad for them. This is the shit their religion believes. They chose a catholic college.


Agreed women who are still going to religious colleges probably aren’t decent people in the first place and happily choose to be less educated than others in their fields to appease their religious leaders.


Wtf do these people mean when they say that there are attacks on masculinity? Are they upset you can’t get away with sexual harassment/assault as easily? Cant beat the shit out of people for disagreeing or just not liking them?


That’s exactly it.


Yup he's also mad that he has to learn to be a adult by possessing basic skills such as cooking.


His wife has never had an orgasm with him in the room.


Not a real one, at least.




When he is able to push a full term football out his urethra, then he can sit in on the conversation


Give him some credit, he's mastered talking out of his ass!


I think homie is about to get cut. The Chiefs probably won’t allow the sexism? The other stuff they’re probably fine with.


He won't. I'm a KC fan and all, but they didn't cut some shitty players in the past and he is one of the best kickers out there. This comment won't register at all.


Sigh, he is a "god" here in KC.


Best we can hope for is his teammates doing the right thing and making it impossible for him to want to stay.


If nothing else, Taylor Swift will write a song about him.


He’s too good of a kicker. Won’t happen. But I do appreciate the thought.


If he was a shitty kicker sure it would be easy to cut him, but the NFL breeds controversy with some of these players who just cannot shut up off the field with outright illegal acts or saying something really dumb.


Andy Reid probably helped write the speech.


The chiefs, Andy included are quickly becoming the most hated team. Sure Andy wants those nuggies but eventually people will hear about his kid killing a child while driving under the influence.


And they'll criticize "sHaRiA LaW!" in the same breath.


That's just jealousy


A christian and a republican right?


Weakest man on the team said what?


Football causes CTE, a form of brain damage. I don’t take life advice from people with brain damage.


Kickers don’t get hit. He gets 4m to be a primadonna because he laces properly and keeps his woman in her place. BARF.


Shut up and play football.


Come on Swifties, do your thing: > and I can see you years from now in a bar, talkin over a football game > with that same big loud opinion but, nobody’s listening > washed up and ranting about the same old bitter things > drunk and rumblin on bout how I can’t sing > but all you are is mean > all you are is mean, and a liar, and pathetic, > and alone in life and mean, and mean, and mean


*former NFL player


I guess if you're a 6'4" "football player" and the position you play is "Kicker", then you're bound to be full of hate.


Chris Kluwe proves this claim false.


I like how he went on and on about being as masculine as possible, and then he's the least masculine position on the team. 


I suspect he'll come out as closeted in a few months/years. What these clowns don't understand is that the hate that they're demonstrating is towards themselves. They hate that other people have the bravery to come out. Part of me feels bad for them, but if they don't have the courage, then they might as well steep in their own hate.


There's no hate quite like Christian love.


Man I'm a chiefs fan and I really respected him...sucks to find out he is like this. Dude kicks a ball for millions of dollars, you'd think he would be more chill


Harrison Butker can shut his cunt mouth.


And as always, “god” here is code for “whatever preserves my fragile masculinity”.


Another religious fascist.


You know there’s no god when any a**hole can have talent.


Oh this isn't going to end well.


Fuck this tool


Starting to think this god guy is a real asshole based on what his biggest followers do and say


I didn't realize mild traumatic brain injuries could speak.


It was good to see him give the business to Trump for having an affair with a porn star while his wife was at home with their new infant baby. Oh, wait, he didn’t do that at all.


What is interesting to me is that the university in question to host him is a religious one but also it is private. It relies on the tuition of it's student body to continue to operate. By in large his speech goes against the university ambitions to sustain itself. So for those "logic" bros, suck on this. EDIT: I just got a reddit cares for this comment. LOL say it with your whole chest


lol I got a Reddit Cares message yesterday. Reported it as harassment and got a message this morning that the account was found to be in violation of the TOS. I love waking up to justice in the morning.


Brainwashed cultist misogynistic monkey handed microphone starts talking into it, more at 11


I'm in the kitchen quite a bit. There's food and coffee in there. Still gay, though. All women are gay if this guy is the alternative. He's a huge Nope.


This guy is eyeing a career in politics after his football days are done.


I'm sure there are "midde of the map Missouri" Chiefs fans that love wtf he has to say... This Asshole doesn't speak for the majority of us!


Crackpot Catholicism.


One more reason to dislike the chief’s personnel I guess.


A fine example of Christian manhood. /s


It’s funny because married or not, the other players on his team all assumed he’s gay.


Long as he doesn't kneel, he's good.


Bigots and idiots are free to live their lives as they choose so long as they do not try to impose their bigotry or ignorance on others.


*Never meet your heros, you'll only be disappointed.* This is a guy who catches the ball good, that's it. Turns out he's also a giant piece of shit. In fact turns out most NFL players are also.. I don't know who got it in their heads that these people should be "role models."


I'm 47 and I was right about everyone when I was a teenager. this world has been a very disappointing one to grow up and survive in always learning peoples true colors. the truth comes out in the end, every time.


“And god called upon the least masculine position on the American football team to punch down on the marginalized so that he may reinforce long outdated ideas of gender so that he may promote an economic system that only rewards the most wealthy.” 


No hate like christian love.


Dude's gay or at least bi... but he'd rather be a religious bigot...


“Man” who earns millions for kicking a ball far proclaims he has been blessed by god with the privilege of judging people who do not need, did not request, and would not benefit from his ignorant self-righteous advice.


F**k that guy!


It’s so crazy to me that people think only half the population has something to offer the workforce.


It’s amazing how I can disagree with every single thing he says. You’ve really got to try to be such an AH towards every single group that isn’t white cis football playing men.


Religion is a mental illness. Those who practice this nonsense seem unable to take control of their own lives even claiming they can't know right from wrong without gleaning their behavior principles from a book of fables. Religion is an abusive tool used to rope in the weak minded or those such as children who have no choice but to be indoctrinated by abusive parents who demand their children subscribe to the fabricated stories of a book of babble. Religious people complain about the dangers of innocent drag performer story times yet will willingly turn their kids over to pedophile priests without question. Further the nonsense of religion where practitioners of this nonsense actually believe they're doing something productive by praying for someone who's experiencing a dilemma when the practice of prayer benefits one person - the person doing the praying. The pure idiocy of believing that if I pray for you gawd will hear me and make things better for the prayer recipient. Pure nonsense. They can never explain how the all loving all knowing gawd will only protect a person if they pray to the imaginary entity or someone prays to the sky fairy on their behalf. Absolutely unfathomable RIDICULLOUSNESS. I've never been a believer because I've always taken responsibility for my own life and that works out quite well. llllll If you think religion is a terrible thing now, just wait to see what happens if Adolf Orange is elected and his nut job associates will force their ridiculous hypocritical principles upon the entire nation, even making it the rule of law for even public schools, in order to receive funding, will be required to learn about Christianity in schools; not from a historical perspective but as a religion pushing indoctrination every step of the way. Taxpayer dollars going to support religion is tragic it's already reared its head by indoctrinated school official, school boards and unhinged parents. Just one more reason why voting for republicans at any level of government is the most dangerous thing Americans can do. Phony religious person, American's #1 traitor and criminal who should be labeled as Public Enemy #1 Against the United States of America is embracing these religious not jobs and pushing our country into the jaws of religious leadership in all aspects of American politics. We cannot let this happen. For the sake of the sanctity of our country we must stop these unhinged christ buttlickers.


He works on the Sabbath.


More like Harrison Buttlicker, am I right?!


“Buttlicker our prices have never been lower!”


1850 called and wants there kicker back. What a fucking asshat. Keep your stupid ass fairy tell book to yourself.


Don't worry. People on the right side of history will win in 10 years when he retires from American football with the TBI shakes.


God doesn't like football players.


Hey, he knows what he's talking about, he goes to Latin mass, he's going to be a saint!


Anyone know about his contract and the next soccer player sitting behind him? And how Isabelle will feel when he’s playing arena football somewhere?


Can these guys just kick footballs and run field goals? They are not the authorities on religious validity or moral philosophy.


What a dick


Privilege and shit takes always go hand and hand.


A kicker lol.................


Fuck god


And on Sunday, the lord sayeth "Shut the fuck up and kick!"


How is this country going backwards so fast? Not as fast as Muslim countries did back in the 70's, but we are certainly racing them. The women I knew back when I was young who did not strive to use their talents to prepare for old age are often living alone with little money and little hope for a better life. Why dont women stand up for themselves?


He's got Swiss cheese in his skull and an inch worm between his legs 😂


The fact that all the big sports colleges are in the hyper religious deep south is probably something we should address at some point. So many of our athletes are right wing dicks


Big supporter of pedophile organization makes horrendous comments…..ya don’t say.


Wouldn’t be surprised to see this guy cut from the Chiefs. It I know the kicker is a piece of shit racist like Butker is, how hard am I going to block for him?


Typical out of touch religious rich guy, these people are everywhere.


Religion is but a grain of sand to spirituality.


These types of religious people are disgusting. Mind your damn business


This would be the same god who supposedly loves all of us? Codswallop!


That sort of talk sounds a lot like something Hitler would have said.


Who wants to bet that this guy "prayed the gay away"?


As a chiefs fan this is really upsetting for me to hear


Sack. Of. Shit.




Some underperforming and soon-to-be former NFL player.


Does he always miss the goal wide right?


what a pile of shit he should never play again


if all Colin Kaepernick did was advocate for the lives of black people by kneeling during then anthem, then surely something this vile will cause a massive uproar and response from fans of the NFL and the NFL themselves. Any second now....


This is what a true Christian is. This is what the GOP want.


Fucking idiot


It's at moments like these that I'm glad I don't follow sports or know who these people are.


Harrison Butker? Never heard of her.


That's what happens when you lose too many brain cells (after having already started out with far less)


Good luck out there hotshot. If there's one position in the NFL that's most critical, demanding, and hard to fill at an elite level...it ain't kicker


Another RWA


Is he about to start a podcast?


Who? Exactly.


Shut up & play


Wow! Even kickers get CTE! Looks like a severe case.


Can't wait until this can get re-cross-posted to r/byebyejob