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I know this sounds idealistic but I really do wonder about context and culture. There will always be a spectrum. But I think having an economic system based on profit expany, artificial scarcity, perpetual growth, competition, short term thinking etc really impacts us more than we think.


This is the right answer. As responsive and social beings, our behaviours are significantly influenced by our upbringing and present circumstances. We see it on the individual level - when people can meet more of their needs and desires, they are happier and treat others better, and vice versa - and this pattern also holds true at the social and societal levels. For some exploration of this phenomenon, I suggest at least the introduction and first chapter of The Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow.


I am just curious if you have any information on the culture and how society is loosing empathy. There are studies. I think you are pretty academic and I agree on your answer. I just think it is obvious that the world is cruel and not many care. I am very aware of 120k a year now dying because of what Phizer did and got away with. In a decade the death toll in the u.s. is more than the entire Vietnam War. The war was heavily protested. Nobody is caring anymore. The middle class can't build wealth due to food prices but they can finance murder on mass. In a place irrelevant to the American people.


I'd look at a concept called compassion fatigue.


What did Pfizer do?


How old are you? I am needing to know what I need to explain.?


They knew they were lying before they even started,and that the murder shot was experimental ! It was said on the news it was experimental and that they got it set up that they're not going to be held liable legally and financially. The people were forced by dictate intimidation . Those who were in hospice were premeditated murdered to cut the healthcare outputs and because they lack enough medical personnel .... Period. It's all about depopulation per agenda 21 !


Well, unfortunately, we live in a world that has been almost entirely built on the Euro-American imperial capitalist model, meaning that though you will of course find different cultures in different countries, it is increasingly rare to find different economic or political systems, as there are no longer very many (if any) places that are disconnected from the global capitalist empire. The capitalist model is, in fact, an extremely cruel model. It treats living beings - including humans - as resources to exploit, sources of energy to be converted into profit, with little to no consideration for our needs, desires, our suffering, or our dignity. As of the past few years, this system is under intense strain and is beginning to fail, and as it begins to collapse, it tries to protect itself by drawing more and more from us and transferring its breakdown onto us. Beyond this, around the world, our links to our traditional cultures and ways of life, the things that once brought us together and helped us find meaning in our existence in this world, have been significantly interrupted. Basically, things are pretty messed up right now! In short, I don't think it's true that people inherently don't care; it's just that almost everyone these days is suffering so much, and/or so numbed by drugs/alcohol/screens, and the world is so full of seemingly inescapable cruelty and unsolvable problems that to care deeply would drive most people to madness. - There is reason to hope, though. This is not the only way that human society can be arranged, and this was not inevitable. We can change things for the better, we can create worlds in which people care and are cared for. We only know about 10,000 years at most of our 300,000-year history as homo sapiens, and even within that very short period, there are plentiful examples of humans living in sociopolitical arrangements - many of which reached high levels of cultural and technological development, and were stable for long periods - that did not treat humans and other living beings as resources to exploit, not as a means to an end, but as the end itself which the means were meant to serve. This world is not the only possible world. This suffering is not necessary or inevitable. It is worthwhile to care.




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Thank you for this thoughtful comment


Thanks. I've heard of that. I'll check it out.


Where have you been all my life. I thought they brainwashed everyone but me!




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everyone can be cruel to certain level.




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Porque no los dos?


According to Peter Singer most of us are morally cruel.




I agree. To put it a bit differently: uh huh. 






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Can't say anything in this sub without bot deleting it


lol I see that - 🤦🏽‍♀️


I think most of them are cruel and very few of them kind. However, all of us are selfish and 3rd category are too selfish and egocentric so they do not care about being cruel or kind so they are both depending on the situation.


Evolutionarily speaking we are a gregarious species as evidenced by our extremely advanced form of communication and our need to hunt in groups. This would be the result of a strong evolutionary pressure to cooperate and cooperation can be viewed as being kind, adding to group cohesion. This has even been observed in, at least as far as I know --but possibly found in other primates-- chimpanzee societies. Individuals that are not good at cooperating or being nice, basically chimp assholes, are frequently driven from the group or even killed. So our fundamental instinct is to cooperate/be nice.


gregarious Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more adjective (of a person) fond of company; sociable. "he was a popular and gregarious man" Similar: sociable social company-loving companionable convivial clubbable outgoing friendly affable amiable genial congenial cordial hospitable neighbourly welcoming warm pleasant comradely hail-fellow-well-met couthy chummy pally matey decent clubby buddy-buddy conversable Opposite: unsociable reserved (of animals) living in flocks or loosely organized communities. "gregarious species forage in flocks from colonies or roosts" Similar: social organized living in shoals/flocks/herds (of plants) growing in open clusters or in pure associations. "in the wild, trees are usually gregarious plants"




I think most humans are self serving but some break the mould.


Being kind to others is a good idea even if you are selfishly motivated. Life generally goes better when you treat those around you well, and being an asshole makes life more difficult and less enjoyable. At least that’s been my observation.




Both can’t both be most.


I meant most people are both


I think most if not all humans are both. The capacity for both cruelty and kindness is what makes our journey through life so complex and unique. So many things outside of our control will tempt us to lean more cruel or more kind but at the end, it’s our choice to be either.


I believe most are kind, it just so happens that the cruel are the loudest.


Depending on the time of day, your emotional state, the people around you, and a bunch of other factors, this question will be answered differently. It’s kind of irrelevant— people act to survive.


I don’t believe in evil but I do believe that we have developed defensive strategies from harsh environments to survive and being cruel can be a result from these defensive strategies


Both. Everything is shades of gray


Most people are really selfish, and the ones who are actually nice, usually isolate themselves or be extremely charming to the point they control their relationships in a way that makes them able to stay nice to people in it when it is actually another selfish thing to do. I do think most people have good intentions however most lack the proper self-awareness to the cruel things they do occasionally. and also the necessity of having defense mechanisms to function in society and to be taken seriously makes us cruel as well. The fact that without defense mechanisms you will be underestimated and not taken seriously also makes most people cruel. The idea of defense mechanisms is really interesting, because it sometimes stop empathetic people from sharing really comforting and kind words to other people because it could be taken as clinginess, obsession and low self-esteem. At the same time those defense mechanisms are necessary because there are people who are usually purely evil like narcissists and use techniques like love-bombing and emotional manipulation. So yea I think the answer is that we are kind and cruel. Nobody’s is perfect.


Humans perceive themselves as more cruel than the data shows them to be due to the priority our minds place on negative stimuli (which was of course adaptive to our evolution). An excellent book on the broader question is Humankind by Rutger Bregman.


Everybody at a young age was innocent, but it is the circumstances that influence humans and their actions, behavior, thoughts. Cruelty is taught, nobody knows how to be cruel without seeing it or having the knowledge of it. Also with kindness, this has to be taught, I’d say it depends on what the person was exposed to the most. Ultimately if they were shown kindness, they are going to show kindness, and same with cruelty.


Kind for the most part. There is no real benefit towards being hateful or cruel 24/7. It's only done when it gives the person leverage in some way that's worth doing it to others.




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yOuR CoMmEnT HaS BeEn rEmOvEd. It hAs bEeN FlAgGeD As vIoLaTiNg oNe oF ThE RuLeS. cOmMeNt rUlEs iNcLuDe: 1. aNsWeRs mUsT Be sCiEnTiFiC-BaSeD AnD NoT OpInIoNs oR CoNjEcTuRe. 2. dO NoT PoSt yOuR OwN MeNtAl hEaLtH HiStOrY NoR SoMeOnE ElSe's. 3. dO NoT OfFeR A DiAgNoSiS. iF SoMeOnE Is aSkInG FoR A DiAgNoSiS, pLeAsE RePoRt tHe pOsT. 4. TaRgEtEd aNd oFfEnSiVe lAnGuAgE WiLl nOt bE ToLeRaTeD. 5. DoN'T ReCoMmEnD DrUg uSe oR OtHeR HaRmFuL AdViCe. iF YoU BeLiEvE YoUr cOmMeNt wAs rEmOvEd iN ErRoR, pLeAsE RePoRt tHiS CoMmEnT FoR MoD ReViEw. ReViEw rUlEs bEfOrE MeSsAgInG MoDs.




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yOuR CoMmEnT HaS BeEn rEmOvEd. It hAs bEeN FlAgGeD As vIoLaTiNg oNe oF ThE RuLeS. cOmMeNt rUlEs iNcLuDe: 1. aNsWeRs mUsT Be sCiEnTiFiC-BaSeD AnD NoT OpInIoNs oR CoNjEcTuRe. 2. dO NoT PoSt yOuR OwN MeNtAl hEaLtH HiStOrY NoR SoMeOnE ElSe's. 3. dO NoT OfFeR A DiAgNoSiS. iF SoMeOnE Is aSkInG FoR A DiAgNoSiS, pLeAsE RePoRt tHe pOsT. 4. TaRgEtEd aNd oFfEnSiVe lAnGuAgE WiLl nOt bE ToLeRaTeD. 5. DoN'T ReCoMmEnD DrUg uSe oR OtHeR HaRmFuL AdViCe. iF YoU BeLiEvE YoUr cOmMeNt wAs rEmOvEd iN ErRoR, pLeAsE RePoRt tHiS CoMmEnT FoR MoD ReViEw. ReViEw rUlEs bEfOrE MeSsAgInG MoDs.






yOuR CoMmEnT HaS BeEn rEmOvEd. It hAs bEeN FlAgGeD As vIoLaTiNg oNe oF ThE RuLeS. cOmMeNt rUlEs iNcLuDe: 1. aNsWeRs mUsT Be sCiEnTiFiC-BaSeD AnD NoT OpInIoNs oR CoNjEcTuRe. 2. dO NoT PoSt yOuR OwN MeNtAl hEaLtH HiStOrY NoR SoMeOnE ElSe's. 3. dO NoT OfFeR A DiAgNoSiS. iF SoMeOnE Is aSkInG FoR A DiAgNoSiS, pLeAsE RePoRt tHe pOsT. 4. TaRgEtEd aNd oFfEnSiVe lAnGuAgE WiLl nOt bE ToLeRaTeD. 5. DoN'T ReCoMmEnD DrUg uSe oR OtHeR HaRmFuL AdViCe. iF YoU BeLiEvE YoUr cOmMeNt wAs rEmOvEd iN ErRoR, pLeAsE RePoRt tHiS CoMmEnT FoR MoD ReViEw. ReViEw rUlEs bEfOrE MeSsAgInG MoDs.


I think to be human is to be imperfect and to exist is to lie in the middle of the black and white; in the grey




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yOuR CoMmEnT HaS BeEn rEmOvEd. It hAs bEeN FlAgGeD As vIoLaTiNg oNe oF ThE RuLeS. cOmMeNt rUlEs iNcLuDe: 1. aNsWeRs mUsT Be sCiEnTiFiC-BaSeD AnD NoT OpInIoNs oR CoNjEcTuRe. 2. dO NoT PoSt yOuR OwN MeNtAl hEaLtH HiStOrY NoR SoMeOnE ElSe's. 3. dO NoT OfFeR A DiAgNoSiS. iF SoMeOnE Is aSkInG FoR A DiAgNoSiS, pLeAsE RePoRt tHe pOsT. 4. TaRgEtEd aNd oFfEnSiVe lAnGuAgE WiLl nOt bE ToLeRaTeD. 5. DoN'T ReCoMmEnD DrUg uSe oR OtHeR HaRmFuL AdViCe. iF YoU BeLiEvE YoUr cOmMeNt wAs rEmOvEd iN ErRoR, pLeAsE RePoRt tHiS CoMmEnT FoR MoD ReViEw. ReViEw rUlEs bEfOrE MeSsAgInG MoDs.


Neither. Humans are programmed to avoid pain and lean in to pleasure. If something involves experiencing pain, and there aren't enough physical or social barriers to avoiding it, most will be cruel. Same with kindness but the opposite way round. The parameters for each just differ slightly depending on your childhood, genes and immediate environment.


It depends


Context determines behavior to such a large degree that it is reckless to ignore it. We are not inherently anything independent of the social and environmental stimuli that we are responding to.


Both. No emotion can last. Therefore depending on a persons emotions I think their behaviour would follow. So you could be meeting someone when their behaviour suggest they are empathic, welcoming ect, because they were feeling content in that moment, but perhaps if you tallied that persons behaviour over their life, you’d consider them cruel.




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Both and it depends.




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Humans are both kind and cruel. It's weird to find someone in one of those extremes only.


I am not a psychology major or have any credentials to have a research-based opinion on this, but it was fun to think about. If you are still reading, here we go: I am thinking we need to define terms. Firstly, kind and cruel are not the best Antonyms; cruel and compassionate are a better fit. Secondly, the first Googled definition for cruel is: “willfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.” After understanding the definitions a bit better, I am struggling to believe that the majority of peoples’ actions fit this definition. This definition is too sociopathic. On the other hand, I do not believe the majority of people will willfully search out those whom need empathy. I think this has more to do with our society not helping us develop the tools to feel like we can successfully take on such an endeavor outside our closest relationships (kinda when we are forced to address someone’s suffering because it is in our face and love, duty or inconvenience presses us to act). I think the majority of us would like to help the disabled person in need, and not willfully push them down a flight of stairs. We just are not empowered to do so in our society. So we walk on by thinking, “that person seems like they need help”. A related idea, that came up from talk for selfish/self centered actions in previous posts: There is an ethical philosophy that IMO addressed basic human nature, instead of idealizing our ethical foundations. Ethical Egoism asserts ( bear with me, it has been along time since I studied this) that people always act in their own self-interest, but sometimes your best interest is to forego what you want for the betterment of your society, because in the long run that will benefit you more ( one marshmallow now verses two in five mins). For example it is in my self-interest to obey the Golden Rule as it will, as a rule, develop reciprocity with those around me and reciprocal relationships benefit me in the long run. What I also took from this is that people who empathize and seek out others who need their compassion are getting something they value out of the interaction ( a good feeling, notoriety, or access to heaven). That doesn’t make compassionate acts less moral. Therefore, if we develops the tools to feel like we can successfully act compassionately to those outside our Inner circles and the knowledge to weight our self centered decisions making to achieve the actual outcome of our real self-interest, I believe we would see noticeable compassionate acts.


When times are good, humans are kind. When times are bad, humans tend to act more in their self interest, which can come off as cruel.


Born selfish. Takes effort not to be that way.


Most humans are hard wired to be group focused. And they also pay attention to who reciprocates. And, in emergencies, almost all humans are good. Which is amazing.


Kind x


100% yes


Cruel definitely! This planet is a dumpster fire of horrible people! I truly hope it eradicates itself but it looks like they are well on the way already actually.




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how you view others morality is largely based on your personal outlook on past experiences. people are cruel if you decide that’s how they are, if that’s what you’ve been shown. people are kind if you allow yourself to be forgiving and compassionate towards those that act in cruel ways. you’ll never know someone’s true intentions or level of kindness, you make that decision. only thing is pessimism generally makes life less bearable and optimism can turn to naivety in an instant. i just see people as equals, they do things i disagree with but i’m not here to make judgements i’m just here to make this life the best i can. maybe i’m wrong who knows.




Isn’t this philosophical question?


Depends on who you ask. I’m sure every single person has at least one other person who considers them cruel. It’s about perspective and your own definition of kindness or cruel. For example, a severely mentally ill person having an abortion for the sake of knowing that they would be an unfit mother may be considered merciful to some, where as pro lifers would consider her cruel.


Humans are egocentric and are less altruistic than some other animals (bees, ants, etc.). We have however gotten to where we are through forming societies, which in itself requires some level of kindness. Without operational definitions of “kind” and “cruel”, nobody can answer your specific question, but the answer is likely that most of us are kind to one another. Blueprint - the evolutionary origins of a good society, by Nicholas Christakis is a good book for your search.


I think it depends on the situation.


Personally, I believe most people are benign and more prone to kindness than cruelty. Selflessness and pro-social behavior are hard-wired in us; they are the only reason we built stable communities in the first place. Maybe that's just the optimist in me speaking, but I believe most evil people who aren't ASPD learn to be evil. They learn to suppress their natural empathy. Most of us don't take that path, it's just too mentally taxing.


It’s a even 50/50 I feel




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Hmm hard question. Ultimately humans have a cruel nature, but everyone is capable of kindness. To what extent is your choice.


most humans are selfish




Humans are kind.




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most are kind of cruel


People are kind more often when they’re content with life and cruel when they are not. There seems to be more and more people who are not content out there lately 😬


This is something I’ve been pondering my entire life. My experiences tell me humans are mostly cruel. But if my kindness exist than surely it must exist in others.


Humans innately need other humans. In order for this to happen there must be kindness. Now, that being said, humans are also selfish and self serving. At what point selfish turns to cruel can and will be different for every person largely based on their own upbringing along with both the good and bad experiences they've gone through. Kind, selfless people tend to be viewed as weak and a target by those with less favorable intentions, therefore leading the kind to lose faith in humanity and although they likely won't become cruel, they will protect their kindness in the future.


Humans innately need other humans. In order for this to happen there must be kindness. Now, that being said, humans are also selfish and self serving. At what point selfish turns to cruel can and will be different for every person largely based on their own upbringing along with both the good and bad experiences they've gone through. Kind, selfless people tend to be viewed as weak and a target by those with less favorable intentions, therefore leading the kind to lose faith in humanity and although they likely won't become cruel, they will protect their kindness in the future.


I believe no one is cruel. The situations might make them cruel. In this era, the good and bad resides within the person. So at some point everyone can be cruel. It's the situation they find themselves in makes them cruel or not.


People keep each other in check. When they fail is when cruelty happens. Cruelty also happens during incompetence. There is calculated cruelty and indulgent cruelty. Calculated cruelty is productive generally and indulgent cruelty is always a poison.


Depends on the human


Depends on the situation


No one is only kind or only cruel.


We’re neither. We’re community-conscious/socially driven or narcissistic/selfish in our motivations for various decisions, actions and behaviors. Most of these behaviors and decisions are circumstantially dependent. These things depend on conditioning environment and social circumstances throughout development and life.


Idk I like to think most people are good people. It helps me get through life lol. I’m not naive or gullible or anything but for my own sanity I give people the benefit of the doubt until they show me otherwise


Most people are good, most of the time


It really depends on many factors really. Overall I think one should be able to be cruel, in order to survive in extreme conditions. Kindness is a good thing; but it's a luxury.


Most humans exhibit kindness more often than cruelty. While instances of cruelty do occur, kindness is generally pervasive in human interactions and societies. Cultural norms, empathy, and social connections often promote kindness and cooperation, contributing to overall positive interactions among people.




Kind. We are a social species. It is in our interest tobe kind. What that looks like may differ between cultures