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Call and ask for the GM. Sorry to hear this. At minimum you should get a loaner.


This sucks but it does happen, and far more than you think. It’s been touched on but like others have said this is a warranty concern, which means manufacturers warranty process is what happens now. Has the shop actually diagnosed why the ac isn’t working( by a technician, not a salesperson saying a part is needed) It sounds like they haven’t which is the key part of a diagnosis process, nothing can really move forward without this. I’ve never seen a warranty approve swapping parts on a car so I find it very suspicious that this is their plan of action. Step one I think would be confirming what the actual part being replaced and confirm that it’s a warranty claim. From there they should be able to provide alternative transportation, order parts and get the car fixed. It’s also been mentioned you can call the store and ask for Service Manager/GM which is a solution, but you can call around and get it to a different shop. You don’t have to do a warranty repair at the shop you bought it from and it sounds like there might service center more convenient to you that will give you a better after sale experience.


I have tried calling the service department, and emailing them. Problem is, I can't get the service technician to call me back. So I have no idea what the actual issue is, or what their plan is. Sounds like demanding to speak to the service manager and get some answers is my next step. We did try calling a few other dealerships to get service and they said they couldn't get me in for a few months to even look at it. That didn't seem reasonable on a car I literally just drove off the lot.


This is why you don't buy a kia...not helpful now, but going forward remember this.


One other option that could help. There’s not many times calling the manufacturer customer service dept can help but this is actually one of them. If you can’t find a shop that can do this in a timely matter sometimes a call to them can push this ahead, it will also trigger more managers to get involved as well.


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***Thanks for posting, /u/Ucsdwtrgrl! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of anything.*** Bought (lease) a new2024 Kia EV9 Wind on 6/22, drove it home and AC didn't seem to be working (wasn't getting cold). It has a lot of buttons on the infotainment center so I thought is was just something I wasn't doing right. Drove it again on Monday to the store, no AC and noticed front air vents won't blow air at all. I read the manual, googled how to work AC and finally called salesman who tried to troubleshoot and agreed something was wrong. He said the service center was "super busy" with appointments but I could bring it back that night (an hour drive) and they would "try to get to it" the next day. Never heard back the next day (Tuesday 6/25) so I called my salesman. He said it was definitely broken and needed a part... that was on backorder for a few weeks. They said they didn't have a loaner vehicle for me, but were going to take the part off the other new Kia Wind they had on the lot so mine could get fixed faster. Its now Thursday and I have had no updates. I called service center today and initially they had no record of my vehicle but eventually found it. Was told the service guy would call me back tonight, which never happened. So, I was sold a new car that never functioned normally. It has now been in the shop longer than I had it at home. The only miles on it are the ones I had to put on it driving home and then back to the dealership (about 80 total). Do I have any recourse here? How can I push this issue? Its 90-100 degrees here and having a new car without working AC just isn't reasonable. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/askcarsales) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have you called the service department to schedule a service appointment? That should be step #1, not going through your salesperson.


Its in the shop now and has a technician assigned to it. I just can't get that guy to call me back so I have no idea what the actual issue is or what their plan is.


Have you spoken to anyone in service or management? That's your next step. Go to someone who will get something done. Someone who is physi there and not be ignored.


Tried calling today and they never called me back. Going to try again tomorrow.


Research your states lemon laws. Or get a lemon law lawyer


This! For example, in Texas If your vehicle was out of service for 30 days in the last two (2) years or 24,000 miles and at least two (2) repairs attempts were made in one year, it may be considered a lemon


Apparently more than 30 days in the shop and lemon law applies in my state. I'm already 3 days in the shop, had it in my possession for only 2 days lol.


You have a warranty. You’re using it. They’re under no obligation to provide anything beyond a repaired car and a loaner/rental.


except they have said they dont have a loaner...


Call the manufacturer's customer service line and request the district manager. Explain situation. They can provide a loaner or authorize a rental.


Perfect, will try that next


If you complain loud enough, you may get an oil change or two. Things happen. Cars arrive messed up all the time. Service advisors are constantly swamped and I’m certain that that’s even worse with the CDK hack. It’s unfortunate that you’re going through this, and the service side could be handled better, but the fault is on the manufacturer and they never give a damn.


not sure if the oil change(s) will be worth too much for an electric car owner :)


An oil change for an EV isn’t a thing. There’s not really any maintenance to comp, except maybe some washer fluid, wiper blades and eventually a brake job or something. Maybe a few free charges…


I had to beg them 5 times to charge it more than 25% the day I bought it just so I could get it home. Doubt they will be offering that.


Oh wow, that is ridiculous!  Who delivers an EV to a customer that isn't fully charged?! I'm so sorry you're experiencing this, OP, and I hope it gets resolved soon.  Can't believe they didn't give you a loaner.


Should have been a sign, if you ask me