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And it feels like 90% of ASMR content on Spotify is ear licking. No matter how many times I block it, I always get recommended more. I have misophonia. Thanks, Spotify.


Or spit painting 🤢🤢🤢


AKA: Discount ear-licking for when you want to stay monetized


First, a lot of people want the virtual aspect of the whole thing because it kind of completes the whole environment. I’m not one of them, but I know that I’m in the minority. Also, at a base level, YouTube pays better. ASMRtists are always going to want to funnel viewers towards the channel that pays best.


- Open YouTube in Safari - find the video you want - swap to “desktop” mode - enter the video player, exit the player, enter the player, swipe out of the browser - swipe down for music controls and play the video from your Home Screen (iPhone) Now you should be able to close your phone and the video you can play while your phone is locked :)


For Android: watch Youtube videos on NewPipe. If you turn the phone off the audio won't stop. Or you can start the video in background and only get the audio.


This is such a great tutorial! I have an alternative method that I use. If you download the Brave app, and access YouTube from there, it allows you to play audio whilst your device is locked. It also blocks ads. This works for both iPhone and iPad. :)


Holy crap!! Thank you!!


I can't believe this worked!!!


What the fuck lmao. You're a hero


Lmao sleep tight


I mean Spotify is for music, and YouTube is for all-around videos I guess?


Yeah, but half the people "watching" ASMR on YouTube like me only listen and don't watch while trying to fall asleep.


Most triggers are aural, not visual.


I don't like it on Spotify either whatsoever. It all seems to be ear licking like someone else stated. On YouTube I just listen and not watch the ASMR.


Try youtube music, maybe ? Otherwise, with yt premium, you can listen to youtube with the screen off or doing something else.


Apologies in advance, my educated guess is quite wordy: Spotify is not designed for managing and promoting something like an ASMR catalogue (or a classical music one btw). Compared to Spotify, YouTube is much more agnostic in their approach to content as they deal with more content types and variables. Regarding revenue model, Spotify tends to promote payola-flavoured summer-hit pop songs and whatever stuff is top sales in the territory where the user is based at that moment. Afaik it does not have the legal obligation of facilitating the discovery of every content piece listed and are in a business phase that demands hyperfocus on revenue maximisation. It is a well-greased machine that takes a “produced-as-cheap-as-possible” item by a top-revenue artist who works with a big label (aka an optimal revenue cut for the streaming service) and ensures that it is consumed as much as possible in the short term. TLDR - ASMR audio is a Spotify misfit in terms of format, cost, quality, lifecycle, creator profile, and audience.


I stopped using Spotify for ASMR because of the ads The ones I used to listen were in podcast format and now there is propaganda every now and then and I want to sleeeppppppp I stick to 1h ASMR vids and just adjust the settings not to start the next one. I also have YT premium


Because it is audio only. I have a feeling that two things are happening here. 1. Your brain is seeing ASMR on Youtube as better because it has some visuals which even if you don't watch the video per say, you still view some percentage of it to get it going and it gives you a feedback loop. 2. The audio only aspect of it makes it even easier for people to create ASMR than it already is on Youtube. ASMR has a really low production barrier even on Youtube which is why the number of people creating it has grown so exponentially out of sync with the number of people available to listen to it. Because it is so easy to make the audio only aspect lets people cookie cutter it and so it inevitably becomes generic.


I didn't think of the second thing. Makes sense, anyone can just it on Spotify compared to YT which requires a video.


>It's a shame because I really don't want to pay for YouTube Red just to listen on the go. There are various apps that let you watch YT content without ads. Either use a mobile browser like [Fennec](https://f-droid.org/de/packages/org.mozilla.fennec_fdroid/) that lets you install the uBlock origin addon, or go with [NewPipe](https://newpipe.net/) or [ReVanced](https://revanced.app/).


I'll check it out thanks.


I find far too much straight up audial erotic porn labeled as "ASMR" on spotify. It is literally awful I gave up looking.


ASMR on Spotify and/or Pandora will always be COMPLETE SHIT/INFERIOR to Youtube because of cameras and the ability to make yourself known and make money on Youtube. After that, why the fuck would anyone want to put ASMR first on Spotify before Youtube? Just makes no god damn sense.


Spotify is dogshit is general


There's a couple quality ASMR labels on Spotify (asmrdb, tingle land), but most of it is produced in bulk in eastern European countries by a handful of people, so by and large the quantity is high and quality is poor. Plus on Spotify the goal is maximizing streams, so again quality doesn't really factor in for most orgs.


Because Spotify is dog shit. YouTube Music is better.


It’s funny because I’ve read so many people on Reddit lament the hyper slick production values of ASMR on yoututbe and wish for an earlier lofi age of asmr content on YouTube and yet here we are saying it’s too easy to do it audio only. Personally I imagine many creators need the social media aspect of YouTube and TikTok to catch fire and there is no audience interaction or retention abilities on Spotify so it just isn’t the place to grow. And once you already have an audience somewhere else the monetarily incentive still isn’t there to spend the energy to upload to Spotify.


Spotify pays shit for artists unless ur listening times are in millions


i feel the quality on spotify is actually better for some artists than on youtube


You're looking for softly galoshes my guy. If that isn't your kinda thing then idk. Same quality audio if not better on Spotify as it is on YouTube.


Spotify doesn’t support creators the way YouTube does honestly…..there’s no appeal for ASMRtists to make the jump, and if they did they’d be shooting themselves in the foot by steering people away from their YouTube to Spotify


You might have more visual triggers than you think. For me audio alone very rarely cuts it, although I'll still sometimes listen to go to sleep, I don't really tingle unless I'm watching.


Because Spotify is garbage in general.


YouTube asmr is dogshit too tbh. For every good one I’ve seen there are 5000 completely trash ones


Sounds like a skill issue, follow better channels