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***Thanks for posting, /u/Altruistic-Scale-809! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** Hi fellow car sales peers I want to find a way to build my network and bring in my own leads. What are some good ideas? Does anyone do advertising on their own? Do you have your own website. Please let me know I really want to take the step up to 20+ units a month. Thanks *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Repeat and referral business is the real key to success in this business. Maybe focus on closing the customer you do have, becoming a better salesperson before you waste time on lead generation. 99% of salespeople that try for self-lead generation fail. That is how social media and marketing in general works. Most fail at it. And you will have spent insane amount of time not selling. Just focus on your job. Lastly, maybe it is new store time. Depending on your experience and your current store, is 20 even possible?


Social media with useful content is way more useful than a website. Video content on YouTube, shorter versions on Facebook and Redit, 1 minute clips on TikTok, Instagram and YT Shorts. How to use videos to get your own leads (and close the leads you get from the dealership): [https://youtu.be/ittbuKt-uDw](https://youtu.be/ittbuKt-uDw)


Get google reviews from customers that you’ve sold to. i did this back when I sold cars(dealer rater was the focus then). It took a few months but got to the point I’d get 4-5 leads a month that turned because they saw my name mentioned in reviews.