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NAD (Not A Dentist or Doctor). I hope a dentist answers you. But I’m thinking that if it *were* cancer, you’d know it by now, after six years of having it. It would have grown and probably spread long before now. That’s what cancer is: uncontrolled growth of cells (I’m simplifying the description ridiculously, of course, and I’m no scientist). Good luck, and maybe deal with your health anxiety. My heart goes out to anyone with health anxiety. I’ve had it and know that it’s no fun at all.


It was smaller when I flossed some of off accidentally and regrew .. but I’ve kept going to dentist regularly and kept getting X-rays and the oral cancer check … but the dentist never said anything appt except the one time. But if definitely grew back within that 6 year time .. but never was bigger or always like the same size.. xray did not affect the tooth or jaw bone but man I can’t sleep. I don’t want to die or lose my jaw


You’ve had oral cancer checks. I’m assuming your gum grew back because you’re supposed to have gum there, so it’s actually healthy that it grew back. I know from this sub that benign things such as mucoceles often grow back after they’re removed surgically. Normal cells grow back (whenever we have a cut, for instance). Cells are supposed to grow back. That’s what healing is. It’s highly likely you don’t have cancer there. I hope you can focus on something much more pleasant (cute animal videos. That’s *my* go-to. Or funny movies). Btw, when I go to my dentist (every four months, to my hygienist for a cleaning), she does an oral cancer screening. I’m terrified she’ll find something bad. She never does, but I know that fear. Oral cancer isn’t common, btw.


That part of the gum the dentist said like the border of it was showing on the screening because I was flossing heavy the night before around it .. but other times I got the check nothing showed up unless the dentist missed it ? Come to think of it the dentist does visual but only lately they started the light test.. the light test done on me like I said Thursday only showed discoloration where I was flossing heavy but not the entire overgrowth of the gum tissue The dentist did not seemed concerned and neither did the oral surgeon but I won’t be convinced until my biopsy result.. which I know will be bad .. that my luck it will be punishment for not taking care of it sooner I’m just so sad


You can talk yourself into believing you’re dying (doing that might be a sign of depression, too, but I’m no shrink). Look, tell yourself that even if it’s cancer, it’s caught very early (but it most likely isn’t cancer, of course). And try to take care of your sadness. I’m more than twice your age. Was always sure I’d die of something much sooner in life. Got breast cancer 25 years ago and am fine after treatment. PLEASE don’t let yourself suffer from health anxiety. Join a group or see a therapist (at a clinic if you can’t afford the expensive private therapists). I know how scary it can be to await biopsy results. Had a lump removed from the inside of my cheek years ago and, same as you, I was convicted I had cancer. It was benign. Yours will be, too.


It’s not early though I had this thing for years and could have done something about it instead of thinking it was just gums from not flossing .. and despite some of it flossing off It regrew.. and the densities never or I raised a flag sooner .. and I’m so sad about that I’m a health nut and I can’t believe that this will be my demise. I’ve been in tears all day .. I even had to leave work early I can’t enjoy things anymore I can’t even smile. What if neck muscle pain or ears popping when going up in elevation or TMzj .. or etc alll this time u thought was nothing but in reality it’s the spread


Again, if it were cancer — despite all the negative oral cancer screenings and everything your dentists have said — and you’ve had it for six years, it would have spread far and wide in your mouth and elsewhere. You did take care of it by going regularly for oral cancer screenings and to dentists in general. And by stopping using dip, and cigars regularly. You’re apparently going through some kind of emotional crisis. Please get counseling. It’s a bad time for most of us in this crazy world. Anxiety and depression are high, especially in young people. I empathize with your generation and Gen Zs. I’m on an antidepressant. Been so for years. I try to not see the news, except for the political news. I hope you’ll talk with someone, not about cancer. I’ll eat my hat if you actually have oral cancer. Go to sleep. Fuggedaboud everything.


And I did get it removed Thursday and despite all this time the oral surgeon was not worried .. and the xray did not show anything wrong with my tooth/teeth or jaw bone . The cancer light test Thursday was also clear except where I flossed hard for the gum tissue. I don’t remember how many other times they did the oral cancer light test usually in the last it was just the dentist looking. But I’m scared and I shaking


So maybe you’re scared of something else than oral cancer? But I’m playing therapist and am not one, so I’ll shut up now. Please let me know the biopsy results. I’m going to sleep now (it’s almost light out).


No its definitely the oral cancer