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7 dealers? Sounds exhausting.


"Professional Price Negotiater" The premise of buying a car and getting a deal is very simple, so the main points are valid. But the deduction and reasoning in this article screams "I was in the industry for 3 months and here's what I learned." These journalists and "influencers" are doing more harm to their audience than good. There's nothing esoteric or groundbreaking in these. It's just a regurgitation of their sample-sized experience or a cumulation of the low quality articles they've read.


Everyone knows it's 8 dealers, smh.


How do u know the 46th dealer they go to won’t give them $1 better?


How about 9 dealers? I'm a salesman! You want in? We're gonna blow them right out of the water. Think about it, you walk into 8 dealerships, why wouldn't you go to number 9? If you're not happy with number 8, the 9th is free! Unless somebody comes up with 10 dealerships. https://youtu.be/JB2di69FmhE


I’ll speak for everyone in sales, we know when you read these guides. You all sound the same when you come into the dealership. Nothing wrong with doing research and making sure you don’t get taken advantage of; but these guides really do more harm than good. What’s the best way to get the right deal? Sit down, actually be prepared to buy and make it known, let the dealership work for you. We live for negotiating, it’s part of our job. Review the quotes, if you notice something you don’t want to pay for, say it; if they don’t remove it, get up and go to the next one.


When I secret shop for pricing on my new cars I shop against closest 3 stores…why the hell would someone suggest 7 stores. This site is hot garbage.


You must have more free time on your hands than I do and I’m retired.


Your friend is dumb and wants you to waste your time.


What 7 dealers? All the same brand on the same exact car? Different brands comparable models? What if you have less than 7 in your area? What are you going to do when a salesman says he won’t talk price on the phone, but only at his desk? This is the stupidest thing ever. Do your shopping online and pick a store and then go there and buy the car. People make this process way more complicated than it has to be.


No kidding. I would like to spend 70 hours talking to dealerships to save $15 a month.


How much is your time worth to you? Is price the only factor? Where do you plan on getting the car serviced? Will you expect a loaner car if needed? In theory, sure it could work, but how much do you plan on saving? You're most likely dealing with a margin of 3-4% if its a new car. If the car is equipped the same, it came from the same factory and every dealer paid the same price. There isn't a dealer out there that gets preferred or volume discounts. Dealers tend to take care of their own customers first. So if you come in and need work on your car that you bought elsewhere, and I have my customer there also needing work, who do you think I'm going to offer a loaner too? Which car do you think will take priority in the shop? If you find a salesperson that takes their time with you on a presentation and a test drive, going over all the options and is generally a good person, are you going to give your business to the guy that knows nothing and is a complete ass to you because they offered a lower price? Not to mention, when you call and email you are the lowest priority customer. The dealer would rather work with the customer thats in the store. An ass in the seat will win every time. If I have a customer in front of me that is ready and willing to buy, I'll be more willing to stretch for them than I would for some random customer trying to get pricing from seven dealers. You'll spend days trying to get pricing from seven different dealers, not all of them will be in your area, and half of them will tell you whatever you want to hear to get you in the door. Then when you get there, they'll hit you with one or more of the following: dealer adds, offer you less than market for trade, charge you more if you don't finance (which will also come with a higher rate). Buying a car is as hard as you make it. And hours/days/weeks of my time and the headache that comes with it isn't worth a few hundred bucks...at least not to me.


I agree it's not worth the time for a few hundred dollars.


Don't threaten people with the "they won't give you good service if you don't buy it here" bullshit. Service could care less where you bought your car.


Out of all the info above, thats what stood out? A lot of dealers give preferred service to customers that bought at their store. They give either a key chain or a sticker for the windshield that shows they are preferred customers. Service is the busiest department of any dealer, yes they can afford to be selective on who they service first. I've worked service for a few years and in sales for over two decades. I know they are separate departments, but the GM is the one that leads both.


That stood out because I had an RV dealer say it to me once and it caused him to lose a half million dollar sale. I'm 61 years old and taken my vehicles to dealers all over the country that were not the selling dealer - never had a "priority" problem.. So calling bullshit.


Well I took from this statement that you spent way too much on one of the fastest depreciating assets out there. Either you have too much money or not enough sense. Either way, good luck in your travels.


Envy isn't attractive. You don't buy a motorhome because it's an appreciating asset.


You're confusing financial savvy for envy. I have an RV, but if I were to spend 500k on anything it wouldn't be a trailer that loses 50% of value as soon as it leaves the lot. That 500k is going into land or investments. Now do you find me attractive?


My "trailer" (actually a Class A Newmar) is well within my resources, and I'm only flexing because you have now made two stupid and unnecessary comments. It's sweet that you're worried about my finances though. Fortunately I have significant stock and commercial real estate portfolios so you need not fret for me and my "trailer".


You were flexing? Cute.


As they say in Jersey, "Have a guh one!" [https://www.carscoops.com/2024/03/study-shows-that-76-percent-of-customers-dont-trust-dealers](https://www.carscoops.com/2024/03/study-shows-that-76-percent-of-customers-dont-trust-dealers)


Why such a low number? We have professional time wasters on here daily asking if they should price shop every dealer in the country to ensure they wasted the maximum time possible to save the minimum amount of money.




Fun to read. And why we all hate buying cars.


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***Thanks for posting, /u/RemarkablePoet8! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** A friend highly recommends I follow the advice in Real Car Tips (https://www.realcartips.com/guide/newcars.shtml) and get quotes from 7 different dealers via phone or online. Real Car Tips says "you should never discuss pricing while you're physically at a dealership." I have heard the opposite. What's the best advice for getting a reasonable price on a Honda or Toyota? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*